Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 1059: Getting started (2)

The Great Demon Ju She Shou is going to reinforce Old Xiong Zun.

The only problem is that the current location of Daleiyin Temple in Lingshan is quite far from the border of Shenyin. If Lu Qian tried his best to fly at full speed, it would take him about half a day to arrive.

As for Lu Qian, who has condensed the speed path fruit, it only takes half a day to fly at full speed. If he were replaced by an orthodox Buddhist disciple like Master Lang Yue, even if they also mastered the great Buddhist magical power of 'Shen Zu Tong', it would not be possible to fly here. It will also take less than half a year?

By the time the Great Demon Ju She Skull arrived at the scene with his divine foot power, the old bear master had probably been made into honey bear paws!

There is a shortcut.

If we can borrow the star gate channels set up by the Heavenly Court and spread all over the Supreme Taichu Heaven, if everything goes well, we can reach our destination in about half a month. Thinking about it, with Old Xiong Zun's strength, it wouldn't be a problem to hold on for more than half a month.

The only question is, how could Heaven lend its own Stargate Channel to a group of 'remnants' from the Landa Holy Land?

Lu Min smiled.

He winked at Lu Qian and nodded slightly. He was hinting to Lu Qian that the opportunity to show favor to Master Lang Yue had come... If Master Lang Yue and the others didn't have a good way to reinforce Old Xiong Zun in the shortest possible time, then Lu Qian could help them. .

In this way, Master Langyue owed Lu Qi a big cause and effect, and owed him a big favor. And the cause and effect of Buddhism must be repaid... If this great favor can be exchanged for the original disciples of Master Lang Yue's sect, they will have a peaceful coexistence with Lu Qian in the future. In Lu Min's view, this will be good for Lu Qian and Lu Qian. Everyone around you is a good person.

Lu Qian narrowed his eyes and was about to go up and talk to Master Lang Yue.

The Great Demon Ju She Shou had already laughed strangely. He put his hands together and bowed to the Third Burial Monk: "Junior Brother Pu Jiezi, after all, we all belong to the Buddhist sect. Now I have something to ask for, and I think you will definitely help me."

Lu Qian stopped - obviously, the Great Demon Ju She Shou would rather have his thoughts on Monk Three Burials than accept Lu Qian's kindness. People are not willing to bear this share of Lu Qian's karma. From this point of view, it is absolutely impossible for the original disciples represented by Master Langyue to let go of Landa Buddha.

"My Buddha is merciful." Lu Qian clicked his lips, rubbed the Tianlong Zen staff vigorously with both hands, and with a slightly "thief" charm in his eyes, he began to glance at the heads of Master Langyue and others. Glancing back and forth.

The Third Burial Monk looked at the Great Demon Ju She Shou with great vigilance.

Only former disciples of Landa Holy Land know how deep and muddy the water in real Buddhism is.

Monk Three Burials naturally knew how treacherous and unethical his actions were, how cruel he was, and how evil and heretical he was... Since Buddhism can cultivate a 'big devil' like himself, then... What's wrong with having a few more evil, ruthless, vicious, and poisonous old demons than himself?

Putting his hands together and smiling brilliantly, the Third Burial Monk smiled sincerely at the Great Demon Ju She Shou: "What my senior brother said really makes me don't know where to start... Although we are from the Buddhist lineage, you and I There is no kindness or friendship between them, only hatred... As the saying goes, if they have different paths, they will not conspire against each other."

Shaking his head slightly, the Third Burial monk said calmly: "No matter what senior brother wants to do, I can't do it."

The Great Demon Ju She Shou grinned, and heavy black air flew out of his body. The black air was like fire, and instantly covered a large area of ​​the void, like patches of dark clouds unique to thunderstorms in summer evenings, blown by the strong wind, toward San Buran. The Feitian formation behind the monk rolled over.

"I thought that, Junior Brother Pu Jiezi, you would definitely be able to help me." The Great Monster Ju She Shou smiled: "You will definitely be able to help me. As for whether you are willing or not... this question is not important."

Amid the wild laughter, within the black energy released by the Great Demon Jushe, a ferocious face of the demon appeared. These demon gods opened their mouths and recited ancient and mysterious spells hysterically. In the void, terrifying evil forces emerged out of thin air.

"There is nothing that I, a Buddhist, cannot understand."

"There is nothing that I, a Buddhist, cannot transform."

"There's nothing that I can't control as a Buddhist!"

The body of the Great Demon Jushe turned into a wisp of black wind and blended into the black air that filled the sky. His murmuring sound was like hundreds of millions of bees vibrating their wings, in everyone's ears. , kept ringing in my mind.

"These evil creatures behind you call themselves 'not heaven'? They are not humans, immortals, gods, ghosts, monsters, demons... They are not creatures that are born from eggs and are born from moisture. They do not enter the scales of birds and animals. Insects and their ilk... you claim to be outside the Three Realms and beyond the Five Elements... Do you think you have cultivated such an amazing... alien group with my great Buddhist powers?"

"However, my vast Buddhist sect, the World-Honored One's magical powers, and the supreme Dharma are beyond the imagination of you ants and natives?"

"This so-called non-heaven has been recorded in our Buddhist scriptures for a long time and is even more used. In the past, there were powerful sages in our Buddhist sect who also used this secret method to achieve the great path, path and fruit in the side sect!"

The Great Demon Jusheshou shouted sternly: "You so-called are not in the Three Realms, you have jumped out of the Five Elements, but you can't escape from the Five Fingers Mountain of my Buddhist World Honored One!"

The Great Demon Ju She Shou roared loudly, and in the black cloud, a huge palm flashing with five colors of light and a radius of a hundred miles suddenly smacked down. Within the coverage area of ​​​​this palm, there are at least millions of Feitian of all kinds who are enveloped by the Buddha's light emitted from his palm.

The dense black air, the vast black wind, and the magnificent Buddha's light lingered, rapidly intersecting in the void, turning into an altar.

"My Lord..." Ju Sheshou also began to recite the secret spell together with the demon heads in the sky. On the altar, there was a black-red viscous "Fire of Chu Yan" rising up like blood. Millions of Feitians were wrapped in the viscous flames. With just a swirl, they turned into a wisp of blue smoke and disappeared. Without a trace.

Lu Qian looked at the Chu Yan Fire on the altar and felt a chill in his heart.

With his current cultivation and state, he only felt that the seemingly inconspicuous black-red flame contained a great fear for no reason. In that flame, there is clearly a kind of creation power that creates the world, but in that creation power that should contain infinite vitality, there is also a strange "annihilation" and "transformation" that destroys everything and devours everything. achievement.

Feitian, who had millions of cultivations above the Heavenly General and below the perfect peak of the Great Heavenly Lord, wailed and disappeared from this side of the world.

The Third Burial Monk raised his head in shock and looked at the black air shrouding his head.

His lips moved slightly, and he didn't know what he was muttering.

As for Bai Zun behind him, it was clear that his family had suffered some backlash due to the annihilation of those millions of Feitians. Bai Zun's face, as fair as death, turned slightly red, and a few streaks of bloody air passed by him.

"My Lord..." The Great Demon Kusheshou laughed loudly, and sacrificed millions of Feitian to an unpredictable existence in the dark world. This allowed the Great Demon Kusheshou to gain incredible power.

Next to him, there was a picture of the Buddha sitting cross-legged on the Eight Treasures Vajra Mountain and preaching the sutra. The picture scroll instantly covered a thousand miles, and then he pressed down gently. In one scroll, there were hundreds of millions of non-heavenly quilts. Involved in this hazy picture. Circles of Buddha light were flying, and in each circle of Buddha light, a small Buddha statue emerged, chanting different mantras loudly.

Dozens of Asura war generals led the way, followed closely by hundreds of original disciples of the Landa Holy Land of different races. Their bodies swayed and turned into wisps of fire and penetrated into the Buddha's sermon map released by the Great Demon Kushesku. .

The next moment, the void trembled.

Under the influence of the strange power gained from millions of Feitian sacrifices, the void was forcibly folded and turned into a thin piece of paper. The Great Demon Ju She Shou took hundreds of millions of Feitian and hundreds of Buddhist protectors, tore through this thin layer of space diaphragm, and got into the void where Old Xiong Zun was.

Lu Qian hurriedly muttered to Lu Min, and the void around him suddenly collapsed. With the power of the folding void of the Great Demon Ju She Shou, Lu Qian easily and deftly broke into the star field where the old Xiong Zun was.

Lu Min cursed in a low voice, and the four thin-looking monks behind him clasped their hands together, smiled and recited scriptures in a low voice.

Lu Min moved and took a step sideways, standing between Master Lang Yue and Hao Jing Dalu.

Lu Min's posture is very obvious - everyone can just play around here and don't get closer to the Haojing continent, otherwise, Lu Min will be in trouble.

Lu Min just took his position silently, while the four old monks behind him slowly put on their cassocks, took out their Zen staffs, took out their alms bowls, and some even took out their futons and sat cross-legged. Above, I took out a wooden fish and started banging it.

I don’t know how much material reserves these four great monks have.

They kept taking out all kinds of strange and weird objects, even floor tiles, pillars, roof beams, and tiles. With a flurry of "crash", in just a short breath, there was even a palace and four pagodas behind them.

The aura of auspiciousness rises around the four pagodas. One of them has a face like a full moon. A dignified and majestic goddess is wearing armor and holding a sword. She emits immeasurable light from her body and sits on each floor of the pagoda. Countless strands of extremely fine light shine in the void, intertwining with each other. Where the bright lights meet, pearls appear out of thin air. They are like pearls, like silk threads, like gurgling water. They slide down silently, and after falling downward for tens of thousands of miles, they finally appear. Blooming in the void, there are clusters of huge golden divine flowers blooming.

Master Lang Yue looked at the visions arranged by the four great monks, and his pupils couldn't help but condense.

She and several original disciples took a deep look at Lu Min, and sighed softly, as if they were envious, but also secretly angry. In an instant, all their attention was focused on Monk Three Burials.

"Junior Brother Pu Jiezi, the sea of ​​suffering is boundless, but when we turn around, we will reach the shore." Master Lang Yue formed a seal with his hands and looked at Monk Three Burials solemnly.

"Finally, I have spoken out what is in your heart." The monk of the Three Burials smiled: "This is to see Lao Na's great achievements in Dharma and supernatural powers, to see the power of Bai Zun, and to see countless non-heavens born according to one's heart. Disillusionment... You want to bring me back into Buddhism and then work for you!"

Lu Min on the side laughed: "What Pu Jiezi said is absolutely true. If I think about it, Little Nun Langyue and the others are probably very short of manpower. And these Feitian of yours are almost endless in number, which happens to be their most important thing now." Much needed boost.”

Lu Min chuckled and said: "Pu Jiezi, don't be confused. You know what kind of nature I have...and they...haha!"

The Third Burial Monk nodded slowly. He looked back at the huge Feitian Buddha Formation, then at Master Langyue and the original disciples of the tantric lineage of the Landa Holy Land behind her, and finally exhaled heavily.

"The Tao is different, that's all."

The sky was filled with blood and light, and countless non-celestial beings laughed together, and then cried together. The terrifying evil power surged like a huge wave and tsunami, instantly flooding the void with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles.

The faces, scalps, and clothes of Master Lang Yue and the original disciples behind her all turned into blood. There were also several original disciples who had just woken up from their slumber and had not yet adjusted their magic power and supernatural powers to the perfect peak. They were rushed by the monstrous evil force and their limbs were blown to pieces with a 'bang'.

"Pu Jiezi, you have sinned greatly." Master Langyue shouted angrily: "In that case, then don't blame us for being ruthless!"

"Do you still remember the vows you made when you entered Landa Holy Land, and the wisp of your life essence and blood left on the sandalwood merit lamp?" Master Langyue scolded, a lamp about nine inches high. , bright yellow all over, as clear as glass, with a ball of golden thumb-sized Buddha flames inside, a quietly suspended lotus lamp slowly flew out from her head.

The lamp was turned around, and the Buddha's light flickered. Among them was a young monk with an ancient appearance, protruding eyes, and the faint shadow of countless nebulae hovering in his eyes.

The young monk clasped his hands together, and in the flames of the Buddha lamp, his eyes locked on the Third Burial Monk, whose expression changed from sadness to joy, and he worshiped deeply.

Then, nothing happened.

The young monk in the flame of the Buddhist lamp disappeared with a pop. The Third Burial Monk still stood intact, with Wuliang Feitian entrenched behind him. A huge Buddhist sacred flower bloomed behind him. The terrifying evil power turned into a huge wave, and waves of madness surged towards him. Master Langyue and others.

Master Langyue's monk's robes, covered with pearls and countless necklaces, exploded into pieces in just a short breath.

There was a loud 'crash' sound. Master Langyue, who had maintained a soft glow, skin as white as snow, and a texture like jade, was swept by the monstrous evil force. The body-protecting monk's robe collapsed. She originally thought it was a sandalwood merit lamp. He was able to restrain the Master of the Three Burials, but he didn't expect that the Buddhist lantern had no effect, and he was forced to endure this wave of attacks.

Her snow-white skin and crystal-clear flesh were like a piece of exquisite glassware that was trampled under her feet by the raging bull that broke into her home and immediately shattered. On her body, bright and crystal-clear bones were exposed in many places. She was not a physical practitioner, and her bone strength was just ordinary. The evil power surged through, and many bones on her body were cracked with spider web-like cracks. It hurt so much. Tears welled up in her eyes.

"Pu mustard!" Master Langyue shouted angrily.

"Old Monk Three Burials...the past, present, and future have all been destroyed." The Third Burial Monk calmly looked at Master Lang Yue who was rolled over by the evil force and was in a state of panic, and murmured in a low voice: " The Pu Jie Zi in the past, which was concealed by the sandalwood merit lamp, has been wiped out... Everything about Pu Jie Zi is his everything, what does it have to do with Lao Na's three burials?"

The third burial monk smiled proudly.

Lu Min on the side also smiled brightly.

These three-buried monks have ruined their past, present and future just to forge these unnatural and evil objects?

It seems that it is not that simple. He was well aware of his greatest weakness, so basically, before returning to the Supreme Taichu Heaven, when he was in the Liangyi Heaven of the lower realm, he used great supernatural powers and used unpredictable secret methods to destroy his past, All possibilities and causes and effects of the present and future will be completely destroyed.

Pu Jiezi has nothing to do with him anymore.

In the sandalwood merit lamp, does the wisp of the Taoist oath left by the common mustard seeds and the shadow of the true body have anything to do with the three burials of the monk?

Lu Min clasped his hands together, praised in unison with the four monks behind him, and then recited a short sutra. Ever since, there was great joy floating in the sky and the earth. Golden flowers in the sky turned into heavy rain and fell, and the sky was filled with strange fragrance. Its joyful and perfect charm made Master Langyue, who was so embarrassed by the evil force, almost die. He was so angry that he yelled.

Master Adu, take action.

The Posu Ji Dragon King wrapped around his neck raised his head to the sky and let out a long roar. Poisonous clouds suddenly filled the sky. Snake-shaped thunder light flowed in a meandering way, tearing apart the scarlet evil spirit, and went straight towards the Third Burial Monk.

Behind Master Langyue, a group of Brahmins and other various Dharma Protector disciples all changed their appearance.

For a time, the sun and the moon floated in the sky, the sea of ​​blood rose, snow-capped mountains, ancient trees, giant dragons, pythons, and all kinds of strange phenomena rushed into the sky. A group of Buddhist protectors with multiple heads, multiple arms, and more than three or five legs, brandishing branches and various weapons, turned into huge bodies thousands of miles away, like dragon whales smashing huge waves with their heads, and ran rampant in the evil force of the sky. Monk Ben Sanyan killed him.

In the hands of these Buddhist protectors, there are quite a number of dazzling and strange treasures, such as long bows, ropes, sword wheels, soft swords... These strange weapons are not the same as those of Buddhist soldiers. They are all strange and strange. Incomparable, but extremely powerful, several of the treasures held in Master Adu's hands made Lu Min even pale.

These strange weapons are not bright and majestic, but are full of evil and heretical energy. Come to think of it, these are the supreme demonic soldiers refined by Master Adu and others with all kinds of magic before they were surrendered by the Buddha and forced to join Buddhism.

After countless years of Buddhist training, these demonic soldiers still have their original aura, with evil energy soaring into the sky and demonic flames rising high.

There was a loud 'boom' sound.

An Asura opened his long bow, and an arrow shaped like a poisonous snake was as fast as lightning, hitting the third burial monk hard in the heart.

The Third Burial Monk did not dodge, allowing the arrow that concealed a terrible curse to hit his body. The Asura just let out a roar of joy and shouted "Zhong", and then he saw a delicate and exquisite red embroidered shoe silently turning into a wisp of blue smoke among the countless non-heavens behind the three-buried monk.

The Third Burial Monk used an insignificant statue of Feitian Xiegui to replace all the wounds he suffered after being hit by an arrow.

And this arrow undoubtedly formed a 'line of cause and effect' between the Asura and the Third Burial Monk, and between the countless unnatural and evil creatures, which could not be erased for a while.

Billions of non-natural and evil people looked at that Asura at the same time. They did not know the origin and origin of this Asura. Even the monk of the Third Burial had never fought with this Asura in the past years. Communicate. But at this moment, because of the causal implication brought about by that arrow, hundreds of millions of non-natural evil spirits simultaneously shouted the name of this Asura.

A long name consisting of more than three thousand syllables.

This is the true name of this Asura.

In the past years, when this Asura went through supreme austerity, used supreme magic, held grand magic sacrifices, and raised his status to an incredible state, the world he was in at that time, the world he belonged to, the world The will was felt, and he was given this long 'true name' as his only and most eternal 'brand' in the great road of heaven and earth.

This ‘brand’ is indelible.

This ‘brand’ is extremely important.

Among the many vicious magics of the Asura lineage, this true name, this 'brand', is sometimes their only Achilles' heel, their only weakness - through these more than three thousand syllables, one can master the power of Asura magic. , one can analyze all the ways that this Asura masters, all the Dharmas he knows, and understand clearly what kind of terrifying power he got from the object of sacrifice!

At this moment, when the infinite evil spirits called out the true name of Asura, the mysterious meaning represented by this true name slowly flowed through the hearts of everyone.

——All fire methods cannot harm you.

——All water methods cannot be damaged.

——All thunder methods cannot hurt.

——All electrical methods must not be damaged.

——All swords, spears, halberds, and other sharp weapons must not be injured.

——All ropes, nooses, and all soft long weapons must not be injured.

There are always hundreds of terrible constraints originating from the Great Dao, which determines that this Asura is almost "golden body is indestructible". Ordinary magical powers, spells, ordinary magic weapons, and magic weapons are at the root of the Great Dao. If you go up, you can't hurt him at all!

Of course, if your magical power exceeds that terrifying existence that bestowed this Asura with such 'power'... your magical power and cultivation level must be at least ten times greater than that terrifying, supreme existence. Above, then your Dharma and your Tao can transcend the constraints derived from the Great Dao. Even a small fireball can burn this Asura to ashes, even if it is made of ordinary soft iron. His long sword can also penetrate his body!

But... when countless non-natural and evil spirits recited the true name of Asura, an inexplicable, dark, terrifying aura like dark clouds, like fate, like 'destiny' came out of nowhere.

This is the object of sacrifice by Asuras, Brahmins, etc.

Unthinkable, unspeakable, unimaginable, unlookable... Indescribable, indescribable... He has transcended cause and effect, the transcendent avenue, and is above the heavens... Unless he is the supreme enlightened person of Buddhism, That kind of legendary figure, otherwise, no one can resist his power...

With the magical power and magic power of the three-burial monks, they could not disobey the power bestowed upon the Asura by this true name.

The non-natural evil force was like a tide, instantly transforming all the magical powers, all the spells, all the swords, guns, swords and halberds that the world could imagine, and all the attacks fell on the Asura in dense numbers.

Just like the promise of that great being, under the constraints of that true name, earth, water, fire and wind cannot harm this Asura in the slightest, and swords, guns, swords and halberds cannot scratch even a trace of his oily skin...

"Do you know that I have this magical power that is specially designed for you?" The monk from the third burial smiled.

So, in the evil atmosphere, a forest of wine and meat appeared.

In the wine pond and the meat forest, a graceful girl with revealing clothes appeared.

These girls smiled sweetly and flirted with the Asura, who was thousands of miles tall, with eight heads and thousands of arms... A stream of evil fire surged out of Asura's body, and he couldn't help but run towards the Asura who was millions of miles in radius and deep in the sky. Tens of thousands of miles of wine pool, opened his mouth, swallowed the thick and mellow wine in the wine pool, and then held the girls in his arms.

"Idiot!" An angry shout came from Master Long Yue's mouth, turning into a golden thunderbolt and hitting the Asura's head.

This Asura's body swayed. Although the thunder method could not harm him at all, it woke him up from the temptation of wine and sex... He took a deep breath and stood up from the wine pool unsteadily. It took just a moment for him to get up. He had been hanging out in the wine pool and the meat forest for countless years. His originally majestic body, with dozens of distinctive muscles like knives and axes visible between his chest and abdomen, had become Skinny and bones, he looks like a man suffering from alcoholism and consumption.

This Asura's magic power was directly weakened by more than 30%, and his long blue-red hair became dappled and white.

The Asura screamed in fright, staggered back a few steps, and instantly got rid of the adsorption of the wine pond and meat forest. He hissed: "What a poisonous magic, how do you know my real name?"

If you know the true names of these Asuras, you will know their power. If you know their power, you will be able to understand their weaknesses. The non-natural and evil spirits will be able to transform various attacks to target these Asuras in a targeted manner. Kill the weak point!

These Asuras, who are indestructible and have supernatural powers that defy the heavens, followed the Buddhist power of Landa Holy Land to conquer the heavens. With their terrifying demonic skills and indestructible bodies, they destroyed countless Taoist practices and practices. Their cultivation, magic power, and virtue far exceeded their terrifying existence.

Their biggest reliance is that no one can discover their weaknesses!

But as long as you understand their weaknesses, it is not difficult to deal with these Asuras... at least it is not difficult to deal with the non-natural evil spirits who can change at will and have countless methods!

The Asuras who rushed and fought were dumbfounded.

They hesitantly stopped their charge, and each of them looked at the three burial monks with folded hands and a smile.

Master Langyue's face became even more ugly: "Pu Jiezi, how did you know the weaknesses of these Asuras? Your magical powers, and these non-heavens you sacrificed, seem to be specially designed for them?"

The Third Burial monk clasped his hands together and shook his head slightly.

You have underestimated our family too much... Could it be that my Feitian was specifically designed for these evil heretics and side sect protectors of Buddhism?

At the same time, Lu Qian had arrived at the star field where the Great Leiyin Temple in Lingshan was located.

The Great Demon Ju She Shou rolled up hundreds of millions of Feitian, broke through the void, and descended here. He laughed wildly, waved his sleeves, and hundreds of millions of scarlet Feitian crashed into the Holy Spirit Clan's army.

"Sir, you are so handsome!"

"Young master, come and play!"

"You damn ghost, have you forgotten the sincerity, true love, and true meaning that the slave family has for you?"

Ever since, the sky was filled with the sound of non-Tian Xie's tearful laughter, shouts, curses, and miserable sounds...

The Holy Spirit clan's military formation was immediately in chaos.

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