Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 170 Adding insult to injury (2)

Qi Xin?

Unknown sudden death?

Uncle Dongqi issued a proclamation and raised an army to rebel?

In the main hall, Lu Qian stayed for a long time, and the name Qi Ren was almost completely forgotten by him. It originally happened more than a month and two months ago, but it seems like many years have passed.

He was an unloved playboy who was sent to Haojing as a hostage by his own father. He was given some money every year and allowed to live in Haojing and live in mischief.

Because he and Liu Wu had similar odors and became good friends, Liu Wu ended up being involved in the "Green Bird Sneaking" incident.

Because Lu Que was involved with Concubine Qi, the Cold Palace in the Imperial City was haunted. The Empress Dowager did not stop and took Qi Ren and Liu Wu to the Imperial City as bait. In the end, Lu Qian relied on the pure Zen light to eliminate the ghosts in the Imperial City. However, Qi Xun, Liu Wu and other baits were also wiped out.

Next to Qi Xun, there was a sword guard from the Haojian Palace of Eastern China.

These sword guards were even instigated by Zhu Yu to attack and kill Lu Qian because of Qi Xun's death.

It's just that they were unlucky. They happened to encounter Wu Shui, whose cultivation level had soared after Lu Qian killed Sneaky. He attacked and killed Wu Shui, and was seriously injured by his punch. After those sword guards swore a blood oath, they left with the seriously injured Wu Shui.

I originally thought that Qi Ren would be dead if he died. After all, he was just an unloved proton.

Unexpectedly, Uncle Dong Qi actually used the name of Qi Xun to rebel!


The Queen Mother patted the long case again, and shouted in shock and anger: "Where is Li Zi, Qing Hongluo? How did you explain Qiluo's death to Uncle Dong Qi?"

In the train, Li Zi, who had been smiling and watching the excitement, walked out slowly and saluted to Yinyuan and the Queen Mother behind the pearl curtain in an unhurried and unhurried manner.

"Your Majesty, Queen Mother, I wrote to Uncle Dong Qi, explaining that Qi Xun unfortunately died of a sudden illness, and on behalf of the court, I extended my grace and allowed Uncle Dong Qi to bury Qi Xun with the courtesy of a marquis. His ashes were also arranged by me. Sent back."

Li Zi frowned and said softly: "It's just that according to my estimation, Qi Xun's ashes should still be halfway down the road."

Yinyuan laughed and said, "Is it just the opposite? It's just Uncle Dong Qi."

Li Zi raised his head and looked at Yinyuan very strangely: "Your Majesty, although the title of Uncle Dong Qi's ancestor was only 'uncle', now, Uncle Dong Qi is already one of the great princes in Eastern China. His family's territory is one hundred thousand miles in circumference." , with tens of billions of people and strong soldiers and horses, it cannot be underestimated."

Yinyuan waved his hand disapprovingly: "So what? It's just tens of billions of people and a hundred thousand territories. There is no need to send out the imperial army. With an imperial edict and the other princes of Eastern China joining forces to quell the chaos, it is enough to bring down Uncle Dong Qi. Let’s suppress it?”

All civil and military officials nodded and smiled.

Indeed, what is the rebellion of a mere family of princes in Dongqibo?

There are hundreds of large and small princes in Eastern China, and several large princes adjacent to Dong Qi Bo have territorial disputes with Dong Qi Bo. Several princes have a small fight every three years, a big fight every five years, and ten or twenty years. Every year, there will always be a war involving millions of people.

According to common sense, when the emperor issued an imperial edict, several big princes from the surrounding areas would join forces, and then dozens of small princes would gather to join forces to besiege him. A mere Dong Qi Bo was just a piece of fat to be divided up.

In comparison, the rebellion in Anping Prefecture, eight thousand miles away from Haojing and located in the heart of Dayin, was more difficult.

After listening to Yinyuan's words, the purple-clothed eunuch who was kneeling on the ground cautiously raised his head and glanced at Yinyuan secretly.

When Yu Changle saw the little action of the eunuch in purple, his heart suddenly skipped a beat. He pointed at the eunuch and shouted sternly: "What are you doing sneakily? Where have you learned the rules?"

The eunuch in purple tremblingly took out a document and raised it above his head respectfully.

"Here is the message from Dong Qibo sent back from Eastern China... It has the joint signatures of nearly a hundred princes. They said..."

The whole hall was filled with deathly silence, and everyone's expressions became extremely ugly, regardless of whether they were civil or military nobles.

If only Dong Qibo's family rebelled, it would be nothing more than a disease for the huge Dayin.

But there are hundreds of princes’ joint signatures on the memorandum, hundreds of princes...

The eunuch in purple knelt on the ground, his body trembling and covered in cold sweat.

He held up the message, bent down and lowered his head, not daring to move. All civil and military eyes were focused on him. Gradually, the eunuch's arms began to shake violently, and everyone heard the "clucking" sound of his teeth. .

But no one said anything or moved. Even General Le Wu, who had been shouting and yelling to put pressure on Zhu Chong, closed his mouth tightly at this moment, his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

In the train, Lu Yi glanced at Lu Qian and raised his chin towards the eunuch.

Lu Qian pondered for a moment, then strode out of the train, snatched the memo from the eunuch in purple, unfolded it in his hand, and read it quickly.

Dong Qibo's wording in his statement was extremely strong.

He pointed out clearly, "The emperor is unkind, the queen mother is immoral, and she tortures and kills the princes and princes."

He defended himself, 'Uncle Dongqi's lineage has been loyal and loyal for generations, but there are monsters in the country, the hen is in charge of the morning, the queen mother is monopolizing power, and her relatives are rampant. The emperor is unethical, unkind, and dissolute and incompetent. The princes are like being in a hot pot of fire, and their lives are precarious'!

Therefore, Uncle Dong Qi concluded, "Unless he has delusions, he is of the same line as Dong Qi, but he only seeks justice and lives."

In short, in the essay, Uncle Dong Qi scolded the Queen Mother, the Emperor, and the General bloody, and his rhetoric was extremely gorgeous. It seemed that the Great Yin Kingdom was going to be completely destroyed because of the three of them.

Because the Queen Mother, the Emperor, and General Wu Dao tortured and killed his most distressed, most precious, and beloved Crown Prince Qi Xun, so... the government forced the people to rebel, and the people had no choice but to rebel!

Behind the proclamation, there is a line of notes: The experience of Uncle Dong Qi's family and the unfortunate murder of Qi Ren made several princes of Eastern China feel the same and express their deep sympathy. We are all good friends of our neighbors. When such a thing happens , everyone is loyal to Dayin, and they are too embarrassed to join Dong Qi Bo in revolting, but they can't help but wave flags and cheer for Dong Qi Bo.

It is difficult for one side to get support from all sides, so hundreds of princes from Eastern China signed a petition to support Uncle Dong Qi.

Dong Qibo's fiefdom is far away from Dayin's core territory, and is separated by more than a dozen princes' fiefdoms. If these princes fulfill their duties, Dongqibo's army will not be able to threaten him without spending decades. To the Dayin court.

But the princes who signed the petition included these dozen princes.

In other words, Uncle Dong Qi's army can follow the Chi Road unimpeded all the way to the east gate of Dayin's core territory - Dongjie City.

Lu Qian read the memorandum again, then stepped forward and handed it to Yu Changle.

Yu Changle had a gloomy face and quickly read the memorandum. His face became more and more ugly, and without saying anything, he handed the memorandum to Yinyuan.

Without looking, Yinyuan stood up, stretched out his hand to open the pearl curtain behind him, and slapped the message on the Queen Mother's desk: "Queen Mother, look at this, what should we do?"

The Queen Mother took the memorandum, gritted her teeth and hurriedly scanned it, then read it carefully again. Finally, she reviewed the memorandum carefully, almost word for word.

"Rebellious ministers and traitors, wolfish ambitions, simply, simply..." The Queen Mother's face became extremely ugly.

Qi Xuan's death was of course related to her.

It was she who gave the order to use Qi Xun as bait to lure out the sneaky people who were causing trouble in the imperial city.

Uncle Dong Qi's statement attributed all the cause and effect of his rebellion to the sudden death of Qi Ren.

Therefore, the Queen Mother is likely to be blamed for 'forcing the princes to rebel'.

Words such as 'Chicken Si Chen' and 'foreign relative' in the appeal are even more shocking and are simply heart-wrenching words.

The Queen Mother glanced at the civil servants in the court who suddenly became energetic, and her heart sank again.

If these cultural and educational officials, who have disciples all over the world and are best at stirring up trouble, use this matter to criticize herself, the Queen Mother will be a little worried, and her position may not be preserved.

Eastern China was originally the base camp of culture and education, the place where they made their fortune and rose to prominence!

It’s hard to say whether there was something else hidden in Dong Qibo’s rebellion.

Originally, this time, the entire army to quell the rebellion was wiped out, and the Queen Mother planned to give the ministers of culture and education a hard blow and take away several important positions from their hands.

But as soon as Uncle Dong Qi's message came out... the Queen Mother had no choice but to compromise.

Taking a deep breath and calming down, the Queen Mother slowly put down her message and said leisurely: "It's really lively now. Hey, the rebellion in Anping Prefecture hasn't been put down yet. How come this Uncle Dong Qi pops up again?"

Zhu Chong coughed lightly: "Queen Mother, what did you write in the memorandum?"

The Queen Mother looked at Zhu Chong with a smile and asked him: "How does the Prime Minister think the rebellion in Anping Prefecture should be dealt with?"

Zhu Chong's brows suddenly widened. He looked at the slightly swaying pearl curtain, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

He smiled and said: "I think it is better to use the Chengwei Mansion as the main force to quell the chaos. In Haojing City, the city defense troops cannot be spared. Then, we will mobilize the city defense troops from other states to quell the chaos. However, we also ask the general to support some food and grass. , Baggage is the best.”

After a slight pause, Zhu Chong smiled again and said: "This time, I recommend that the Minister of War, Mo Luoxian, personally lead the army to go out. Everyone, who agrees and who... objects?"

The atmosphere in the hall began to change quietly.

The nobles who had just been madly lashing out all shrank their heads and stopped talking.

The civil servants gradually gained momentum one by one.

General Lewu, as well as the generals from the General's Office and the Fifth Army Office, kept their mouths tightly shut.

The Queen Mother's laughter rang out: "That's very good. Let's do it according to the Prime Minister's wishes. But, over there in the East Boundary City..."

Zhu Chong smiled and waved his hand: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, Queen Mother, the guard of the four border cities of Dayin and the east border city is Zhuge Duming, a member of the Zhuge clan. He likes martial arts and has mastered the art of commanding troops. He is rare in our culture and education. He is versatile in both civil and military affairs, and under his command, the Eastern Boundary City is impregnable."

Zhu Chong said confidently: "Uncle Dong Qi is furious and has raised an army. It seems to be a huge force, but as long as he cannot cross the East Boundary City and waste too much money under the city, he will not be able to bear it and will eventually retreat. .”

"After he retreats, the imperial court will issue an order and then give him a grace and reward. That's all."

The Queen Mother was pleased and cheered loudly.

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