Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 408 Black Sky (5)

In Yazhou City, the official residence of the state leader.

Experts gathered and surrounded by heavy troops.

In the lobby, the Lord of Yazhou sat on him. In Yazhou, the heads, elders and worshipers of the major monk families, as well as the masters recruited from the desperate cultivators, gathered together.

The bald man's full body image is projected into the air, about three feet high, enough to clearly see every pore on his face.

Shangguan Duan, the governor of Yazhou, had a cold face, pointed at the whole body and said in a cold voice: "This is a monster, His Majesty personally issued an order... Who can capture him alive, grant him a county fiefdom, and be exempted from taxes for three hundred years? You can even help your third son join the Forbidden Army and start as a captain of a thousand men."

In the lobby, the senior family members began to take deep breaths.

In Yazhou, their respective forces are intertwined and each has its own territory. Among them, the three or five most powerful families have a comprehensive strength that is no less than that of a county guard who controls a county.

However, power is power, and a fief is a fief.

The power is virtual and may be replaced by enemies at any time... And the emperor of Xuanyan Immortal Dynasty personally granted a fiefdom, which represented his family's step into the ranks of 'princes and nobles', and his family changed from a grassroots monk family to Xuanyan Immortal Dynasty. An officially recognized home of the powerful.

From then on, the Xuanyan Immortal Dynasty will never be destroyed, and the family will not commit any serious crimes. This county will always be the foundation of the family and the fundamental foundation of the family from generation to generation.

Several heads of the most powerful families in Yazhou stood up and looked at Kimana's portrait carefully. They quickly printed out the portrait with secret techniques on the spot and distributed it to their clansmen and disciples. , related households, etc.

After finishing these tasks, several family heads were about to express their loyalty to the superior, swearing that they would capture Comana alive in their own hands and present it to the state leader.

Shangguan Duan spoke again: "Funeral Yin clan, they have already taken action... Haha, they are very sensitive. Only I, the state leader, know that His Highness King Ying personally leads people to pursue this guy and is approaching our Yazhou state. , the funeral Yin clan actually went out earlier than me... Hehe. Let's discuss this matter later."


Shangguan Duan was about to cheer up and cheer up the leaders of the major families, and then sent out heavy troops to block the surrounding areas. In the center of the hall, circles of space ripples emerged, the void spun, and Lu Qian sprang out of thin air.

The lobby, which was huge enough to accommodate a meeting of thousands of people, was silent.

Everyone looked at the portrait of Kammana floating in the air, and then looked at Lu Dian, who emerged from the void with his head on top of the image of Kammana.

Lu Qian was also dumbfounded.

He had just annihilated the Yin family's funeral procession and had just traveled a few hundred miles. Why did he appear here out of thin air?

Looking at the layout of the lobby, it is clearly the standard style of the office space of the chief official of Xuan Yanxian Dynasty.

The surprised and delighted middle-aged man sitting in the lobby was also wearing the high-ranking official uniform of a local leader at the level of Xuan Yanxian Dynasty state leader!

As for the various middle-aged and old men and women around him, all of them had powerful auras, but none of them had a cultivation level below Golden Lotus Kai.

Especially when they saw their own expressions, they were like old ginseng tourists walking in the mountains and forests, and suddenly encountered the legendary ginseng doll that became a spirit!

Greed, extreme greed.

Fierce, extremely ferocious.

And the three-foot-tall light and shadow portrait suspended next to him... Hey, what a coincidence, Lu Qian actually recognizes this face!

Isn't it the face of the bald man who attacked and killed Jin Keng that he is holding on his head?

Well, even the body shape is exactly the same, and there is no difference in the details.

Shangguan Duan is worthy of being the head of the state. Xuan Taiyi's order has been engraved in his mind. When he saw Lu Qian at first glance, he jumped up suddenly. With a shake of his right hand, a huge bronze palm made of metal was directed towards Lu. It was photographed head-on!

"Take it!"

Shangguan Duan's eyes shone with excitement.

According to Xuan Taiyi's decree, if a local family in Yazhou can capture 'Jimana' alive, they can get a fiefdom in a county.

But if Shangguan Duan personally captures the target alive, then the benefits Shangguan Duan will get and the benefits his family will get are much greater than this mere county.

Therefore, one shot is as fast as lightning.

But Shangguan Duan subconsciously only used three points of force!

Shangguan Duan was afraid that if he used too much force, he would slap this precious target to death.

Therefore, he carefully only used three points of force.

Xuan Taiyi wants to live, he can't send a dead person up there!

Then, he suffered a loss!

Seeing the palm that was photographed with a radius of several feet, and feeling the Taoist aura of "empty, floating, and unsteady" in it, Lu Qian also greeted it with a palm.

There was a loud "buzz" sound, the avenue of water was touched, and the soft water turned into ice. With Lu Yan's palm, a cold blue ice palm rose into the air and rushed straight towards the big hand that Shangguan Duan had patted down.

Until this moment, Lu Qian still hadn't figured out why he suddenly appeared here.

However, there is a high probability that someone has deceived you!

The hairs all over my body stood on end, warnings kept coming in my heart, my heart beat violently, and waves of high-pressure hot blood rushed straight to my forehead...

Danger, danger, danger!

Great danger!

Therefore, Shangguan Duan only used three-thirds of his strength, while Lu Qian used all his strength to strike out with a palm.

There was a loud noise, and the big bronze hand was smashed to pieces by the giant ice palm. Shangguan Duan's expression changed with horror, and the big hand with rising cold air landed directly on him with a dull sound of breaking through the air.

The place where Lu Qian appeared was less than ten feet away from Shangguan Duan, a little distance... not even a distance!

‘Crack, rattle, whoop’!

A series of strange noises came. The public case in front of Shangguan Duan and the chair under his butt were smashed to pieces by a palm. Shangguan Duan was slapped firmly to the ground. Several protective jade charms on his body collapsed, and several layers of The aura covered his body.

Lu Qian pressed down with his big palm, and several layers of spiritual light were shattered. Shangguan Duan's body suddenly shrank downwards, giving people the feeling that he had become a paper man produced by the funeral Yin family.

Blood sprayed out from Shangguan Duan's nine orifices. His clothes were shattered. After the blood spurted out, it was quickly frozen into ice flakes by the ice's big hand, evenly sealing him in a layer of blood ice.

The huge ice palm pressed down hard, and the ground under Shangguan Duan's body cracked and sunk. The defensive restrictions of the state's main palace were triggered. Layers of gorgeous bright light continued to pour out on the ground. The void shook, the earth roared, and a The layers of strong light were blasted to pieces by the ice's big hand, and the ground was sunk into a hole with a radius of seven to eight feet and as deep as Li Xu's big handprint.

This place is only a few steps away from Yazhou City's city defense formation hub.

Lu Qian shattered the ground with a palm, and then used his familiar control magic power. With a loud "click" sound, the formation veins connecting the entire city's formations were torn to pieces, and the formations with a diameter of a hundred feet were torn to pieces. The formation hub roared and was pulled out of the ground.

When the huge formation hub was violently pulled up from the ground, all the family masters in the hall were already jumping towards Lu Qian with joy.

Flying knives, flying swords, poisonous needles, poisonous stings, ropes, chains, guillotines, poisonous spells, witchcraft, poisonous gas...

There are even evil heretic imps, rotting corpses, zombies, female ghosts... and even monsters, monsters and other objects that have become a climate, attacking one after another.

As mentioned before, among the millions of mountains deep in Yazhou, there are many specialties of herbs, ferocious beasts, monsters, and poisonous insects.

The folk customs here are fierce, and all resources are determined by those with big fists.

Therefore, the Xuanyan Immortal Dynasty has stationed heavy troops here, and the monks here are also extremely brave. The major families... are actually gangs and bandits in the family model.

These guys only want to win and defeat the enemy. Who cares about what means are good or evil?

For a time, the lobby was full of smoke and ghosts were crying and wolves were howling.

In particular, a few old ghost cultivators raised powerful evil weapons such as the Ten Thousand Ghost Flags. Large black clouds and will-o'-the-wisps swept across a radius of hundreds of miles. Countless dead and ferocious ghosts appeared all at once, overwhelming the sky. Go straight to Lu Qian to kill him.

If these evil methods use the Buddhist magical powers of the Great Vajra Temple, they will be their nemesis.

However, Lu Qian was not willing to expose the truth that "Fahai is a bald man" here.

As a result, Lu Qian let out a long roar, and the endless vast magic power accumulated by Wuliang Guixu's body swept out layer by layer. The power of Feng Shui was mobilized. As the wind and clouds changed, countless thunder waves like heavy water waves came with terrifying A loud noise blasted out.

At the same time, the power of the five elements turned into five-color divine light that enveloped the whole body. The pure thunder suddenly mixed with the power of the five elements and turned into the acquired five elements of divine thunder.

Fire and thunder exploded.

The earth mines are heavy.

Mine is feminine.

The golden thunder cracked.

The wooden thunder was light and fast, causing the speed of the other four elements of divine thunder to surge a hundred times.

The five-colored thunderbolts the size of water tanks filled the sky like a storm, sweeping attacks from all directions in an instant, shattering all the flying knives, flying swords, poisonous insects, miasma and other evil things.

One after another human figures were hit by the lightning, followed by a dull sound, like the blast of billions of giant cannons. Golden lotuses bloomed, and the bodies of masters in the Condensation Realm were shattered in the lightning, burned, and turned into wisps of blue smoke... …

There was a master of physical training who managed to withstand several divine thunders with his body, but was blown away so much that he vomited blood and fell back hastily.

But countless divine thunders came one after another. The Yazhou monks who had withstood a few rounds of thunder and wanted to escape were all burned to death by the continuous thunder, and then they were turned into fly ash!

Lu Qian Wuliang's return to the ruins body is the fundamental method of immortality of the once extremely sage Tian Taishang Beiming Immortal Sect, and it is the most powerful and exquisite inheritance of skills in the world.

His Infinite Return to Ruins body has been processed and transformed by the Three-Eyed Human Figure, making it stronger, more subtle, and more mysterious than the original version.

Lu Qian's Taoist inheritance has reached the top of the world, and no one can compare with him.

As for these monks in Yazhou, their family inheritance was only middle-to-lower in the Xuanyan Immortal Dynasty. If placed on the territory of Canghai Tower, it would be middle-to-lower... Put in the entire Yuanlingtian, their inheritance It can only be regarded as 'remarkable'!

There is a huge gap in the inheritance of skills... How can they withstand the thunder and fire frenzy blasted by Lu Qian with all his strength?

Thousands of masters from major families in Yazhou in the entire lobby were blasted to pieces by thunder in just ten breaths... The thunder and fire raged, shattering the entire lobby and ancillary buildings, and then rushed out of the lobby, sweeping The entire state capital.

Inside and outside the governor's palace, the tens of thousands of heavily armored elites transferred by Shangguan Duan didn't even take any precautions and were swept in by the lightning.

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