The only way to save the day is to go to hell.

Nanyuan saw the socially phobic girl holding a laptop and a mobile phone, looking reluctant to leave, and knew that this was not her intention.

He sighed secretly, thinking that this idiot must not have explained it clearly to his mother, otherwise this situation would not have happened.

There was no other way. At this point, he had to do it himself.

"Auntie, you misunderstood. I didn't buy this for Anxin."

Chen Hua was stunned for a moment, "What is it?"

Nanyuan cleared his throat, with a sincere attitude and serious expression, and slowly explained:

"First, let me explain to you the reason about the laptop.

First, with the strong support of my family, I established a studio for [literary creation] a month ago.

Second, Anxin's grades are among the best in the school, so I took the initiative to invite her to join my studio for literary creation. I didn't say hello to you before, which was indeed my negligence. Let me apologize to you again.

Third, now the studio has more than just Anxin as an employee. In addition to me, there is also a classmate from the same school and class. , and now he is also working in my studio, and he entered the studio much earlier than Anxin.

Fourth, this laptop is not a personal gift from me to Anxin. To be precise, it is an office supply. To put it simply, I lent this laptop to Anxin, and she only has the right to use it but not the right to own it.

Fifth, Auntie, let me introduce myself to you again. My name is Nanyuan, and I am the student with the [most improvement] in this school's monthly exam. No one else."

After saying these five points, Chen Hua was stunned and couldn't speak for a long time.

Of course, this is not something Nanyuan made up casually. These words were targeted according to the identity and thoughts of the person in front of him.

As long as you think about these words from a different perspective, many people can say them calmly, but if you need to improvise on the spot, it is still a bit difficult.

However, for Nanyuan, an old hand, these are just a drop in the bucket.

As Anxin's mother, Chen Hua must have first thought of being afraid that her daughter would be deceived or go astray.

So at the beginning, Nanyuan directly stated the cause of the studio, and in order to make it more high-end, he deliberately added some advanced vocabulary to embellish it, replacing the simple [novel writing] with [literary creation], and the style instantly rose.

Of course, the most important point in this sentence is not this, but the opening sentence [with the strong support of my family]. Nanyuan added the role of his parents here, making them the endorsement of the studio, and the sense of trust came up immediately.

As a mother, she definitely hopes that her daughter will be praised, and Anxin is so outstanding, what's wrong with praising her?

So Nanyuan then directly started to praise her, and from this he said why he found Anxin, purely because she was good at studying.

Then the third point is very critical, emphasizing that there are other people in the studio besides himself, and the other members are still classmates.

The benefit of this is that Anxin is not an isolated case. He only hired her for the prosperity of the studio and had no other thoughts. This can further alleviate Chen Hua's inner worries.

Your daughter is going to work, please don't think too much.

In the fourth point, Nanyuan returned to the theme and defined the ownership of the laptop as office supplies, which is just [borrowed] and not [given]. Only in this way can Anxin's mother feel at ease, otherwise she will always think about returning it.

The last point is also the most important point, which is also the finishing touch of Nanyuan as the finale.

Your daughter is the first in the grade, but...

I am also the [student with the greatest improvement in the monthly exam of this school], and there is no other, thank you.

The image of a good student was established instantly, and Anxin's mother's sense of trust will definitely be strengthened again.

After all, no one wants their baby daughter to follow a gangster who does evil and does not work properly, right?

No matter what era it is, the thoughts of the fathers in the family are very unified: good students should play with good students, not with bad students!

These are the rigid ideas of the older generation. Since they cannot be changed, they must be obeyed. Therefore, it is necessary for Nanyuan to classify himself as a "good student".

And this is also true. Today, Nanyuan is madly pursuing

Catch up with the learning progress. According to this trend of progress, it is a foregone conclusion that she will become a key university student by the time of the college entrance examination.

Chen Hua was confused, and An Xin was even more confused. She didn't expect Nan Yuan to say that.

It's just writing a novel. Is it really good to translate it into [literary creation]...

And... will her mother believe these long speeches?

Nan Yuan's unique maturity, stability, clear speech, and confident speech all shocked Chen Hua.

Are high school students so good now?

She glanced at her daughter sideways and felt a little at a loss for words.

An Xin saw her mother looking at her and immediately lowered her head, as if she had done something wrong, and didn't dare to look her in the eye.

Chen Hua thought, when will her daughter be as confident as the boy in front of her?

In the past, the aunties and uncles who came to get their hair cut often talked about their grandchildren. Whenever they talked about their grades, they would sigh, "Your daughter is still smart and amazing. I wish my daughter could be as smart as your daughter."

An Xin has always been the "other people's child" in everyone's mouth since she was a child. Her academic performance has never worried her as a mother.

In the past, when she was in the first and second year of high school, her daughter was still hovering in the top ten in the grade. Now that she is in the third year of high school, she has stabilized in the first place in the grade. As a mother, she is really relieved.

But although she is not worried about An Xin's grades, she is a little distressed about An Xin's personality.

An Xin has been introverted, timid, and inferior since she was a child. These are the problems that Chen Hua is worried about. She has tried countless ways but failed to solve them.

But now she seems to have found another way...

Chen Hua smiled and praised, "Xiao Nan will definitely be a child with great achievements in the future."

"Auntie, you are too kind!" Nanyuan responded with a polite smile.

"You probably haven't eaten yet, right? Or you can just eat at Auntie's place. This girl even packed food from the school cafeteria today, and we can't finish it."

When Nanyuan heard this, he knew that Anxin's mother had agreed to everything he had just said.

If she didn't agree, would she still let you stay for dinner? She immediately started to serve with a broom......

"Auntie, thank you so much, but I have already made an appointment with Anxin in advance to buy some necessary supplies for the studio, so I can't have dinner with you tonight."

After Nanyuan finished speaking, he thought for a while and continued to add:

"And Anxin and I will leave soon. These office supplies are more urgent and can't be delayed until tomorrow. As for the meal, I will definitely come to your house another day to taste your cooking skills!"

Necessary supplies for the studio?

Anxin was stunned for a moment, and after thinking for two or three seconds, she immediately came back to her senses, and her peach blossom eyes were suddenly full of stars.



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