Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 57 This is embarrassing

Bai Changkong took his son and ran to the front yard. Lu Qian put down the sea bowl and ran away.

He stepped on the outer wall of the Bai family's house and ran all the way to the front door of the Bai family's mansion. His speed was faster than that of Bai Changkong and his son, just in time to see the wonderful performance of the group of young eunuchs.

Standing outside the main entrance of the Bai family mansion, Lu Qian looked at the group of arrogant little eunuchs, completely messed up in the cold wind.

Who would kill a thousand swords, come up with such an evil and smoking idea!

Let Bai Lu enter the palace and be the new show girl this year?

This is to tear off the Bai family's dough completely and throw it into the manure pit to marinate and make fertilizer!

There are strict rules and strict procedures for the Dayin royal family to recruit beautiful girls. Those who can be added to the Chuxiu list are all 'good daughters' who come from 'kind families'. There must be no flaws in their reputation. .

To put it bluntly, when a beautiful woman enters the palace, she must pass three physical examinations. Each physical examination is carried out by the most experienced nuns in the inner court.

Bai Lu, how can you pass the physical examination?

Everyone in the world knows that a place like the palace is the biggest sieve in the world, and no secrets can be kept.

As soon as Bai Lu enters the palace, her physical examination results will be spread throughout Wuyinfang and Kunpengfang in half an hour, and throughout Haojing in three hours. In less than half a month, all states, roads, and prefectures in Zuzhou will be From officials to common people, from refugees to bandits, everyone can hear this gossip.

Don't forget, there is also General Lewu, who is always thinking about helping Bai Changkong become famous?

With the Dayin military's military intelligence system spreading rumors and gossip, are you still worried that Bai Lu's reputation will not spread to all directions and will not be known to the world?

"Who did this? This person can become my best friend!" Lu Qian rubbed his chin vigorously, smiling so hard that his big teeth were exposed.

Looking at Bai Changkong and others who seemed to have been struck by lightning, Lu Qian felt happy.

Sure enough, there are high and low ways of doing things.

A fire was set off last night. As a result, the Bai family lost some money, but Lu Qian couldn't do anything to them. The Bai family, which was secretly powerful, made Lu Qian suffer a heavy loss.

But as soon as they take action, look, look, Bai Changkong and his family are forced into a desperate situation!

It is unimaginable that once the news about Bai Lu getting pregnant out of wedlock spreads, what a devastating blow it would be to Bai Changkong and the reputation of the entire Bai family.

"This is embarrassing, this is really unsolvable." Lu Qian murmured: "Bai Lu is the only daughter in the Bai family. To safeguard the reputation of the Bai family and Bai Changkong's virtuous name, all I can think of is a sudden illness. Dead!"

"You want to sell your daughter at a good price. In this situation, how do you choose?"

"Are you willing to sacrifice Bai Lu?"

Lu Qian scratched his head hard.

Faced with this decisive move, Lu Qian couldn't think of any possible way to deal with it for a while.

Or, sacrifice Bai Lu and ask her to die.

Either, or... Lu Qian couldn't think of any solution.

In order to avoid the coercion of the Bai family, Lu Qian could join the eunuch party, destroy his reputation, and force Bai Changkong to cancel the engagement.

But Bai Changkong didn't want to join the eunuch party. He would cut himself off and go to the palace to become brothers with Yu Changle. Bai Lu's name was on Chu Xiu's name book, so she had to report to the palace obediently.

Steady footsteps came.

A burly figure over ten feet tall passed through the crowd of spectators and came behind Lu Qian.

Wearing an animal skin suit, with most of his scalp shaved off, leaving only a patch of hair as big as a palm in the middle of his forehead, a burly man with three pigtails walked up to Lu Qian, panting, and handed over a coarse cloth package. come over.

This man's clothes and the bloody tiger head tattoo on his exposed chest clearly marked his identity - he is a barbarian from the northern Fanzhou, and he is the most savage and ferocious tribe. kind.

"Brother Qi, this is what you want. Huh, it's been a long journey. You asked someone to send me a message last night, and I went out before dawn."

The big man smiled "hehe", and on his extremely generous face, the smile was so simple and honest, even revealing the innocence of a naughty boy.

Lu Qian turned around, gently patted the big man's arm, which was much thicker than an ordinary person's thigh, and burst into laughter: "Ah Hu, thank you for your hard work... Hee, I have a joke, do you want to hear it? "

The big man Ahu's eyes widened: "A joke? What kind of joke? Don't say anything too complicated. I can't understand anything too complicated."

Lu Qian raised his voice slightly and laughed loudly: "The joke is - the precious granddaughter of Mr. Bai Changkong, deputy director of the Imperial Academy, is going to the palace to serve the emperor!"

Ahu looked at Lu Qian with dull eyes.

He couldn't feel any laughter in Lu Qian's words.

He blinked his eyes, patted his bare head with both hands, turned to look at the gate of Bai's house, suddenly grinned, and laughed "hahahahaha": "It's funny, it's funny, it's so funny!"

Lu Qian rolled his eyes.

The bodies of Bai Changkong, Bai Lang, Bai Xi and others were trembling slightly.

They saw Lu Qian and heard Ahu's laughter, but at this moment, they were in no mood to deal with Lu Qian.

It can be said that the biggest crisis for the Bai family has arisen since Bai Changkong was almost killed by robbers while on a study tour, but was saved by Lu Xiu, the grandfather of Lu Qian.

Bai Changkong took a deep breath, and his twisted face returned to calm.

The sweat all over his body evaporated without a trace in an instant. With a smile as warm as the spring breeze, he walked up to the little eunuch in purple: "This father-in-law has a great surname? I..."

The little eunuch in purple tugged his lips with a smile, and smiled softly at Bai Changkong: "Oh, Master Bai Shan is too polite, which makes the slaves feel uneasy... We rootless 'eunuchs' People, what do you think of Baishan Chang in normal times? Suddenly he became so polite, this, this..."

Pointing at the monk and scolding the bald donkey, the little eunuch in purple was not very kind.

However, Bai Changkong and his good friends always call them "eunuchs", reprimand and accuse them at every turn, and often publish articles denounced as "eunuchs harming the country." He suddenly smiled at the little eunuch, which was really inconsistent with his usual behavior.

Bai Changkong's face twitched violently.

His smile gradually faded, his eyes became extremely cold, and he stared straight at the little eunuch in purple: "That's right, I and you eunuchs, what do you have to say? What conspiracy and tricks are there, just do it!"

Bai Changkong said in a manly voice: "I, Bai Changkong, have been an upright and upright person in my life. I am dedicated to the country and have no selfish motives. No matter how you use your tricks, I will just treat it as a breeze. No matter what conspiracy or trick you have, just come and do it." use!"

Turning around, Bai Changkong said loudly to the people who were gradually gathering on the street: "The day before yesterday, I was in Jiuquyuan to remonstrate with the emperor bloody, asking him to kiss the virtuous ministers and distant people. As long as Dayin can live in peace and harmony for the country and the people, I will not regret this life. ?”

"I just didn't expect that after all, I offended those eunuchs who brought disaster to the country and the people, and their revenge came so quickly... Yu Changle, you want to bring my only granddaughter into the palace to harm you wantonly, how can I tolerate you? "

"It would be better for the jade to be broken into pieces than to be completely destroyed!"

Bai Changkong stamped his foot heavily and said the last eight words decisively.

Many people near and far cheered in unison, and some even applauded to cheer for Bai Changkong.

Such righteousness, unyielding might, wealth and honor, and no licentiousness, 'this is how the pillars of the country should be'!

Lu Qian's heart was cold - 'I would rather break it than destroy it.' Is Bai Changkong ready to sacrifice his granddaughter?

This... is simply insane!

This old guy...

If possible, Lu Qian would like to ask his grandfather how on earth he became so blind that he could marry someone like Bai Changkong?

"It is better to have a piece of jade broken into pieces than to be crumbled to pieces." When used at this time, these words are really heart-rending and unscrupulous!

Lu Qian took the coarse cloth package from Ah Hu's hand and whispered: "Let's go, there's no chance to watch. Ha, I want to see how he would rather break it than destroy it. Ha. However, this matter has nothing to do with us. ”

Lu Qian turned around and left with A Hu.

The little eunuch in purple widened his eyes and smiled at Bai Changkong with an innocent and friendly expression: "Mr. Bai made a mistake. This slave is not the manager of Yuda. This slave is the god-grandson of ancestor Yu!"

"Yu Sandou?" Bai Changkong exhaled from between his teeth.

He glared at the little eunuch in purple, and finally understood that the stabbing was not from Yu Changle, but from the old eunuch who was the confidant of the Queen Mother, and stabbed him hard in the back.

But why did the Queen Mother want to trouble him?

Uh, uh, is it because yesterday Gong Yangxu ran to the palace and forcibly fished out Xiong Dingtian?

And the reason why Xiong Dingtian was arrested seemed to be because he attacked and killed Lu Qian?

Xiong Dingtian went to attack and kill Lu Qian because Zhu Yu and Bai Lu were the instigators.

Gong Yangxu went to fish out Xiong Dingtian because the Xiong Family Martial Arts Hall was a tool for Zhu Yu to train his confidants and win over his thugs. The warriors raised by the Xiong Family Martial Arts Hall were considered to be the peripheral forces of the Zhu Sheng family in Haojing.

In order to fish Xiong Dingtian out, Zhu Chong, Gong Yangxu and others adopted relatively tough methods...

They threatened the Queen Mother with the case of Concubine Qi turning into a ghost, and even had the power to conduct subsequent investigations in their hands.

Queen Mother...

She is not a person who can take advantage of others.

She has always been at a disadvantage when it comes to the right to speak in government affairs, and is completely unable to compete with the increasingly powerful cultural and educational officials.

However, the Queen Mother's authority is still extremely terrifying.

What's more important is that beside the Queen Mother's brother, General Lewu, there is a wicked and evil Jia Yu... That Jia Yu has never done anything that a human being should do in his life!

Jia Yu's bad idea, coupled with the power of the Queen Mother, got Bai Lu into Chu Xiu's name book. Isn't this an easy and logical thing?

Bai Changkong's body swayed, his heart felt sore, and his throat felt fishy and sweet.

Things came full circle, and it turned out that my precious granddaughter and her lover threw a brick into the sky, and it hit Bai Changkong firmly on the head!

This is so embarrassing!

"Prepare your horses, I'm going to meet some old friends!"

Bai Changkong spoke slowly.

The little eunuch in purple smiled very kindly: "Oh, sir, it's useless for you to find anyone. Wait, after the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Miss Bailu must enter the palace, so don't dare to miss the time!" "

"You are the one who governs 'etiquette'. If you miss the right moment, you will break the 'etiquette'... You don't want to say one thing and do another!"

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