Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 412 Black Sky (9)

Outside Yazhou City, eight hundred miles north-northwest, in the mountains.

On the cliff, a rotten tree stump stretched out crookedly from the crack of the cliff. On a tree trunk that was dark as if it had been struck by lightning, a short and shriveled old man with a bald head, who gave the impression of being wrinkled like a dried bean, was sitting cross-legged on it.

The old man's skin turned black, just like an old farmer who had been exposed to the sun for too long while working in the fields in summer.

He sat there, his eyes shining slightly, staring straight in the direction of Yazhou City.

Within three feet of him, dark golden light surged, and on the palm-sized ganoderma-shaped clouds, golden Buddha statues came and went, rising and falling in reincarnation.

Arrays of mandala patterns loomed uncertainly behind those Buddha statues. Within three feet of the old man, there was a pure land of Buddha, full of immeasurable majesty, supreme majesty, and pregnant with infinite power.

"The little thief Bald is really cruel, hey, even those ruffians will not be spared." The old man seemed to be able to see everything happening in Yazhou City. He whispered to himself: "This kind of refining the Taoist soldiers who protect the law. The method...my Buddhist sect has been lost...tsk, but other major sects, and there seem to be a few sects, are good at this kind of tricky method."

"It's just that among the large sects that rank among the top 100 in the Yuanling Heaven, they refine the Taoist Guards. Thirty-fifty is enough for each person... How come this little thief bald has looted so many people?"

As he spoke, the old man laughed "hehe" a few times.

"Kimmana needs to be appeased... He is a kind and honest child. He is forced to move the dojo left by Master. I feel so angry, hehe."

"But no wonder, since you can frame this little thief, you can't blame others for trying to trick you."

"Kimmona, kimmona...haha!"

"You owed the old monk a favor, so you took action to blame Fahai, a little thief... Do you know that cause and effect, cause and effect, are involved, and once you take action, you can't get away easily."

"As expected, look, are you now forced to become an enemy of Xuanyan Immortal Dynasty? Are you wanted by Canghai Tower?"

"Yuan Lingtian, Buddhism is weak. You can't hide a powerful Buddhist like you. You have to rise up for our Buddhism and do more things." The old man sighed softly: "I only hope that my Buddhism can be upright and upright. Appeared in Yuanlingtian, for this reason, even if he slaughters hundreds of millions of living beings, even if he commits heinous sins, the old monk will shoulder the responsibility!"

The old man grinned: "This little Fahai thief is bald, has a ruthless heart, and has ruthless hands. He is the one that suits my taste."

"The test of one year...if he can escape safely from Yazhou City...let's end it early!" The old man nodded lightly: "Well, that's it. Neither can Canghai Tower, Baoguang Pavilion, or Photo Studio." Show more power than these people in front of you!"

The sound of low chanting came faintly from the old man's body.

An extremely deep layer of dark light lingered on the old man's body, and his expression became extremely weird under the dark light.

It seems like Buddha, like a demon, and it seems to be carrying some other things that are inexplicable.

In Yazhou City, Lu Qian raised his right hand, and on the tip of his index finger, a wisp of black wind was swirling around him rapidly.

The wind in the sky (Chapter 217).

This is a wisp of the magical power of heaven and earth that Lu Qian unexpectedly obtained when he was in the Holy Heaven. It is a powerful and extremely terrifying strange wind that is naturally generated between heaven and earth. It can be called a 'divine object'.

The Jiuxiao Wind is clear and subtle. It specializes in blowing out all tangible matter. It has terrifying destructive power on all kinds of physical matter. It can completely annihilate all physical things into energy from the source of the matter itself.

Previously, with the help of the three-eyed figure, Lu Qian integrated this ray of wind from the sky into his soul and body, which increased his speed, agility, reaction ability, etc. several times.

At this moment, Lu Qian's control over the wind has reached a certain level by condensing the Tao Fruit of 'Wind'.

He condensed such a tiny wisp of Jiuxiao Wind from his body, and then, under the stimulation of Dao Fruit, all the magic power in his body was instantly transformed into the wind power of 'Nine Heavens Wind'.

Tiny gusts of wind swirled rapidly around Lu Qian, soundless but filled with the terrifying aura of destroying everything.

Jin Wanliang, Yingzhu and the other seven people slowly approached. The five Supreme Elders of Baoguang Pavilion were protected by secret treasures, and all kinds of rays of light surged, illuminating them like five big light bulbs.

Following the main road of the city, the group of people arrived at the gate of the state lord's mansion smoothly, and bumped into Lu Qian who was well prepared.

Seeing Lu Qian's image of 'Jinmana' transformed into a dreamy bubble bead, Jin Wanliang sneered: "Damn Bald Donkey... Let's be honest, what is your relationship with the Fa Hai Pirate Bald who killed Jin Keng? Why, Will he suddenly appear and cause trouble?"

Jin Wanliang quickly asked the most critical question: "Did you cause trouble in the Xuanyan Immortal Dynasty to cover the escape of Fa Hai Pirate Tu? You must be involved with him... Where did that guy go?"

Jin Wanliang said solemnly: "If you kill my direct descendant of Baoguang Pavilion, where can he run away? He can't run away in heaven or on earth! No one related to him can run away. "

This is Jin Wanliang’s solemn declaration.

Jin Wanliang had great confidence in the power of Baoguang Pavilion and the financial resources of Baoguang Pavilion.

Lu Qian looked at Jin Wanliang, smiled slightly, and said softly: "It turned out to be a senior from Baoguang Pavilion. Well, in this way, Xiaoseng confessed... It was not Fahai who killed Jinkeng, but Xiaoseng... …I!"

Lu Qian pointed to his face and said seriously: "Look at this face clearly. It was me who killed Jinkeng, not Fa Hai!"

Jin Wanliang and everyone were a little dumbfounded.

Yingmei said sadly at the side: "Fa Hai Pirate Tu killed Jin Keng, and it was witnessed by the officials of Xuanyan Immortal Dynasty... If you take the blame for him, what good will it do to you?"

Yingzhu shook his head gently: "The more this happens, the more it proves that this person is involved with the French pirate Tudu... No need to talk nonsense, just capture him alive, torture him, or even directly search and refine his soul. In short, the general and the We will catch all those involved in this matter and we will not let anyone slip through the net."

Yingmei laughed.

Yingzhu is right.

No matter who killed Jin Keng?

It doesn’t matter if it’s ‘Kimmana’ or ‘Dharma Sea’. Anyway, the matter is related to them, so capture them all and then execute them with the cruelest punishment, or make their lives worse than death.

They just arrest people, and after they are caught, they take them back to the photo studio and do whatever they want, just follow the wishes of Jin Keng's mother?

Canghai Tower and Baoguang Pavilion all want such an explanation.

Two major sects formed an alliance, and an important disciple of one of them was killed on the territory of the other... There had to be an explanation.

As long as the murderer is brought to justice, there will be no hindrance to the alliance between the two sects.

Shadow Bamboo and Shadow Plum simultaneously turned into invisible shadows and disappeared into the white mist.

Jin Wan waved both hands at the same time, and suddenly a sword flew out, turning into a sword light rising into the sky. A huge sword made a dull roar and struck Lu Qian head-on.

When the sword light soared into the sky, three more flying knives flew out from Jin Wanliang's sleeves. The three flying knives turned into blue-black knife shadows as agile as tens of thousands of swimming fish, and shot towards Lu Qian rapidly against the ground. Come.

When the sword light suddenly rose, thirteen more than one foot long, pure and transparent thin needles flew out silently from Jin Wanliang's chest. The speed of the flying needles reached the extreme, far faster than the sword light. It was several times faster, and it went straight to the thirteen important points on Lu Qian's body.

When these thirteen fine needles flew out and hurt people, in order to cover the movement of these fine needles, another long blue-white flag appeared behind Jin Wanliang's head. The nine green-faced and fanged ghosts on the banner bared their teeth and sprayed out a large amount of sinister wind and evil energy, covering an area of ​​100 acres in radius, causing chaos in the white mist released by Lu Qian.

When the long flag was swaying, a golden bell appeared on Jin Wanliang's left hand side.

Jin Wanliang clenched his fist with his left hand and punched the golden bell lightly. Suddenly the bell rang into the sky, and the heavy pressure that shook his soul went straight to Lu Qian's mind.

As expected of one of the supreme elders of Baoguang Pavilion, Jin Wanliang took action and produced several rare spiritual treasure-level objects that ordinary people could hardly see. They were all acquired spirits naturally formed by the essence of heaven and earth in some caves, blessed places and Feng Shui dragon caves. Treasure, an acquired spiritual treasure that is at least ten times more powerful than the top magic weapon refined by the monks themselves.

The power of each spiritual treasure is extremely powerful. Even if an ordinary monk has cultivated to the realm of illuminating the void, having such a treasure close to him can be regarded as rich.

But what about Jin Wanliang...

Living up to his name, he is extremely wealthy.

At the same time as Jin Wanliang took action, the other four elders of Baoguang Pavilion were also ready to make a move. Yingzhu and Yingmei had already rushed to Lu Yi's side. As soon as Lu Yi was entangled by Jin Wanliang's attack, they would make a surprise attack. Lu Qian severely wounded him and captured him.

Lu Qian looked at Jin Wanliang's overwhelming attack and felt the terrifying power contained in it, which was far higher than the quality of his magic power. He sincerely sighed: "You guys really think highly of me." I'm a little monk...it's just a golden pit."

The Jiu Xiao Feng that was wrapped around him suddenly expanded to all directions, and the black wind force rushed out in all directions.

Behind Jin Wanliang, an elder of Baoguang Pavilion hissed: "Jiu Xiao Feng? Where did he get this vicious thing? Come on, Feng Feng Bead... Ordinary Feng Feng Beads are not effective, Mantang, that of yours" Where is the Lingbao Wind-fixing Pearl?"

Behind Jin Wanliang, a slightly short and fat elder named Jin Mantang looked at the Jiuxiao Jifeng coming from the front with a confused look on his face.

He hissed: "My spiritual treasure, the Fengfeng Pearl, was borrowed from my family, Lao Jiu, a few days ago...a few days ago!"

Before he finished speaking, the gentle breeze from the sky blew silently.

The sword light, sword light, and fine needles released by Jin Wanliang were swept away by the thin and dense gurgling wind. Several treasures whined in unison. The nine-sky gurgling wind was specially designed to blow out all kinds of tangible objects. These treasures were blown away by the gurgling wind. When the wind blew, the body was hit hard and almost turned into dust.

Fortunately, these treasures are acquired spiritual treasure-level existences after all. Their bodies are extremely strong and they barely blocked the first wave of Jifeng's invasion.

Jin Wanliang spurted out a mouthful of old blood, hurriedly pinched his fingers and made seals, and forcefully took back several treasures.

It didn't matter as soon as he stopped his momentum, Lu Qian turned into a black gust of wind, clinging to the wind in the sky, and rushed directly in front of Jin Wanliang. On Jin Wanliang's chest.

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