Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 269 What is this?

Dayin, Huangcheng South Street.

The Prime Minister's Mansion was sealed, and a team of Yulin troops and a team of palace guards guarded the front and back doors.

It’s hard to say when this vast and majestic Prime Minister’s Mansion will be put into use, or whether Dayin will still have the official position of Prime Minister in the future. It depends on Yinxiu’s wishes and whether there is a suitable candidate. People pop up.

To the north of the Prime Minister's Mansion, among the six yamen lined up in a row, the westernmost one, the large courtyard closest to the south gate of the imperial city, is the yamen of the Ministry of Rites, which is known as the most noble among the six.

Lu Qian, who was named Weiyang Lord and enjoyed the honorary treatment of a prince, felt uncomfortable as he was greeted respectfully into the lobby of the Ministry of Etiquette by a large group of subordinate officials.

Sitting in the lobby of the Ministry of Etiquette, overlooking the obedient servants, lieutenants, principals and other officials in the lobby, Lu Qian frowned and tapped the public case in front of him with his fingers.

"I don't understand the duties of the Ministry of Rites...but I don't want to learn either!"

All the officials from the Ministry of Rites looked at Lu Qian with sad expressions - what officials fear most is a boss who doesn't know what to do. Especially this boss, who is deeply favored by the emperor, and whose status and background are frighteningly powerful, can cost lives.

Especially the four words ‘I don’t want to learn’ either…

This means that you are completely unprepared to reason and do not give the people below a way to survive.

"You know very well why your predecessor lost his official position, why he was beheaded, and why he implicated the nine tribes." Lu Qian said coldly: "So, I have only one request for you, and that is to be diligent and loyal. Responsibilities.”

"I am the palace guard, and I also have a concurrent job. I am very close to Yu Changle, the fish supervisor... You should also know what the palace guard does!"

"So, I don't want to interfere too much with the matters of the Ministry of Etiquette, small things; I try to interfere as little as possible with big things. However, no matter how big or small the matter is, if I get into trouble at your hands!"

Lu Qian stretched out his right hand, and the Feng Shui energy filled the palm of his hand. The wind accelerated, the water turned into clouds, and the wind and clouds stirred up. Immediately, a ball of lightning the size of a human head came out with a "click". The lightning shot out, and the purple thunder quickly compressed and condensed. It became as heavy and condensed as a ball of mercury slurry.

"Something happened, be careful of thunder and lightning." Lu Qian looked at the subordinate officials in the hall with a smile.

All the officials were stunned.

With such a hand to control the sky thunder, are you afraid that you are not one of the gods?

Heaven, just get a cruel and tyrannical official for the Ministry of Rites, that's all... You get a god-like figure to come over. How can this official of the Ministry of Rites be corrupt, pervert the law, and engage in personal gain in the future?


The ministers on the left and right were the first to kneel on the ground, and kowtowed to Lu Qian with pale faces: "I don't dare to do this. I must be loyal to the king, and I must not dare to make any mistakes or slack off."

‘Gudong, Gudong’.

All the officials in the hall knelt on the ground.

Lu Qian nodded lightly and said calmly: "That's good. It's great that the emperor has returned to Dayin. This is a great joy. In March next year, the emperor will hold a conference to select talents from all over the world and enrich the court."

"You must carefully prepare for this Enke matter. If there are any mistakes, any malpractice, corruption and perversion of the law... Haha. You have also seen the heads rolling on the ground in the streets of Haojing a few days ago. of."

Clapping his hands vigorously, Lu Qian said with a smile: "Okay, that's all for today's business. You have to take care of the daily administration of the Ministry of Rites... Unless it's something that I have to worry about personally, don't bother me... …”

With a muffled sound of 'bang', the highly condensed thunderball the size of a human head was completely annihilated in Lu Qian's hands.

A heat wave, accompanied by a thin electric light that made the hair on the body stand on end, instantly surged through the entire lobby. The hairs on countless officials' bodies stood on end, and everyone's expressions changed.

Lu Qian stood up and strode out of the Rites Yamen under the respectful greetings of a group of officials who turned pale with fright.

Later, he went to Taixue and Imperial College respectively.

At the two highest universities in Dayin, Lu Qian issued the same order - Taixue and Imperial College were under completely closed management, with one day of rest per month. At other times, all students must study seriously in the school.

Taixue and Guozijian are governed by military law. Anyone who dares to violate school rules will be directly tied up and beaten with a big stick.

Lu Qian even stipulated that if anyone dared to rely on their family background to run rampant in the school and violate school rules and disciplines, Lu Qian would directly take the palace supervisor to find trouble for their elders and relatives.

He also stipulated that in addition to the classics of saints and poems and songs, students from the Imperial College and Imperial College must also learn any one of the subjects of astronomy and geography, digital water conservancy, craftsmanship, and mechanical physics. Moreover, all students must also practice martial arts. No matter how good your knowledge is, if you do not have the cultivation level of Tongmai Tenth Level or above, you will not be able to graduate and leave.

Many students from the Imperial College and the Imperial Academy who thought they were suave and talented, especially those from aristocratic families who usually spent their days living a life of debauchery and idleness, wanted to die after hearing a series of new school rules and disciplines promulgated by Lu Qian!

However, no offense is allowed.

Not to be messed with.

Not to mention that Lu Qian's biological grandfather, Lu Xiu, temporarily served as general and governor of the imperial army; nor did Lu Qian's biological uncle, Lu Yi, temporarily serve as the commander-in-chief of the Fifth Army Prefecture, in charge of the Four Expeditions Army.

Just say that Lu Qian is now acting as the Minister of Rites. The future of these students from the Imperial College and the Imperial College is in Lu Qian's hands.

Who dares to provoke him?

Who dares to disobey him?

No matter how harsh the school rules and disciplines he sets are... apart from gritting their teeth and obeying, they still have a way to do it!

After making the students of Imperial College and Imperial College feel like they were mourning for their heirs, and all of them wanted to die, Lu Qian went to Taichang Temple again.

At Taichang Temple, Lu Qian directly issued an order to select good locations and good Feng Shui in nine Sanpinfang cities in Haojing City, including Baimafang, and build nine large-scale temples with funding from the Shaofu. .

Baimafang, originally the outer courtyard of the Great Vajra Monastery, has been expanded three times in size.

The specifications of the other eight temples are directly equivalent to the expanded Great Vajra Temple.

There are three sects, three temples and three Zen forests, including the Red Lotus Sect, the Fayan Sect, the Vajrayana Sect, the Great Vajra Temple, the Great Faxiang Temple, the Datianlong Temple, the Kurong Zen Forest, the Shuiyue Zen Forest, and the Fangcun Zen Forest.

Nine temples, directly bearing the sect names of these three sects, three temples, and three Zen forests, appeared in Haojing majestically.

Lu Qian issued an official document in the name of the Minister of Taichang Temple, asking Yinxi to use the emperor's seal and issue an edict - Buddhism is the Zhengshuo of Dayin Sect, the three sects, three temples and three Zen forests are the orthodox Buddhism, and the nine major Buddhist sects can be To freely preach and recruit disciples in various parts of Dayin, the local government must fully cooperate and worship at all times.

When Lu Qian signed the edict that Yinxuan would spread all over the world, and spread to the prefectures and counties of Dayin through the intelligence system of the Forbidden Army all over the world, something extremely magical happened.

Sitting in the quiet room of Jiuquyuan, Shenzui suddenly shed a layer of his old skin, his appearance was inexplicably dozens of years younger, and his skinny body became much plumper.

The main mountain gate of the three sects, three temples and three Zen forests of Buddhism has a strange aura lingering in the sky above the mountain gate. A trace of spiritual light visible to the naked eye rolls down, nourishing every grain of sand, stone, dust, flower, grass and tree in the mountain gate. , and even every Buddhist disciple who is staying in the mountain gate.

Visions of breaking through the realm emerged one after another. In just a few breaths, the average Buddhist monk in each mountain gate improved by a small realm.

Especially in the crater of the Red Lotus Sect, countless fiery red lotuses bloomed.

In the center of the lava lotus pond, three thousand-year-old red lotuses with a diameter of nearly one foot were nourished by abundant spiritual energy. They slowly bloomed with a "pop" sound, and for a while, the strange fragrance wafted all over their bodies. The elders of the Red Lotus Sect Chant the Buddha's name in unison.

There are some temples and Zen forests in the prefectures and counties of Dayin. Our ancestors were once involved with major Buddhist sects. The many statues of Buddha, Bodhisattva, King Kong, and Arhats they enshrine have a layer of moist light, and in the air, There seems to be a strange fragrance growing, which makes people feel refreshed and inexplicably calm and stable.

Anpingzhou, Anpingguan.

On the west side, in the valley road, flags were waving, and the shouts of killing were loud.

The elite city defense forces in Anping Pass were busy resisting the attack of the rebels. The city walls were crumbling, and they looked like they might be breached at any time.

A few days ago, during the two days when Yinxu began the purge in Haojing, the Minister of War of Dayin, Moluo Xiu, who was responsible for quelling the rebellion in Anping Prefecture, suddenly fled without a trace overnight with a large number of his confidants and generals, not even a letter None were left.

The city defense troops stationed at Anping Pass were immediately demoralized and almost collapsed on their own.

Fortunately, the direction of Haojing was prepared. After Moracheng fled, several generals with noble backgrounds traveled day and night to Anping Pass to take over the military affairs.

After receiving the news, the rebels, who had been defeated for more than a dozen games in a row and whose vitality was severely damaged, quickly gathered their forces and counterattacked from all over Anping Prefecture, and began a crazy siege with great momentum.

This is already the third day of the rebellion's counterattack.

In just three days, the morale of the city defense army was declining, and it was completely unable to stop the rebels' counterattack. Seeing that the west wall of Anping Pass was about to be breached, the Anping Prefecture rebels were able to rush out of Anping Prefecture again.

In the camp of the rebels, Taidou Xiong, who was wearing a helmet and girdle and had an extraordinary bearing, was sitting calmly behind a koan, with a full set of tokens, arrows, flags, seals and other items in front of him, making him look like an upright man. The generalissimo who led the expedition of the Eight Classics.

With a smile, he looked at the bald monk standing in front of him, and asked earnestly and reservedly: "Senior brother, are you here to bring the Red Lotus Crossing Edan?"

The great monk looked at Tai Dou Xiong and coughed lightly: "I was busy with things in the past few days... Over at the Red Lotus Sect, the red lotus has not been in full bloom for ten thousand years, so there is still no trace of the red lotus crossing Edan."

After coughing twice more, the great monk said slowly: "It's just that according to the abbot's decree, all the Red Lotus Du Erdan refined this time will belong to Weiyang Lord Lu Qian. Junior Brother, I'm afraid your share will go to Pushed back..."

The great monk looked at Xiong Taidou, whose face was suddenly darkened, and hurriedly comforted him: "However, the spiritual power of heaven and earth is recovering, and the spiritual charm of the mountain gate is more than ten times stronger than before? The next wave of red lotus crossing Edan will probably be two years old. It’s a matter of years!”

Xiong Taidou clenched his fists and hissed: "Give it all to Lu Qian? What does this mean? What does this mean?"

He stood up suddenly and shouted sternly: "I bled and sweated for the sect, and I am leading the troops to fight here..."

The great monk drooped his eyelids and said softly: "The abbot decrees that the believers in Anping Prefecture should disperse...just return home and live in peace of mind. Anping Prefecture will return to normal."

Xiong Taidou stared at the great monk with wide eyes and an expression of disbelief.

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