Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 156 Destined

Jiayou's nineteenth year, March 30th.

Xiong Taidou led the army and retreated to the west.

Countless rioters have built a sizable city wall on the valley road leading to Anping Prefecture. Xiong Taidou led his army and retreated behind this city wall to reorganize their food, grass and baggage.

After Xiong Taidou withdrew his troops, less than an hour later, trumpets sounded, war drums burst, and smoke and dust rose into the sky on the east side of Anping Pass. An army several times larger than Wang Pu's anti-rebellion army arrived outside Anping Pass in a mighty manner. .

Wang Pu is dead.

The commander of the newly reinforced army to quell the rebellion was his cousin Wang (Wang Bu).

Following the orders of the emperor and the general, Lu Qian and Wang (Wang Bu) completed the handover.

During the handover, Wang (Wang Bu) had an extremely cold attitude towards Lu Qian. In fact, his eyes when he looked at Lu Qian were full of hostility.

"Master Wang, it seems this is the first time we have met?" Lu Qian didn't understand where Wang (Wang Bu)'s hostility came from. Is it possible that he knew that Wang Pu's death was related to him? That doesn’t make sense!

Wang (Wang Bu) did not say a word, but looked up and down at Lu Qian seriously.

After Wang Pu died in the battle, Lu Qian actually took over the anti-rebellion army at Anping Pass and repelled the attacks of Anping Prefecture rebels one after another.

This made all the important ministers of the cultural and educational families below Zhu Chong feel strongly uneasy.

They deeply doubted whether Wang Pu's death was related to Lu Qian.

They were even more worried about whether Lu Qian knew part of the truth about Anping Prefecture during the period when he was in charge of the anti-rebellion army.

"How did Wang Pu die?" After a long silence, Wang (Wang Bu) asked Lu Qian politely.

"Assassinated by a rebel master." Lu Qian gave the perfect standard answer.

"Why were you not killed?" Wang (Wang Bu) stared at Lu Qian and asked him directly why Wang Pu died, but Lu Qian was unscathed after taking over the army to quell the rebellion.

"Maybe I'm more capable than him?" Lu Qian looked at Wang (Wang Bu) without showing any weakness: "Some people enjoy high positions, but they are actually useless. Why does Mr. Wang think that if Wang Pu was assassinated, I will definitely Are you going to make the same mistake again?"

Wang (Wang Bu) looked at Lu Qian expressionlessly. After a long time, he smiled brilliantly: "That's right, Mr. Tianyang is indeed young and promising. No wonder the emperor is thinking about you so much and hurriedly transferred you back. Hao Jing is accompanying the king."

Shaking his head, Wang (Wang Bu) sighed: "There are sneaks in Haojing again, making a lot of noise, so your majesty is thinking about Duke Tianyang. When Duke Tianyang goes back, you must be diligent and careful. If you can't say it, you can." Where's the title of "Jun" or "King"?"

Lu Qian looked at Wang (Wang Bu) with a smile.

What Wang (Wang Bu) said is really a curse without using any curse words.

He clearly said that Lu Qian was granted the title of Duke Tianyang by flattering the emperor, helping the emperor catch ghosts and exorcise evil spirits, and made great contributions. This time Lu Qian was transferred back to Haojing. Maybe he could catch a few more sneakies and his title could be promoted to another level.

"Lord Wang, please be careful too. It would be bad if I received your obituary notice just after I returned to Haojing." Lu Qian spoke with the same sinister tone: "Look, your name is Wang (Wang Bu). (Wang Bu) looks so similar to the obituary in the obituary!"

Wang (Wang Bu)'s face suddenly darkened.

Lu Qian's words were so unlucky that Wang (Wang Bu) wanted to spit in Lu Qian's face.

Seeing Wang (Wang Bu)'s face become so ugly, Lu Qian felt inexplicably happy. He laughed loudly and said: "Master Wang, you must be careful. Our enemies are not just those chaotic people west of Anping Pass." Democratic power.”

"There are also rioters in the east of Anping Pass. They are not many in number, but they are extremely difficult to deal with. You must be careful!"

Lu Qian hugged the king (Wang Bu) and turned around to leave.

With an order, Lu Qian, Lu Jun, and Lu Yi, together with the army of supervisors, drove out of Anping Pass in a mighty manner and ran straight towards Haojing.

The king (Wang Bu) and the generals he brought stood on the wall of Anping Guandong City, watching Lu Qian's army go away with a complicated expression.

"Beat the drums, gather the generals, and let's all discuss how to pacify Anping Prefecture as soon as possible." The king (Wang Bu) loudly ordered: "Also, where are the young masters of Bai Changkong Mountain? Please be respectful. They participate in military discussions as military advisors and generals.”

Wang (Wang Bu) muttered in a low voice with envy and jealousy: "A living saint? This old ghost Bai Changkong... took advantage of his nine grandsons!"

Thinking of Bai Changkong's current reputation in Haojing City.

Think again about Bai Changkong's distant niece, who was directly canonized as a noble concubine by the emperor!

Especially the news coming from the palace, according to the usual practice, relatives like Bai Changkong are to be given a title. It is said that Concubine Bai was born to be the most charming and enchanting person in the country. She was so enchanting that she coaxed the emperor to give the Bai Changkong family the title of "Gong"?

Zhu Song, who originally held a grudge against Bai Changkong and wanted to kill Bai Changkong and his nine sons, was also scolded by Zhu Chong.

At present, Bai Changkong seems to be the most popular cultural and educational brand. How many people are busy trying to cling to it?

Even Wang (Wang Bu) received instructions from the Wang family, asking him to cultivate the nine Bailangs well, and on the premise of ensuring their safety, let them share more military merits, so as to befriend Bai Changkong!

"Military merits, military merits, there are only so many military merits. We gave them nine, how many do we have left?" Next to Wang (Wang Bu), a Wang general complained in a low voice.

Wang (Wang Bu) glanced at him sideways and shook his head: "How stupid are you? Shouldn't we report this military merit to the superiors? Just report more. You killed 100,000 rebels in one battle, and you won't report even one." A million dollars? A bunch of stupid people, how can they be like our Wang family?"

Lu Qian's army galloped along the Chi Road for a long time.

When he was hundreds of miles away from Anping Pass, Lu Qiance rode up a hill and looked back in the direction of Anping Pass.

"Tsk, two brothers, you lead the army back to Haojing." Lu Qian said with a cold face, and ordered Lu Jun and Lu Yi: "Go slowly and delay for a while. I will stay at Anping Pass for a few more days, and I must not be able to do it. Let Taidou Xiong succeed so easily."

Lu Jun and Lu Yi were moved when they heard this, and nodded at the same time: "Brother, don't worry, we must not let him take all the credit. But, you are alone, I'm afraid..."

Lu Qian smiled and shook his head. He was not alone: ​​"It doesn't matter. It's more convenient for me to be alone outside. I..."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Qian suddenly raised his head and looked due south.

Directly in the south, a man about ten feet tall with a fleshy face, eyebrows and big eyes, and bronze muscles on his exposed chest looked like steel. He was riding a strangely-looking mount, carrying a very tall horse. The large animal skin package was speeding towards this side along the galloping road.

The mount was completely black and shaped like a red deer. Instead of coral-slit antlers on its forehead, there were two straight three-foot sharp horns, which were pitch black and shiny, like two short spears growing on its head.

Compared with Lu Qian's mount, Bloodhoof Wuzui, this strange-looking mount was two times larger in stature.

Especially its running speed was astonishing. When Lu Qian saw the big man standing on the hill, he was still nearly a hundred miles away, but in just a few breaths, the mount had already galloped several miles away.

Lu Qian, Lu Jun, and Lu Yi felt a surge of excitement in their souls - at this guy's speed, could he easily run hundreds of thousands of miles in a day?

This is definitely a strange beast mount whose alien bloodline has not dissipated. It is completely incomparable to Dayin's current mounts such as Bloodhoof Wuzui, Qingyunliu, and Canglang.

The big man came so fast that the light cavalry of the Yulin Army at the rear had no time to react. They only felt their eyes blurred as the big man rode his mount through the army and arrived at the foot of the hill.


It was only then that the Canglang Cavalry under Lu Jun and Lu Yi shouted in unison, grabbed their long bows, nocked arrows, and surrounded the big man from all directions.

"I am a compassionate Buddha, and I have no ill intentions, monk." The big man touched his bare scalp and jumped off his mount.

There was a 'dong' sound. I don't know whether it was the weight of the big man or the too heavy thing in the animal skin package in his hand. When he landed, there was a huge muffled sound. The ground trembled slightly, and hundreds of animals around him were heard. The wolf growled extremely uneasily.

Lu Qian raised his eyebrows.

‘My Buddha is compassionate’?

Is this bald man a Buddhist?

Is such a burly man a disciple of the Great Vajra Temple?

"Don't be rude to Master, put down your weapons." Lu Qian waved his hand, raised his hands to the monk and said with a smile, "Dare you ask Master?"

"Monk Kongkong is just an ordinary monk." Monk Kongkong carried the animal skin package and strode up the hill. Standing on the ground, Monk Kongkong's exquisite mount was more than three feet taller than Monk Kongkong. , slowly followed behind him.

"The monk was meditating in the mountains. Suddenly, on a whim, I felt that you, the donor, and I, the monk, are destined. Therefore, I specially sent some items to the donor to help the donor succeed!"

Monk Kongkong shouted loudly. His energy was particularly strong, and tens of thousands of soldiers from far and near could hear clearly.

Many generals and commanders under Lu Qian, especially those belonging to the Palace Guards, all looked at Lu Qian with wide eyes and a look of disbelief on his face - a worldly master who gave treasures to heroes on the way to help them achieve great achievements. This is not the romance in the market. Is it a scene from a novel?

Love, is there really such a thing?

Monk Kongkong walked up to Lu Qian and unwrapped the animal skin, revealing a set of black full-body armor, an equally black Zhangba long spear, and a bow with extremely thick arms and a string as thick as a little finger. A longbow seven feet long.

"I am Kong Kong. According to seniority, the three of you have to call me uncle." Monk Kongkong lowered his voice: "According to the decree of the presiding officer, I have sent this set of armored soldiers to Lu Qian to facilitate your actions and work for our sect."

"Well, the host has told you to let that little thief Tu Tu accept you directly into the inner gate."

Monk Kongkong touched his bare head and continued: "The abbot has promised you the four Red Lotus Crossing Edans. As soon as you refine them, someone will deliver them directly to you. The abbot said, don't embarrass Mr. Xiong Taidou." .”

"Oh, by the way, below the word "Shi" is the name "Fa"." Monk Kongkong smiled and looked at Lu Qian: "The host and several elders thought about it for a long time and gave you an excellent dharma title."

Lu Qian's heart skipped a beat, and an inexplicable uneasy throbbing hit his heart.

“May I ask Master Kongkong’s uncle, what is his dharma name?”

Kongkong smiled brightly: "Fahai... your power is boundless and as vast as the sea, which shows the host's ardent hope for you."

Lu Qian's smile was completely frozen, and his eyes were staring straight into the sky.

In his sleeve, the green snake moved slightly, and Lu Qian suddenly had the urge to throw the green snake thousands of miles away.


'Fahai'! !

'Fahai'! ! !

Lu Qian wanted to curse.

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