Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 590 Infiltration

Sword Gate.

Grandmaster's Hall.

The original portrait of the Bai family's Supreme Being has been torn off. Behind the confession, there is now a portrait of a young monk wearing a necklace, riding a blue lion, with a face like the full moon and a kind face.

On the confession table, there were two ever-burning lamps with green smoke lingering, and flowers and fruits were neatly placed.

Li Xu, the current great elder of the Li clan, has long hair and an apricot-yellow monk's robe. His eyebrows are shining with wisdom, and his eyes are clear as he looks at the children of the four clans standing in the hall.

Next to Li Xu were Yuan Duo, the great elder of the Yuan clan, Luo Zheng, the great elder of the Luo clan, and Zuo Qiu Han, the great elder of the Zuoqiu clan.

Like Li Xu, Yuan Duo and the other three were also the sons of the most caring swordsman disciples of the Bai clan who stayed in the lower world. Like Li Xu, they were unable to improve their cultivation for thousands of years due to the strong restraint of the Bai clan, and were gradually rejected and suppressed by the Bai clan. They gradually evolved from fellow sect members into "slaves", and finally became angry and had different ideas. .

The three of them, like Li Xu, were wearing monk's robes and holding rosary beads. Wisdom was rising all over their bodies. Their auras changed from the sharp edge of sword cultivators to deep and majestic, majestic and strong, but there was also a hint of hidden aura.

"If you want to inflict a crime, there is no reason to hesitate." Li Xuzheng lectured to the members of the four families in the main hall: "For thirty thousand years, the Bai family has been mean and unkind, and has treated the four children of my family in all kinds of ways. I will not go into details. In short, It is Mr. Bai who is sorry for me, not me who is sorry for Mr. Bai."

"The Bai family is unvirtuous and abuses fellow disciples. Therefore, we changed the sect, worshiped under the master's seat, and received the great power of the master to pass down the secret of "Great Light and Wisdom Sword" from the upper world, so as to break through the wonderful realm of heaven and man. .”

"In just a few decades of practice, the four of us have gained a lot. The realm of heaven and man is right before our eyes."

"Therefore, there are many disturbances from the outside world. You don't need to panic or be afraid. Just sit firmly at the mountain gate and guard the foyer. When the four senior fellow apprentices of me break through the bottleneck, the sea and the sky will be brighter, and you can roam freely!"

Li Xu's whole body shone brightly, and all the disciples in the Patriarch's Hall felt their whole bodies go cold. From their physical bodies to their souls, they seemed to be lightly passed by countless invisible sword lights. They felt their whole bodies were cold and their souls were shivering subconsciously.

The Buddhist "Great Sword of Light and Wisdom" is a secret sword technique taught in the upper realm. It is extremely powerful, profound and grand, far superior to the "Tai Shang Sword Canon".

The "Tai Shang Sword Canon" is just a sword practice technique left behind by the Supreme Supreme Being after his enlightenment before his ascension. After that, Bai Zhu and the Yi Ying Bai clan were lazy and there was no further benefit.

And this "Great Sword of Light and Wisdom" was created by a true immortal-level power from the upper realm after hundreds of thousands of years of hard training and enlightenment. It is naturally more mysterious and powerful than the "Tai Shang Sword Code".

Li Xu said confidently: "Although the Immortality Sect has two heavenly beings, their cultivation method is only the secret technique of the lower world. How can it compare with the technique that we are rewarded by the master?"

Yuan Duo, Luo Zheng, and Zuo Qiuhan smiled reservedly and nodded slowly.

The four elders who stayed behind at the Jianmen Gate, as well as the clan disciples from each family, all smiled at the same time, and some even laughed out loud. The Grandmaster's Hall suddenly burst into joy, as if they regarded the coalition forces from the outside sects as local chickens and tile dogs, completely oblivious. Take it to heart.

Li Xu waved his hand gently, and the laughter in the hall suddenly stopped.

"Those who make trouble for nothing, don't worry about them. But there is one thing, let's start doing it now."

A lotus sword mark flashed across his eyes, and Li Xu said sternly: "Where is the Bai family's young master Bai Yuan? Quickly mobilize capable personnel to trace her whereabouts. She... must be captured alive!"

The disciples of the four families in the main hall were slightly startled, and then they all saluted and agreed.

At the same time, Lu Qian had already driven straight in and walked directly into the Jianmen Mountain Gate.

After capturing Bai Xuanyue alive and obtaining his confession, Lu Qian no longer had any secrets about Jianmen's mountain-protecting formation. He also obtained the Baidi Sword Order. This Sword Sect Master Sword Order can directly control the operation of the Jianmen Mountain Guard Formation. Its authority is extremely high, enough to ensure the safety of the person holding the order in the formation.

Therefore, Lu Min and Wanxiang organized a coalition of sects to besiege Jianmen from all directions.

Lu Qian himself concealed his whereabouts with Taichu Mixing Pearl, holding a sword in hand, and entered the sword gate leisurely as if on an outing.

Today's Jianmen is quite dilapidated.

Many of the mountains and caves that were once beautifully maintained were beaten to pieces during the internal fighting in the past few days. Some floating peaks used for decoration fell from the sky and fell crookedly to the ground, smashing countless cave buildings and making the entire mountain gate a mess.

The white jade avenues that connect each place are even more tattered and full of potholes. Some places are buried by collapsed mountains. Now there are countless low-level disciples, shouting slogans, rebuilding these avenues and rearranging them. various restrictions.

Some important palaces that were destroyed are also being renovated and rebuilt in full swing. There are fire and heat waves emitted by the smelting of various materials, and there are busy sounds of 'ding-dong-dang' everywhere.

Of course, what is more important is that the four sect members who have made a comeback in one move are screening the sword cultivators in the mountain sect.

As mentioned earlier, in the battle of Qianyun City, Bai Zhu was suppressed, and many Jianmen elders, including Li Yu, Yuan Miao'er, Luo Tian, ​​Zuo Qiuhui and other four elders, were also captured alive. Only Bai Xuanyue escaped in embarrassment. Back.

Bai Xuanyue fled back to the mountain gate and issued an order to mobilize the senior officials of the major immortal dynasties affiliated with the Jianmen and all the swordsmanship masters to return to the mountain gate to defend it.

After a period of internal strife, the Bai family completely collapsed, and the four families began to conduct strict screening and review, or in other words retaliation, against the subordinates of the major vassal immortal dynasties who gathered at the mountain gate.

One after another, the royal family members of the Immortal Dynasty, the heads of aristocratic families, and the heads of large and small families were called into the palaces by the powerful families to strictly investigate whether they were involved with the Bai family and whether they were remnants of the Bai family.

From time to time, an unlucky guy would be wiped clean and cry out for his injustice. He would be pushed out of the hall by the law enforcement disciples, directly pushed to the ground, and then beheaded with a sword!

From time to time, there would be large groups of sword cultivators who were directly banned from cultivation and put on various shackles. They were whipped by law enforcement disciples with small leather whips and whipped to various construction sites to join the team that was renovating the mountain gate.

The blood is rising, and the resentment is skyrocketing.

The entire Jianmen no longer looks like a lofty holy land for cultivation, but instead looks a bit like a hell on earth.

Along the way, Lu Qian even saw many noble ladies who were originally aloof being dragged into a pavilion or house at will, or just in the woods and grass by the roadside, crying and screaming on the spot, causing misfortune. The misfortune was that her face was pale and her cries were loud.

The four families headed by the Li family, as well as disciples from other branches of the four families, were suppressed and suffocated by the Bai family in the past.

Just how hard they have been suppressed over the years is how violent the backlash is today.

As a result, many middle- and low-level disciples behaved in disordered and crazy ways, and seemed to be possessed by demons.

However, the current senior leaders of Jianmen, especially the core members of the four families, did not come forward to restrain these disciples. Therefore, their behavior became more and more crazy and cruel, which made even Lu Qian dumbfounded.

Gradually, Lu Qian secretly arrived outside the main hall of Jianmen Patriarch.

A large group of Jianmen disciples with arrogant expressions and faint blood all over their bodies stood outside the main hall door, heads held high and chests high, looking proud.

The open door of the main hall did not isolate the sounds inside.

Li Xu was still assigning tasks to each family member: "I remember that Taoist Luzhu, a casual cultivator in Tiezhangling, was also a half-step into the realm of heaven and human. He also owed a favor to Junior Brother Yuanduo. Taoist Luzhu was transparent and smooth. I have quite a good relationship with monks from all over the world.”

"I also asked Junior Brother Yuan Duo to give him a letter and ask him to go to the Changsheng Sect to inquire about it. The four children of the four families who were captured alive by the Changsheng Sect, especially the four elders Li Yu, Luo Tian, ​​Yuan Miao'er, and Zuo Qiuhui, are now What a situation.”

Li Xu said quietly: "We must fight against the Immortality Cult, but now powerful clan members from each family have fallen into their hands. Before we break through the realm of heaven and humans and fight him down, we must find ways to protect our Waiting for the wealth and lives of the clan’s disciples.”

"Find a way to communicate with the senior officials of the Immortality Sect."

"Every family member has nothing to do, so that's it. Let's see each other's methods and fight for a winner."

"But if the Immortality Sect has already poisoned them, then...don't blame me for waiting for the King of Invention to get angry and kill all the Immortality Sect and kill everyone."

Lu Qian raised his eyebrows.

‘The Wrath of King Ming’?

This is Buddhist talk. What are you, a group of sword cultivators from your Sword Sect, making a fuss about with Buddhist talk?

Li Xu waved his hand gently: "That's all, let's go and do our own thing... In times of crisis, you all need to be cautious, but also be brave and diligent. The "Great Sword of Light and Wisdom" we have passed down will definitely be used in your spare time. You have to think carefully, your future lies in it!"

Lu Qian's heart skipped a beat again.

"Great Sword of Light and Wisdom"?

Just by looking at the name, you can tell that this is a Buddhist heritage. Tsk, is it possible that Buddhist methods were involved in the civil strife of Jianmen and the bloody purge of the Bai family by the four families?

However, the bulk of Yuan Lingtian's Buddhist cultivators are the group of fierce monks from Mahakala, and the matter of the Sword Sect obviously has nothing to do with Mahakala.


Lu Qian raised his head and looked at the endless sky.

Have the disputes in the upper realm reached this level? Are you starting to do whatever it takes to cultivate spokespersons below, and just roll up your sleeves and go into battle?

From this point of view, whose sword is the Senluo Sect?

In the main hall, Li Xu's voice came: "Three junior brothers, the Bai family is cruel and unfair to us... The fathers of you and me, the four of us, followed the Supreme Being to ascend to the upper world, and fell one after another within a few years. Among them, It’s very mysterious.”

"Since he, the Bai family, is unkind, don't blame us for being unjust."

"You and I will retreat quickly, break through the last hurdle, step into the wonderful realm of heaven and human beings, unify the Queen of Yuanling, and ascend to the throne through meritorious service. With a guru as our backer, we will also settle accounts with the Supreme Being!"

Yuan Duo and the other three agreed in unison, and then, four gleams of light rushed out of the hall, and disappeared without a trace after just a flash.

Lu Qian became more and more determined.

This must be the true teaching of Buddhist swordsmanship. Its ability to teleport through the air is similar to his one-thought escape technique!

After pondering for a moment, Lu Qian followed Li Xu's sword light.

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