Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 1029 The Master’s Backstab (4)

Lu Qian was tired and felt tired.

So, he stopped moving.

He held the Tianlong Zen Staff with both hands and stayed on the spot with his eyes fixed, staring at Yinyuan's show of power.

The three Rakshasa kings were like crazy demons, tearing Yinyuan apart with all their strength, roaring crazily, cursing crazily, roaring hysterically, and shouting in a language that Lu Qian could not understand at all. All kinds of terrible magic and countless evil supernatural powers poured on Yinyuan like a heavy rain.

It was like three balls of sticky and dirty ink dripping into the clear water. The black ink slowly spread, and the nearby laws of heaven squirmed slightly. There was a faint trace of violent force that made people restless and wanted to tear apart crazily. Bred from the void.

These three Rakshasa kings are the three most terrifying sources of pollution. They are releasing the great energy in their bodies, and they are polluting the original avenue of this world. Although this kind of pollution is very small, it is just like three ungrateful bastards spitting thick phlegm with tuberculosis bacteria into the sea.

For the time being, for the whole sea, the pollution of three mouthfuls of thick phlegm is not worth mentioning at all. But for the seawater near those three filthy masses, bacteria are spreading, dangers are spreading, and their evil influence is gradually expanding.

Rakshasa, a chaotic and warlike tribe. The origin of their power is naturally violent and frantic.

Lu Qian couldn't help but frown as he felt the growing power of Rakshasa in the void.

However, Yinyuan allowed the three Rakshasa kings to beat him randomly. His body did not move at all and he was unable to notice the slightest pain. At first, he held his head and dodged left and right, fearing that the three big guys would bruise his handsome face... But when he discovered that these three "pretentious" guys actually didn't hurt at all when they hit him, Yinyuan became arrogant, became arrogant, and became arrogant and wanton.

"You three hollow bosses, were you squeezed dry by your wife last night? Why don't you have any strength in your fists?"

"Haha, let Uncle Yinyuan teach you what it means to be a pure man... Look at my casserole-sized fist..."

Yinyuan laughed wildly, relying on the fact that he was not afraid of pain at all. He dropped the machete condensed with stars in his hand, waved his two small fists, and hit the three Rakshasa kings... 480 million ancient gods. The power of the stars pours into his body, although the power Yinyuan can exert at this moment is very little...

After all, the power of the ancient stars is so majestic. The power of so many ancient stars gathered together is a terrifying power that is enough to shake the entire Supreme Taichu Heaven. How could Yinyuan be able to hold this kind of power with his current small body?

The star power is like the vast ocean, and Yinyuan is just a small earthen pot!

However, this small earthen jar contained a jar of star power, and when punched out, the three Rakshasa kings screamed in pain, and their bodies kept making loud "bang bang" sounds. This sound seems to be more tragic than the heavy blow from Lu Qian Tianlong's Zen staff!

Lu Qian noticed that on Yinyuan's fist, the power of those ancient stars condensed into one, and it actually had some "extreme repulsion" and "extreme purification" charm unique to Emperor Taihu. These star powers repel all creatures that are not from the Supreme Taichu Heaven, and repel all forces that are not from the laws of the Supreme Taichu Heaven...

Therefore, Yinyuan's current cultivation level is far inferior to Lu Yi's, but the damage he caused to these three Rakshasa kings is slightly stronger than Lu Yi's!

The three big guys screamed in pain, and their heads kept spitting out black demonic blood.

Master Lang Yue noticed the restraint of Yin Yuan's star power on the three Rakshasa kings. She seemed to have thought of something, and looked deeply at Yin Yuan with a look of disbelief, and then gave a sharp scolding.

The three Rakshasa kings stamped their feet at the same time and roared loudly. The black wind, black energy, and black electricity on their bodies simultaneously turned into red Buddhist red lotus karma fire. Groups of flames soared into the sky and turned into flaming Buddhist niches that were thousands of feet high. Each of them had a hundred-headed, thousand-armed Buddha King Ming's Dharma with an extremely ferocious appearance, slowly emerging from the flaming Buddhist niches.

The three Rakshasa heavenly kings instantly transformed into Buddhist powers. The Qi in their bodies has also changed from the original Rakshasa heretics to the aura of Buddhism that is in harmony with the Supreme Beginning Heaven. Although the same mania, the same irritability, and full of crazy and murderous aura, the rejection and purification of them by the star power in Yinyuan's body disappeared!

Become one of your own! This is it!

Lu Qian's brows raised.

After the Buddhist dharma manifested unwillingly and unwillingly, the fighting skills of the three Rakshasa kings also underwent subtle changes. Each move lacked the primitive, arrogant, cruel and cruel, every move. The demonic charm of striking directly at the fatal vital point is replaced by the aura of righteousness that is dignified, majestic and glorious, and crushed head-on with thunderous force.

Obviously, the three big guys were very reluctant to use this kind of power, but after using this power, Yinyuan's damage to them dropped sharply. Originally, every punch could make them howl and scream. There was blood spurting out. But at this moment, Yinyuan's heavy punches with all his strength could only make their bodies shake slightly, and not even a single punch mark was left on their dark skin!

The sky is filled with moonlight.

Master Lang Yue recited the secret Buddhist mantra, and incredible power snaked out from the darkness.

Lu Qian suddenly raised his head, his gaze penetrated the void, transcended the long river of time, and was above the time of the Supreme Taichu Heaven... He looked in the direction where the incredible power was coming. I saw that at the source of the long river of time in the Supreme Taichu Heaven, the statue of 'Maitreya' that suppressed the long river was crossing the infinite years with the sound of Master Long Yue's secret mantra, and blasted towards Yinyuan with a lifeless finger. Come over here!

Must kill!


Lu Qian's whole body was covered with chills.

This blow was directed towards Yinyuan's mark of existence.

If this finger hits Yinyuan, then Yinyuan's past, present and future will be completely obliterated. No one can save him... No one can save him!

"Thief nun, so vicious!" Lu Qian shouted harshly. Countless thoughts flashed through his mind like lightning, and he suddenly understood something. He suddenly dodged to Yinyuan's side, forcibly activated the Taichu Hun Tong Pearl, and released wisps of subtle energy, covering himself and Yinyuan.

The Taichu Confused Pearl, so far, Lu Qian has not discovered any of its offensive power.

But this treasure can best conceal the secrets of heaven and cut off cause and effect.

Lu Qian could only gamble.

After all, that was a move that was directly attacked by Master Lang Yue after the incredible legendary and mythical power at the source of time in the Supreme Taichu Heaven...

He is ‘Maitreya’!

That’s ‘Maitreya’!


The void shook slightly, and outside the four gates of the heaven, 480 million ancient stars flashed a dazzling cold light. Then, it seemed as if a huge sky curtain suddenly opened, blocking the star path, and all the starlight suddenly dissipated. The ancient stars turned into gray, dull stone beads, suspended lifelessly in the void.

Lu Qian was horrified to see that in the long river of time, among the countless creatures in the supreme Taichu Heaven, there were basically few people who had the ability to spy on the dimension, and there were wisps of golden Buddha light that condensed into graceful Buddha seals. Following an unpredictable trajectory, he quietly explored these ancient stars.

Lu Qian understood clearly in his heart.

These ancient stars have been silent for countless years. They have hidden traces of their existence in an incredible way, and have been "virtually invisible" in this world for countless years. Their bodies are suspended outside the four gates of Heaven, lifelessly acting as the honor guard guarding the foundation of Heaven... But their essence, their core, their roots have long been hidden deeply by some wonderful method. Extremely deep.

Recently, they poured their power into Yinyuan, and they inadvertently showed traces of it.

And the 'Maitreya' who guarded the source of the long river of time in the Supreme Beginning Heaven was activated by Master Langyue's secret spell. He spanned countless years and launched an attack from a certain moment in the past towards the 'present world' at this moment. .

The real target of his attack is not Yinyuan, but the 480 million ancient stars that represent the ‘real core of the avenue’ and the ‘real origin of the avenue’ of the Supreme Taichu Heaven!

At that time, due to some reasons, this great man was not able to do this.

Therefore, He inadvertently left a backup plan... He may have calculated that in the future, in a certain year, a certain month, a certain day, or at a certain key point in time, there will be His plan. The disciples of the younger generation, because of certain things, activated a certain secret spell... and when this secret spell senses the breath of these ancient stars, he will quietly take action and issue this blow!

Countless years ago, He had planned what would happen at this moment.

Lu Qian felt horrified. He hugged Yinyuan and flew to the side of Qingyou and the three girls. He used all his strength to fly them into the sky, even burning all his blood to stimulate himself to run. Gotta go faster.

On the same spot, where Yinyuan was originally, an ordinary finger with the same color and skin as a mortal flashed past.

The core of the great formation of Haojing Continent that Lu Qian worked so hard to build, the hub of countless earth veins, the formation eyes of countless major formations, is guarded by the supreme Buddha formation composed of four square pillars in the red dust sky. The highest peak of Haojing Continent, Gao You Shenyinzu Mountain, which was tens of thousands of miles away, quietly disappeared.

At the center of the circular Haojing Continent, a transparent circular hole appeared silently. It's like a round piece of dough. A naughty child poked his finger into the center of the circle, making a transparent hole.

The earth veins of Haojing Continent collapsed, and countless major formation restrictions were quietly shattered under this finger.

The four celestial pillars were frozen in mid-air, with restrained light and no breath... They were like four ferocious hounds, jumping happily with the current little master. Suddenly, they saw that the legend was already in the coffin. The 'old master' who had been lying there for a hundred and eight thousand years, and whose bones had turned to ashes, suddenly appeared in front of him!

Scared to death!

Scared to death!

He was too scared to move, so scared that he almost fainted.

Four Buddhist treasures, this is how I feel now... It really is, 'scaring the pillars to death'!

In the void, 480 million ancient stars were eroded by the Buddha's seal formed by the quietly surging Buddha's power on the long river of time... They have incredible power. Countless years after their 'fall', The arrangement that I casually pressed back then, at this moment, used incredible power to find the 'real body' of these ancient stars, and began to use the supreme Buddhist laws to refine them!

The ancient stars shook slightly.

Outside the four gates of the heaven, the four star formations lit up together, and the phantoms of the holy beasts from all directions soared into the sky, making a deafening sound.

With just a roar, tens of millions of palaces and pavilions in heaven exploded to pieces. The armors of countless heavenly soldiers and generals exploded like popcorn, and their personal battle clothes and battle robes also exploded into flowers and butterflies. Shattered.

In the vast heaven, all restrictions, all formations, and all offensive and defensive methods are all arranged based on these four star formations. These four star arrays are the defense hub of Heaven, and they are the material basis for Heaven to hang high in the sky and control all directions.

At this moment, something went wrong with these four star arrays, and the entire heaven immediately became a mess.

A very few, such as top powerful ones such as Bi Xingxiang, appeared, and the other members of the Heavenly Court were all bruised and bruised by the explosion. They vomited blood and were thrown countless miles away like dead people.

Regardless of whether you are a majestic general, a minister with an immortal spirit, or a goddess who is as beautiful as a flower and who is alluring to the country, you are all blown up at this moment, your body is as smooth as a newborn baby, your limbs are twisted, Vomiting blood, fainting and rolling around...

The entire heaven, which has suppressed the Supreme Taichu Heaven for countless years, controlled the avenue, and determined the life, death, honor and disgrace of countless creatures, was shaken like this and fell into disarray...

A real mess.

All the palaces and pavilions, including the Taichu Chengyuan Hall where the great dynasty held gatherings on weekdays, also collapsed. The palace where Emperor Taichu and his concubines and maids played and played also collapsed. The palaces where ministers and important ministers handled confidential affairs also collapsed...

Including Taichu Yuanting, which is usually the most secret and secretive, hiding the most important secrets of heaven, the palaces and pavilions of the boss have all collapsed, and tens of thousands of artificially created folding spaces and small dimensional spaces have been opened up inside. , the small world that was built up abruptly, etc., all collapsed in this huge earthquake.

Countless strange, strange-looking instruments, with extremely unsettling auras, slowly appeared from the void where Yuan Ting was located in the early days. Some things that could be called ferocious and terrifying were even exposed to the broad daylight.

However, almost everyone in the court has fainted now, and except for a few core officials, no one can witness all this.

The Great Emperor Taichu roared in anger, but also in joy and eagerness...

An immeasurable huge qi machine rose into the sky. Three thousand Heavenly Emperors who were temporarily instilled by the Taichu Emperor activated their own magic power at the same time. They surrounded this huge qi machine and shot straight into the void, penetrating through the laws of the great avenue and forcibly The breakthrough broke into the dimension where the long river of time lies.

The Great Emperor Taichu showed a shadow of the Dharma that was thousands of miles high on the long river of time. He opened his eyes wide and looked at the 480 million lights shining in the hazy gray water vapor of the long river of time. Point, stretched out his big hand and grabbed it.

"Mine, mine, everything is mine!"

Only Emperor Taichu knew what these seemingly inconspicuous light spots meant!

He fiercely grabbed these light spots...

Then, those dharma seals that came from the source of the long river of time, strands of golden Buddha's power, seemed to be stimulated, like the fire of judgment that burned out all the evil spirits in the world, silently flew up from the long river of time, and hit The body of Taichu Emperor.

There was a roar.

Circles of rapid ripples have appeared on the long river of time, roaring and sweeping away in all directions. It is vaguely visible in these circles of ripples, many pictures of the past, present and future of the long river of time are constantly fragmented, and then there are A new picture is born.

This blow actually had an unpredictable impact on the passage of time itself, producing immeasurable consequences.


The Emperor Taichu who was attacked brazenly rang the Taichu Bell. The bell rang loudly, and circles of chaotic light patterns spread around. The madly burning seals attached to his body kept flickering on and off, most of them dimmed and extinguished, but there were still some. A small part of it penetrated hard into his Dharma form.

Because of this bell ringing in the long river of time, a small wave with a height of one foot was directly set off.

It is no longer the ripples just now, but a "wave" one foot high... Such waves are nothing in the world of mortals. Even a child with a little knowledge of water will not regard such small waves as a small wave. Something happened.

But in the long river of time, in the long river of time that never changes, the ripples just now have already caused immeasurable changes. Is this foot-high wave...

In the void, countless black and crazy burning lines of 'sin and cause and effect' emerged out of thin air, like countless ferocious and extremely poisonous snakes, extending silently towards the dharma form of Taichu Emperor hanging above the river.

Emperor Taichu's face suddenly changed, he screamed and cursed, his body swayed, and he escaped back to the normal dimension of time and space with the Taichu Bell in embarrassment.

'Puff puff'!

In the heavenly court, the three thousand emperor-level masters that Emperor Taichu had given birth to exploded into pieces. Their minced meat ignited black flames in mid-air, and the black flames burned silently like glass. After completely reducing the flesh and blood of these emperor-level beings to nothing, these black flames suddenly disappeared, as if they had never Never appeared in general.

Emperor Taichu was floating quietly in the sky above the heaven.

He looked at the vast white sky with not even the smallest pavilion left. With a 'pop' sound, his eyebrows opened and thick black blood spurted out from his eight orifices at the same time.

After breathing heavily for a while, Emperor Taichu murmured with a hint of surprise: "I seem to have seen through something... Ha, ha, ha... It turns out that the battle back then was far from over... It turns out that everything has just begun. ?”

"Haha, I hate Buddhism. What I hate most is bald thieves... No matter what kind of Buddhist disciples they are, bald thieves deserve to die... Damn it, how long have you been planning for? Circle after circle, circle after circle. Put on a ring... After so many years, you are still not cool? Still not dead? "

"Ka, ka ka!" Emperor Taichu's face twisted and he laughed in an extremely weird way: "However, this doesn't seem to be a problem that I should worry about, right? There is someone else who should have a headache..."


The Taichu Bell rang loudly.

Near the heaven, time forced its way back. The collapsed palaces, shattered pavilions, annihilated floor tiles, and countless ashes of spiritual grass and fairy flowers were reassembled one after another with the reverse flow of time. After just one breath, the heavenly palace returned to its original majesty, solemnity and supreme solemnity. Even the clothes and armor of the heavenly soldiers, heavenly generals and heavenly maidens were all neatly dressed!

Over the Haojing Continent, Master Lang Yue was covered in cold sweat and stood frozen in mid-air, not daring to move at all.

She also didn't expect that her secret spell would actually cause such unpredictable changes... It was just a secret forbidden spell from the Landa Holy Land. It was extremely powerful and specifically targeted at all kinds of 'God-blessed' people.

The so-called 'God's blessing' naturally has its explanation within Landa Holy Land.

Master Lang Yue, as the ‘head’ of a certain lineage of Landa Holy Land, is naturally well aware of many ancient secrets of Landa Holy Land... For example, she knows that Landa Holy Land is a ‘visitor from outside the world’.

For the Supreme Taichu Heaven, for this world, and for the billions of living beings in this world, the many Buddhist practices in the Landa Holy Land are actually equivalent to the so-called "extraterrestrial demons" in the Buddhist scriptures.

They are intruders, uninvited guests. Therefore, there are spirits in heaven and earth, and all kinds of counterattack forces will naturally arise. There will naturally be people who are "blessed by God", protected by heaven and earth, and can control the power of heaven and earth to resist Landa Holy Land.

Once upon a time, during the shocking battle that destroyed the Landa Holy Land, Master Lang Yue believed that the three "indigenous" powers who overturned the Landa Holy Land, Taichu Great Emperor, Taihu Great Emperor, and Tai Zhen Great Emperor, were the so-called "God's Blessings". 'man of. In that battle, Master Long Yue and many elders from the Landa Holy Land used this secret spell...

But the secret spell is useless for those three people.

As a result, Landa Holy Land was destroyed, and those three people joined forces to formulate the rules of heaven and earth that are now the Supreme Taichu Heaven, and established the Heavenly Court to suppress all directions.

But today, after seeing the strange behavior on Yinyuan's body and seeing those ancient stars echoing with Yinyuan's, Master Long Yue instinctively recited the secret curse... Unexpectedly, this secret curse actually directly caused such a situation. Terrible power.

Looking at the round transparent hole in the middle of Haojing Continent, and looking at the square pillars standing frozen in mid-air and not daring to move, Master Lang Yue seemed to understand something.

This secret spell was not prepared for the three lucky ones of Emperor Taichu.

This secret spell, from the day it was passed down, was prepared for today, for this moment, for Yinyuan, a guy who seems extremely unreliable - Yinyuan is the real "God-blessed" person!

However, this finger, which was so powerful that it struck across the river of time, was actually dodged by Yinyuan!

No, if it was Yinyuan himself, this finger would have killed Yinyuan.

Once Yinyuan is killed, then, from the terrifying power hidden in the secret curse, Master Langyue can deduce that the general trend of the world will be greatly tilted towards Buddhism. In the Landa Holy Land, the leaders of their lineage The plans secretly planned by the assassins, the plan to make the Landa Holy Land come back, will be completed smoothly!

But... Lu Qian, an alien, actually managed to escape that blow with Yinyuan!

Coming from the source of time, from the beginning of the creation of this world, the Buddhist Supreme who established the Landa Holy Land in this world, even named this world after him for a long time...'Maitreya'!

Maitreya's attack was avoided by Lu Yi and Yinyuan!

Totally, unreasonable!

Totally, unreasonable!

But Master Langyue didn't care at all about the twists and turns involved.

She tensed her body and said with a soft smile: "What are you doing, elder?"

"Would it be too much to kill you?" Lu Min stood behind Master Lang Yue. The handle in his hand was chipped and rusty. At first glance, it reminded people of 'tetanus' and 'wound filled with pus'. The rusty sword like "beautiful words" has already hit the fatal point in Master Langyue's heart.

It was clearly a rusty sword that Lu Min picked up from nowhere, but this sword pierced Master Langyue's monk's robe, pierced the flesh of her back, and penetrated her body an inch, two and three centimeters deep...

Master Lang Yue's cultivation is so great that her control over herself has reached an extremely microscopic level.

She could even 'see' that the rust on the rusty sword was being washed away by her own blood. Countless rust particles were slowly falling off the sword's edge, contaminating her body bit by bit along the blood vessels.

Her pure and flawless Buddha body in this life was polluted by this tattered and rusty sword.

Master Langyue was so wronged that he wanted to cry!

In terms of seniority, Lu Min is older than her by who knows how many generations... In terms of status, Lu Min was an elder who guarded the secret realm of the Buddhist kingdom in the Landa Holy Land, and she was just an outer sect practitioner, and her status was also very different. A world of difference.

Such an elder actually used such a sneak attack to plot against her, a junior disciple who was working hard for the re-emergence of the Landa Holy Land!

Is there any justice in this?

Is there any royal law here?

Master Langyue almost spit out the fragrance, but he just finished it!

What frightened her even more was that Lu Min was able to suddenly appear from behind her without alarming her at all... And the monk's robe she was wearing, inherited from her master and considered the most precious Buddhist treasure, was actually defenseless. Pierced by the rusty sword in his hand!

Is there such a big gap in cultivation between Lu Min and her?

Master Langyue wanted to cry.

But I couldn't cry.

"Disciple..." Master Lang Yue knew who the person behind him was, and Lu Min did not hide his face. Master Lang Yue also practiced great supernatural powers in this life and gained incredible power. Although she did not look back, she could still see clearly. Lu Min's face naturally revealed Lu Min's identity and the causal connection between him and Lu Qian.

"Shhh, little nun, don't make noises. Let me think carefully about how to deal with you!" Lu Min sighed softly: "You have posed a problem for me... The Qingsha lineage only thinks about Gou Quan. Life, that's all... The Three Burial Monks' lineage wants to completely destroy the world and open up a new world, that's all... You little nun, what do you want to do?"

"Well, tell me, who do you represent? Who else in your lineage? When will they come back? What exactly do you want to do?" Lu Min said with a bitter smile: "We are all Buddhist disciples, how can one How can you be so thoughtful?"

Master Lang Yue was silent for a long time, then spoke quietly: "Landa, Tantra, is unknown to the outside world, and it is kept secret to the inside... Since the establishment of the Landa Holy Land, the lineage of the little monk has only one slogan - Maitreya comes to the world, Buddhism Daxing!"

Lu Min's right hand shook slightly.


The rusty sword couldn't help but push another half inch into Master Lang Yue's back.

Master Lang Yue couldn't help but roll his eyes, he really wanted to cry without tears.

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