Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 1111 Final Selection (4)

Maitreya spoke up.

The woman, and the giant insect under her seat, all trembled.

The woman's face showed an expression of ecstasy - a seriously injured 'Maitreya' who had just returned from Nirvana, and whose strength was probably absolutely impossible, was simply a big fat piece of meat dropped from the sky. Once Maitreya is devoured, the benefits she will receive are beyond her own estimation.

And the insect's reaction was even more direct.

It was almost a pendant on the woman's body, and it was one with the woman... As the woman's heart surged with ecstasy, the huge insect suddenly opened its mouth, with countless tiny tentacles in its ferocious mouthparts. Slowly spreading to the surroundings, its head, which seemed particularly 'delicate and small' compared to its huge body, slowly bloomed like a sunflower.

The mouthparts expanded, and their diameter instantly exceeded the diameter of the giant insect's body.

It took a deep breath, and the few remaining world roots of the entire world were swallowed up by it. The six-round Hao Sun dimmed and annihilated one after another... The twelve-round Mingyue had a hint of 'death' after all. The destruction of the world stimulated the origin of Mingyue's avenue. They didn't know where they got the power from. , at the last moment when the world was on the verge of collapse, an unprecedented intense flame erupted.

The entire world was illuminated by the twelve rounds of the dark moon, turning it into lifeless black and white.

Within the insect's huge mouthparts, strands of dark green flames lingered, and the smoke-like light stream quickly converged towards the center point. The majestic power that Lu Qian could not imagine was brewing and compressing in the insect's mouthparts. Just as it was gathering momentum, the terrifying pressure released by the stream of light in its open mouthparts had already shaken Lu Qian's internal organs to the point where they almost rolled over, and blood was constantly spurting out from the seven orifices.

‘Bang bang bang’, Lu Qian continuously smashed nearly a hundred aliens who were attacking frantically around him. The soul of the mayfly crazily devoured their spilled essence and blood. The injuries in Lu Qian's body healed immediately, and his strength soared again.

But...those alien races clung to him, and despite Lu Yi's all-out bombardment, these alien races almost exhausted the origin of the entire heaven and earth in the Supreme Taichu Heaven. Although they could not withstand Lu Yi's blow, their own The attack power was enough to leave deep scars on Lu Qian's body.

It is not that easy to completely annihilate them.

It's not that easy to break through their encirclement.

Lu Qian watched helplessly as the insect finished accumulating its power, and a dead green light beam with a diameter almost as large as the entire Yuncha erupted from its mouth, hitting the nine huge lotus lights emitted by Yuncha.

With just one blow, the light emitted by Yuncha suddenly dimmed, and the entire Yuncha shook violently. In the blink of an eye, the huge Yuncha vibrated almost a trillion times... Such high-frequency vibrations caused the Buddha's light in Yuncha to envelope the area. The void almost turned into a terrifying high-frequency oscillation crusher...

Mountains collapse.

Rift, shatter.

Rivers, evaporation.

Plains, annihilated.

Cities, villages, walls, pavilions, all man-made creations were completely destroyed.

Lu Min, Master Lang Yue and other Buddhist disciples who had not yet recovered from serious injuries in the previous battle with Qing Emperor, including Qing Sha and other disciples of the heavens, their Buddhist golden bodies were unable to withstand such attacks. The terrifying high-frequency vibration could not withstand the extremely terrifying power of extinction contained in that beam of light.

Lu Min, explode.

Green kill, explode.

Master Langyue, explode.

All the pure-blooded celestial beings and natives exploded.

All the little people, Yeshas, ​​Rakshasas, and Asuras, exploded.

Even among these pure Buddhist cultivators, the four great Vajras, whose golden bodies were extremely powerful, all exploded.

Even the outer sect protectors such as Master Adu, whose immortal and invincible bodies they obtained through sacrificial magic, were all shattered by the shock... There were shrill roars and miserable cries of pain. , and even the most vicious curses echoed in the void.

The entire city of Haojing was reduced to nothing. The Imperial City at the core became the hardest-hit area where attack forces gathered. No matter how many formations and restrictions were deployed, all the gorgeous palaces and pavilions were reduced to nothing.

Only in the most central area, the five uncles turned into their original form. They formed the simplest and most primitive five-element formation. Inside, there were three shocking sword rainbows flashing in unison. Based on the sword rainbow, the five elements were used. Body, this small three-talent-five-element formation protected a small palace with great difficulty - the White Snake's sleeping palace.

In the small sleeping hall, there were only the three Qingyou girls, the five uncles, Bai Yuan, Linghu Juan, a few of Yinyuan's concubines and children, and the White Lady lying on the bed, who was barely peaceful.

Even so, the waves of terrifying shocks that came through the formation still shook the bones and flesh of the five uncles loose, leaving vicious wounds on their bodies, and blood gushed out like a fountain.

When the big parrot opened its mouth, a stream of blood mixed with meat residue spurted out. He spurted out blood, his slightly cloudy eyes stared blankly at the sky, and even lost the strength to curse: "I want to return to my position... Poor, poor... I should have found some beautiful female parrots to hatch more babies!"

The three Qingyou girls were also vomiting blood.

The strength of their physical bodies is obviously not as good as that of the five uncles who have activated the ancestral bloodline in their bodies. Their physical bodies have been completely shattered by the waves of high-frequency vibrations, but they have extremely sharp sword rays in their bodies. The strands were lingering, forcibly adsorbing the particles of their bodies together, barely keeping their bodies from truly collapsing.

There was also a hint of regret in the eyes of Qingyou and the other three girls.

They looked at each other and sighed softly: "But no matter what, we are thousands of times more exciting than what the ancestors sword immortals experienced in the ancestors' handbooks."

"Although we still don't know how wonderful this world is. But at least, we have jumped from the frog at the bottom of the well to the mouth of the well, and at a glance, we have seen the vastness of the world and the beauty of the world..."

"This life is not empty."

"The next life..." Qingyou and the other three girls frowned slightly. In the next life, I'm afraid it will be very difficult.

After all, they are also reincarnations of powerful Buddhist sword cultivators. They know it well. In this situation, facing the full attack of a brood, without the protection of a powerful enough Buddhist power, they want to be reincarnated again. Reincarnation is also difficult.

"It's a pity that we haven't really seen the true face of this world." The three women sighed with regret. Even if they count their past life experiences together, they are still young newcomers in Buddhism. They have not seen the truly vast world. They have not seen the majestic and magical things like Maitreya. , a magnificent big world.


Bai Yu, Linghu Lu and the other girls were completely lying on the ground unable to move.

Even though the five uncles and the three girls Qingyou risked their lives to protect them, the incoming shock waves, after being weakened by the formation of three talents and five elements, still shocked them to the point of being on the verge of annihilation.

At this moment, if it hadn't been for the rays of Buddha's light coming out of White Snake's belly, barely keeping them alive, they would have been wiped out long ago...

"That's it, this is the 'tribulation'!" A clear voice came from the white lady's slightly bulging belly: "Mother, please forgive me for being rude... I will never be able to repay my kindness in this life. But it's the child's fault... If there is an afterlife..."

"Children should have great ambitions. If there is an afterlife, even if they are broken into pieces and suffer thousands of calamities, they should repay the kindness of their bloodline in this life. No matter where their father and mother are, or what disasters they encounter, they should do their best to make their father and mother eternal. Enjoy pure, boundless bliss.”

A ray of golden light spurted out from the body, and the White Snake cried out in pain. In the golden light, a barely formed baby as big as a palm could be seen slowly flying out. The aura of this baby was extremely weak, yet extremely powerful, revealing an extremely strong sense of vitality, yet there was also an extremely strong sense of annihilation and death entangled in it.

As soon as you see him, you can understand that there seems to be a line between heaven and earth, separating life and death... And this baby is so trembling, standing on the territory of the dead with one foot and stepping on the other. The territory of living beings... He is between the critical point of life and death. He may be completely annihilated at any time, and he may also truly come back to life at any time due to some kind of opportunity!

If he can develop and grow smoothly in the White Snake's womb, and be born as mature as a proper baby, he will truly come to life, and he will be able to completely get rid of the shadow of death and annihilation, and truly come to this world.

But... where is the time for him to develop in peace and mature and produce?

The five uncles and the three Qingyou girls worked together, but they couldn't hold on for much longer.

The little baby stood up, and with a slightly human shape, he solemnly bowed to the White Snake a few times, and took a deep breath. In the void, the remaining spiritual ideas of heaven and earth merged one by one. his body.

The baby's body developed rapidly, from a slightly humanoid form to a child about a foot tall, white and fat, with a dense golden light lingering under the skin. He stamped his feet, ignored the white lady's screams, shook his head, and disappeared without a trace.

At this moment, even if there is Yuncha's protection in this world, the entire void has been completely shattered by the divine light emitted by the big insect. If the entire world could be called a big piece of glass, at this moment, there are extremely fine cracks everywhere in the world, and there are tiny, extremely sharp space fragments everywhere.

Even Lu Qian didn't dare to say that he could teleport freely in such a fragmented space.

But this baby turned a blind eye to this shattered, chaotic, and crisis-filled time and space. He moved out so easily without encountering any due obstacles or barriers!

"Give it to me, break it!" The woman formed a seal with her hands and cooperated with the big insect to strike down a powerful Buddhist Demon-Conquering Vajra Seal, and then actually formed a Taoist supreme Demon-Conquering Thunder Gang Divine Seal. , in conjunction with the Buddhist Vajra Demon Subduing Seal, blasted down towards the small piece of broken land covered by Yuncha.

The two major seals of Buddhism and Taoism were blessed. Under the impact of the light pillar of the big insect, the light of Yuncha was almost completely extinguished. The strands of Buddha's light were feebly blocking the light pillar. The huge Yuncha was pushed by the light pillar and floated in the void. Moving back step by step... Inside Yuncha, countless golden body relics of the Buddha all emitted boundless light. Each Buddha's golden body relic was constantly shattered, and its own relics were also constantly burning. Only then could it barely stay alive. Yuncha's last ray of Buddha's light will not be destroyed.

"Then, how about my witch seal move?" The woman smiled brightly: "This is a 'big witch' I hunted in the world of Chiye. His last name is weird, what is his name 'Xingtian' ? His bloodline has given me great inspiration... Can you take a look at this natal magical power contained in his bloodline?"

The woman screamed: "I am even more curious, Maitreya, where are you from? How great and magical is the great world of origin that you belong to?"

"Why do so many different types of practice breed in one world? Why are there so many strange bloodline inheritances? Buddhism, Taoism, witchcraft, ghosts, demons, demons, gods... Oh, oh, oh , I’m so curious.”

"But obviously, the ones who help our clan the most are these... witches!"

The woman formed a seal with her hands and took a deep breath.

Her originally slender and beautiful body swelled like a deformed tumor. Veins bulged rapidly, muscles swelled rapidly, and her small body suddenly swelled to a hundred miles high. Her body was so majestic that it was almost as scary as a demon.

She formed a seal with her hands and yelled 'Xingtian'.

The energy and blood in her body, together with the incredibly powerful energy and blood of the big insect, all surged out, turning into an iron-blooded war flag, flying fiercely behind her. In the bloody light emitted by the battle flag, a giant man with no head and only a body, as majestic as a god, appeared from the void in large strides, carrying a big ax and a shield.

This giant man was a trillion miles tall. His left and right chests suddenly split open and turned into two huge eyes. His navel also suddenly opened and turned into a big mouth full of fangs. The giant man roared, swung the giant ax, and struck Yuncha with the ax head.

What a sharp and terrifying ax this is...

Lu Qian's eyes widened inexplicably, watching the ax fall from the sky with fear and fascination.

One force exploded with 100 million copies of power!

This phantom of the Xingtian giant man is a terrifying existence that has performed the 'Way of Power' to its true extreme... One force breaks all laws, one force shatters all worlds... The ax wielded by this giant phantom, Let Lu Qian see the real 'power'.

It's a pity that this ax is meant to attack me!

Lu Qian's eyes widened as he watched the ax fall on his head... The power of this ax was terrifying to the extreme. It increases the power by a terrifying and unreasonable 100 million times!

And with this ax, it was this woman who spurred the essence and blood power of this big insect to blast out!

The length of this body is almost half the length of the Great Insect, the length of the Supreme Taichu Heaven. How powerful is it... based on its strength, the increase is 100 million times...

Lu Qian spread his hands, sighed, looked at the light of the ax falling on his head, and quietly waited for death to come.

It can't be stopped, it can't be stopped.

Especially when he saw that with the fall of the axe, the entire Supreme Taichu Heaven had been riddled with holes, and the origin of the world had almost been swallowed up. The last bit of the most basic space-time structure was still there. Shattered, everything is in ruins. The entire space and time is rapidly collapsing and annihilating, and all of this is irreversible.

Lu Qian looked at Yinyuan.

Yinyuan spread his hands and looked at Lu Qian with a wry smile: "Ahem, at least I feel better...Ahem, brother, you don't know how distressing it is to have a million-level wife in the harem, but how painful it is. Exciting things...hehe...it makes me so happy."

He sighed heavily, and then laughed wildly at Lu Yi: "Brother, you are still a little boy, right? This is so, so, so damn... regrettable."

The ax light seemed to be extremely fast, but in fact, it was inexplicably slow to the extreme.

When the ax light fell, the whole world was collapsing. The last bit of the world's power was collapsing towards this ax light. It was absorbed by the ax light and moved towards Lu Qian and Yinyuan bit by bit. Slowly slashed towards Yuncha.

Yinyuan continued to laugh wildly: "If I can have a next life... I don't want to live so tiredly. Hey, what kind of emperor of Dayin, what kind of son-in-law of Jianmen, what kind of emperor of Shenyin, etc... don't give it Is it okay if I fix so many things?"

"God bless me, let me be a happy dandy... the kind who can eat, drink, and live happily in a brothel for the rest of his life... If I really become a carefree dandy, brother, I will Please go to the brothel!"

Yinyuan winked at Lu Yi and said quietly: "You are such a shame to me if you die as a boy!"

Lu Qian's face was dark.

Everyone is in mourning, can't you say something that makes people happy?

Then, Lu Qian saw that the innate treasures on Yinyuan's body that were conceived by the power of heaven and earth when this area of ​​heaven and earth were created were shattering, and traces of light flames flowed out from those treasures, like silk. The wisps merged into the light of the ax that struck the head.

Yinyuan's body was also collapsing.

He is the Supreme Supreme Heaven... This world has been harmed to this extent, and his fate has been determined... The fact that he can still muster up his energy and talk a few gossips with Lu Qian is enough to prove how deep this guy's state of mind is. So powerful, what a fucking habit!

But the Supreme Taichu Heaven is finally collapsing.

Yinyuan laughed wildly, watching the Taichu Bell collapse, watching the Star Flag collapse, watching the Holy Spirit Temple collapse, watching the Death Spirit Tower collapse... He even saw that his limbs began to turn into wandering light and spread around, and then It was swallowed up by that ax light.

"As a family, it's good to be neat and tidy." Yinyuan left the last words.

His whole body exploded into a floating light that filled the sky, and was quickly devoured by the ax light.

Lu Qian looked at the light of the ax that fell on his head. He quietly watched the light of the ax fall, and allowed thousands of aliens around him to attack him frantically.

I'm tired and can't move anymore.

Within the body, the bones and internal organs had long been shattered into pieces.

And the extreme, domineering, and extremely wild power contained in this ax light deeply attracted him. His soul was immersed in the power of the ax light and could not extricate himself, while his physical body had no strength at all.

The Tianlong Zen Staff soared into the sky, swaying its head and tail and turned into a black dragon, rushing towards the light of the axe.

He will take the initiative to protect the Lord for the last time.

When the ax light fell, the Tianlong Zen Staff was like a fragile little soap bubble. It was completely crushed by the ax light... Lu Qian spent thousands of Buddhist treasures to melt and cast the strongest Tianlong Zen Staff. Facing this ax light, he was actually so fragile.

The light of the ax fell, and Lu Qian's body began to disintegrate.

The woman was shouting: "This boy has given up resistance... take his life essence and blood, and his soul will not be let go..."

The aliens who were attacking Lu Qian all rushed forward, trying to cut Lu Qian into eight pieces before the slowly falling ax light came, and separate his flesh, blood, soul, etc. one by one. , keep it properly according to the woman's request.

A ray of Buddha's light bloomed in front of Lu Qian.

Maitreya, or in other words, the child of Yinyuan and White Snake in this life appeared in front of Lu Qian out of thin air.

He raised his head and looked at the light of the ax that struck his head. There was also a sadness on his little face: "Xing Tian... This time, we are really going to sink into silence. I don't know if there will be a comeback." Chance."

He put a palm on Lu Qian's heart and said softly: "Fellow Daoist Mayfly, you may be our last chance."

"Among the innate gods and demons conceived in our homeland, you are the weakest one... Although you are weak, your true meaning is extraordinary... It is time to repay the karma you owed to the leader."

His and Lu Qian's bodies were suddenly enveloped by a ball of intense Buddhist flames.

In Lu Qianmei's heart, the pure white lotus, which was originally used by Maitreya to kill off evil thoughts, flew out slowly. The white lotus released the pure Buddhist flames that purified the world. Thousands of aliens who flew towards her exclaimed in unison. , their bodies were turned into a wisp of flying ash as soon as the flame touched them.

The soul of the mayfly hissed and sucked hard, and the energy of blood and essence in the bodies of thousands of aliens immediately made him full again.

The light of the ax falling on his head was finally about to touch Lu Qian's body.

But he chuckled: "I am no longer in this world, not in the past, not in the future...I am in a land of nothingness and annihilation."

The light of the ax penetrated him and Lu Qian, like a phantom, without causing any damage to him and Lu Qian... The light of the ax was like a sword, and it fell softly on Yuncha, whose light almost shattered.

Inside Yuncha, countless Buddha's golden bodies were shattered into pieces, and countless Buddha's relics were burned together. This ax was so overbearing, it directly completely annihilated the huge body of Yuncha, leaving only the core of the essence. , turned into a colorful lotus seed the size of a fist, floating feebly in the void.

Yuncha was annihilated, and the secret realm of Maitreya hidden in Yuncha quietly appeared.

The Maitreya Secret Realm, the broken Maitreya Secret Realm, the vase, the lotus, and the sacred figure lying on the lotus all flickered with light due to the light of the axe. In the secret realm, hundreds of millions of stars gathered together. Annihilated, it turned into countless Buddha lights crisscrossing each other, barely surviving the terrifying bombardment of this ax light.

Throughout the Maitreya Secret Realm, the huge void inside collapsed, and finally only a solitary sun was left floating in the void, with a solitary star spinning feebly around the sun.

The core origin of Yuncha quietly integrated into the almost collapsed Maitreya Secret Realm, barely maintaining the existence of the Secret Realm.

The secret realm began to release a faint suction force.

Near the shattered Yuncha, wisps of weak soul fluctuations quietly swayed.

The three girls of Qingyou, the five uncles, the souls of Lu Min, Master Lang Yue and others were lucky enough to be located at the core of Yuncha. Yuncha withstood the most deadly attack of that terrible ax light and barely managed to sustain them. A little bit of soul imprint will not collapse. At this moment, the Maitreya Secret Realm quietly absorbed their souls and preserved them on the only remaining star.

"They..." Lu Qian's pupils shrank to the size of a pinhead.

He saw all these changes.

The three Qingyou girls and their soul imprints have not been annihilated, so they still have a chance to come back... It's just reincarnation, nothing more... But on that star, except for some vegetation, forests, and some of the simplest birds and beasts , there is no intelligent being at all... If it is reincarnation, this star obviously does not meet the conditions.

He sighed softly and pushed with his palm.

Where Yinyuan was originally annihilated, a dim Taichu Bead of Confusion, and an equally dim, almost completely shattered three-eyed human figure slowly flew out, wrapped in a faint wave of soul, and quickly fled towards Maitreya. Secret realm.

"They once went to our homeland, and it was they who brought you to this world and brought you here." Maitreya chuckled: "They got a trace of the breath of creation in our homeland, so they are with them Those treasures from the same origin have all been annihilated, but they are the only ones who can still maintain a trace of vitality and protect a ray of Yinyuan's true soul."

The woman smiled coldly: "Yes, they all have a trace of their souls... Your Buddhist methods are so disgusting... They are beaten to ashes again and again, and they struggle from reincarnation again and again. And back."

"However, you have no chance this time."

The woman said calmly: "You are so weak, you are even sinking into death... Maitreya, what else can you do?"

The woman tilted her head and said softly: "Is it possible that you think this boy can face my pursuit and escape while protecting these remnant souls? Even if he escapes, what can he do?"

"Where can he go?"

Maitreya chuckled softly, his expression became very strange: "I don't know what your name is...well, it doesn't actually matter."

The woman's face wrinkled: "Isn't it important?"

Maitreya nodded and said seriously: "Although you are a mother's nest, in fact you are nothing more than a man-made war tool... You don't even dare to have the idea of ​​'controlling your own destiny'... You are just a A puppet is just a knife held in someone's hand... I, why do you need to make so much noise with a knife?"

The woman's face became more and more ugly... Her eyes rolled around, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Maitreya smiled, and with a slight movement of his hands, two arrow-shaped landmarks appeared in the void. From the two arrows, a very thin ray of light shot out, leading to the unfathomable and extremely distant depths of chaos.

"Lu Qian. Fellow Daoist Mayfly."

Maitreya pointed at one of the signposts: "This is the road leading to our homeland. Your body, which suffered from the weird 'stiff-lying' disease, is still lying on the bed in that world..."

Lu Qian shivered violently.

His 'body from the previous life' was actually still lying on the hospital bed in his memory?


"The time is wrong." Lu Qian murmured: "The time is wrong."

How many years has he lived in this life? Many things change, and there are always changes in thousands of years. Thousands of years, especially the thousand years of the Supreme Taichu Heaven. Compared with the lower realm, it is likely that countless thousands of years have passed.

And his 'body from the previous life' is still lying on the hospital bed?

Could it not be that the passage of time in that world may only be...a few years? How many months? Or is it just a one-night dream?

Did he experience a real life, or was he just a nightmare on the bed of an ALS patient?


Lu Qian looked at Maitreya in horror.

"You are crazy..." Maitreya smiled brightly: "How many years have passed in the lower world in one day in the Supreme Taichu Heaven? Compared with the lower world, the Supreme Taichu Heaven is so... magical and unbelievable... After all, it is the High World. The space and time of latitude.”

"But compared with our hometown, the Supreme Taichu Heaven can only be 'barely seen'... Perhaps, after tens of thousands of years of baptism in the Supreme Taichu Heaven, it is only a short time in our hometown. Just for a short while?”

Maitreya looked at Lu Qian seriously: "This road, if you go back in this direction, you can find your own body... What should you do then... After all, my homeland has fallen into the Age of Ending Dharma, the Age of Ending Dharma... ...With your current cultivation and your current realm, you may be able to become the supreme god in your homeland...You can guard your homeland and wait for the return of the next era of Dharma promotion..."

Lu Qian looked at the thin light emitted by the arrow and shook his head subconsciously.

go back?

Go back to the world where you still have a sick body?

The woman's face had turned green, and the veins on her forehead were bulging one by one. She screamed at the top of her lungs: "What are you talking about? Maitreya, your lair is over there? Over there? Ah, I Got it, I got it, why can I find your origin world just by following this sign?"


The woman was so excited that she could hardly speak.

Maitreya smiled again and pointed at another arrow: "Go in this direction, and you will go to the world when I came before... It is very, dangerous, even, very scary... But, there is Endless excitement and endless possibilities.”

"Go in this direction. This may be your biggest opportunity in this life."

"Of course, in the leader's prophecy, Fellow Daoist Mayfly, you are very likely to be our last chance... Without you, maybe we won't lose... But with you, maybe we will win more easily."

"Who are you doing?" Lu Qian asked a very meaningless question.

Of course he already knew the answer, but he couldn't help but ask.

"Why don't you reveal the answer yourself?" Maitreya asked him with a serious smile: "However, with your current level of cultivation, walking in chaos is still too dangerous. You need a ride, and this big guy, I think ,very good!"

The woman was laughing sharply: "Maitreya, what are you daydreaming about? Let me be his car? Haha, yes, you guys come and merge with me... Hee, let your blood, your Soul, be swallowed by me... We will be completely integrated, and I can become this kid's car and take him to the world where you originated, to see... and destroy something by the way!"

Maitreya smiled, looked at the woman, and nodded lightly: "For all these years, you have been analyzing us, our Tao, our Dharma, our bloodline, and our magical powers... Look, you even Even the natal bloodline magical powers of the Xingtian tribe of the Wu clan have been analyzed..."

"But, since you all know, we Buddhists are best at doing various little tricks."

"How dare you to analyze so unscrupulously what we left for you on the battlefield?" Maitreya smiled so hard that his eyes narrowed into a line: "Are you of the Xingtian tribe's bloodline... Well, Lao Na, let's go."

Maitreya squeezed Lu Qian's finger hard and said softly: "I will eventually die... In the future, if there is a chance, I would like to ask fellow Daoist Mayfly to lift me up a little bit so that I can escape the pain of death." .”

Miroku took a deep breath.

The spatial structure of the Supreme Taichu Heaven has completely collapsed, and the surging tide of chaos is breaking through the diaphragm of heaven and earth from all directions, rolling towards this side.

"What a magnificent and magnificent world." Maitreya sighed softly: "However, the boundless chaos cannot accommodate two equally great civilizations... let alone more than two?"

A pale green divine light suddenly lit up in the woman's pupils, and she screamed, wanting to do something.

Maitreya has turned into a wisp of dark golden Buddha light, turned into an arrow, and shot towards the woman with a 'chi' sound. The huge insect screamed, and the majestic and endless life energy in its body surged. The woman formed hand seals with her hands, forming at least tens of millions of unpredictable hand seals in an instant.

Buddhism, Taoism, witchcraft, magic, ghosts, demons... and all kinds of magical powers of the divine and spiritual ways were all created by this woman with a snap of her fingers. A layer of magnificent forbidden power condensed into a big glistening glass ball around her, blocking the golden arrow of light transformed by Maitreya.

"This is my last blow in this life. It's a pity to use it on a little monster like you." Maitreya laughed, and the golden light suddenly flashed.

The tens of millions of restrictions seemed to be in vain, and were silently penetrated by Maitreya's light arrow.

The woman's body suddenly leaned back.

The divine light in her pupils suddenly disappeared, and there was a golden hole between her eyebrows. Wisps of terrifying Buddha power rushed into her body, flowing through dozens of thick and thin pipes in her lower body, and instantly flowed to the huge insect.

The insect roared in horror and despair.

Its huge body squirmed violently, wildly rolling up waves of green energy to resist the invasion of the golden light.

But maybe as Maitreya said - they shouldn't unscrupulously analyze the trophies they captured on the battlefield... When they unscrupulously analyze those trophies and take the powerful power in them as their own, they have already fallen into Maitreya's trap. The trap set by others.

No matter how much this big insect struggles and resists, no matter how many ambushes, restrictions, and barriers of resistance it lays in the complex pipelines and organs in the body. Whenever the Buddha's power passed through, strange bloodline lights flashed through its body, and all its efforts to resist completely collapsed.

Such a huge body of the big bug trembled violently. Finally, its body stiffened, and the green blood in its body was gradually replaced by a faint golden new blood.

The big insect let out a low cry, and the woman's body connected to it through the pipe was quietly shattered, annihilated, and disappeared like a withered flower. The big insect shook its body gently, and there was a gentle Buddhist charm in its body. Like a well-behaved pug, it released a wave of flattering and close emotions to Lu Qian.

"So...that's it!"

Lu Qian stretched out his hand, grabbed it gently, and caught the broken Maitreya Secret Realm in his hand before the tide of chaos gathered around him. With a slight movement of his hands, he integrated it with his body.

He sat cross-legged on the big insect's head, quietly watching the chaotic tide around him.

The terrifying wave of chaos surged forward, violently impacting and shaking, releasing countless dazzling chaotic thunders. One after another went crazy, and they were as thick and thin as the original Supreme Taichu Tian, ​​and they didn't know how long they were... ...The power it contained made Lu Qian feel waves of despair and fear.

However, when such a violent thunder fell on the big bug, it only caused the big bug to shake slightly, and even its thick carapace failed to break open at all.

Lu Qian just sat on the big insect, watching the chaos surging around him.

As for the huge tree-ring star gate, when the big insect rushed into this world, it had already exhausted all its energy and was completely annihilated. There was no need for Lu Qian to waste any more effort.

He just sat quietly, looking at the two arrow signs in front of him pointing to different directions.

After a long, long time, Lu Qian stood up.

"You still have the ability to create things, to create some flesh and blood bodies." Lu Qian murmured: "Qingyou and the others are probably a bit mysophobic and don't want to be created from the body of a big insect... Well, these people around me I'm afraid no one would want a big insect to be their 'mother'."

"It's just the five of them who won't dislike it."

"It just so happens that I have a companion..."

"Furthermore, your huge body and the Taoist charm within it just allow me and the five uncles to improve themselves."

"Then, get ready to go."

Lu Qian cheered up and looked into the unpredictable depths of chaos: "I don't want to be a frog in the well... No matter what lies ahead... there will always be someone to accompany me, right!"

"Besides, Maitreya said that the karma I owe must be repaid in the end!"

A few days later, Lu Qian stood in the huge cabin inside the big insect's head. The five men regained their new physical bodies, and their physical strength was stronger than before, and the ancestral blood contained in them was purer and more powerful. They maintained their human form. , lined up, standing behind Lu Qian.

"His grandma's legs...Brothers, find them...tear them apart!" The big parrot shouted arrogantly: "No one can let Master Bird suffer such a loss...no one!"

The huge body of the big insect slowly started to move.

Its huge body shook slightly, and the two beacons Maitreya left in the void were shattered. Then, following the direction pointed by one of the beacons, it broke through the chaos and flew forward at full speed.

"Ahead, the world of Futu Ziluo...distance, standard voyage, 127,800 years..." Lu Qian murmured, reciting the information sent back from the shattered beacon.

"We're off."

"We will meet again..." Lu Qian pressed his heart, the broken Maitreya Secret Realm was hidden inside. On the star inside, within the confinement of a warm Buddha light, the three Qingyou girls, as well as the soul imprints of Lu Min, Yinyuan, Ahu and others, are sleeping quietly, just waiting for the opportunity to wake up in the next reincarnation. .

"Final Chapter", the story of Jiayou's fun comes to an end for now.

Final chapter, final words!

Another final chapter. I feel like I can't find anything new to express.

"Jiayou's Fun", I feel that the writing is a bit dry...it failed to achieve the relaxed, joyful, funny and happy atmosphere that I expected. Perhaps, when developing the outline, the tone was wrong. I still like the slightly heavy, half-true, epic atmosphere. So, for the next book, I’ll get back to business.

To be honest, I have been working on the outline and character design of the next new book for more than a year. There are quite a lot of various texts accumulated. But I still feel it’s not perfect enough, so I’ll polish it a little more.

And I still have the task of writing two realistic-themed books. This is a debt that needs to be repaid. These two books will probably take several months of visiting, collecting, writing, and finally finalizing. Finishing touches.

Think about it again, since I entered the online literature industry in 2003, twenty years have passed and I have not had much rest. That is, I was seriously ill and was hospitalized last year. I rested for twenty days, and then started typing on the keyboard again. The state of coding during that period was actually quite poor.

So, this time, I will take a longer break before releasing my new book. Recharge your batteries, really empty your head, completely forget everything related to the old books, and then start the journey again. When I first started writing online articles, I was still a newbie, a fool who had just gotten out of school and knew nothing about worldly affairs. Twenty years later, if you take a serious look at yourself, you will see that you are already a fat and white man. Looking at myself in the mirror, I am actually quite emotional. However, the physical body is gradually 'mature', but the mentality is always young, which feels quite good.

Give yourself a holiday and have a good rest. I have been writing for twenty years, and I am forty-four years old this year. According to the standard of retiring at sixty-five, I will use this long vacation as an intermission to kick off the second half of my writing. I once boasted that I would try to write 100 million words. Now, after 21 years of writing, I have already reached 70 million words. I plan to write for another 20 years to see how many more words I can write.

Hehe, you have to work hard!

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