Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 125: Fierce murderous intention

It's day, late at night.

In the tent where the nine Bai Qiong brothers lived, Bai Qiong was lying on a hard, short and narrow camp bed, and a handsome and feminine guard was carefully applying wound medicine to his buttocks.

The medicine stimulated the wound, and Bai Qiong's body twitched, and tears flowed down uncontrollably.

"Brother, I want Lu Qian's life!"

Bai Qiong gritted his teeth and stared at Bai Lang fiercely: "It's all because of him that our family is in misfortune! It's all because of him that Wei Shuang died tragically! It's all because of him that we Be at odds with that old man Zhu Song!"

"If he is obedient and obedient, marries Wei Shuang according to our plan, and then dies honestly, our marriage with the Zhu family has been successful, how could we be in the current situation?"

"Now not only have we failed to marry the Zhu family, we have completely become enemies with them."

"Zhu's revenge is so shameless... He actually enlisted us into the army, actually, actually, let Zhuge Li use military methods to harm us!"

Bai Qiong hissed: "Zhu Song deserves to die, Zhu Shi deserves to die, Zhuge Liang deserves to die ten thousand times... But the culprit of everything, the source of all disasters, is Lu Qian. It's all Lu Qian's fault!"

Bai Qiong grasped the sheets made of coarse cloth with both hands and gritted his teeth: "I want him to die. If he doesn't die, I, I, I won't die in peace!"

With a 'chila' sound, the handsome guard smeared Bai Qiong's wounds with pink ointment. Then he took out a small crystal bottle, opened the cork and shook it gently, and a few drops of blood-colored viscous liquid fell out. It fell on the pink ointment.

The pink ointment immediately burned, with flames more than an inch high.

Bai Qiong's face became extremely weird. Waves of soul-crushing itching hit his buttocks. His body was trembling violently, and he clutched the sheets with both hands. He wanted to scream, but he didn't dare. Shout out.

He had just received a severe beating with a full eighty-inch military baton, which almost broke his pelvic bone.

If Bai Qiong had not reached the tenth level of the Tuo Pulse Realm, he would have been beaten to death with a military stick.

If he dared to yell in the military camp in the middle of the night, Zhuge Li would never hesitate to give him another good beating.

The fire on my butt burned for more than ten breaths.

Then, the flames went out, and the pink ointment turned into a thin pink soft skin, which was gently attached to Bai Qiong's butt.

The handsome guard picked up a corner of the soft leather and gently peeled it off. The soft leather made a 'squeak' sound and fell off with a faint sweet fragrance, revealing that the white Qiong was intact, shiny and white, like a mutton-fat jade. skin.

When brothers Bai Lang and Bai Xi saw this scene, they couldn't help but laugh happily at the same time.

It is worthy of the elixir from the Paradise Palace where heaven and earth meet. Just now, Bai Qiong's butt was beaten like tofu, and the flesh was beaten to pieces. But at this moment, in just a quarter of an hour, the injury was healed!

Bai Lang smiled and bowed his hands to the guard: "Thank you, senior brother."

The guard smiled and nodded: "Family, you're welcome...hehe, I will ask you all to take care of me in Haojing from now on."

Eyes rolled, eyes overflowing, and the guard smiled softly: "As for Lu Qian, how difficult is it for you fellow juniors to want him to die?"

Bai Lang, Bai Qiong and others were ecstatic.

A night of silence.

In the following days, Lu Qian and others ran at full speed in Haojing City, following the road and passing through a city.

On February 20th, I woke up early, and it was a beautiful day.

The wind was slightly cold, blowing in the face, and a red sun was rising slowly in the east. Lu Qian led the supervisory army, more than a hundred miles ahead of the vanguard army in the rear, and ran for more than an hour after breaking out of camp. In front of him was a very high wall. The city wall looms large.

For the first time in his life, Lu Qian saw the outer city wall of Haojing City.

The red sun in the east shines brightly on the west wall of Haojing City. The entire pale yellow city wall reflects the golden light in the sunlight.

From south to north, I don't know how long the city wall is, but it can't be seen to the end.

From top to bottom, the outer wall of Haojing City is three miles high!

The city wall is three miles high, and there are no traces of splicing on the surface. The entire city wall seems to be cast in one piece, completely natural, without any gaps.

Dayin was founded for more than 1,800 years. Before Dayin, Haojing was the capital of more than a dozen dynasties.

Those dynasties, the ones closest to Dayin are well-documented, and the longest one of them, Guozuo, lasted for more than 30,000 years!

The outer city wall of Haojing City has experienced at least hundreds of thousands of years of baptism, but there is no mottled or cracked surface on the wall.

What kind of majestic power can create such an incredible spectacle?

Beside Lu Qian, the two brothers Lu Jun and Lu Yi were also looking at the huge wall several miles away in front of them: "Brother Qian, isn't it shocking? Ha, this is not something that can be made by human power."

"This is indeed not something that can be made by manpower." Lu Qian tightened his grip on the reins and nodded repeatedly in agreement: "It's amazing, it's amazing, if you think about it, how terrible it is? Such a creation, ha!"

The large group of people continued to move forward.

The closer you get to the city wall, the more details you can see.

On the surface of the city wall, there is a zigzag staircase walkway that extends from the ground to the top of the city wall.

At every corner of the zigzag walkway, there is a platform with a radius of 100 feet, on which human figures can be faintly seen.

Near these zigzag walkways, there are vertical staircases from the ground to the top of the wall. The sound of the friction of iron chains can be heard in the distance. The ladder is slowly going up and down the ladder.

"That's a hydraulic ladder." Lu Jun introduced: "Northern Boundary City also has this thing. Pushed by the water flow of the underground river, the ladder can carry thousands of troops, or tens of thousands of kilograms of grain, grass, luggage, etc., once up and down."

Lu Yi sighed from the side: "Brother Qi, I have never been able to figure out what the purpose of such a high city wall was to prevent back then? Tsk, as you just said, if you think about it, it is so scary. It is three miles high. It's a city wall. If you jump from it, it will take you a while to fall to your death."

Lu Qian remained silent.

He was daydreaming about what this world was like when the spirit of heaven and earth did not collapse.

Can anyone go straight to Qingming?

Can anyone live forever?

Can anyone ride a whale and ride a dragon?

Even, is there anyone who can really fight against heaven and earth with his or her own power...

Lu Qian shook his head vigorously, getting rid of all the countless strange thoughts in his head.

He smiled and told himself - 'One day, I will see all this for myself! ’

After all, he was already on this road.

King Kong Temple, Blood Soul Temple, Jiuyin Sect, and other various Buddhist, Taoist, and demonic sects...

Lu Qian is looking forward to the excitement of this world.

The former military scouts had already rushed to the city gate, or in other words, to the 'city gate group'.

On the nearby city wall, stretching for hundreds of miles, thirty-six city gates were carved in a row. Each city gate was a hundred feet wide, a hundred feet high, square and huge.

After the handover of military orders, the Forbidden General guarding the city gate gave an order, and the ground shook slightly. The giant machines inside and under the city walls were impacted by the strong underground river water, and exploded with infinite force.

At the gate of a city, a three-foot-thick metal gate creaked upward, revealing a dark doorway.

Lu Qian's team slowed down and their horses trotted into the doorway.

There were constant ‘crunching’ sounds from the front.

The outer city wall of Haojing City is five miles thick. In the city gate, there is a giant gate every one mile. Accompanied by the roar of the machine, these giant gates are opening one after another.

Lu Qian reined in his mount at the city gate and looked up at the high city wall.

The sunlight shone on the pale yellow city wall, and the blue light flowed in Lu Qian's eyes. On the surface of the city wall, huge lines that could not be seen by ordinary people's eyes reflected a faint colorful glow in the sunlight.

There is something strange about this city wall.

Lu Qian was inexplicably satisfied—this city wall was indeed no ordinary city wall.

It was once extraordinary.

As a result, his mood improved inexplicably, and his whole body was filled with inexplicable strength. Lu Qian smiled and nodded at the imperial guards standing on both sides of the city gate. He waved towards them, and with a push of his legs, the blood-hoofed Wu Zui sat down. With a long hiss, he ran towards the Yousen city gate hole with all his strength.

The five-mile-long city gate hole passed by in a flash, and Lu Qian walked out of Haojing City for the first time in his life.

Before, there was a city wall blocking it, so nothing could be seen.

As soon as they left the city, Lu Qian and many other people like him, who were walking out of Haojing City for the first time in their lives, all exclaimed in exclamation.

What a vast and magnificent landscape.

Outside Haojing City, spring comes earlier than inside the city. Right in front of Lu Qian is the Zuzhou Main Road, which is hundreds of miles wide and goes straight to the west.

Lu Qian's team left the city through a southerly gate among the thirty-six city gates, so after they rushed out of the city gate, they were less than a mile south of the main galloping road.

In front of him is a giant dragon, light yellow in color, just like the city wall of Haojing, running straight and straight without any cracks, no mottled by time, and no traces of wear.

To the south of Chidao, as far as the eye can see, there is an endless stretch of red clouds that look like burning fire.

That's apricot blossom.

It was more than half a month earlier than in Haojing City, and the apricot trees stretching for thousands of miles were already in full bloom, and the air was filled with a soft and elegant fragrance of flowers.

This is an apricot tree that has grown for who knows how many years.

As far as Lu Qian could see, there were hundreds of old apricot trees dozens of feet tall. Its branches are as knotted as dragons, and the tree is full of tens of thousands of apricot blossoms, each one as big as a hand and as gorgeous as the sunset.

Many soldiers subconsciously reined in their reins and stared blankly at the endless sea of ​​flowers.

"How magnificent!" Lu Qian and many accompanying generals applauded and praised at the same time.

From a distance, I saw two pretty and cute girls jumping out of the apricot forest, carrying flower baskets.

When they were about to walk onto the main horse road, they suddenly saw a large group of people on the horse road. They were trembling with fright and retreated a long way towards the apricot blossom forest.

At this moment, a dozen young men in gorgeous clothes sprang out from the apricot blossom forest. They skillfully covered the mouths of the two girls, carried them, and rushed into the apricot blossom forest.

Lu Qian was stunned.

Lu Jun and Lu Yi were dumbfounded.

One of the accompanying young eunuchs sneered: "What's the matter? Sir, look, what do you mean? A group of mice stealing food in front of the cat?"

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