Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 213 Lu Wei’s Dilemma (3)

Jiayou's nineteenth year, June 8th.

For two consecutive days, the defenders in Wuzhou City were busy recruiting civilians to clean up the mud and corpses in the mud outside the city.

Piles of bonfires burned brightly, turning the elite men under Dong Qibo's command into ashes and putting them into exquisite little jars. Beside these bonfires, there were mountains of ordnance and armor piled up.

High in the sky, more than two thousand giant albatross spread their wings, riding on the wind, spinning in circles with Wuzhou City as the center.

The big parrot lay proudly on the head of an albatross, cursing at the albatross from time to time.

In a huge flood, Uncle Dong Qi's army was almost wiped out, and all the disciples of Haojian Palace who came from it were also drowned.

These albatross only escaped with their lives. Without their master, they were pinned to the ground and beaten violently by the big parrot. They obediently took refuge with Lu Qian.

It is worth mentioning that the Guixu Aquarius extracted nearly 10,000 drops of Xuanyuan Divine Water from the flood.

Although it is a weakened version, which is far less magical and powerful than the original Xuanyuan Divine Water from Taikoo, in today's world, these Xuanyuan Divine Waters are enough to exert amazing magical effects.

Let's talk about the big parrot. This thing is nearly six feet long from head to tail. It has spread wings and its feathers are as scarlet as fire. Among the red feathers, there are a few long pale golden feathers mixed in.

This guy is becoming more and more extraordinary.

Moreover, its suppression of the bloodline of birds became extremely terrifying, which led to the collective defection of more than two thousand albatross tamed by the Haojian Palace.

Lu Qian has been extremely busy these past two days.

Uncle Dong Qi's main army was completely wiped out, and the news spread quickly.

Things are a bit embarrassing.

Because of the Zhuge family, and because of Bai Changkong's disciples from the Imperial Academy, most of the counties, prefectures, and counties in Wuzhou had surrendered and took refuge with Uncle Dong Qi.

To the east of Wuzhou, along the main Chi Road, there were more than a dozen states that all surrendered to Dong Qibo.

But now, Uncle Dong Qi was captured alive by Lu Qi, and Uncle Dong Qi's army was wiped out... Those local officials of Dayin who gave up their duties of guarding the land and took refuge with Uncle Dong Qi were in trouble.

Continue the same path until dark?

Or... hurry up and create some evidence to prove your innocence, and then return to the warm embrace of Emperor Dayin?

The other prefectures and counties are not yet known, but in just two days, dozens of prefectures and counties near Wuzhou City sent passionate letters to Lu Qian, expressing their unflinching loyalty to Dayin, and at the same time quoting scriptures to criticize him. Uncle Dong Qi said that because of his wild ambition, he was destined to die a bad death.

Regarding this... Lu Qian was also a little crazy.

He had no experience in handling government affairs, so he could only send lukewarm letters to these local officials who had "returned from their lost ways", asking them to seriously manage the local affairs and wait for officials sent by the court to take over other affairs. Make calculations.

The more lukewarm Lu Qian responded, the more uneasy the local officials became.

Faced with their own career prospects and the lives and fortunes of their families, these officials from the prefectures and counties who were closer to Wuzhou City brought carts and carts of money to Wuzhou City and knelt in front of the Prefectural Mufu Mansion. Please come forward and ask to see Lu Qian.


They deliver them to your door, right?

Therefore, Lu Qian is a little busy.

He was busy receiving these local officials, busy copying the gifts they sent to him, and sent them back to Haojing together with the military information of Wuzhou City.

Moreover, in addition to military affairs and civil affairs, Lu Qian probably had to "compose about ten poems" every day.

These poems are all of extremely high quality, and each of them can be regarded as an eternal masterpiece.

When General Lu Qian sent his sentiments to Hao Jing, he also used messenger falcons to send these famous poems back to Hao Jing. I believe that it will not be long before Lu Qian's reputation as a "master of poetry" will spread to Hao Jing. The place of origin spread to all directions in Dayin.

After several days of hard work, mainly due to the rapid speed of the cavalry under his command, the bodies of the soldiers who were killed by the flood in the water crossing area with a radius of hundreds of miles have basically been cleared away.

The corpses had all been burned and pits dug on the spot for burial.

The main force of Lu Qian's scouts and rangers began to spread to the east of Wuzhou City, inquiring into the many prefectures, counties and cities to the east of Wuzhou City, focusing on the situation in the eastern boundary city.

A small number of scouts and rangers followed the road to patrol the west to inquire.

It stands to reason that the main force of the Canglang Cavalry under the command of Lu Yi should come to Wuzhou City to join Lu Qian. However, for several days in a row, there was no sign of Lu Yi's army, and he had not received any falcon message from Lu Yi's army for several days in a row. Lu Qian felt a little uneasy.

Of course, Dong Qibo's main force has been completely destroyed, and the west of Wuzhou City should be a safe zone.

Lu Qian did not believe that something would happen to Lu Yi's army on the way.

He knew very well that during the years that Lu Ye had been guarding the Northern Boundary City, a large number of the Cang Lang Cavalry soldiers under his command had been turned into registered disciples of the outer sect of the Great Vajra Temple by Lu Ye.

These Wolf Cavalry warriors are weaker than the real outer disciples of the Great Vajra Temple.

But compared to the elite troops of the Dayin Dynasty, these Canglang Cavalry were much stronger.

Jingyue sent two batches of Red Lotus Solid Pills to Lu Yi, and Lu Yi would not treat him badly. These days, the strength of Lu Yi's Canglangqi will definitely be improved even more.

It is impossible for the conventional army to pose any threat to the Canglang Cavalry under Lu Wei's command.

The expected rendezvous period has been exceeded for several days... There must be something fishy?

June 11th, evening.

Scouts from the Yulin Army kept coming back in a hurry, reporting to Lu Qian the military situation of patrolling along the Chi Road to the west - the fastest scout had already turned back eighteen thousand miles along the Chi Road. But they could not find the location of Lu Yi's army.

But on both sides of the Chi Road, there were traces of the army's encampment.

Judging from the traces, Lu Yi's army had recently reached a place no more than 1,500 miles away from Wuzhou City.

But then, Lu Yi's army disappeared without a trace.

Lu Qian's heart lifted.

He sent several times more scouts to scout westward, and at the same time, he also let the albatross who had just taken refuge join the scout team, and they carried a large group of scouts to explore westward at high altitude.

Even the big parrot was ordered out by Lu Qian.

On June 12, nothing was found.

Lu Qian felt a little nervous.

On June 13, nothing was found.

Lu Qian used the falcon to send the information here back to Haojing and directly to the great monk Shie.

On June 14, nothing was found.

Lu Qian began to recruit strong men in Wuzhou City and distributed ordnance. At the same time, a message was sent to the Eastern Expedition Army Corps, asking them to speed up the pace of the follow-up army and rush to Wuzhou City to join him as soon as possible.

June 15th, at noon.

The panting big parrot rushed back, landed on Lu Qian's shoulder, and started to scream "chirp".

It is 3,500 miles west of Wuzhou City.

Chi Road to the south, nine hundred miles away.

There is a hilly and mountainous area shrouded in fog, with a radius of about two to three hundred miles. The big parrot found some corpses of Canglangqi outside the fog. In the fog, there were faint sounds of killing.

That fog gave the big parrot a very bad feeling.

It instinctively sensed that there was great danger in the fog, so it did not dare to go deep. Instead, it took a few glances from a distance and hurried back to report the news.

Lu Qian asked people to open the map of Wuzhou.

On the map, he found the hilly land that the big parrot mentioned.

"It shouldn't be!" Lu Qian looked at the map in surprise.

Lu Yi's army should march straight east along the Chi Road, and his army should not deviate eight hundred miles to the south in any case.

No wonder the scouts sent out two days ago failed to find Lu Yi's legion. They had already moved to the southwest and strayed so far away. Who could have imagined?

If the bloodline of the big parrot had not improved a lot in the past few days, and its flying speed has increased several times, and it can even soar directly into the sky, overlooking the earth from a high position, I am afraid it would not have been able to find this weird thing in such a few days. place.

Lu Qian did not dare to neglect, and immediately arranged the city defense of Wuzhou City, and also made an appointment with Qingyou and the three girls to set off urgently.

The baggage carried by Lu Yi's army was limited, just like Lu Jin. He could only carry three to five days' worth of dry food with him. The rest of the food and baggage were replenished from the prefectures, counties and cities along the Chi Road.

After so many days, Lu Wei's army may have run out of food and fodder.

Soldiers are nothing more than grassroots, tree bark and so on. They can still think of ways. But the Canglang Cavalry under Lu Wei's command, those Canglangqi who were huge in body, had a large belly, and were neither meat nor meat eaters, were a huge problem.

The three girls Qingyou, Qing Ning and Qing Meng sat on the Black Cloud Beast.

A cloud of water rose up from under Lu Qian's feet and lifted his body up. Lu Qian grabbed the tail of the dark cloud beast without caring about his dignity.

These days, after being fed Xuanyuan Divine Water, the Dark Cloud Beast, which had undergone earth-shaking changes in its body, roared, sprayed out black clouds and smoke, and rushed out of the west gate of Wuzhou City.

The dark cloud beast ran very fast and disappeared in a flash.

Lu Qian grabbed its tail, was dragged, and flew out after it.

Qingyou, Qing Ning, and Qing Meng couldn't help but giggle as they watched Lu Qian grabbing the Black Cloud Beast's tail and flying closely with the Black Cloud Beast.

In the vast white mist, Lu Yi's army was indeed in an extremely embarrassing situation.

The army was surrounded by white mist. As long as they didn't wander around, there wasn't much risk.

But the biggest difficulty is food and grass.

Under a hill, a group of fierce-looking Wolf Cavalry surrounded a dozen Leopard Cavalry generals wearing golden armor. A burly general of the Eastern Expedition Army was angrily looking towards Lu Wei on the top of the hill. Screaming and cursing.

"Who dares to touch my mount, I will kill his whole family!"

"Goddess of Mercy, Lu Wei, don't think that because you are the emperor's favorite, you dare to do whatever you want!"

"The wolf cubs you Canglang rides on are your darlings. Aren't the horses I ride on Leopard Tu also my darlings?"

"How dare you touch my horse?"

Lu Yi looked at the angry Leopard Cavalry generals with an expressionless face, and waved his hand gently: "I hold the emperor's ax and ax to attack the unsubordinates... If you dare not obey the military orders, you will all die!"

More than a dozen golden-armored generals looked at Lu Wei in disbelief.

Beside Lu Wei, Lu Jun and Lu Yi suddenly drew their long bows. From all directions, thousands of wolf knights opened their bows and fired arrows. A dozen generals who came to reason with Lu Wei were shot as hard as sieves. Same.

"Heading back, you camp... kill the Leopard Cavalry and let our soldiers and wolves fill their bellies first."

"Leopard Cavalry soldiers who dare to resist will be killed."

With an expressionless face, Lu Wei threw the golden ax in his hand to his eldest son beside him: "Jun'er, you should keep an eye on this matter yourself."

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