Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 139 The War Demon Attacks

Not to mention that during the day, because Lu Qian did not go out to fight, the attempted counterattack of the pacifying army lost troops and generals.

Not to mention how furious Wang Pu and everyone in the War Demon Palace were when the news reached Anping Pass that Wang Hu had been beaten with a hundred military sticks, Lu Qian had swallowed a large sum of money, and no troops had been sent to help.

March 3, that night.

A flamingo with a huge wingspan passed silently over the county magistrate's mansion. A beautiful female cultivator with hair in a red robe quietly jumped off the back of the flamingo and landed lightly on Lu Qianqiao. wearing a long red scarf in the yard.

Lu Qian received this female nun named ‘Zhuyue’ from the Buddhist Honglian Temple in the north room of the small courtyard.

Lu Jun and Lu Yi accompanied him.

Last night, Wang Hu came to the door. The jade gourd he brought was placed neatly on the small square table. He took out a drop of medicinal liquid from it and put it in an exquisite jade bowl. He was using various medicinal powders and potions carefully. Identify the efficacy of this medicinal solution.

After Lu Qian received the jade gourd last night, Lu Jun spread the news through the channels of the Great Vajra Temple.

After waiting for a whole day, the Buddhist sect responded and sent Zhuyue, who happened to be nearby to deliver the Red Lotus Solid Pill to the rioters, and rushed over to check it out.

Various medicinal powders and medicines continued to merge with the liquid medicine, which was as heavy as a drop of mercury, completely black, and reflected the cold light of metal.

Amidst the sound of 'chichi', smoke of various colors slowly rose.

Lu Qian opened the doors and windows early and let the night wind blow away the smoke, fearing that there was something wrong in the smoke.

After half an hour passed like this, Zhuyue frowned and reached out of the house door with her backhand.

A night bird just flew over the small courtyard. The air in the small courtyard suddenly collapsed. An invisible force field enveloped the unlucky bird. With a bird song, the night bird was sucked into Zhuyue from more than ten feet away. in hand.

Month after month, he poured this drop of testing liquid into the mouth of the night bird.

In just a few breaths, Night Bird's eyes suddenly turned red, and its body more than doubled in size. With a harsh tearing sound, all the skin and flesh on Night Bird's body were torn apart, and all the bones and meridians were thinned. broken.

"In this temple, I can only be regarded as average in terms of pharmacology. There are so many medicinal books in the Sutra Pavilion, and I have only read one or two hundred." Zhuyue's voice was clear and cool, like the cleanest stream in the valley in spring. , very pleasant to the ear.

She tapped her slender fingers on the table and frowned: "Fortunately, I am very interested in all kinds of evil poisons, poisons, and all kinds of heretical medicines. This gourd secret medicine, if I am not mistaken, should be a war weapon." The remaining liquid of the 'Nine Transformations True Demonic Pill' is refined in the Demon Palace."

Month after month, he explained the efficacy of this residual liquid to Lu Qian and others in detail.

The content of her story was similar to what Wang Pu heard from the deacon at the outer gate of Anping Guan.

"This is not a good thing." Zhuyue sneered at the remaining gourd liquid: "If monks like me take it, it will pollute the foundation of the Tao, just like ink soaked in clear water. It will take countless hard work to dispel it."

"If ordinary people take it, they will be able to achieve a good level of cultivation in a very short time, but the potential will be completely exhausted in a very short time, and their spiritual intelligence will be wiped out, and they will become a puppet. This life will be ruined."

Zhuyue shook his head and said: "You are right not to be fooled by the evil heretics' methods."

She frowned and laughed "hehe" Zhuyue. She looked at Lu Yi, then at Lu Jun and Lu Yi, and said with a smile: "It would be incredible if you were fooled. How could they think of letting you Cooperate with them?"

Lu Qian, Lu Jun, and Lu Yi laughed at the same time.

Let the disciples of the Great Vajra Temple lead the army to attack the chaos provoked by the Great Vajra Temple.

Wang Pu and the others suffered a lot from this boring loss.

Zhuyue put away a set of testing equipment, and also put away the jade gourd: "I will take this kind of disaster back and let the elders of this temple destroy it. It is always inappropriate to leave it in your hands."

Zhuyue turned around and walked out of the room, whistling softly.

She turned around again, smiled at the three of them, and said: "You guys at the Great Vajra Temple have worked hard. When the heaven and earth are restored, the fire lotuses that are over a thousand years old in our temple can be harvested. I'll see if I can find a way. You eat thousand-year-old fire lotus seeds."

The huge flamingo flew silently over the yard.

Zhuyue's body swayed, and suddenly turned into a wisp of red clouds and rose into the sky, landing on the back of the flamingo in an instant.

The flamingo raised its head and shot up almost ninety degrees to the sky. In an instant, it rushed to the very high clouds and could no longer be seen.

Suddenly, a small black dot fell from the sky and landed straight on Lu Qian's head.

Lu Qian hurriedly stretched out his hand and grabbed a jade box that was more than a foot long that fell from the air. He opened the jade box and found a lotus root that was one foot long, as warm as jade, light red all over, and exuding a faint warmth.

Compared with the lotus root that Lu Qian and Lu Jun took a few days ago to restore their vitality, the quality of this lotus root was much higher. Just smelling the warm breath it exudes, there is a surge of heat all over the body, which shows that it is powerful.

"Senior Sister Zhuyue is a generous and amiable person." Lu Qian smiled and put away the jade box.

Lu Jun and Lu Yi also nodded one after another, staring at the jade box in Lu Qian's hand with eager eyes.

As Zhuyue soared into the sky riding a flamingo, a group of more than a hundred people dressed in white and holding red lotus flags filed out of the back door of Wang Hu's mansion.

Walking two miles along the deserted back street, you will find the back door of the Sheriff's Mansion.

During extraordinary times, the back entrance of the Sheriff's Mansion is also heavily guarded. There are hundreds of guards stationed here, and the surrounding area is illuminated by lanterns and torches.

The hundred or so big men in white didn't conceal their actions at all, and they marched straight to the back door of the county governor's house while holding flags openly.

When the guards guarding the gate saw this group of men in white, they immediately scolded them.

A dull sound broke through the air, and hundreds of men in white turned into afterimages and flew forward at the same time. With just one jump, they arrived in front of these guards. With a slight wave of the long knife in their hands, more than a hundred guards were cut in half.

The shrill screams shattered the quiet night. A man in white pressed his left hand lightly, and a faint black smoke appeared in front of him. A ferocious ghost with a ferocious face flashed past. The entire back door, including the gate tower, The walls on both sides were blown to pieces at the same time.

The loud noise alarmed the entire county governor's mansion, and dense bangs sounded from everywhere. The servants and guards who were on duty at night screamed in surprise.

Lu Qian, Lu Jun, and Lu Yi were about to go back to their houses when they suddenly heard a noise not far away.

Lu Qian's expression changed slightly, and he was about to jump up to the roof to take a closer look.

His small yard is in the backyard of the Sheriff's Mansion, only separated by a wall from the garden behind. Those men in white are very fast. They obviously know the specific location of Lu Qian. The sound of banging just started, and they have already crossed the entire back garden. , roaring and rushed outside Lu Qian's back wall.

There was a muffled sound and a sharp ghost whistle rose into the sky.

The entire back wall of Lu Qian's courtyard collapsed, and large and small gravels and rotten bricks were driven in, smashing several houses in the courtyard to pieces.

Ahu held up a demon-conquering pestle and rushed out from the collapsed house with a large amount of smoke and dust: "Which donkey..."

A white shadow rushed in front of Ahu and punched him in front of him.

Ahu screamed strangely, and smashed the opponent's fist head-on with the magic pestle in his hand.

The fist and the Demon-Conquering Pestle collided heavily, and Ahu vomited blood, twisting his arms and flying back.

The Demonic Pestle was hit hard by the opponent's fist, and a black smoke flashed past the opponent's fist. The Demonic Pestle seemed to be stimulated, and large bright red sparks spurted out, all over the opponent's face.

The sparks quickly turned into flames, and the upper body of the figure in white quickly burned.

There were endless screams, and what was hidden in Ahu's pestle was the karmic fire of the Great Brahma Purifying World Sect. It is a very high-ranking and domineering flame in Buddhism, and it is most incompatible with the demonic methods.

The first man who rushed into the small courtyard was more than ten times higher in cultivation than Ahu, but when he was burned by the flames, black smoke continued to rush out of his body, adding fuel to the fire, causing the flames on his body to change. Be more intense.

In just a short breath, the strong smell of barbecue wafted in the air.

The front door of Lu Qian's courtyard was kicked open, and Yu Diaihu and other guards rushed in without saying a word.

Before Yu Diaihu and the others could collide with the enemy, Lu Qian had already shouted loudly: "Back off!"

Yu Diaihu and others looked at Lu Qian at a loss.

Several people in white clothes were already shouting the slogan "Red Lotus Appears" in a very awkward manner, and rushed to Lu Qian in one step. They held up the lingering shadows with their hands. The ghosts and gods could be faintly flickered, and a terrifying devouring and strangulating power came from them. The palm keeps releasing.

Lu Qian's body froze slightly.

The suction force of the palms of these men in white was so overbearing that it not only absorbed Lu Qian's body, but also the essence and blood in his body fluctuated, as if it was about to be sucked out of his pores.

Lu Jun and Lu Yi shouted in unison. At this critical moment, they did not care about hiding anything. The two brothers simultaneously performed the secret skills of the Great Vajra Temple. A Vajra Seal lit up between their eyebrows. Their bodies suddenly grew more than a foot taller, and their skin turned light. The golden color of his fists was even more densely covered with diamond patterns, as if they were made of gold.

Four golden fists stirred up strong winds and hit several men in white hard.

Several people in white suddenly opened their eyes and exclaimed in horror: "You are not..."

Before setting off, these disciples of the War Demon Palace under the banner of chaos heard Wang Hu say that Lu Qian and the others were ordinary disciples of Dayin. They had practiced some martial arts passed down from their families, and they could reach the cultivation level of the Meridian Expansion Realm. Up to the sky.

To these disciples of the War Demon Palace, all secular martial arts cultivators in the Tuo Pulse Realm are just stronger ants.

When Meng Buding saw the diamond seals between Lu Jun and Lu Yi's eyebrows, these War Demon Palace disciples scolded Wang Hu bloody in their hearts!

Under the guise of being a rioter, they actually rushed into the 'den' of the disciples of the Great Vajra Temple?

What a joke!

Lu Jun and Lu Yi shouted in unison, and their punches were like meteors, landing heavily on several War Demon Hall disciples.

The Great Vajra Temple is a Buddhist sect that protects the Dharma. It is best at practicing physical exercises. It focuses on tempering the Vajra Dharma body and defeating all dharma with one force.

The fists of Lu Jun and Lu Yi were extremely hard and fierce, and the Vajra Zen power they cultivated was powerful and domineering, full of the power to destroy evil.

Heavy punches fell, and the sound of broken bones continued to sound.

Several War Demon Palace disciples who used secret techniques to trap Lu Qian vomited blood and were blasted away by Lu Jun and Lu Yi.

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