Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 194: The Emperor’s General (2)

Tonight, the Queen Mother did not say a word.

Only Yinyuan was roaring angrily, scolding the civil and military ministers like a disloyal 'foolish emperor', and Geng Ganggang gave orders arbitrarily and arranged things.

The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, whether they were relatives like Le Wu or powerful ministers like Zhu Chong, were extremely cooperative in carrying out Yinyuan's orders.

Zhuge's behavior exceeded the bottom line.

Even the cultural and educational families who should be natural allies with the Zhuge family cannot accept their betrayal this time!

Everyone is one, but you actually left the other families behind, and the whole family secretly wanted to eat alone... No matter where Zhuge's confidence comes from, no matter what Zhuge wants to do, the cultural and educational families must give them some. Look at the color.

Lu Qian and Lu Yi left Fuyao Hall.

Behind him, Yinyuan was still roaring: "Check, get to the bottom of it. All Zhuge's properties in Haojing will be confiscated, all confiscated... All officials and merchants related to Zhuge will be arrested, arrested... Confiscate all their property, all their property!”

"Old Yu, you are personally responsible for this matter... You are not allowed to pull down a single coin, and you are not allowed to miss a single copper!"

"Well, the Ministry of Rites is no longer reliable. All the officials in the Ministry of Rites, from top to bottom, have all been naked... Everyone related to them has been arrested. Their property has been seized first, and then they are slowly tortured."

"The vacant positions in the Ministry of Rites should be sealed first and sealed. There is no rush to fill them."

"Well, there is a scientific examination in May this year? General, Prime Minister, you two will be responsible for this scientific examination. The general will be the main examiner, and the Prime Minister will be the deputy examiner. That's it!"

Lu Qian and Lu Wei walked down the steps in front of Fuyao Hall with heavy steps.

After walking down the last step, Lu Yi turned around and looked at Lu Yi: "Haojian Palace has always been the private residence of the Zhuge family. Haojian Palace, we have always suspected that they are the outer sect of the Taoist Heart Sword Sect. "

Lu Qian nodded: "That's right. When Zhuge Mingming was arrested, there were swordsmen from the Haojian Palace around him who were killing people with their swords."

Lu Ye smiled slightly: "It seems that everyone can't hold it in anymore... Hey, if the disciples of Xinjian Sect don't take action and let Haojian Palace be the pathfinder, it seems that these three sects' secret agreement won't last long. .”

"Brother Qi, be careful on this trip!"

Lu Qian nodded towards Lu Ye: "Don't worry, everyone is practicing military warfare honestly, who is afraid of whom? Even if they want to use some extra-ordinary tricks, who is afraid of whom?"

Lu Yi laughed loudly, patted Lu Qian's shoulder hard, and said with satisfaction: "Very good. As expected of Senior Brother Shi Xie, he is the reincarnation of the true Buddha of Buddhism. Hahaha, who is afraid of whom?"

At the south gate of the imperial city, Lu Qian whistled, jumped on the Black Cloud Beast, and bowed his hands to the three Qingyou girls waiting lazily outside the south gate: "You three, by the emperor's order, I want to lead troops to attack the rebels. Uncle Dong Qi...well, he is backed by the Haojian Palace, the same white-clothed swordsmen you met just now."

"Are you interested? Let's go and have fun together?"

Lu Qian sent a formal invitation to Qingyou and the three girls.

Qingyou nodded slightly.

Qing Ning and Qing You happily jumped onto their little donkey and slapped the donkey's head hard: "Go, of course. We just have a chance to see what sword cultivators are like today."

Qing Ning even patted her chest: "Those guys just now are really weak. I hope I can meet some masters this time."

Lu Qian nodded, smiled, hooked his fingers at Yu Diaihu, and gave him a few instructions.

Yu Dianhu immediately led a group of personal guards and ran towards Tianyang Palace. Lu Qian was going out tonight, and Snapping Turtle was unable to move, so he stayed in Tianyang Palace. Lu Qian will definitely bring it with him on this expedition.

With the snapping turtle's now increasingly larger body, it is necessary to get some special equipment to carry it with the army.

With a whistle, all Lu Qian's ceremonial guards, including the hundreds of large scrolls that Yinyuan had just given, were erected one after another. The wolf-tailed scrolls of different colors were floating in the night wind. Lu Qian gave an order to count the numbers. Thousands of personal guards surrounded Lu Qian and rushed towards the direction of Jiuqu Garden.

Lu Wei, on the other hand, had already brought his two sons with him, bypassing the imperial city and heading straight to the north gate of Haojing.

Previously, when the Anpingguan quelled the rebellion, the entire army was wiped out. Yinyuan had already ordered 800,000 wolf cavalry from the Northern Border City to ride south. These days, the Canglang Riders are traveling day and night. With the strong endurance of the Canglangs, they are now less than ten days away from Haojing.

Lu Dao would go north to join the Canglang Cavalry, and then directly mobilize men and horses from the Fifth Army Mansion's Northern Expedition Corps to cooperate with the Canglang Cavalry and turn eastward as the main force to attack Dong Qi Bo's rebels.

Lu Qian, on the other hand, went to Jiuquyuan and used Yinyuan's troops command arrows to directly mobilize 100,000 elite light cavalry of the Yulin Army. With only a few days of rations, the large group of troops marched straight out of the east gate of Haojing.

When Lu Qian went to war, Ahu and his brothers from Baihutang were left behind in Haojing.

People are all selfish.

Lu Qian didn't dare to let his close brothers fight on a battlefield where millions of people were fighting, especially when the opponent had Haojian Palace and the looming black hand of the Heart Sword Sect. Who knew what would happen during this expedition?

In today's world, the spiritual power of the world is shattered, and there are no real masters from the major sects. At most, if there is a person in the fierce fire realm on the battlefield, it is considered to be worthy of the sky.

Lu Qian is confident that he is invincible in the fierce fire realm of all major sects today.

Therefore, he is not worried about his safety.

But if something happened to Ahu and the others, would he be heartbroken?

Lu Qian had another motive for leaving Ahu and the others in Haojing - he had to be granted the title of Duke Tianyang for such a long time, and he already had his fiefdom and so on, but the private army belonging to his family was still blank.

The only available force around him was the three thousand personal guards sent to him by Yinyuan.

A mere three thousand people were simply not worthy of his current title, let alone able to effectively safeguard his interests.

Anyway, Lu Yi had made a lot of money in the past few years, and together with the industries and fiefdoms awarded by Yinyuan, it was enough to support an elite army.

Ahu and the others stayed in Haojing in order to select a group of reliable people from Baihutang and the relatives of the members of Baihutang to serve as officers of the Luqian family's private army, and then from Luqian's food towns and fiefs. Among the common people, strong men were recruited to form Lu Qian's private army.

A private army of 300,000 people, as long as they are willing to bear the cost, will be built according to the specifications of the Forbidden Army and the Yulin Army.

Lu Qian is not short of money, nor is he short of skills. With the brothers of Baihu Hall as the framework, and the recovery of the world's spiritual power, it is expected that this legion will soon form a certain combat effectiveness.

Not to mention, Lu Qian still has the inheritance of Taishang Beiming Immortal Sect.

As for the Taishang Beiming Immortal Sect, there is a saying of 'Dharma Protector Immortal Armament', and it has supporting secret methods to quickly form the Dharma Protector Immortal Armament.

With countless thoughts running through his mind, Lu Qian led a large group of people and headed straight to the east.

Jiayou's nineteenth year, May 2nd.

Lu Qian led 100,000 elite light cavalry out of the east gate of Haojing.

On May 5th, Lu Qian's troops arrived at the Zhengdong regiment camp just east of Haojing City.

Under General Dayin's Mansion, there are the Forbidden Army and the Five Military Mansion. The Forbidden Army is responsible for guarding Haojing and guarding the prefectures and counties. It is the backbone of guarding the world. Its core meaning lies in the meaning of "guarding" and "improving".

The Fifth Army Mansion is divided into the Central Army Corps and the Fourth Expedition Army Corps.

The Central Army Corps is the largest and most well-organized. Every year, countless strong men are recruited from all over Dayin to form new recruits, and they undergo three-year training for new recruits.

Three years later, these recruits have basically reached the level of Peiyuan Realm. After they have gained a certain amount of experience in fighting and fighting, they will be assigned to the Four Expeditions Legion.

As for the four armies of Zhengdong, Zhengbei, Zhengxi, and Zhengnan, as their names suggest, they don't need to worry about anything else, whether it is the training of new recruits or logistics supplies, etc. The four armies only focus on fighting and fighting.

The Fifth Army Mansion, at the beginning of Dayin's founding, was an extremely terrifying war beast.

However, over the past 1,800 years, as martial arts have continued to wither, Dayin has completely lost control of the four major states. The princes of the four major states have also formed their own systems and closed their doors to play their own games.

With the rise of culture and education, the Fourth Expedition Corps of the Fifth Army Mansion has not fought a serious battle in more than a hundred years.

Fortunately, Dayin had served as a general and had relatively strong control over the army.

Especially after General Lewu, a relative of the family, took office, he regarded the power of the general as the wealth and life of the Le family, and spent a lot of money to win over and rectify the five military offices. Within more than ten years, although the methods he used were relatively bad, but Everyone in the Fifth Army Mansion was indeed Le Wu's lackey.

The Four Expeditions Legion, in terms of number of soldiers and ordnance and equipment, is certainly inferior to the Forbidden Army and the Yulin Army, but it is much stronger than the Ministry of War City Defense Army controlled by the cultural and educational ministers.

The Zhengdong Regiment Camp is the headquarters of the Zhengdong Regiment.

This is a huge defense line composed of hundreds of purely militarized garrison cities and thousands of camps, large and small, on the great plains east of Haojing. It is managed by the Eastern Army Governor's Office of the Fifth Army Office.

The current Commander-in-Chief of the Eastern Army Governor's Mansion is none other than General Leping of Dayin.

Leping, who is in his early forties, is Lewu's half-brother and a serious Le family relative.

Lu Qian brought the troop mobilization documents and tokens signed by Lewu. Leping simply handed over the mobilization rights of the Eastern Expedition Corps to Lu Qian.

"Mr. Tianyang, to be honest, I am a rough man. When my second brother killed a dog, I helped him boil water and boil the dog's hair. I can't do it when we are marching and fighting. I am the commander-in-chief of the Eastern Army. The Governor, on weekdays, he takes the brothers to eat and drink, and to unite the brothers together."

"This Uncle Dong Qi is so ambitious. He raised an army in the name of the army. I've heard about it... damn..." Leping lowered his voice: "He's trying to smear the face of the eldest sister... the Queen Mother. He's just like a dog." My son Qi Xun will die if he dies. Is it worth it for him to start a rebellion?"

"So, this battle is related to the face of our Le family. To put it more seriously, it is related to the life and death of our whole Le family."

"So, don't worry, Duke Tianyang, just mobilize your troops to teach Uncle Dong Qi a lesson, I will never hold you back."

Leping's figure and Lewu's figure are almost printed from the same mold.

He solemnly promised Lu Qian that he would fully cooperate with Lu Qian's battle plan, and he slapped his chest with his fat palms.

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