Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 131 Faith (3)

Zhuge Li did a great job.

He sent the nine Bai Lang brothers neatly to Lu Qian's army for Lu Qian to inquire about the vanguard army being attacked by the rebels, resulting in heavy battle losses.

Zhuge Li did a great job.

Although he was entrusted by Zhu Song to ensure that Lu Qian completely stayed in Anping Prefecture, he would never be able to return to Haojing in this life...

After he actually sent the nine brothers of the Bai family to Lu Qian's army, he also asked his confidant General to send a box of Bailu money.

A box of finely polished white deerskin.

Each one is ‘worth ten million dollars’.

Ten in total.

100 million yuan, equivalent to about 90,000 yuan!

It just so happened that there were exactly nine White Wolf brothers sent from Lu Qian's army.

Lu Qian thought for a while, then handed the box of white deer money to the accompanying young eunuch, and asked them to register it and put it in the marching file - "On a certain day of a certain year, a certain month, the vanguard of the Anping Prefecture's quelling rebellion army The legion was attacked and lost several soldiers and horses, and a bribe of 100 million was paid to the accompanying supervisor Lu Moumou'!

"Zhuge Li sent you here?"

Under the hill, curtains and public cases were set up, flags and talismans were placed, and various ceremonial guards were set up, surrounded by countless proud soldiers and generals.

Lu Qian sat behind the public case and looked at the nine Bai Lang brothers standing in a row in front of him.

The Bai Lang brothers looked at Lu Qian with twisted expressions.

Once upon a time, just two months ago, they were still calm and casually arranged Lu Qian's fate in this life.

In a short period of time, they could not help but stand in front of Lu Yi, allowing Lu Yi to inquire about the attack on the vanguard army just now as the supervisor of the quelling army.

As the eldest brother, Bai Lang suppressed the anger, resentment and hatred in his heart, gritted his teeth, took two steps forward, and raised his hand towards Lu Qian.

Bai Lang hates, hates those disciples of Paradise Palace. When in front of them, they are all so arrogant and look down upon everyone in the world - why did the group of people sent out to assassinate Lu Qian be killed in one fell swoop? ?

Hate it!

Why didn't Lu Qian refuse to die honestly?

Thinking of the cruelty, Bai Lang's expression couldn't help but become more ferocious.

From the diagonal thrust, Yu Dianhu and two Shenwu generals snatched it out in one step. He hit the gilded Kunpeng-patterned stick in his hand harder, causing severe pain in Bai Lang's legs, and he knelt on the ground with a sound of 'ah'.

"There are no rules. Civil servants in the army must kneel down and salute when they see the commander-in-chief of the army, unless they are wearing armor. This can only be avoided when the war is urgent... There is no war at the moment, and you are not wearing armor. Why don't you kneel down? ? A fool who was born by his parents but not taught by his parents."

Yu Dihu scolded him heartily.

Bai Lang and others were so angry that they almost vomited blood.

They knew this rule, but were they asked to kneel down and salute Lu?

Bai Lang's face turned red with anger. He clenched his hands into fists in his sleeves. He bent down in humiliation and performed the standard kneeling salute to Lu Qian: "Your Majesty Bai Lang..."

Lu Qian knocked on the koan and said calmly: "The other eight, why don't you kneel down?"

The Baiqiong brothers gasped, gritted their teeth, looked at the soldiers surrounding them, and finally knelt down obediently.

Lu Qian looked at Bai Lang and the others who were kneeling on the ground, and laughed out loud: "I know that the vanguard army suffered a loss and lost the battle, and it has nothing to do with you... But Zhuge Li sent you here for questioning. If I follow Dayin’s military rules and kill you, it would be reasonable and reasonable.”

"But Zhuge Li sent you here to die... Tsk, if I kill you, I will look too stupid."

"You guys are still useful."

Lu Qian murmured in his heart, if he killed Bai Lang now, wouldn't he lose Bai Lu and the two sneaky baits in vain?

Last time Lu Qian activated the power of Feng Shui and caused thunder to severely injure those sneaks. I don’t know if they dare to come to Lu Qian for trouble. If they avoid Lu Qian in the future, then Bai Lang and the others can’t. died.

"Pull them down and charge a hundred army sticks." Lu Qian waved his hand: "After the fight, throw them back and tell Zhuge Li that war is a major matter for the country and cannot be slacked off. If he continues to suffer defeat next time... he can't do it once Send a few Master Bai to top the tank at once, right?"

The Bailang brothers were full of resentment and were dragged out by the military judge without a word. They were lined up at the door of the curtain. They took off their pants and walked down with their military sticks. .

Bai Lang and the others were not weak in cultivation, so they instinctively used Yuan Gang to counteract the force on the military stick.

Even so, a hundred military sticks beat them to pieces, causing each of them to faint several times from the pain. Especially the two who were the youngest and the weakest, their pelvic bones were even broken.

Lu Qian sent people to throw the nine brothers back to Zhuge Li. It is said that Zhuge Li didn't even come forward to question them.

In the valley road, Zhuge Li's men were saving lives and healing the wounded. They set up a camp on the spot and blocked the valley road tightly.

Because of the raid by the mob, the guards at Anping Pass became extremely cautious. When Zhuge Liang's troops entered the city, they marched in groups one by one. Only after a group of troops and horses had completely entered the city could the troops in the rear leave the camp and press the button. Go in order.

As a result, Zhuge Li's army would not be able to completely pass through Anping Pass without five or six days.

The main force of the anti-rebellion army, organized by the Ministry of War and the City Defense Army Lieutenant's Office, with a total number of six million, is already halfway at the moment.

The mighty main force of the anti-rebellion army was galloping towards the south.

After all, the marching speed of such a large army will definitely not be as fast as that of Lu Qian's supervisor army and Zhuge Li's vanguard army. Even so, the main army can still march thousands of miles every day.

The main army's central army, the city defense officer, the general, the Zhuguo, the false ax, the right minister of the Ministry of War, Wang Pu, who comes from the Wang family of the Six Saints of Culture and Education, is riding a big blue horse with white spots, heading towards The military commander beside him gave orders.

Wang Pu, who was in his fifties, tall, elegant, slightly dark-skinned, with a high-pitched and powerful voice that sounded like gold and iron, sneered disdainfully when he looked at the information that had just been sent by the falcon in the army.

"Zhuge Li is a loser."

"It's not unusual to lose a battle; what's strange is to be defeated by a group of ordinary people."

Wang Pu flicked his fingers, and the small note in his hand exploded into powder.

"Let a cavalry team from the front army rush forward and rush to Anping Pass to join Zhuge Li. Don't let this guy get picked up before he reaches Anping Prefecture, and he will lose my face."

"Send an order to the supervisor, Lu Qian, to wait for me outside Anping Pass and inform the Anping Pass guard that Lu Qian is not allowed to enter."

"We will handle the matters in Anping Prefecture ourselves. We cannot let his eunuchs who guard the palace get in the way."

"Hmph, red lotus appears, enjoy peace?"

Wang Pu drooped his eyelids, his eyes flashed strangely, and he glanced at the burly men with expressionless expressions wearing heavy armor around him with a strange look on his face, and then he laughed "hehe".

"The Secret Agreement of the Three Religions... Shit!"

It's night, around Anping Pass.

During the day, Zhuge Li's vanguard army was attacked by rebels and suffered heavy losses. Zhuge Li's official document had been spread to hundreds of miles around the counties and counties, ordering the surrounding counties to cooperate, capture the rebels, and help quell the chaos.

Nowadays, nearly 70% of the local officials in Dayin are disciples of Wenjiao. Zhuge Li's official documents use the private seals representing the direct descendants of the Zhuge family, one of the Six Wenjiao sages. Officials in various counties and counties took action after hearing this.

City defense troops, government officials, police officers, etc. from all counties came out in full force to conduct strict inspections of the place.

Even the Forbidden Army garrisons in some counties were mobilized, and most of them went out of the city for inspection.

It is obvious that the influence of cultural and educational officials around Anping Prefecture has infiltrated into the local Forbidden Army garrison.

Less than thirty miles away from where Zhuge Lili was attacked during the day, a huge town was brightly lit.

At night, the two to thirty thousand people in the town all wore red ribbons on their heads, carried lanterns, and gathered around an altar to worship. A large cauldron burned red, and baskets of fragrant powder were continuously poured into the cauldron. The green smoke can reach dozens of feet high.

On the altar, on a bloody lotus platform, is a lifelike wooden statue.

The figure has a beautiful face, a high bun on his head, a red robe, and necklaces all over his body.

Two tall men wearing heavy bronze armor and apricot-yellow robes, one on the left and one on the right, stood beside the wooden statues, like two clay statues of King Kong, motionless and silent.

Green smoke filled the wood carvings and the two big men with a strong fragrance.

There are village elders in some towns holding long incense and reciting sacrificial inscriptions loudly towards the altar. They are nothing more than slogans such as "red lotus appears, enjoy peace".

As they chanted, a big man on the altar waved his right hand, and a circle of red light lit up above the head of the wooden statue. Then the whole body of the wooden statue quickly ignited with a red flame about a foot high.

The flames were so hot that the villagers who were near the altar were sweating profusely.

However, the wooden figure was not damaged at all even though it was wrapped in flames.

Not only that, two heavily armored men were leaning next to the wooden sculptures. They allowed the flames to linger around their bodies, but there were no injuries on their bodies. Even the apricot yellow robes on their bodies were not burned at all.

Countless people shouted in unison: "The Red Lotus Goddess appears, the Vajra protector is so powerful!"

The sound was rolling and spread throughout dozens of miles.

Just next door to this town, there was a large river about a mile wide. I saw a huge town on the other side of the river. It was also brightly lit. There were also countless elders kneeling down to worship and chanting slogans.

Looking down from a high altitude, there are more than a few hundred towns and villages that are still noisy in the middle of the night within a thousand miles east of Anping Pass.

With the sound of horse hooves, a team of hundreds of government officials, policemen, and city defense soldiers broke into the town. They rushed toward the center of the town, which was the most noisy.

One of the catchers waved a long knife and roared: "What are you doing? What are you doing? You are burning incense in the middle of the night..."


A brick flew from the darkness and hit the catcher in front of him until his cheek was sunken. He vomited blood and fell to the ground heavily.

From all directions, countless townspeople stood up and surrounded the small team step by step.

The city defense military captain who led the team was horrified and cried out: "They, they are going to rebel... go, go, go..."

On the altar, two venerable men suddenly shouted loudly: "Kill the demon!"

Tens of thousands of townspeople responded in unison: "Kill the demon!"

In the dark night, countless townspeople roared and rushed toward the official team that invaded the town as if they were crazy.

Two heavy-armored men jumped down from the altar, raised their arms and shouted: "Kill the demons and purify the world. The Red Lotus Goddess soldiers, the people will enjoy blessings. Worship the Goddess, abolish taxes and kill the demons!"

Amidst the roar, hundreds of officers and soldiers were torn to pieces in just half a quarter of an hour.

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