Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 525: Means of Extermination (3)

Autumn snow under the river.

The Water God Palace has built a gorgeous palace building here, and laid out a huge formation that is thousands of miles long and thousands of miles thick.

Countless aquatic tribes with powerful cultivation and chilling auras were holding flags and flags of various colors, standing in various places in the formation, cooperating with the majestic magic power that was rapidly rotating in the formation, stimulating the water veins and making waves.

Yuan Lingtian's water system can be said to be a whole.

With hundreds of oceans like Yingyuan and Yanchi as the core, millions of large rivers as the main veins, other rivers as large and small as the Ganges as branches, and countless lakes, pools, and streams all over the world, thus forming The huge water veins covering the entire Yuan Lingtian.

Theoretically speaking, as long as a monk has enough magic power, he can use the power of a big river to gradually spread his influence throughout Yuanlingtian!

However, the amount of mana required for this is terrifying, and even a powerful person in the Heavenly Realm cannot do it!

But when Suizu and Water God Palace joined forces, they had some faint power like this.

For countless years, Shuizu seemed to be raising fish and living in seclusion in Yingyuan, but in fact, every few years, he would go to the sources of major water systems and use secret methods to worship the water eyes at the source of those water systems.

As for the Water God Palace, they are not as good as the Water Ancestor in terms of water magic, but their family has a great business. They have built dragon palaces and water mansions in major water systems, and inspired countless water tribes to take their wings.

These Dragon Palace Water Palaces are also built in key parts of major water systems.

If the water element of Yuan Lingtian is regarded as a human body, then the water ancestor occupies the key points of the 'head' of this giant's body, and the Water God Palace operates on the key nerve nodes of this giant's body. hands and feet.

When the two are added together, the fusion effect produced is terrifying.

In a huge palace in the middle, a hundred-mile water map shone with spiritual light. Suizu held a command flag and hovered above the water map, squinting and looking at the unpredictable light and shadow below.

What is reflected in this hundred-mile water map is the current flooding scene in the Miluo Sect’s territory.

In the flash of spiritual light, from time to time you can see a strip of white light that looks like a dragon flashing past. Sui Zu suddenly waved his command flag and saw a white dragon rising into the sky in the water map, affecting thousands of miles of water veins, turning into a long whip and roaring towards cities and towns. Smashed down.

Some of the capitals and important cities of the Immortal Dynasty were garrisoned by powerful monks. Those Immortal Dynasties were powerful and well-established, and the defensive formations they deployed could even compete with monks who were even half a step above the Heavenly Realm.

The water whips transformed by these white dragons only shook the cities, but they were unable to break through the cities and cause damage to the people in the cities.

But some ordinary cities, some ordinary villages and towns, etc., were all smashed into pieces under a whip.

No matter the monks, no matter the lay people, even all the city buildings, countless palaces and pavilions, were all reduced to broken limbs and ruins, and disappeared without a trace after being swept away by the flood.

Countless creatures wailed, roared, and cursed at the top of their lungs when they were dying.

These dying grievances, as well as countless grievances, were carried away by the floods. Following the mighty water, following the original channels of the great rivers, they roared towards the Dragon Palace Water Palaces.

In these dragon palace water palaces, huge altars are set up, with small black gourds enshrined on them.

Countless wronged souls, endless resentment, immeasurable evil spirit, death energy, and various negative forces turned into a black torrent visible to the naked eye, and were continuously swallowed by these black gourds.

These black gourds swayed slightly, with complicated and evil patterns flashing on their surfaces. These grievances, resentments, and boundless evil spirits were instantly refined into wisps of eerie black light. As soon as the gourd shook, these black lights flew through the air, following the pull of the water veins, meandering all the way, following the big rivers, and speeding all the way to the Qiuxue River.

Above Suizu, a huge eighteen-story pagoda was suspended on a dark cloud. The pagoda is completely dark and faintly transparent. On each floor of the pagoda, a ferocious and twisted statue of a god sitting cross-legged can be vaguely seen.

Infinite black light continues to fly from all directions, constantly pouring into this black pagoda.

Those statues opened their mouths and swallowed the black light that contained infinite evil power. The black energy around the statues rose, and their bodies squirmed faintly, as if they would turn into living creatures and rush out of the pagoda at any time, slaughtering the world and exterminating all living things.

Li Guiliu and other elders of Shuishen Palace stood at the entrance of the palace, watching Shui Zu let go and do something, with smiles on their faces, but uneasy in their hearts.

Suizu was too ruthless. Such a large formation mobilized hundreds of millions of miles of water, turned the entire territory of the Miluo Sect into a marsh country, and killed countless monks and people... Such killings were truly terrifying.

After all, Yuan Lingtian's cultivation world was once severely rubbed to the ground by the Buddhist sect of Jishengtian. Therefore, some Buddhist teachings are still spread in today's Yuan Lingtian cultivation world.

For example, killing evil, luck, retribution, cause and effect...all these, the more advanced the monks are, the clearer they are that there are some things in the world that are really inexplicable. If you act wantonly and kill countless people, even if this monk can be rampant for a while, he will inevitably die in the end.

In the past 30,000 years of Yuan Lingtian, many demonic and evil powers have emerged, running rampant and intimidating all directions. But no matter how monstrous the demonic flames were during their lifetimes, they were often destroyed in less than a thousand years during their peak period.

Those giants of demons and evil powers, what have they done?

It's nothing more than killing some people and practicing some evil methods. Even the most famous demon who practiced the blood path in the history of Yuan Lingtian only killed three immortal dynasties!

With Suizu's move, the territories of the thirty-six immortal dynasties directly controlled by Miluo Sect, as well as so many dynasties and so many small countries, were all trapped by him. How many people will die? How many sins must this cause? How much cause and effect does this have?

Shuizu is a lonely man, if something goes wrong, just pat your butt and leave...

All retribution will fall on the head of his Water God Palace!

The formation has been operating for more than half a month. The more Li Guiliu thought about it, the more uneasy he felt. He finally couldn't hold it back, coughed lightly, stepped forward a few steps, and said softly: "Senior Shuizu, senior has tremendous power, juniors I have seen it all...but it seems that these actions did not harm the Milo Sect itself, but instead killed too many people!"

Suizu slowly raised his head, with an evil glimmer in his eyes, and he said calmly: "What? Just now a few ants died, and you can't bear it anymore? Haha, just like this, where did you get the courage and courage? Luo Jiao competition?"

Shaking his head, Shui Anzu said calmly: "Don't worry, my plan to kill everyone will only benefit you, and will never do any harm."

Pouting a smile, Sui Zu said softly: "If the Milo Sect does not want their foundation to be destroyed, they must confront us head-on. But they can't break my formation, they absolutely can't break it!"

"Since they can't break it, they can only bow their heads and admit defeat. If you spend so much money to ask me for help, aren't you just overpowering the Milo Sect?"

"As long as the Milo Sect admits defeat, all the objects in the secret palace will naturally be yours."

"Not only that, as long as you Water God Palace can suppress Miluo Sect this time, you can naturally take our place. In the future ranking in Yuanlingtian, Water God Palace will be among the top five super sects!"

"In fact, this time we have caused such a great flood to cut off the Milo Sect's foundation in the secular world. If other sects see this method and this strength, they will naturally be wary. From now on, even the Sword Sect, But I also need to take a high look at your Water God Palace!"

Li Guiliu smiled bitterly and said: "Juniors are just afraid. Before we get the benefits, we will be attacked by all the major sects in Yuanlingtian!"

Shui Zu waved his hand disapprovingly: "There is absolutely no such thing, there is absolutely no such reason. This is just a conflict between your Shuishen Palace and Milo Sect, what does it have to do with other sects?"

"You guys, you are still too innocent and too soft-hearted... However, it is no wonder that people who practice water magic are indifferent in nature and have soft personalities. You should not understand some of the powerful and dark aspects, and you should!"

"Do you think that if we are ruthless and force the Milo Sect to this point, other sects will help the Milo Sect deal with us out of 'righteousness' and 'natural justice'?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"The most they can do is sit on the mountain and watch the fight between tigers and tigers, hoping that both of you will lose!"

"Even if I say that if Milo Sect can shake my formation, some sects will even add insult to injury, sap them from behind, and hinder them... Do you believe it?"

Shui Zu smiled and said: "You guys, just be patient and optimistic. In terms of grasping the human heart, I have lived tens of thousands of years longer than you. I understand the human heart better than you... I understand the hearts of cultivators better than you... …It’s all fucking pitch black!”

Li Guiliu and the elders of the Water God Palace fell silent.

In the void, increasingly dense black light continued to fly in accompanied by shrill and strange whistling sounds, constantly pouring into the black pagoda.

The color of the pagoda became darker and darker, gradually exuding a terrifying aura that made people palpitate... This aura was like facing death. Li Guiliu and others were also half-step into the realm of heaven and human, but they only felt the bone marrow and soul. They were all frozen by this breath, and they were all trembling and speechless!

In just over half a month, Shui Ancestor used this large formation to kill many monks and people in the Miluo Sect's territory?

Trillions, is there?

Trillions of undead, as well as the derived resentment, evil, death, evil, etc., were all extracted by this great formation and injected into this pagoda... Even though this pagoda was originally a pile of scrap iron, it has already spawned monstrous flames. !

Not to mention, this pagoda looks so extraordinary in nature!

The aura flickered in the water map, white dragons rose up, water whips spread out, and cities were being completely destroyed one after another.

Above the east gate of Huayu City, Lu Qian, Song Feng and others gathered a group of half-step celestial beings, formed a cloud formation, and slowly approached the water mansion under the Qiuxue River.

Milo Sect must respond, and it must be the strongest response.

Otherwise, as Suizu said, the foundation of Milo Sect in the secular world will be dug up!

In Huayu City, the Void Movement Array kept flashing, and the top masters from the major vassal dynasties of Miluo Sect kept walking out of the Movement Array with gloomy expressions.

Among them, there are quite a few ancestors of the Immortal Dynasty who are half-stepping into the Heavenly Realm!

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