Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 107 The Bai family is haunted by ghosts (3)

When Zhu Yu stabbed with his sword, Lu Qian's subordinates pushed down the hastily made wooden fence outside the ruins of Lan Tianyuan and were fighting with a group of night guards from the Bai family.

Lu Qian himself jumped into the air dozens of feet high, like a big bird crossing a graceful arc. Under the desperate eyes of the Bai family's guards, he floated lightly in the wind across the entire Lantian Garden, and landed. On the roof of Bailu's Xiulou.

Stepping on a roof beast on the eaves, Lu Qian looked down at the courtyard below and saw Bai Lu hugging Zhu Yu from behind.

Putting his hand on the hilt of his saber, Lu Qianxiao looked at the chaos in the small courtyard.

Bai Changkong took Bai Qiong, Bai Lang, Bai Xi and other sons into the air with him, and hurriedly jumped to the top of the wall.

An evil wind blew up from the ground. A tall man wearing a black robe with black scales on his back and cheeks jumped out of the evil wind. He sneered and suddenly appeared in front of Bai Changkong, slashing with his palm. On Bai Changkong's chest.

Bai Changkong was caught off guard and was hit by a palm that made his sternum crack. He vomited blood and fell from the air in a very embarrassed state.

Bai Lang, Bai Xi and others exclaimed "Dad" in unison.

They had landed on the wall, but they just looked back at Bai Changkong, who was lying on the ground and vomiting blood. No one jumped off the wall and returned to the small courtyard.

The man in black robe grinned, and the black scales on his face squirmed, looking extremely ferocious.

He stepped on Bai Changkong's chest and raised his fingers towards Bai Lang and others: "Come down, one life for another. As long as one of you is willing to sacrifice your life for Deputy Mountain Chief Bai, I will kill one of you, absolutely." I will let Deputy Mountain Chief Bai go!"

Bai Lang, Bai Xi and others stood on the wall, looking at the man in black robe expressionlessly.

No one spoke, no one moved.

Zhu Song saw Bai Changkong being knocked to the ground by the black-robed man's palm, and then looked at the courtyard door that was blown tightly shut by the wind. He took a breath and roared at the guards.

Several tall guards rushed to the courtyard door and kicked it hard.


The wooden door squirmed like water waves, and blood-colored wooden thorns as thick as a thumb and more than a foot long suddenly bounced out of the courtyard door.

The guards' feet kicked hard on the wooden thorns, and their boots and feet were pierced by the wooden thorns. A "gurgle" sucking sound came from the wooden door. Several guards screamed and were sucked into pieces in an instant. The mummy hung limply on the wooden door.

Zhu Song took a breath of air.

He looked around blankly, and suddenly he saw Lu Qian standing on the edge of the roof of the show building, sticking his head out to look around.

The words 'catching ghosts in the imperial city and making Lu Jin the Duke' flashed through Zhu Song's mind.

With Zhu's power, Zhu Song naturally knew that the imperial city was haunted by a ghost a few nights ago, and that ghost was finally eliminated.

Afterwards, it was the emperor and the queen mother who strongly advocated for Lu Qian to be granted the title of Duke!

"Mr. Tianyang, save me!" Zhu Song screamed: "Save me, save my child. From now on, I, the Zhu family, are willing to advance and retreat together with Mr. Tianyang!"

Lu Qian stood on the roof and looked at the pale Zhu Song with a smile.

Shaking his head, Lu Qian put his hands into his sleeves, making it clear that he would stand by and watch.

From the direction of the backyard, a guard from the Bai family rushed in, rolling and crawling: "Master, master, the guards guarding the palace opposite are trying to break in."

Bai Lu backhanded a little, and with a 'chi' sound, a streak of blood flew out from her fingertips, and a transparent hole the size of a fist exploded on the guard's forehead. Bai Lu watched as streaks of blood spurted out from the wound. Turning around, he opened his mouth and took a breath, and the eight-foot guard turned into a mummy in an instant.

Bai Lu raised her head, with the corners of her mouth cleft below her earlobes, and smiled at Lu Qian: "Lu Qian, are you here too? My brother, the crown prince, is not willing to die with me and my child. He has changed his mind and became A bad man."

"I don't want him to be the father of my child. Are you willing to take in my child?"

Bai Lu cast a ferocious wink at Lu Yan.

The black eyes the size of soybeans were surrounded by a large area of ​​pale white, and small blood vessels were beating rapidly.

This flirtatious look made Lu Qian shiver in fright.

He shook his head hurriedly: "No, I joined the palace guard just because of the child in your belly... I can't bear this kind of blessing. Every injustice has its owner, and every debt has its owner. Where did the baby in your belly come from? You have to The best thing to do is to trace his roots back to his biological father."

Bai Lu smiled "hehe", her neck slowly lengthened, like an old bastard, slowly stretched her neck to more than three feet long, wrapped around Zhu Yu's neck, and came face to face with him.

"Brother Prince, Lu Qian doesn't want our child... Poor baby, he has no father! What should we do?"

Bai Lu faintly sang a ditty.

The wind was strong and the air was cold. From all directions, women's cries and laughter were getting closer and closer, and the cries of "Mr. sir, sir" came and went, as if there were tens of thousands of female ghosts floating around in the Bai family's yard.

Among the neighbors of the Bai family, hundreds of yards, large and small, have been turned upside down.

Countless people were running around in the yard, and the roars of "haunted" and "ghost" were earth-shattering.

Fog gushes out from all directions, gradually shrouding several nearby streets. The roars, cries, curses, and warning sounds of those panicked people gradually subside.

Everything is like a nightmare, and everyone has become the embellishment of the nightmare.

Along with various strange phenomena, Bai Changkong and others continued to emit fear, despair, anger, anger and other negative emotions.

These negative emotions are like streams, constantly flowing into Bai Lu's body.

The aura on Bai Lu's body was constantly increasing.

Especially Zhu Yu, who was hugged tightly by her, the negative emotions on his body almost solidified in Lu Qian's eyes. The blue-black mist rolled and poured into Bai Lu's body, and Zhu Yu's vitality also continued to disappear.

Lu Qian was indifferent to this.

No matter how much Bai Lu and the beings behind her struggled, Lu Qian didn't have a strong sense of danger. In other words, the strange scene before him posed no real threat to him.

In that case, what is he afraid of?

There was a loud "boom", and a big hole was opened in the back wall of the small courtyard where Xiulou was located. Ahu, carrying the demon pestle, strode in with a large group of people.

Wherever A Hu passed, dozens of small whirlwinds as tall as a person swept towards him with a swish.

Under A-Hu's skin, dim red lotus lines flickered, and his body exuded an intense heat. Wherever it passed, the small whirlwind suddenly dismembered, and A-Hu rushed in without any awareness.

"Brother Qi..." Ah Hu yelled, and then stared at Bai Lu with straight eyes: "Such a long neck? It's haunted? It's really haunted. Brother Qi, as you said, there are female ghosts in the imperial city. , is that it?”

The group of men brought by Ah Hu were all in an uproar. They were both curious and scared. Apart from being trembling, they stared at Bai Lu up and down with fierce eyes.

"Be careful and stay away from her." Lu Qian said hurriedly: "Except Ahu, no one else should get close to her!"

With the spiritual light rippling in his mind, Lu Qian was prepared. If Bai Lu wanted to attack A Hu and the others, he would immediately activate the pure Zen light and never give Bai Lu a chance to hurt his own people.

Bai Lu chuckled.

Just like Concubine Qi and Lvque in the imperial city, she was not in a hurry to take the lives of those present.

She, and the beings behind her, were indeed creating a twisted atmosphere of fear, and she was enjoying the negative emotions emitted by Bai Changkong and others.

This negative emotion is the source of her strength.

Only when the negative energy in the hearts of Bai Changkong and others reaches its peak before she kills them can she get the maximum benefit!

Therefore, she kept smiling, gently stroking Zhu Yu's face with her fingers, and her sharp nails cut deep blood marks on Zhu Yu's handsome face bit by bit.

Severe pain struck, and blood continued to flow down his cheek.

Zhu Yu was so frightened that his head went blank. He just kept mumbling: "One day as a couple, a hundred days of kindness!"

"How can a hundred days be enough? We want to be together for eternity." Bai Lu opened her mouth and smiled extremely brightly: "Brother Prince, how do you choose to die? Should I dig out your heart or suck you dry? blood? Or, let’s try Lingchi’s execution of being cut into pieces with a thousand cuts?”

"My sisters told me that the more miserable a man dies, the greater the benefits I will get."

"Ouch, the resentment and death in you, as well as the smell of fear and despair, are so delicious that they make me drool!"

The blood on Zhu Yu's face kept gushing out, sliding down his cheeks, and formed a blood line on his chin that kept dripping.

Bai Lu's palm was placed under Zhu Yu's chin, and the blood fell on her palm. All the blood was sucked in by her palm, not a drop was wasted.

She said with a bright smile: "Brother Prince, look, your blood and mine have merged into one."

"Our child is very satisfied. He said that your blood is especially sweet!"

Bai Changkong, who was trampled on the chest by the man in black robe and lay on the ground vomiting blood, screamed: "Lu Qian, I was wrong about everything before. I apologize to you and admit my mistake. Today, as long as you save my Bai family The whole family, in the future, the Bai family will only look after you!"

Bai Changkong also thought of going together with Zhu Song.

At this moment, the only one who can save them is Lu Yi - they all have eyes and ears in the imperial city. According to the news coming out of the imperial city, Lu Yi can emit thousands of meters of golden light and easily sweep away all the people in the imperial city. All sneaky.

"I'm an eunuch. The eunuch can only bring harm to the country and the people, but can't conquer demons." Lu Qian smiled brightly: "Old Mr. Bai, you have found the wrong person. Eunuch, seeing how you gentlemen ended up, I can't help but It's good to add insult to injury, how dare you expect that I can save you?"

Bai Changkong roared angrily: "You sit back and watch me and others being secretly murdered. Aren't you afraid of the public opinion in the world?"

Lu Qian's smile became even brighter: "I, the eunuch, am I afraid of their long-lasting public opinion?"

Bai Changkong spat out another mouthful of blood.

Behind Lu Qian, a clear and cold voice came faintly: "He is a ruthless man... My husband, would you like to spend the night with the slave family?"

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