Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 618 The Supreme Foot

Roots and feet, this word, is no longer mentioned in today’s world of cultivation.

In today's Yuan Lingtian cultivation world, all cultivators are human beings. There may be differences between smart and dull, there may be differences between bright and obscure aptitudes, there may be differences between height and shortness, and there may be differences between strong and weak, but no matter you are male, female, old or young, tall or short, fat or round, all cultivators are human beings.

The ‘roots’ of all the monks in the Yuan Lingtian cultivation world are ‘human race’!

The 'human race' is limited to the limit of what you can achieve by practicing in a certain realm.

Unless there is an innate treasure that defies heaven and changes one's destiny, the 'human race''s cultivation will reach its ultimate limit in a certain realm, and its limit will be constant!

Of course, the 'human race' is extremely intelligent and very lucky. In many worlds, the human race is a protagonist-like existence in the cultivation world. There is basically no so-called bottleneck in the entire human race's cultivation realm, and they can successfully break through realm obstacles.

The human race's cultivation in each major realm is also very impressive, and the gap between the upper and lower levels is also huge.

Just like the three-eyed figure, Taichu Bead of Confusion, Qingning Heart Lamp and other treasures to protect the body, Lu Qian, who even changed his destiny against the will of heaven, had tempered his physical strength to the strength of several Kuns a long time ago, and with one Kun's power is the ultimate that Yuan Ling Tian Tian and Earth can contain!

But there are many half-step heavenly beings in the same realm as Lu Yi. Their physical strength may only be three to five dragons, or dozens of dragons... and it is simply incomparable to the power of Lu Yi's Kun or several Kuns.

These are the different differences within the ‘root foot’, not to mention. Using Lu Qian as an example, it is really impossible to accurately explain the importance of ‘roots’!

So, let’s use the ‘dragon’ as an analogy.

In the 'Dragon' genus, there are real dragons that are born, and there are acquired dragons that are cultivated bit by bit by little grass snakes.

Those little grass snakes, which are more than a foot long and as thin as a little finger, are trembling and cautious. Occasionally, they get a chance to learn how to cultivate demons. From a small snake, they become a big snake. From a big snake, they become a big python. Cultivation into the viper, from the viper into the python, from the python into the dragon, from the dragon into the sky again, and finally into the dragon clan!

Everyone came to the same destination through different paths, and finally transformed into dragons!

But people are born with true dragons, and their ancestors throughout the generations have been true dragons, and the ‘true dragon’ is their roots. Once they are born, even if they are not full-moon true dragons, they will be true immortal-level terrifying existences!

And the little grass snake has been practicing hard all the way, and when he spends millions of years of hard work and transforms into a dragon, he suddenly looks at it, oh, bad luck, and transforms into an ordinary dragon... His cultivation level is only that of heaven. Human realm, even half-step to heavenly realm!

The real dragon is ten thousand feet long, has golden scales and five claws, and antlers like a deer. It is colorful. When it stands in the void, it looks majestic and majestic. Countless water tribes bow down to it, and each one kowtows until their brains spurt out. .

And you are no more than a hundred feet long, with white scales and three claws, a dragon horn like a cone, and a single color. You poke your head out from behind the clouds timidly. When you look at it, countless aquatic tribes below will spit out even the most despicable shrimp soldiers and crab generals. Coming all the way—hey, another bastard!

Even if you train hard for hundreds of millions of years again, work hard to break through the constraints of blood, and reach the realm of a true dragon... Real dragons also have strengths and weaknesses. You have worked hard to put on a body of golden scales, and your three claws have become five claws, an awl-shaped dragon. The horns turned into the shape of antlers with distinct branches. You proudly showed off your minions, but suddenly found that you only had the ordinary 'power of a true dragon'!

As for those who are born with true dragons, when they are just one full moon, they will have the "power of one true dragon"... When they reach adulthood, they will eat, drink, and go about their lives without much cultivation, and they will have the "power of a hundred true dragons" and "thousands of true dragons". 'Power', 'Power of Ten Thousand True Dragons'...

Tsk, this is a foot!

Unless there is an innate treasure that can change one's destiny, tamper with one's bloodline, and improve one's abilities, even if the little grass snake becomes a 'true dragon' with great inspiration, he will still be at the bottom of the true dragon clan!

Therefore, a sparrow becoming an immortal is not as good as a single feather of a phoenix.

Your innate roots determine your upper limit, your ultimate, your future status between heaven and earth, and even the rank of your entire tribe among billions of worlds and countless creatures!

Lu Qian’s previous base was the ‘human race’.

Even if they have treasures such as the Three-Eyed Human Figure with them... Those ethnic groups whose innate roots are a hundred or a thousand times stronger than the human race, naturally there are people with great luck among them, and they will also have treasures with them!

Compared with those aliens who are born with extraordinary luck and have treasures to carry with them, even if Lu Qian improves his cultivation to the extreme... what does he mean?

But this moment!

It’s different!

Lu Qian raised his right hand and looked at his golden little finger quietly.

This little finger is already connected with his blood and has completely become a part of his body. This little finger is a part of Yuan Lingtian's world. It consumes immeasurable innate essence to give birth to a mature little finger in advance.

Lu Qian could clearly feel that his essence and blood continued to flow through this little finger along the blood vessels. Drops of sperm and blood flowed through this little finger, and the plasma took on a light golden color. The quality, quality, and certain innate qualities that he could touch but could not touch were all undergoing subtle changes.

As drops of constantly changing plasma flowed throughout his body, Lu Qian's body, which was already so strong, began to quickly devour the plasma, snatching it almost greedily, and then, his body functions began to improve rapidly!

Lu Qian's physical body has reached the current stage, and it is almost impossible to be promoted in Yuan Lingtian!

The ultimate physical strength that Yuan Lingtian can bear is the power of a Kun.

Lu Qian used the Taichu Mixing Bead to erase the cause and effect and traces of his own existence, and even blocked the breath of his physical body. Just like a giant dragon dancing lightly on soap bubbles, he relied on external forces to force himself to stay in Yuanlingtian .

Logically speaking, his physical strength cannot be improved.

If he improves further, if he is not careful, he will shatter the void and be forced to fly directly to the upper world. Moreover, the entire Yuan Lingtian's heaven and earth wisdom and the rhyme of the great road can no longer support Lu Qian's improvement!

Yuan Lingtian's environment and the 'nourishment' that heaven and earth's spiritual machinery can provide can no longer make Lu Qian's body grow at all!

There are no nutrients in the milk of heaven and earth. You, a big child, should go to a better environment to find more abundant nutrients... Therefore, you cannot grow any more!

But at this moment, as the mutated plasma continued to be absorbed throughout the body, new plasma continued to emerge in Lu Qian's bone marrow, and then continued to flow through the golden finger. His strength began to increase at an extremely significant speed.

Lu Qian's feet have changed!

As a human being, he can no longer draw any useful nutrients from the world of Yuan Lingtian. Everything is like boiled water to him, tasteless and tasteless. It can be used to maintain life. It can be used to continue to support his development and growth. There is nothing he can do.

But the roots have changed...

Lu Qian began to transform into some kind of terrifying monster - even if it is boiled water, even if it is a northwest wind, I can become a strong and powerful fat man!

Lu Qian breathed calmly.

With each breath, Wu Zhu's huge power continues to grow and integrate into the body.

With each breath, boundless mana continues to grow and is quickly absorbed into the soul.

With each breath, the small world inside the inner world made a low roar. The small world with a radius of 1.2 million miles actually expanded to the outside world by more than one mile!

It is extremely difficult for a powerful person in the realm of Heaven and Human to improve his cultivation level.

The predicament encountered by those in the heavenly realm is just like Lu Qian's physical strength before - Yuan Lingtian's cultivation environment can no longer provide enough nourishment for the heavenly beings.

Ordinary monks are like shrimps and can live well by eating some plankton.

Gods are as powerful as blue whales. They can swallow millions of shrimps in one mouthful, but they can only barely satisfy their hunger...

Therefore, after Bai Zhu was promoted to the realm of heaven and human, he practiced in seclusion at Jianmen for so many years, relying on daily breathing and breathing practice, and spent 20 to 30,000 years. His inner world could only expand to a radius of 400,000 miles. !

Lu Qian's physical function is powerful, his body is strong, and his breathing interval is extremely long. This breath only takes the time of a hundred breaths for an ordinary person, and his inner world expands outward by about a mile.

An ordinary person takes an average of 28,000 breaths a day and a night.

Lu Qian breathed normally for one day and one night without any deliberate practice. He breathed about three hundred times.

In other words, if Lu Qian does nothing but breathes normally day and night, his inner world will yearn to expand by three hundred miles, which is nearly ten thousand miles in one month!

Expanding one hundred thousand miles a year...

If Bai Zhu knew this news, and if the heavenly beings in the three worlds of Yuanlingtian, Jishengtian, and Wanmiaotian knew how fast Lu Qian was practicing now, they might cry and die on the frozen tofu!

Lu Qian quietly felt his own changes.

The root of the foot is improved.

As soon as this golden finger merged with itself, his roots and feet were transformed from a person of acquired nature to an innate person, and transformed into... a being that is far more noble and magical than the legendary True Dragon and other races.

From an ethnic perspective, Lu Qian is still a human race.

But from a fundamental point of view... he is a miniature 'world embryo', the 'enlightenment body' of a world!

A world of one side, whether strong or weak, it is a world of one side!

The innate foundation of a world is obviously far superior to that of all creatures nurtured by the world!

Lu Qian’s current foundation can be called ‘supreme’!

As long as he insists on practicing, bit by bit, his entire body will be completely transformed into the same quality as that golden finger... He... Lu Qian is also a little bit blind, and he can't figure out how strong he can be in the future!

"Thank you!"

Lu Qian sincerely bowed to the Yuantai of the world who had regained peace.

A rather weak consciousness flowed into Lu Qian's mind, and Yuan Lingtian urged Lu Qian to go to work quickly with a bit of curse. This time, Yuan Lingtian really spent a lot of money, even cutting off his Yuantai Dao body to achieve Lu Qian... If Lu Qian still wants to give up his job...

To be honest, Yuan Lingtian really can't do anything to the deadbeat Lu Qian now.

But if Lu Qian defaults on his debt again...if Yuan Lingtian fades away from his true form and successfully attains enlightenment in the future, as long as Lu Qian can survive until then, he will definitely hunt down Lu Qian all over the world and fight him to the death!

This is great cause and effect!

Taichu Huntongzhu trembled slightly and told Lu Qian clearly that it would be difficult for him to cover up such a huge cause and effect for Lu Qian... Come on, hurry up and get to work!

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