Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 1,092 The collision of heaven and earth

Lu Qian and Lu Min stood in the void.

Master Langyue, Qingsha and others were also suspended on the top of Haojingzu Mountain, looking towards the direction of Guixu.

Magical powers and spells each have their own wonders. With such a long distance apart, everyone can use their secret techniques to get a glimpse of the upcoming war in Guixu. It's just a matter of how many details they can see.

Qing Sha was sighing: "Mr. Yan Tiangong, he is also a giant. His method of derivation is so good..."

Qing Sha clasped his hands together and spoke seriously about how powerful and terrifying Yan Tiangong was, but the truth was like a giant man swinging his big ear, making his face turn red. Duke Yan Tiangong suddenly knelt down before he could fully activate the power of his bone lamp.

Qing Emperor must have done something to Duke Yan Tiangong's body. Although he didn't know how he did it, even Duke Yan Tiangong himself didn't notice it at all. Suddenly, a sharp black and green claw broke through Yan Tiangong's body. Out of the body. A sharp roar came from Yan Tiangong's mouth and from the chest of the alien that suddenly appeared in his body. Yan Tiangong's breath was rapidly weakening, and countless aliens had already rushed forward with roars of joy.

Lu Qian's face couldn't help but twitch violently several times. Just as he had been wary of before, these alien races were very fragile compared to Yan Tiangong, and he could kill a large number of them with one slap. But the power of these alien races is enough to threaten Duke Yan Tiangong. Countless aliens swarmed over him. His body was parasitized by the aliens, and his energy and spirit were being wildly extracted and plundered by Yan Tiangong. He could no longer kill all the aliens who came close to him.

As a result, the first wound caused by the alien race appeared on Duke Yan Tiangong... then the second, third, and fourth... more and more wounds were densely stamped on Yan Tiangong's body, with blood splattering and broken pieces. Meat flew everywhere, Yan Tiangong screamed, and was soon torn apart into a human shape.

Qingdi smiled strangely.

He turned back and glanced in the direction of Haojing Continent where Lu Qian and others were. Across the vast void, his glance was like a red-hot iron, burning the faces of Lu Qian and others. Then, Qingdi's body swayed slightly, and the body under his waist began to expand rapidly, and soon it expanded to a terrifying level at an outrageous speed.

The upper body is still in the shape of a handsome human man, but the lower body has turned into a huge, bloated, inflated, almost transparent giant insect body - a fat abdomen filled with a large number of cysts. This half of the body has dozens of stars. The size of the domain and its own huge gravitational pull even caused the stars further away to slowly begin to move towards him.

The lower half of the Qing Emperor's huge and bloated body trembled slightly, and an extremely long pipe as thick as a sun quickly popped out from the end of his abdomen, and then plunged into the turbulent waves below. The sea of ​​blood is providing a steady stream of vitality to Duke Yan Tiangong, helping him to quickly repair the wounds on his body.

The moment the dark green pipe with the shimmering magic light plunged into the sea of ​​blood, the entire sea of ​​blood suddenly stagnated. The sea of ​​blood, which was originally turbulent and like a hurricane, suddenly became like a solidified ice surface, as smooth as a mirror, without any traces. ripple. A dark green poisonous light spread rapidly in the blood sea, frantically tampering with the properties of the blood sea, turning the blood water that originally had unlimited vitality into one that also had majestic vitality, but contained a terrifying 'bloodline poison' at its root. of aliens.

Yan Tiangong didn't check anyone, and a wisp of highly poisonous blood was sucked into his body.

His body suddenly turned light green, and the wounds caused by the aliens not only began to bleed, but also made a "chichi" sound, and faint black smoke came out, as if they were corroded by strong acid.

Duke Yan Tiangong roared, cursed angrily, and looked at Qing Emperor in inexplicable horror.

"All kindness has a price." Qing Emperor's body trembled slightly, and huge amounts of blood and seawater were continuously sucked into his huge, bloated abdomen along the pipes. He smiled faintly: "Back then, you ants were chosen by me, struggled up from the mud, and grew into a giant... I gave you such a fortune, and you should know that there is a price to pay."

"The price you pay is to become my tonic!" Qingdi opened his arms and smiled crazily. The volume of such a huge and boundless sea of ​​blood was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye. Endless vitality continued to pour into Qingdi's body. His breath began to improve layer by layer, and breakthroughs were made layer by layer.

Lu Qian and others felt their teeth sore and their roots hurt inexplicably.

Eat another one?

In just a quarter of an hour, Duke Yan Tiangong disappeared... coming with great momentum and full of confidence, wanting to fight for the Tower of the Dead. He also wanted to merge the Sea of ​​Blood and Guixu into one, so that the Holy Spirit Realm and the Dead Realm could merge into one. , Duke Yan Tiangong, who reappeared in the human world, was swallowed up by Qing Emperor without making much waves.

A sharp cry sounded, and a huge half-human, half-insect alien burst out of the collapsed body of Lord Yan Tiangong. This alien race was born by devouring most of the essence of Duke Yan Tiangong. Therefore, as soon as he was born, his aura was a thousand or ten thousand times more powerful than the similar ones nearby. He was suspended in the void, spread out his arms, and released evil spirits unscrupulously. The force field, its majestic power directly tore into pieces the stars attracted by Qingdi's huge body.

"My lord." This alien obviously has a very clear sense of self. He has a very high spiritual intelligence. He is a clone of the Qing Emperor that Lu Qian dealt with before. Those giants who are pure fighting tools without spiritual intelligence. Bugs are very different. The alien turned around and bowed respectfully towards the Qing Emperor: "Your will is the direction in which I will kill."

Qing Emperor pointed his finger at Ming Zun, who looked ugly, and at the same time sprayed out a green blood drop several inches in diameter. This blood bead is not large in size, but it is the essence of the blood sea that Qing Emperor squeezed and refined from unknown amounts of blood and sea water. The alien caught the blood drop respectfully and swallowed it in one gulp.

As a result, his already terrifying huge aura expanded more and more, and circles of dark green hurricanes swept out from around him. In the void, countless small dust, large and small meteorites and other impurities were swept away by the dark green impact, Along with the sound of "chichi", they turned into wisps of blue smoke and melted away.

The aura of this foreign race suddenly far exceeded that of Duke Yan Tiangong.

He bared his teeth and grinned, looking in the direction of Qing Emperor's finger, and then turned into a stream of light, leading countless alien armies towards Guixu. Countless extremely compressed black light balls turned into a rainstorm and suddenly fell towards Guixu. Countless major formations and countless restrictions lit up one after another, and then exploded in the endless black rain of light.

In Guixu, the black halls lit up with deathly light. Twelve moons hung high in the sky. The moon phases changed, creating endless changes. The power of the infinite incense gods was injected into Guixu's formation.

In the vast Supreme Taichu Heaven, with countless stars, countless continents, countless cities, and countless mountains and rivers, a god of incense and fire canonized by Lord Ming woke up. They showed their figures one after another, bowed in the direction of Guixu, and then recited the true mantra, extracting the power of the stars, earth, people, cities, mountains and rivers, and through the unique transmission channels of the incense gods, they crossed the long distance and invested in the direction of the ruins. Return to the ruins.

Guixu, who was severely beaten and shaken, quickly stabilized his position under the infusion of endless incense faith. As Ming Zun issued orders one after another, the formation of Guixu began to change, and all kinds of strange incense magical powers turned into various curses, sweeping across the void like a hurricane.

Countless aliens died, but their corpses quickly fell into the sea of ​​blood that was demonized by the Qing Emperor. After melting into pure blood, a large number of alien spores were born out of thin air in the blood sea. More aliens roared and roared, quickly in It condensed, grew, and matured in the blood sea, and then waved its wings and rushed out of the blood water.

The sea of ​​blood will never end, and the alien race will never end.

The blood sea is the transformation of the Holy Spirit Realm, one of the two realms destined by the Supreme Taichu Heaven. Unless the Supreme Taichu Heaven is completely destroyed, the Blood Sea can continuously draw energy from the entire world and continue to breed. Endless blood gave birth to endless alien races.

The entire Supreme Taichu Heaven was suddenly transformed into a huge alien hatchery under the Qing Emperor's strange magical power. Heaven and earth are the placenta, and the origin of the entire heaven and earth has become the nutrition of the alien race.

In the high-latitude void where the ancient stars are located, countless great laws are vibrating and roaring. Near Guixu, various colors of lightning appeared out of thin air, and a terrifying wave of divine punishment was brewing, ready to pour on the Qing Emperor and the countless aliens under his command.

A huge divine flower transformed into a dazzling stream of light bloomed in the void, and battleships condensed with brilliance emerged from the slowly blooming divine flower. Countless handsome men and beauties from the Holy Spirit clan fluttered their shining wings, surrounding Emperor Taihu who was on the throne and slowly emerged from the sacred flower.

Next to Emperor Taiqu was Emperor Taiyi, who was also surrounded by countless handsome men and women of the Chinese ethnic group.

The two men came here with an astonishing army. Emperor Qing just glanced at them, and Emperor Taihu knelt down in the void without hesitation. Emperor Taiyi hesitated for a moment, glanced at Emperor Qing, and then slowly bowed down.

Qing Emperor did not speak, but pointed lightly towards Ming Zun.

The armies of the Holy Spirit Clan and the Chinese Clan merged into the boundless foreign army, and launched a frantic bombardment on Guixu's defensive formation. The attack became more and more powerful, so much so that the defensive formation outside Guixu collapsed several times. , the incense gods sitting in it were annihilated in an instant, and countless billions of them were annihilated.

Emperor Taihu stood up, raised the Holy Spirit Temple, and plunged into the sea of ​​blood shimmering with dark green magic light.

After countless years, Guixu and the Holy Spirit Temple have finally become one again.

The aura of Emperor Taihu became more powerful under the support of the Sea of ​​Blood and the Holy Spirit Temple. The endless sea of ​​blood poured into the Holy Spirit Temple. After being purified and strengthened by the Holy Spirit Temple, it rolled out of the hall again. Bloody light surged across the sky, and the heavenly condemnation that had arisen spontaneously due to the Qing Emperor's horrific behavior disappeared without a trace in the bloody light.

The avenue shook, but it was in a powerless rage, unable to penetrate the blood of Emperor Taihu and injure the Qing Emperor in the slightest.

The Qing Emperor chuckled 'haha', his huge abdomen rose and fell violently, and the multi-spiral bloodline magic light clearly visible to the naked eye continued to pour into the boundless sea of ​​blood. Multiple spirals of magic light merged into the blood sea, immediately devouring the blood sea energy and absorbing the essence of the blood water. Each embryonic capsule grew rapidly in the blood sea.

More and more foreign races flew into the sky from the sea of ​​blood, roaring, and under the leadership of the race hatched by Na Yan Tiangong as the mother body, they attacked Gui Xu crazily.

"It's time for you to take action!" Qingdi glanced in the direction of Heaven again: "What are you waiting for?"

In Heaven, outside the north gate, Emperor Taichu took a deep breath. His face became a little ugly for a moment, but his expression soon returned to its original state. He smiled calmly and said: "Well, as you said, today's events should be regarded as repaying the kindness of the past... But what will happen in the future is yet to be known."

Emperor Taichu smiled and waved the star flag gently.

Four hundred and eighty million ancient stars vibrated together, and the avenues of heaven and earth roared together... In the void, the light of the avenues surged on the surfaces of countless stars at the same time. Countless strands of colorful starlight are like substance, carrying harsh whistles, penetrating down from the void, like countless threads, accurately penetrating through stars, continents, square cities, and mountains and rivers. , those incense spirits of various sizes that show the appearance of Dharma.

"Incense gods, such specious things should not exist at all." Emperor Taichu smiled contemptuously.

Ming Zun is a thoughtful person.

He abandoned his physical body, thereby getting rid of all the tricks that Qingdi might do in his body. He relied on a secret book on the incense and god conferment obtained from the Landa Holy Land Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, and combined it with some wonderful methods from the Supreme Taichu Heaven to create this unique incense and god system.

To enshrine the infinite gods, place them in the heaven and earth, mountains and rivers, sun, moon, stars, and even in the stoves, bedsides, wellheads, eaves, etc. of ordinary mortals... The endless gods of incense, comprehend the Tao day and night, and Continuously provide Ming Zun with huge incense and faith, becoming the material for Ming Zun's practice.

This incense god cultivation system even perfectly avoids the cultivation system dominated by Taichu, Taihu, and Taiyi, which is marked by acupoints and Tao fruits. Even the cultivators of the Guixu lineage do not need imperial money at all, they can rely on the power of incense and faith to continuously improve their cultivation!

In other words, the power of incense and faith is the ‘emperor’s money’ of the Guixu lineage!

But at this moment, Emperor Taichu mobilized the avenue of heaven and earth, and with the authority of the ruler of heaven and the power of heaven and earth, he began to frantically eliminate the incense gods scattered in the four directions of heaven and earth!

Large areas of incense gods were killed!

These incense gods are just tools sent out by Ming Zun to collect the power of incense and comprehend the laws of the great road... Their own power is not strong. The truly powerful god of incense has long been returned to the ruins by Ming Zun to provide assistance for his avenue and cultivation.

Facing the strangulation of Emperor Taichu, the countless incense gods of Supreme Taichu Heaven had no power to resist.

The number of incense faith pouring into Guixu is constantly decreasing, while the number of aliens hatched in the blood sea is constantly increasing... In addition, Emperor Taihu led the fusion of the Holy Spirit Temple and the blood sea, and the speed of the blood sea's extraction of the origin of heaven and earth has changed. Getting faster and faster.

In the void, 480 million ancient stars appeared together.

Under the control of Emperor Taichu, regardless of whether these ancient stars are willing or not, endless starlight shines down and gathers on this sea of ​​blood. Heaven and Earth actively conveyed their own origins to the Sea of ​​Blood. This is more than ten thousand times more efficient than the Qing Emperor controlling the Sea of ​​Blood to extract the origins of Heaven and Earth.

The originally shrunken volume of the blood sea began to recover rapidly, and soon returned to its peak state, and then continued to expand outwards.

Emperor Taihu is suspended in the core of the Blood Sea. As the integration between the Holy Spirit Temple and the Blood Sea under his leadership continues to increase, the breath of the Blood Sea becomes more majestic and pure, and the biochemical power contained in every drop of blood becomes stronger and more fertile. The number and individual strength of the alien races are also growing.

Suddenly, the sea of ​​blood began to beat like a heart.


‘Dong dong’!

‘Dong dong dong’!

Invisible sound waves swept across the battlefield. The outer defense line of Guixu, which had been blasted to pieces by the three-party coalition forces, looked more like tofu brains bombarded by heavy hammers. Large areas of restricted formations collapsed. Countless formation materials, various formation bases, formations, etc. Utensils, flags, memorial arches, etc. were blown to pieces one after another, turning into mountains of garbage and spraying around.

In a short breath, with the help of the restless blood sea, Guixu's defense line was broken through thirty-six layers, and the three-party coalition forces brazenly rushed tens of thousands of miles into Guixu's interior.

Ming Zun returned to the ruins high and felt the incense faith coming back from the outside world was decreasing. He said calmly: "If I had known about this, I would have been prepared. What is the incense faith? It is nothing more than a variant of the power of the soul... …Do you really think that I’ve been just squatting in Guixu and wasting my time all these years?”

As Ming Zun smiled, the Supreme Taichu Heaven, countless stars, continents, cities, and towns, all kinds of incense gods sneered - their body colors suddenly changed, from colorful, representing the true colors of many great laws, to From the cold and chilling black and white colors to the muddy and dirty colors.

The original good god suddenly turned into an evil god.

Countless plagues and various illnesses have sprung up out of thin air because of these incense spirits who change their roles. In the past countless years, these incense gods have protected the people in their respective territories, ensuring that the people have good weather, good harvests, and ensure that the people are harmonious, happy, and peaceful... Under their protection, the number of people in the Supreme Taichu Heaven has continued. As it increases, naturally the trust in the incense is increasing.

But today, because of Ming Zun's idea, the Good God changed his face!

Large swaths of people didn't even understand what happened, and they fell to the ground and died suddenly due to the sudden appearance of the severe plague. Their souls were directly swept away by small winds. Following the unique connection between the incense gods, they were instantly transmitted to Guixu and entered the body of Ming Zun.

As soon as the Tower of the Dead rolled up, the souls of these dead people turned into the purest soul power and were devoured by Lord Ming.

As a result, Ming Zun's aura began to improve by leaps and bounds, just like Emperor Taihu. Twelve rounds of dark moons hung high in the sky. As the moon phases changed, large black and white death lights swept across the void, completely obliterating large areas of the three-party coalition forces.

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