Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 1090: According to my idea! (3)

The clock is ticking.

The space is vibrating.

Lu Chen controlled Yuncha and stabilized the Haojing Continent, but was unable to affect the wider star field. He watched the stars in the sky move away from the Haojing Continent, so he could only carry the Haojing Continent with Yuncha, and slowly followed the rapidly flying stars, flying towards the origin of the germ of heaven and earth.

The development of Haojing Continent is in an orderly manner.

Yinyuan is not a tyrant, he doesn't even look like a 'king'. He spent the whole day traveling and flirting with White Snake, White Turtle, and "millions" of harem people, and learned the essence of "the rule of inaction".

The huge Shenyin, under the single-handed control of Yu Changleyu's husband, the people lived and worked in peace and contentment, the market was prosperous, and the labor force was light and the taxes were light. In a short period of time, the birth rate of the entire Shenyin exceeded the average level of the entire Supreme Taichu Heaven by nearly one degree. times.

In the huge Supreme Taichu Heaven, the collapse of the shackles of heaven and earth continues. The collapse of every shackle brings about a huge revival of heaven and earth, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth floating in the void becomes much stronger.

Yuncha forcibly extracted the spiritual power between heaven and earth and continuously poured it into Haojing Continent and Maitreya Secret Realm. Infected by the Great Dao and washed by inspiration, more and more people on the Haojing Continent are born with enlightened spirits and open their eyebrows and eyes, and their growth rate is getting faster and faster. There is even a boy with outstanding qualifications who has just left his mother's womb and has the cultivation level of a heavenly school, a heavenly general, or even a star king.

Once these monster-like boys came to the world, they were visited by Shenyin officials. After being registered, they were either given to the official Yamen to be carefully raised according to the proportion agreed in advance, and became Shenyin's future generals and good ministers, or were assigned to Lu Masters Min, Qingsha and Langyue.

Lu Min represents the branch of Buddhist orthodoxy that does not belong to the lineage of Maitreya.

What Qingsha represents is that Buddhism has many indigenous disciples in countless worlds around the world.

Master Lang Yue represents, of course, the Maitreya orthodoxy, which is passed down through direct lineage.

50% of all the evil boys will be handed over to the Shenyin official, and 20% of the remaining 50% will become Lu Min's disciples. Master Qingsha and Master Langyue will divide the remaining 30% of the disciples, with each family getting 15%.

Qing Sha is quite satisfied with this distribution ratio. At least it is much better than when he secretly poached major forces and recruited some talented disciples piecemeal over the years.

Master Lang Yue was a little dissatisfied with this. She always felt that she was at a disadvantage because the number of elite disciples assigned was not as good as she expected. But now, she was living under someone else's roof. Even once she escaped from Shen Yin's protection, the outer guardians might come to her and tear her into pieces and make meat paste.

Therefore, even though there are countless slanders, Master Langyue is actually still enjoying it.

On the Haojing Continent, among the famous mountains and rivers, temples with simple and majestic shapes were gradually built. The drums and bells in the evening and in the morning can be heard in the mountains and forests, and young novice monks with bald heads are beginning to run and play in the mountains and forests, chanting sutras and meditating. Shenyin provided fertile soil for Buddhism. With the efforts of masters Lu Min, Qingsha, and Langyue, Buddhism began to recover little by little.

On this day, Lu Qianzheng and the three girls Qingyou were drinking tea and chatting with Lu Min in the pavilion in the back garden of the Big Sun Peak and Jinwu Temple. As a great Buddhist master who has returned from reincarnation, Lu Min is just like 90% of the fathers and mothers in the world, gossiping and secretly asking Lu Qian about things like 'getting married and having children' and 'reproducing incense'.

And Lu Qian was like a martial arts master who was proficient in Tai Chi. He was talking about him, laughing and joking, but he didn't reply seriously.

The three girls, Qingyou, were squatting next to Lu Qian as always, holding teacups, like three groundhogs, sipping tea in small sips, eyes wide open, obviously their souls had drifted away without knowing where they were.

Lu Min coughed slightly. He was not going to make insinuations, but was preparing to approach the city and ask Lu Qian related questions. A huge roar sounded in the void, and the entire Supreme Taichu Heaven, with 480 million avenues and laws, came together. The vibrations emitted immeasurable light one after another, and a wave of heartfelt joy spread from the avenue, quickly sweeping the entire world.

This is the feeling of the great road, this is the feeling of the law, it can be called the ‘most original emotional torrent that sprouts from the heart of heaven and earth’. Under the impact of this joyful emotion, countless living beings in the entire Supreme Taichu Heaven, no matter what they are doing, no matter their identity, no matter what environment they are in, no matter what sad, sad, difficult, embarrassing things they are encountering... Except for the emperor-level creatures who had condensed the Dao Fruit of the Imperial Seal, the other creatures all raised their heads and laughed heartily with joy.

For a time, the whole world was laughing loudly.

Lu Qian and Lu Min quickly jumped into the air and looked in the direction of the loud noise just now.

The expressions of both of them darkened at the same time, and Lu Qian said quietly: "So, look, is it time to get married? I don't want it. Once my child is born, he will have to face war, killing and bloodshed."

"It's not easy to survive in troubled times." Lu Qian sighed faintly: "Why bring the baby out and let him suffer such hardship, bear such shock, and suffer such fear?"

Lu Min looked at what was happening outside the tens of thousands of stars, pondered for a moment, and then rolled his eyes: "This makes no sense. So what if there is a war? If there is a war, don't eat, drink, and defecate? If there is a war, don't have children. A girl? Hey, let me tell you, kid, the more wars are going on, the more we should encourage everyone to have babies!"

"War will kill people!"

"With dead people, there will be fewer and fewer people!"

"With fewer and fewer people, the world will wither!"

"You don't have babies, he doesn't have babies, everyone doesn't have babies, and more and more people die, is there any hope for this world? Is there any hope?" Lu Min showed signs of transforming into Tang Monk and began to ramble. With.

Lu Qian just looked over there and said in a deep voice: "Who is that?"

Lu Min narrowed his eyes and said solemnly: "It doesn't matter who he is anymore. A dead person doesn't deserve a name. But I didn't expect that he would be the first to die... I didn't expect that the person who did it would be he!"

In that void, in the core area of ​​a hollow sphere composed of billions of suns, a huge pyramid is collapsing... Above the pyramid, an eyeball of extremely large size is collapsing.

Countless fragments of flesh and blood splashed up from the eyeball, scattering in all directions, turning into large pieces of free life floating freely.

The size of this pyramid is extremely terrifying. Its entire body is made of huge stone bricks, and the smallest stone brick among them is probably not as big as an ordinary sun. Therefore, from a very far distance, the pyramid appears to be smooth and clean, but in fact, when you get closer, you can see that the surface of the pyramid is also filled with mountain peaks, hills, rivers and canyons, and all kinds of landforms.

Countless creatures live on the surface of this giant pyramid.

When the giant eyeball continued to collapse and shatter, free vitality was sprinkled on the pyramid. Countless vegetation on the surface of the pyramid grew rapidly, and birds and animals also roared with joy, and the size was rapidly expanding.

On the surface of the pyramid, countless Cyclops, several feet tall and with colorful metallic colors all over their bodies, such as black iron, bronze, silver, gold, tungsten steel and other colors, were kneeling on the ground like mourning concubines, looking towards the shattered eyeball. They worshiped, cried and roared.

The tyrannical Cyclops cursed viciously, and they all rose into the air one after another, their eyes flashing with divine light, and they looked towards the void, stepping on the giant eyeball, and Qing Qing, who was standing on it and laughing loudly. Kill the emperor!

The Qing Emperor at this moment no longer looked like the old and withered country man from Wangchuan Continent.

Tall, burly, with perfect body lines and contours. His extremely handsome face was even so beautiful that it made him look like a country and a city. He gave people an extremely enchanting feeling. He stood on the giant collapsed eyeball. There was not a single thread on his body. Only in a few awkward and indecent places, thick black and green carapace grew out, like a set of narrow and tight-fitting leather armor, covering the shy areas. .

He folded his hands in front of his chest, looked at the Cyclops charging into the air with a smile, and laughed softly: "After raising you for so many years, it is finally time to harvest... You are still different from the three of them in Taichu... You are just pure supplements...just pure healing elixirs!"

Qing Emperor laughed, and while laughing, he gently grabbed his right hand downwards.

The emperor-level Cyclops that rushed up exploded into a ball of blood mist, and on the surface of the pyramid, countless Cyclops suddenly stiffened. They raised their heads with difficulty, and screamed in extreme pain from their chests. Voice.

One after another, dark green sharp claws poked out, and one after another half-insect, half-human alien species emerged from the bodies of these Cyclops. They rushed out of the body with joy, and then madly tore and swallowed their own 'matrix', killing them. , and them, they all bit into pieces and swallowed them clean in a few times.

In a breath, these alien beings that broke out of their bodies grew into complete bodies.

They were like groups of giant insects moving by human power. In terms of shape, they looked like mantises, beetles, cockroaches, fleas, etc. They stood upright, ranging from several feet to several feet in height, and they were all covered with robes. The familiar, tight-fitting chitin armor, this set of armor was born directly from their flesh and blood.

When these guys just broke out of their bodies, their auras reached the level of Tianjun.

When they began to devour their own mother bodies, their auras broke through Mahadeva.

When they stood up and began to swallow the vitality that spilled out from the shattered giant eyeball, although they did not have any obvious fluctuations of the Dao Rhythm of the Dao Law on their bodies, and they obviously did not condense the Dao Fruit of the Emperor's Seal...but they had The breath is not much weaker than those of the new emperors who have condensed one or two Emperor Seal Dao Fruits.

Lu Qian glanced at the sky subconsciously.

Lu Min also looked in the same direction.

In the extremely high space dimension, in the ancient starry sky, 480 million ancient stars are emitting unprecedented light. The shackles of heaven and earth are constantly breaking, and the laws of the Dao corresponding to many stars have been freed. They are frantically swaying their own power with an almost wanton emotion.

The order of heaven and earth jointly forged by Taichu, Taihu, and Taiyi is constantly weakening its binding force on heaven and earth.

Whether or not to condense the Dao Fruit of the Emperor's Seal, it seems that the power they possess can no longer be determined by the Qing Emperor's dependents and other invading tribes from outside - or in other words, there is a more meaningful and profound 'Dao' in them that offsets the To establish the order of this world, so that they can have the power to fight against the rules outside the rules.

"It's not a good thing." Lu Qian habitually took out a string of Buddhist beads and started turning them in his hand. This is definitely not a good thing.

Although these aliens, their strength is still something that can be wiped out with a single palm to Lu Qian today. But these aliens, their strength is comparable to the emperor, they have the qualifications to hurt Lu Qian. When their number reaches a certain level, their numerical advantage will be enough to pose a fatal threat to Lu Qian.

Lu Qian subconsciously pointed at Yuncha.

The Buddha's light surged in Yuncha, and mysterious time fluctuations surged rapidly. The speed of time in Haojing Continent is far away from the normal starry sky in the Supreme Taichu Heaven. One day in the outside world turned into two days in Haojing Continent...and then three days...four days...ten days...

When the time flow rate in Haojing Continent increased to a hundred times, Lu Qian gasped and stopped pushing.

This is his ultimate level now.

Even with the help of the Buddhist treasure Yuncha, with his current cultivation level, he can only increase the time flow rate of the entire Haojing continent a hundred times... After all, this continent was forged by him himself, and when forging it, he was afraid that the territory would be too large. It was too small, so he made it into a huge monster. When he really needed to use his methods, Lu Qian discovered how terrible the consumption of mana and magical power in such a large Haojing continent was.

"Brother, use your first gift of magic." Lu Qian turned around and greeted Yinyuan who was enjoying the mountains and water with a group of orioles.

When Yinyuan heard Lu Qian's voice transmission, he was stunned, and then smiled extremely evilly: "This kind of thing... is so happy... Haha, then... children, start practicing!"

Yinyuan soared into the sky, and pink light emitted from his body.

In the void, in the ancient starry sky, the stars that correspond to the laws of 'fertility', 'reproduction', 'reproduction', etc. all shine brightly. Yinyuan was blessed by the stars, and a thick pink glow suddenly enveloped the entire Haojing continent.

Above the Haojing Continent, no matter men, women, old or young, or birds and beasts, all living creatures became full of energy, and their hearts were inexplicably ignited with fire.

The loud bell rang, and the angel sent by Yu Changle spread the emperor's order to all directions - Shen Yin, rewarding those who dared to reproduce offspring. In each state, county, county, village, town, etc., the evaluation scores of local officials are directly linked to the number and qualifications of newborns that year!

The more children you have, the greater the reward.

If a couple gives birth to more than seven children, they are not required to seek official status; if they give birth to more children, and the children's talents are excellent enough, they can even get various privileges, even false official positions, etc.!

All in all, in one sentence, give birth, give birth, bathe in His Majesty’s ‘favor’, give birth, and work hard to give birth!

Lu Min sighed leisurely on the side: "The future is bound to be a raging war... You have the heart to send the children of kind people to the battlefield, but you are 'selfish' and unwilling to reproduce?"

"Lead by example, Qian'er, you are Shenyin's king..." Lu Min stared at Lu Qian with a faint gaze.

Lu Qian shivered and looked at his biological father in shock - can you relate such things to 'marriage urging'? However, it seems that Lu Min is standing on the absolute moral high ground this time.

He speeds up the flow of time in Haojing Continent, encourages the people to reproduce, etc., all for the sake of the large-scale war that is bound to break out in the future. In other words, in the future, newborns on the Haojing Continent will most likely be sent to the battlefield.

Are you really ‘selfish’?

Lu Qian remained silent - it seemed, a little bit... So, how about trying to get married? Lu Qian looked at the three Qingyou girls standing behind him, coughed slightly, and stopped talking.

We all know each other so well, so I’m sorry to say something like this!

Lu Yan raised his eyebrows and winked at Lu Min. Lu Min, the old bald man, suddenly understood and coughed lightly: "Well, I understand. The so-called parents' orders, the matchmaker's words... Ahem, this matter, I personally handle it. In other words, this is also a rare state of mind. Experience it, I have practiced cultivation for countless years and have been reincarnated for thirty thousand lives, and this is the first time I have been a matchmaker to propose a marriage."

Lu Qian once again stirred up a shiver in Lingling.

Lu Min finally revealed some of his secrets.

Reincarnated thirty thousand times? Thirty thousand reincarnations, according to Buddhism's usual cheating methods, if Lu Min works hard, he can completely integrate the mana, magical powers, cultivation, realm, insights, etc. accumulated in the past thirty thousand lives. If it is achieved perfectly, how terrifying will Lu Min's strength become?

Such a terrifying Lu Min, what kind of enemy did he encounter back then, and was he actually defeated?

The huge pyramid is crumbling.

There is an extremely huge space inside the pyramid, and there are countless Cyclops in it, which have been killed and devoured by the alien creatures that came out of their bodies. Countless half-human, half-insect aliens took to the air and joined with the aliens he brought from the Wangchuan Continent behind Qingdi to form an extremely powerful army.

The sharp hiss of insects shattered the countless suns that formed the hollow balls around the pyramid. Qingdi took a deep breath, and the billions of suns turned into a turbulent torrent, which was directly sucked into his mouth. He burped, and then Digested cleanly.

In the void, those Dao Dao who had gotten rid of the shackles of heaven and earth were furious, and heavenly punishments suddenly appeared and struck Qingdi fiercely.

These suns and stars are all outward manifestations of the origin of heaven and earth on this side, and are part of the original power of heaven and earth. The Qing Emperor swallowed these suns, which was equivalent to biting a piece of flesh directly from the body of the Supreme Taichu Tian.

The heaven and earth are angry, so they will naturally repay one or two things.

The Qing Emperor smiled, raised his right hand and waved it lightly, and the violent Heavenly Punishment immediately shattered, without even damaging his skin!

"Then, the next one is...Ming Zun? Haha, little Ming Zun, the Qing Emperor Godfather is here to find you... Hehe, your practice of the Incense and Fire Divine Way has reached an amazing level... Oh, it's still... There is a Tower of the Dead, what a treasure!"

Qingdi smiled. He glanced in the direction where Lu Yi and Lu Min were, raised his right hand, made a gesture of cutting his neck, and then led a huge army of aliens to kill Guixu in a mighty manner.

At this moment, the sky above Guixu is filled with a sea of ​​blood. Duke Yan Tiangong has arrived here and is blasting countless bloody thunders, smashing the outer star field of Guixu into a mess. He doesn't know how many millions or hundreds of millions of stars there are. It has been completely destroyed by him.

"Master Ming, come out and fight me." In the sea of ​​​​blood, Duke Yantian manifested a face that was larger than a hundred suns combined, and roared in a low voice: "The most precious treasure in heaven and earth, the virtuous will live there. , Tower of the Dead, how can you take it as your own? Have a fight with me, the loser will die, and the winner will have everything, do you dare?"

In Guixu, near the dark halls, countless erratic and looming 'incense gods' were kneeling on the ground. They stood up and knelt down toward the halls again and again, chanting strange incantations and scriptures.

On their bodies, wisps of incense energy clearly visible to the naked eye slowly rose into the sky and were continuously injected into the statue of Mingzun above the main hall. After being purified by the statue, it directly turned into an extremely dazzling divine light, which broke through the air and fell into the twelve bright moons high in the sky. middle.

In the twelve bright moons, the true body of Ming Zun is suspended in the main hall. In the 480 million orifices of the whole body, the 480 million gods derived from the belief of the infinite incense and their own thoughts are shaking their heads and chanting to the outside world. There are countless unique sutras and mantras that belong to the ruins.

The sound of muttering mantras merged with the infinite power of incense coming from the outside world, turning into a misty black death light, which continued to scatter towards the tower of the dead suspended in the heart of Hades Lord. The Tower of the Dead, filled with death energy, is floating quietly. The death energy spurting out from the tower is constantly intertwining with the black light of death. The soul of Mingzun is moistening the Tower of the Dead little by little, and the Tower of the Dead is also constantly pouring out the mysterious and majestic light. The profound meaning of the great avenue of death was fed back to Ming Zun in every trace.

As a result, the gods in Ming Zun's body became more and more cheerful and elated, and their strength was slowly increasing. The various divine lights surging around them also took on a layer of black-grey color unique to death.

Of course Duke Yantian's roar reached Ming Zun.

It’s just that Ming Zun didn’t bother to pay attention to this. He spent his free time cultivating the dead spirit tower. Occasionally, he was annoyed by Yan Tiangong’s scolding, so he raised his eyes and smiled coldly towards the outside of Guixu: “No hurry, Don't be in a hurry, wait, wait, wait until I refine the Necromancer Tower, return the ruins to their origins, and transform them into the Necromancer Realm... Haha, there happens to be a moat missing outside my temple, you Master Yantian The length and height are just right!”

"No rush, no rush, really no rush!" Ming Zun smiled brightly.

Circles of gray, black, and deathly energy spread from his temple to the surroundings, gradually infecting the twelve full moons. The originally bright full moon gradually became tinged with aura. Layer of death. The gray, lifeless moonlight shone on the huge Guixu, and the entire Guixu began to undergo strange changes.

Silently, behind Ming Zun, a light appeared quietly.

The bone lantern embedded in the single eye between Yan Tiangong's eyebrows actually invaded quietly without disturbing the countless restrictions in Guixu.

The next moment, Duke Yan Tiangong's figure emerged in the light.

He laughed wildly, and blood suddenly filled the sky and rushed toward Ming Zun. Ming Zun also laughed wildly. His huge true body suddenly disappeared, and the entire palace disappeared. In the void, there were only twelve dark moons, like twelve lonely eyes, staring at Yan. God.

"We are all old friends. I know your methods." Ming Zun's voice came faintly: "How could I not be on guard against you? After all, you are the best at sneaking around, how could I? Aren’t we guarding you?”

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