Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 35 Attack and Kill

The fire in Sakihoen was extinguished.

Yinping held the jade lotus that originally belonged to Liu Wu tightly, and walked to Luo Qingzhou surrounded by a group of frightened palace guards.

"Your Majesty." Luo Qingzhou saluted to Yin Ping, his eyes fixed on Liu Wu who was following Yin Ping closely.

Liu Wu instinctively shrank his neck and nervously shouted softly: "My lord, help me!"

Yinping pointed at Liu Wu, and then pointed at his nose: "I heard that your palace guards are looking for him recently? No matter what he committed, I will settle this matter for him. .”

Luo Qingzhou was stunned, and his eyes quickly turned twice between Yin Ping and Liu Wu.

Lu Qian put his hands in his sleeves, holding the point steel gun in his arms, looking around curiously.

The protons who broke into Qi Fang Yuan had already surrounded Qi Xin, who looked embarrassed, and were roaring at him.

Someone asked him to compensate for his 'precious cargo' that was burned.

Someone asked him to compensate for the 'mental damage' he suffered from being frightened.

Someone grabbed his sleeve and shouted, "The kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring of water."

The prince who first ordered his subordinates to throw tens of thousands of kilograms of firewood and thousands of kilograms of grease into Qi Fang Garden grabbed Qi Xun's collar and roared, 'You must pay for saving your life!'

Qi Ren, who had just been scared to death by a group of ghost women and whose heart was almost exhausted, was suddenly surrounded by these wolf-like guys. He was trembling all over, suddenly rolled his eyes and fainted.

Lu Qian looked at these messy guys with a smile.

A flash of green light flowed in his pupils.

In the Qi Fang Garden shrouded in black smoke, traces of red mist loomed in the air.

No one else could see the red mist, only Lu Qian could see it clearly.

Whether it was Yin Ping or Liu Wu, as well as Qi Ren who was surrounded by the crowd, and even many guards, there was still red mist on them.

The remaining red mist continued to erode their bodies.

Lu Qian could see that the blood energy of Yin Ping and others was weakening little by little. As the essence of their blood energy weakened, the red mist on their bodies also neutralized and dissipated little by little.

There are also faint red footprints on the ground.

These messy footprints extended all the way to the northeast corner of Sijifang, passed through the walls of several houses, and headed towards the imperial city. The traces of red mist in the air also followed these footprints and extended towards the imperial city.

"What attracts them in the imperial city?"

Lu Qian was very curious about this question, but this kind of thing was not something he needed to worry about as he had just joined the palace guard.

He is now just a supervisor with a blank slate. No matter what those ghost women do or want to do, it is not his turn to take care of it, and he has no motivation to take care of these things.

Holding a steel gun and shrinking to Luo Qingzhou, Lu Qian tightened his face, maintained a serious expression, and looked again and again at Yinxuan's shriveled and shrunken half of his cheek.

These ghost women are really ruthless.

Yin Ping hurriedly took his guards to leave.

A group of protons who had obviously drunk too much and were used to being unscrupulous yelled at Yinying: "Your Majesty, why did we help put out the fire? It can be regarded as saving your life. How can you be so considerate?"

Yin Ping had a slumped face and was too lazy to pay attention to this.

It was a hell today, a hell really, a real catastrophe.

She was so frightened that she didn't say anything, and Concubine Qi used that terrible method to suck away a large amount of flesh and blood essence, making her face look neither human nor ghost, and she also had several terrible injuries on her body.

After suffering such a big loss, do you still want him to be "meaningful"?

If it weren't for his identity, Yinping would have jumped on his feet and scolded the street.

High in the sky, there was the cry of falcons.

Further away, there was the sound of neat running, and the faint sound of armor clashing could be heard.

With the situation in Sijifang like this, the Forbidden Army garrison in Fengdiaofang was finally dispatched.

At the entrance of the stone bridges leading to Sijifang, there was a louder noise. A courageous young man and lady, with their guards, blocked the urgently dispatched Forbidden Army garrison outside Sijifang.

From a distance, Lu Qian and others could hear the shouts and curses of the young men and young ladies.

"Officials and dogs are not allowed to enter Sijifang!"

"Come on, come on, come on, chop me in the neck!"

"My father is Baiyang Marquis, Baiyang Marquis, do you know? Come on, stab me in the heart with this gun tip, come on!"

"General? Generals are great? Huh? Are generals great? This guy is coming, it's indecent. He molested my lady in the street, it's indecent!"

Yin Ping had a gloomy face and left quickly with his guards.

Luo Qingzhou and a group of palace guards in casual clothes, all holding their breath, like angry little wives, walked carefully through the crowd, wanting to leave the place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

Yinyin is safe and sound.

And luckily, I found Liu Wu, who was wanted by the palace guard.

No matter what happened in Qiyang Garden, whether it was related to those ghost women, and what was Liu Wu's involvement in this matter, anyway, if the person was found, Luo Qingzhou would have an explanation to the above.

Whether and how to investigate later, Luo Qingzhou cannot afford to offend Yin Ping.

Let Yu Changle go away from the headache!

The most important thing now is how to safely evacuate Sijifang!

Lu Qian held a steel gun and followed Luo Qingzhou step by step out.

There are people all around.

The surrounding rooftops and rooftops were all filled with people watching the excitement.

There were noises and curses everywhere, and the huge Sijifang was like a smoked hornet's nest, a mess.

What's more, when the good show in Qiyangyuan came to an end, among the onlookers who were watching the excitement, some young men and ladies who usually had enemies suddenly saw their enemies in the crowd.

Lu Qian, who has keen senses, has already heard some very strange conversations.

"What do you think of me?"

"What's wrong with you?"

"Did you just touch me?"

"Did any of you dogs see me touching you?"

"Did you just take a look at my girl?"

"Are you afraid of people seeing your girl? Why did you bring her out if you were afraid of being seen?"

Lu Qian only felt that his teeth were sore. He had a premonition that maybe there would be a big bustle in Sijifang tonight.

These protons are used to being extremely poor and boring on weekdays, and all of them have domineering temperaments.

The fire just now ignited the violent energy in their hearts.

But Qi Xuan was not burned to death, and his violent energy had not yet completely dissipated.

If not, they will take the opportunity to cause trouble and cause a big mess.

In the crowd, a hand suddenly stretched out, grabbed the red fox fur cloak wrapped around Lu Qian's body, and then pulled hard.

Lu Qian wanted to avoid it.

With his skill, he could have easily avoided this tear.

But now that there were people on all sides, he was bound to be unable to leap into the air and attract attention. He could only watch the skinny short middle-aged man mixed in the crowd tear off his cloak.

In the crowd, two more men grabbed the silk robe he was wearing.

This robe was the casual clothes that Lao He borrowed from somewhere before he went to explore the two coffin shops.

Lu Qian was tall, much burlier than ordinary people. The robe was a bit tight on his body, and he had to rely on the outer leather cloak to cover his body.

The two of them pulled hard, and with a 'tear' sound, Lu Qian's robe was torn to pieces, revealing the clothes underneath - the palace guard's white robe made of white brocade.

A scream rang out from the crowd: "Ah, you bastard guard, how dare you step into Sijifang?"

Not only Lu Qian, but also the captains and warriors of several palace guards adjacent to Lu Qian were also in the crowd. Their outer robes were violently torn off, revealing the cyan and blue palace guards underneath. Official robe.

Compared with the white brocade robes worn by Lu Qian, the official robes worn by these lieutenants and warriors were more colorful. The palace patterns on their chests were brightly colored and gorgeously patterned, which looked particularly dazzling under the surrounding lights and torches.

There was sudden silence all around.

Countless young men and young ladies, as well as the guards and servants around them, all looked this way.

Luo Qingzhou's face suddenly turned pale, and he looked around at a loss.

Yin Ping turned around suddenly and saw the palace guard with his official robe exposed!

Yin Ping's body trembled with shivers, and he hissed: "It has nothing to do with me. I came to Sijifang to discuss business... If any of you dare to touch a finger of me, I will risk my life to harm his family." Haojing’s industry!”

The crowd suddenly surged.

Yin Ping and the royal guards around him were rushed out of the way.

Yin Ping's shouts were still echoing, blood splattered in the crowd, and several guards around him screamed in pain. I don't know who it was, but he took action brazenly in the turbulent flow of people. Several palace guards were hit with swords in their vital points, and they immediately collapsed. on the ground.

The sound of ‘puff’ is endless.

The guards around Yinyin were separated by the crowd, and people in the crowd kept taking action. One after another, the palace guards had no time to fight back, and were stabbed to death by the sudden attack.

"Save me, save me!" Yinping watched the guards around him fall to the ground one after another. He screamed at the top of his lungs: "I will be promoted to the third level. I promise that whoever saves me will be promoted to the third level in a row!"

With a gloomy face, Luo Qingzhou stood up directly from the ground, stepping on the heads one by one, and quickly swept towards Yin Ping's direction.

Just as Lu Qian was about to jump up, several rays of cold light struck him from the crowd, stabbing directly at his weak ribs, lower back, liver and other vital parts.

In the distance, laughter like silver bells came erratically.

In the crowd, the eyes of many people were suddenly covered with a thin layer of blood.

"Tell you to look at me!"

A proton suddenly drew his sword and slashed the young master in front of him, seriously injuring him.

"What are you looking at?"

The other young man laughed wildly, drew his sword, and cut off the arm of the female companion next to him at shoulder level.

In all directions, at least a thousand people rose up in rebellion at the same time.

They pulled out their weapons for no reason, and hacked at the people around them randomly, as if they had seen the enemy who killed their father.

In the chaos, a few rays of cold light almost touched Lu Qian's skin.

Not far away, Huang Jue and others' eyes widened in shock - they were the ones who arranged for them to tear off the outer robes of Lu Yan and several palace guards, revealing their official robes underneath.

But these people who suddenly killed them had nothing to do with them.

Things are a bit out of control.

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