Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 199: Broken City (3)

Hundreds of elite Yulin troops jumped onto the city wall.

Wearing heavy armor and holding long swords, the Yulin army, whose average cultivation level was at the third level of the Meridian Extension Realm, shouted in unison. The dim light shone on the long swords, and the Yuan Gang circulated in the body, making a faint roar of beasts.

"Collapse Mountain Suan Ni Jin" is a skill practiced by the middle and lower-ranking officers of Dayin Yulin Army.

As the name suggests, this technique is fierce and domineering, and when practiced to a high level, it can collapse mountains and rubble.

The word "Suanni" also points out that the cultivator has thick skin and thick flesh, strong muscles and bones, like the "Suanni" mythical beast with the blood of a giant dragon, full of wildness, brave and good at fighting.

With high-pitched roars, Chang Ge slashed horizontally, and a stream of cold light erupted from the head of the Ge for more than ten feet. A bloody storm suddenly broke out on the city wall, and at least three to four hundred defenders were cut off in half. , a large area of ​​the city wall was suddenly cleared.

Several golden-armored guards yelled and cursed loudly, and led a group of elite city defense troops to rush up along the horse path behind the city wall and kill the Yu Lin army who was ascending the city.

Lu Qian roared over on the Black Cloud Beast. When he saw his subordinates ascending the city, he also let go of his tactics.

The Silver Dragon Sword was infused with Guixu Immortal Essence, and it rushed along the simplest straight line trajectory on the city wall. It broke through all the human bodies, armors, shields, and weapons wherever it passed. It swept across two or three miles with one sword, and blood spattered everywhere. The stumps and broken arms were like heavy rain falling.

Holding the spear tightly with both hands, he stabbed at will, and the green spear light was like a dragon roaring, roaring hundreds of feet away.

If you are chopped by the Silver Dragon Sword, if you are lucky, only an arm or some other body parts will be chopped off.

However, when hit by a spear weighing tens of thousands of kilograms, no matter the soldiers, armor, mounts, or horse armor, they were all shattered with one blow, and were blown into balls of blood mist and countless fragments by the overbearing spear light.

Lu Qian fired more than a dozen shots at random, completely clearing the city more than two miles long. No defender dared to come even half a step closer.

More and more elite members of the Yulin Army boarded the city wall. They easily found a large number of ropes on the top of the city wall, tied them directly to the battlements of the city wall, and dropped the ropes off the city wall.

The elite members of the Yulin Army who had already stretched their pulses were jumping on the spot and could easily jump several feet high.

With the help of the rope, they were more agile than monkeys. With a few easy pulls, they crossed the 64-foot-high city wall.

A large number of Yulin troops descended on the city like a tide. They shouldered heavy shields and carried heavy weapons such as longges and halberds. They formed a neat queue like a copper wall and an iron wall. They pressed forward step by step along the city wall towards both sides. .

Wherever the elite members of the Yulin Army passed by, whoever stood in their way would be pushed with heavy shields and stabbed with long spears and halberds. A large number of defenders fell to the ground wailing.

Only about 10% of the city defense soldiers in Wuzhou City have reached the Peiyuan realm. The other soldiers are just hanging around on the threshold of the Peiyuan realm. Compared with ordinary people, they are just stronger and familiar with some changes in military formations. Know how to use common weapons, etc.

After all, Wuzhou is a prefecture and county in the interior of Dayin. It has been at peace for a long time. The city defense army system led by cultural and educational officials will not have too high requirements for soldiers, let alone invest too many resources.

With so much money, food, and resources invested in these big-headed soldiers... don't you feel comfortable living on empty wages?

The negative consequences of the usual slackness are now fully revealed.

Facing these wolf-like and tiger-like elites of the Yulin Army, the defenders on the city wall barely resisted for a quarter of an hour. I don't know who shouted "defeated, defeated", and saw countless defenders throwing their weapons on the walls in all directions. Taking off their weapons, shields, and armor, they all fled along the horse path toward the city wall like rabbits exploding their nests.

They were pushing and squeezing each other, and some of them accidentally slipped and fell and were immediately trampled by countless people.

There were even weaker ones who were squeezed out from the guardrail, screamed miserably and fell to the ground from a height, where they were smashed into meat patties.

In many places, the garrison generals were still roaring and cursing, and even the supervising team wielded their swords to kill the escaping soldiers. But they could not stop the fleeing troops.

More and more elite members of the Yulin Army climbed onto the city wall. They skillfully cleaned up along the city wall, and some even followed the horse paths to infiltrate into the city and pursue them.

The generals of the Yulin Army and their men found the entrance to the inside of the city wall. They broke into it and cleaned along the corridor inside the city wall.

Soon, they found the mechanical hub under the city gate building and inside the city wall.

Accompanied by the dull sound of 'click, click, click', the thick iron gate of the west gate of Wuzhou City rose inch by inch.

Outside the city, the Yulin Army and the Leopard Cavalry gave out earth-shattering cheers. One hundred thousand Yulin Army heavy cavalry mobilized their mounts and began to charge towards the west gate.

The Leopard Cavalry traveled at high speed to the north and south sides, blocking the north and south gates of Wuzhou City.

Even the extremely fast Qingqi swarmed towards the east gate of Wuzhou City.

The east gate of Wuzhou City was also slowly opening, and some officials and wealthy businessmen in the city were dragging their families and fleeing in embarrassment.

Brigades of horse-drawn carriages were crowded at the gate of the east city. The outflanking rangers whistled and fired with strong bows. A large rain of arrows sealed the city gate. Along with countless miserable howls, those officials and wealthy businessmen who wanted to escape were killed and wounded in large numbers. The shot horses knocked down carts and completely sealed the entire city gate.

In Wuzhou City, the defeated soldiers abandoned their helmets and armor and fled in confusion.

There were cries of 'defeated, defeated' and 'the city is broken' everywhere.

Some were so frightened that they went crazy and ran along the street, crying all the way: "We are defeated, defeated, we have committed a serious crime, Master Wang wants to wash out Wuzhou City with blood, want to wash out Wuzhou City with blood!"

Along with the cries of these defeated soldiers, the cries of the people also sounded in the neighborhoods everywhere in the city.

The west gate of Wuzhou City opened, and the heavy cavalry of the Yulin Army quickly entered the city in neat lines, galloping along the galloping road at the city gate, and quickly caught up with the defenders who were fleeing everywhere.

Ma Shan stabbed, saber chopped, and the rebel soldiers rolled all over the ground like bloody gourds.

There were military judges from the Yulin Army who galloped on horseback, following closely the clashing cavalry into the city, fearing that they would become red-blooded and attack the people in the city just as the defeated soldiers said.

There was no need for Lu Qian to take action anymore.

He rode the Dark Cloud Beast, and the Dark Cloud Beast stood proudly on the battlements of a city wall, shouting "arrogantly, arrogantly" towards the city.

The north and south gates of Wuzhou City also slowly opened, and a large group of Leopard Riders rushed in with whistles.

In the city, officials with white flags appeared and knelt on the street to greet the army entering the city.

There were also some locations that were obviously official residences, but there was black smoke rising, and it was clear that someone was setting themselves on fire at home...

Lu Qian touched his chin in confusion: "What bad things have these guys done? They would rather burn the whole family to death than surrender... What did they do?"

Half an hour later, an eagle carrying a message fell from high altitude.

Yu Diaihu caught the falcon and took down the urgent military information sent from the front. He glanced at the information in a hurry, and his face suddenly changed: "Master... these bastards, these bastards... they slaughtered 100,000 forbidden troops in Wuzhou City, and their heads were The fortress became the Jingguan...it is located in the Forbidden Army camp in the city."

Lu Qian's face turned slightly pale.

One hundred thousand forbidden troops formed a base in Beijing.

No wonder, no wonder, some officials in the city actually lit fires on their own and burned their entire family to death, yet they did not dare to surrender to the crusade.

"Pass my order and don't touch a single hair of the people in the city. Kill the rebels in the city; I want to capture those officials alive." Lu Qian said coldly: "Especially Zhuge Suiming, his whole family will be captured alive Young and old, I want to live!"

Wuzhou City, like other cities in Dayin, has roads extending in all directions and is spacious and straight. This terrain is the best battlefield for the cavalry to exert its impact.

Wuzhou City's city defense army collapsed. They ran like headless flies along the road to the west and east. No matter where they ran, they were always surrounded by large groups of cavalry from all directions. They charged and slashed them. All beheaded on the spot.

According to the laws of Dayin, these defenders were actually ‘rebels’.

As for rebels, whether they are generals or pawns, they are punished by death according to law.

Therefore, there is no mercy, no staying behind, and when you encounter those defeated soldiers who have taken off their armor, they are still wearing military uniforms, it is absolutely right to just kill them.

The cavalry under Lu Qian's command are now running at extremely fast speeds. The huge Wuzhou City can run along the galloping road from the east gate to the west gate, and from the south gate to the north gate in just half a quarter of an hour.

After more than half an hour, all the broken troops on the main roads in Wuzhou City had been cleared.

The crusade army began to enter the auxiliary roads and alleys to clean up the defeated troops.

The crusaders even went from house to house, searching for broken soldiers who might be hiding.

When all the dust settled, it was already evening. The sun was setting in the west, and the sunset glow covered half of the sky. The glow dyed Wuzhou City a faint blood color. Dozens of black smoke pillars rose into the sky in the city, looking particularly bleak and desolate in the blood light. .

Wuzhou Mufu, a small but extremely fierce offensive and defensive battle broke out here.

A fierce battle broke out between several sons of Wuzhou Mu, several literary scholars, and hundreds of guards and servants, as well as more than a thousand defenders, and the Leopard Cavalry who rushed here first.

The battle only lasted for a quarter of an hour, but it caused more than 300 casualties to the Leopard Assault Cavalry. The guards, servants, and more than a thousand defenders were all killed in the battle, and no one survived.

Wu Zhoumu's sons saw the situation and were unable to do anything. When their mansion was breached, they actually drew their swords and killed themselves.

Wu Zhoumu's old wife, as well as his son's wives, concubines and children, had already prepared firewood and kerosene. When the mansion was breached, they burned the whole family clean.

In comparison, Zhuge Suiming, the commander of the Wuzhou conquest, did not have such courage.

He, his wife, children, and all his family members hid in hiding for more than two hours before they were finally pulled out of a wealthy businessman by the Yulin Army and neatly escorted to Lu Qian.

In the Wuzhou Mufu, most of the other pavilions were burned down, but the advancing lobby remained intact.

Lu Qian was sitting on the big chair in Wu Zhou Mu's office, looking across the public case at Zhuge Suiming, who had his two calves broken and was forced to kneel on the ground.

"This incident has made it seem like I am the villain who committed the most heinous crimes." Lu Qian said quietly, "I never expected that Wu Zhoumu's sons would be so bloody. They were all young and old, and they died heroically."

"But you are rebels. How can you be so... heroic?"

Lu Qian couldn't understand why Wu Zhoumu's sons and their family members could do such a thing.

Zhuge Suiming looked up at Lu Yi and suddenly laughed strangely.

"Lu Qian, you know nothing!"

"Song Zhou Mu and his son are all from the Imperial Academy. They are all disciples of Chief Bai Shan."

"Hee hee, Chief Bai Shan's family died in an unknown manner. Do you think there are many officials from the Imperial College in the world who are worried about this matter and want to eat your flesh and sleep with your skin?"

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