Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 559: Immortality Religion (4)

Ahead, there are high mountains and countless cliffs.

The mountains and mountains are full of wild jungles, swamps and large lakes, with countless snakes and pythons running rampant, and countless poisonous insects wandering around. In the mountains and forests, you can always see all kinds of weird flowers that are extremely rare in the outside world blooming in large areas, emitting a confusing poisonous miasma day and night, and the sea of ​​flowers is covered with white bones, faintly. An extremely sharp and strange howling can be heard.

Lu Qian stood on a cloud of blue clouds. Ten miles in front of him, there was a monk who was over ten feet tall, with dark skin, a bun on his head, a long knife on his back, and a snake wrapped around his waist. His feet were on the fire cloud. He was fierce and ferocious, full of flesh and blood. His big face was full of smiles, and he smiled almost flatteringly at Lu Qian.

Ahead, where the ground is full of poisonous insects and the sky is full of poisonous miasma, is the territory of the Yuan Lingtian Curse Gu Sect.

This is the tenth year since Bai Zhu was defeated and fled at the Miluo Sect Mountain Gate.

In ten years, Lu Qian, with his snowballing army of Miluo Sect, has wiped out hundreds of sects around Miluo Sect and connected their territories. Nowadays, the territory of the Milo Sect has expanded nearly thirty times, with more than a thousand vassal immortal dynasties and tens of thousands of large and small dynasties attached to it.

In terms of territory area alone, Milo Sect's current territory is much larger than the Ten Sword Sects.

Such a huge territory... Even if most of the disciples among the hundreds of sects that were wiped out have come over cautiously, the Milo Sect has already felt that it is unable to deal with such a large territory. In many places, it is no longer able to send out the most basic sects. The monks are in charge.

The Curse Gu Sect in front is also a strange thing in the Yuan Lingtian cultivation world.

There are many mountains, jungles, and poisonous miasma in the Curse Gu Sect. Among them, the secular people mostly live in tribal ways and survive tenaciously among the mountains. The folk customs here are fierce and can even be said to be primitive and barbaric. In addition to the common and not very valuable metal mineral deposits, the biggest specialty of the Cursed Gu Sect is all kinds of creepy poisonous insects and poisonous beasts.

And these highly poisonous things are rare treasures to the Cursed Gu Sect, and are completely useless to other sects. If they are kept in their own warehouse, they have to be careful about poisoning the unlucky disciples one day.

A flash of light flashed in his eyes, and Lu Qian saw poisonous insects and snakes slowly squirming on the branches in the mountain forest... In this damn place, a big tree can have hundreds or thousands of poisonous snakes wrapped around it. poisonous insect……

And in that mountain forest, among the rotting leaves, there were countless weird insects crawling all over the ground.

This damn place...

Lu Qian smiled brightly at the monk in front of him: "Fellow Taoist, I am Lu Qian, you are polite this time... Well, I didn't expect that we actually became neighbors with the Cursed Gu Sect!"

That monk, as well as a large number of Cursed Gu cultivators hidden in the mountains and forests behind, were cursing in their hearts at the same time.

Damn it, the Curse Gu Sect and Milo Sect were originally separated by dozens of large and small forces, and their territories were far apart. Aren't you the Milo Sect, like Mad Dog, who have been frantically annexing Zhou's forces over the years, and forcibly built your own gate to the entrance of the Cursed Gu Sect?

Of course, this cannot be said out loud.

The Curse Gu Sect monk laughed dryly and said: "Yes, yes, I am fortunate to be adjacent to the Milo Sect... From now on, I will wait and see more."

Lu Qian smiled brightly: "If we keep in touch with each other and have more relationships, if we become a family..."

The monk's expression suddenly changed, and he subconsciously took several steps back.

Now the news has spread throughout Yuanlingtian, and the old devil in the heaven and human realm that Miluo Sect has hooked up with is named Lu Min. The person who was in charge of the Miluo Sect's army, which was fighting and killing everywhere, was Na Lu Min's son Lu Qian.

Lu Min is a terrifying old monster in the Heavenly Realm, and Lu Yi is also an extremely powerful being in the Half-Step Heavenly Realm. In the past ten years, there were nearly a hundred elders from various sects who were unwilling to have their territory annexed and confronted Lu Qian head-on. However, anyone who dared to confront Lu Qian was violently beaten by him in three or two moves. kill!

Lu Qian's evil reputation can almost stop children from crying at night in the Yuan Lingtian cultivation world.

Listen to what Lu Qian just said, ‘become a family’? Haha, what do you mean? What does it mean to become a family?

This Curse Gu cultivator was almost about to draw his sword at him!

Lu Qian waved his hand and said calmly: "That's all, I won't bully you anymore. In three months, the Miluo Sect will officially change its name and surname, and change its family. Taoist friends from the Curse Gu Sect are welcome to come and watch the ceremony. From now on, everyone will be neighbors. Yes, you should move around more!"

Waving towards the monk, Lu Yi turned around, set up his cloud head, and flew straight to a huge flying warship behind him.

After ten years of attacks, nearly a hundred sects were destroyed, and the size of the Miluo Sect's army increased by more than a hundred times? There are tens of millions of flying warships gathered in front of the Curse Gu Sect!

Following Lu Qian's order, the largest flagship slowly turned around and flew away into the distance.

The huge group of battleships spit out huge mana fluctuations, and the metal hulls shined in the sun, like a group of huge fish, drifting away with the leader.

In the mountain forest, the monks of the Curse Gu Sect breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Not long after, several supreme elders from the Curse Gu Sect flew out of the forest wrapped in clouds of evil energy and poison.

"Luckily, I taught you to avoid a disaster today."

"Damn it, a strong neighbor is like a tiger occupying the side of the bed. I will teach you in the future..."

"The disciples of my sect's expedition to the Holy Heaven sent back a message that the disciples who fought in the vanguard suffered heavy casualties, and asked the sect to send reinforcements to a group of elite disciples..."

"Haha, haha, let them postpone the attack... How can they care about the Holy Heaven now? It is serious to find ways to improve the relationship with Miluo Sect first!"

"Go and prepare a generous gift. In three months, we will personally deliver the gift to your door."

Three months later.

At the gate of the Miluo Sect, in the Patriarch's Hall, the portrait of Zhenjun Miluo, the founder of the Miluo Sect, has been taken down. Behind the altar table, there is now a scroll hanging with the word "immortality" neatly written on it.

Lu Qian stood in front of the altar table, looked up at the two big characters, and suddenly smiled: "What I cultivate and what I seek are these two characters. So, what about changing the Milo Sect to the 'Immortal Sect'?" , Isn’t this a good name?”

Qingyou stood behind him, holding her hands, tilting her head, looking at the two big characters that looked like a knife chopping and an axe chopping.

After pondering for a long time, Qingyou nodded: "Okay, okay, but why do we need to change the name?"

Lu Qian turned around and looked outside the Patriarch's Hall. Even the sect's standard robes had all been changed in style and color among the many disciples of the original Milo Sect. He said softly: "Changing the name is actually not a big deal... The reason why I want to change the name is to always warn me not to abandon my true heart."

"Such a big place."

"So many people."

"Countless disciples and subordinates."

"Responding to all calls, taking life and death, taking and asking for everything... These things can easily make people dizzy and intoxicated. In the end, they become dedicated to running, running, working hard and desperately for these external things."

"So, I always have to remind myself that whether it is these territories, the people, or these disciples, the scene and grandeur in front of me are all illusions. Only 'immortality' is the foundation. What I have done before Everything, everything, is just for these two words."

This year, in late autumn, the Miluo Sect, which had grown rapidly in power, quietly made its final appearance in the Yuanlingtian cultivation world at the height of its power. Instead, it was ‘Eternal Life Sect’, a name with profound meaning.

The Grand Elder of the Immortality Sect, Lu Min.

The leader, Lu Qian.

The Immortality Sect has disciples from the original Milo Sect as its backbone, and has absorbed nearly a hundred disciples from sects and families that were destroyed. Its scale is so large that it has never been heard of or seen in the history of Yuan Lingtian.

Not to mention anything else, the Immortal Sect’s Taishang Elder who is half a step into the Heavenly Realm alone has reached a strength of sixty people. Together with Lu Min, who is in the Heavenly Realm, the Longevity Sect has already surpassed Jianmen in terms of cutting-edge power. .

The Immortality Religion has a vast territory, with 1,037 vassal dynasties directly under its jurisdiction, tens of thousands of other vassal dynasties, and an incalculable number of subjects. When the armies of monks from all major immortal dynasties and national dynasties are combined, the number It can scare people to death.

In such a huge territory, the Changsheng Sect is connected to the Cursed Gu Sect to the east, the Man King Palace to the north, and the Tianfu Sect and Tianyi Pavilion to the south. These four sects are all among the top 100 sects in Yuan Lingtian, and they are all the pioneer sects in the first wave to attack Jishengtian.

With such a behemoth appearing beside them, the four major sects simultaneously stopped their reinforcements to the Holy Heaven and were forced to shrink their disciples and stick to the mountain gate. When Lu Qian held a grand ceremony and changed the name of the sect, the current leaders of the four major sects also came forward to watch the ceremony with heavy gifts, carefully trying to figure out the intentions of the Immortality Sect and the thoughts of Lu Yi and Lu Min.

The atmosphere in Yuan Lingtian's cultivation world became extremely strange.

The Immortality Sect is so huge that everyone must pay attention to their every move. When it made no move, all the sects and all the forces were cautious, not daring to be careless in the slightest, for fear that this freak-like existence would suddenly raise the butcher's knife again.

The first order issued by Lu Qian caused an uproar in the cultivation world of Yuan Lingtian.

Lu Qian publicly declared that the Immortality Religion is inclusive and has no distinction between good and evil. All Yuan Lingtian monks, no matter good or evil, no matter black or white, whether they are notorious murderous thugs, vicious evil demons, or even like rats crossing the street, everyone shouts to beat them. Buddhist monks and the Immortality Sect have opened their doors and welcome monks from all walks of life to join us.

As long as the monks who surrender are willing to abide by the sect rules of the Immortal Sect, the Immortal Sect will never investigate their past, never explore their origins, and only use talents according to their talents!

After this news was released, an extremely coquettish operation took place!

Hu Buwei, the contemporary owner of the photo studio, personally visited the gate of the Immortality Religion and talked with Lu Qian all night long. Later, Hu Buwei announced that all the killers and assassins in the photo studio had joined the Immortality Sect, and Hu Buwei was even named the 'Deputy Headmaster' by Lu Qian in public!

Subsequently, the Immortality Cult dispatched a terrifying legion, cooperating with the photo studio, to storm the mountain gate of Shengyang Palace.

The photo studio could not be attacked for a long time, and the mountain gate of Shengyang Palace, which had been attacked for more than ten years, was easily breached by Lu Min. Countless disciples of the Immortality Sect invaded Shengyang Palace. In just one month, Shengyang Palace was completely wiped out!

Such a powerful Shengyang Palace only lasted for one month under the fierce attack of the Immortality Sect!

The Yuan Lingtian cultivation world suddenly fell into dead silence.

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