Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 632 Daluo Blood List (6)

Follow, follow, watching the thirty-two golden chariots drive straight in, flying over the territory of several ancestors along the way, these twenty real immortals watching the excitement, and hundreds of people who saw movement along the way and gradually gathered over. The real immortals all slowed down.

This ancestral court is vast, but as long as you don't violate the commandment of using magic power to fly around and walk around as you please, there are no other taboos. After all, the true immortals who can go to the ancestral court or live in the ancestral court are the real core members of the Hunyuan Luotian Sect, and there is no need to impose too many restrictions on them.

However, going forward, something is wrong.

That's off limits.

Although there is no name of a restricted area, it is actually a restricted area... It is not restricted by the commandments, but because many true immortals subconsciously do not dare to approach that place - it is the Hunyuan Hall where Mayfly Zi practices daily, except for Lie Xu Zhen. There are only a few people among you, who dares to get in front of him without any trouble?

Just like the worldly school, those naughty children, who would want to hang around the door of the old master's house all day long?

The real immortals gradually stopped.

Those who were bolder did not dare to use magic power. Instead, they used physical brute force to climb up the pillar of the Panlong Formation on the roadside and poke their heads forward. This place is less than a hundred miles away from the Hunyuan Hall of Mayfly Zi. With the eyesight of a true immortal, even the lowest level of true immortals can easily spy on all movements within a thousand miles, which is no different from face to face.

Or on a pillar, or on a big tree, or on the roof of a roadside hall or pavilion.

A group of true immortals used their own methods to occupy high places, looking forward like thieves - they all secretly gave Wanxiang a thumbs up in their hearts. Could it be that this guy has offended the big master? Hiss... you have the guts!

Thirty-two golden chariots "rumbling" drove directly to the main entrance of Hunyuan Hall.

The Hunyuan Hall is simple and majestic, sitting on a nine-layer white jade platform that is thousands of feet high. The material of the main hall itself is almost bronze, and the whole body is simple and vicissitudes of life. There are even mottled traces of years of wind and rain in some places. However, after countless years of infiltration by the aura of mayfly seeds, the material of the main hall has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The entire hall is like a golden elixir. Its divine beauty is restrained, yet bright and bright. Countless rays of rays of auspicious energy naturally fill the void.

At this moment, the door of the main hall is tightly closed. On a platform with a size of more than 10,000 acres in front of the door, green smoke is slowly rising from nine four-legged square cauldrons, soaring into the sky. The fragrant aroma floats thousands of miles with the wind, and the smell goes straight into the soul. There is a feeling of ecstasy.

True Lord Liexu brought a dozen true immortals with long robes, wide sleeves and high crowns on their heads. They were more than ten feet apart from each other, with their hands in their sleeves and expressionless faces standing on the platform. Nine feet tall, with a slim build and a slight goat's beard, Zhenjun Liexu's eyes are green, translucent and clear. When the sun shines in the sky, his eyes sparkle like two top-notch cat eyes.

This pair of green eyes, as Zhenjun Liexu's eyelids opened and closed, green light flickered, illuminating the sky within a hundred feet of clear blue, like a huge green jade that disappeared and appeared, and there was a faint Taoist treasure in the light. The urn was surging and rising, and Duan was extremely mysterious.

The other dozen or so true immortals are all well-known and well-known cultivators under the sect of True Lord Liexu. They have at least attained the True Immortal status of the 30th heaven. Each one of them is powerful and has unpredictable magical powers, assisting True Lord Liexu in controlling the ancestors. All important departments in the court, and most of the real power of the ancestral court, are under the control of these dozen true immortals.

Among them are those soldiers of the "Hunyuan Immortal Army" composed of true immortals who guard the ancestral court. Their command is behind Zhenjun Liexu. The tall man is wearing a long robe lined with soft dragon scale armor. In the hands of my father-in-law, Taize Zhenjun.

True Lord Taize's face was as red as a haechi. He was somewhat ugly, but his aura was extremely fierce and domineering.

He is the only practitioner of the Hunyuan Luotian Sect's physical cultivation inheritance, the 'Hunyuan Ten Thousand Forged Golden Body'. It is said that he has achieved the 33rd level of innocence and immortality, and his strength is terrifying. The fairy weapons and spiritual treasures used by ordinary true immortals are like tofu in his hands, and can be torn apart and crushed at will.

In the Southern Territory, True Lord Taize had a very ferocious reputation. Especially in the battles with several lower houses of the Buddhist sect, True Lord Taize had repeatedly severely wounded the Bodhisattva-level powerful venerables who had secretly attacked the Buddhist sect. Those Buddhist golden bodies that were cultivated by Bodhisattva-level powers were easily broken in the hands of True Lord Taize.

On the left side of Master Liexu, the young man who is as handsome as a girl, smiling, no more than seven feet tall, and looks weak and gentle, is Wenlu (ru), who is as famous as Master Taize.

Wen Lu Zhenjun looks gentle and delicate, but he is the master of the Law Enforcement Hall and the Grand Judge.

If a disciple of the Hunyuan Luotian Sect violates the sect's rules and falls into the hands of the left and right grand judges and the judges below, the probability of being directly executed is less than 10%. But if you are unfortunate enough to encounter Lord Wenlu personally handling it, the probability of survival is less than 10%!

Moreover, Zhenjun Wenlu liked to use all kinds of extremely cruel punishments to execute his erring disciples. He prefers to gather many disciples to watch and watch the disciples who made mistakes being punished.

Therefore, the reputation of Zhenjun Wenlu in the Hunyuan Luotian Sect is much greater than that of Zhenjun Taize.

Taize and Wenhu, these are the two generals under Zhenjun Liexu, the civil and military generals on the left and right, and Hengha. They are Zhenjun Liexu's most capable assistants.

Today, these two big guys actually appeared at the same time... Many real immortals trembled in their hearts. What kind of treasonous crime did the unlucky guy who was sneaked over by these law enforcement men commit?


The thunder exploded and the thunder light subsided. The law enforcement warrior jumped out of the golden chariot, untied everything, and threw it heavily to the ground. Then he cupped his fists towards True Lord Liexu and bowed deeply: "Young Master, the guilty disciple... Wan Xiang, an ascended disciple of Senluo Sect, a branch of the Yuanlingtian branch of the lower realm, is brought here!"

Zhenjun Liexu's eyes flashed, and the green light around him suddenly became introverted. Two green gleaming lights fell on Wanxiang's body. Suddenly, everything from skin to bone marrow became transparent layer by layer. His skills were running, and he The strength of his flesh and bones, his true immortal status, and all the mysteries are all clearly visible to the eyes of True Lord Liexu and the immortal eyes of the surrounding spectators.

All the secrets were revealed at a glance, and endless pressure swept over him. Wanxiang originally wanted to get up and salute to Lord Liexu, but the pressure directly crushed all his bones. Wanxiang spurted out a mouthful of old blood, and his whole body was covered with blood. The skin and flesh were torn apart, like a tattered bag, which fell heavily to the ground.

Blood and water are constantly flowing out of Wanxiang's body.

Soon, the blood flowing out of Wanxiang's body exceeded the total blood volume of the three blue whales.

If it were a normal person, bleeding like this, he would have died long ago.

However, Wanxiang is the body of a true immortal. True Lord Liexu did not kill him, so his body naturally absorbed the energy of the surrounding immortals and continuously produced new blood to continuously replenish the body's consumption.

Sad, but alive.

Wan Xiang looked at Zhenjun Liexu's boots in front of him with fear, and hissed: "Disciple is guilty of death, capital punishment... Dare to ask ancestor, disciple... disciple..."

"Your ancestor was the one who ascended three thousand years ago. Which generation of the ancestor of Senluo Sect? The one named Qingxuan has already gone to Jiuyin Stream... Jiuyin Stream is divided into eighteen levels, and each level is more difficult than the next. . Your Patriarch Qingxuan, I sent someone to send him to the eighteenth floor. I have never been there, but it is said that even a true immortal of the thirtieth heaven can survive in the Nine Yin Stream of the eighteenth floor. Within three years, the fruit position will collapse and die!"

Wan Xiang froze and was too frightened to speak.

Patriarch Qingxuan was the Patriarch of the Senluo Sect who came to him on the first-line sandbank a few days ago and gave him immortal treasures to help him quickly gather his immortal body and the level of true immortality. As far as Wanxiang knows, Patriarch Qingxuan is also the Patriarch with the highest seniority, highest status, and strongest strength in the Hunyuan Luotian Sect and their Yuanling Tiansen Luo Sect lineage!

There was an ascended Patriarch before Senluo Sect, who was more senior than Patriarch Qingxuan and ascended earlier, but he had already fallen.

Patriarch Qingxuan is the biggest supporter of the Senluo Sect’s disciples who have ascended over the years!

but now……

"Do you remember what Qingxuan taught you?" Master Liexu looked at Wanxiang coldly, and without waiting for Wanxiang's reply, he said coldly: "Take good care of the descendants of Yuanling Tianqingming's lineage...make sure they are intact. He ascended to the upper world without any damage, inherited the good fortune tradition of Qing Ming’s lineage, and in the future he will preside over the most important gate of good fortune among the thirteen main flag gates of the Senluo Ten Thousand Tribulations Imperial Ming Realm Formation... the most important gate of creation!”

"But not long ago, Master made a divination on a whim, and all the descendants of Qing Ming's bloodline left in Yuan Lingtian died suddenly!"

Master Liexu sighed: "Qing Ming's bloodline, the power of creation, has been placed in the main hall of our martial arts and shelved in a high cabinet for tens of thousands of years. Finally, Qing Ming's bloodline is incomparably suitable for this martial art... …Without Qing Ming, this technique can be regarded as a masterpiece. After all these years, our sect has only found Qing Ming who can practice this inheritance."

"Without Qingming's bloodline, there will be problems with the formation, and there will be huge flaws in the mountain-protecting formation in the Daluoshan Mountains... That's all. Without the Gate of Creation, there will be no creation essence liquid that Master needs. Where can I get it?"

A huge blood-colored stone tablet slowly fell from the sky, and the names of thousands of people were engraved on the stone tablet from top to bottom.

Zhenjun Liexu turned his right hand, and the word "Fahai" slowly appeared on the blood-colored stone tablet along with the terrifying sound of thunder.

Blood and light surged. When it first appeared, Fahai's name was still listed at the bottom of the stone tablet. However, with the bursts of thunder and the rolling of blood, the name rolled up all the way and quickly reached the ninety-ninth position on the blood-colored stone tablet. name!

The real immortals watching the excitement from a distance all exclaimed!

"Da Luo Blood List, Da Luo Blood List... A monk from the lower realm actually made it to the Da Luo Blood List, and was ranked ninety-ninth... If we could capture and kill him, how many elixirs, elixirs, and immortal weapons could be exchanged for precious?"

"Who is this Fa Hai? Who is he? Judging by his name, he should be the Buddhist thief Bald!"

"Find him and kill him!"

A group of true immortals almost went crazy!

Master Liexu looked at everything coldly: "You are incompetent in doing things, and your crimes are extremely heinous and unpardonable... But don't say that the sect is ruthless... I will give you a chance of survival. Before Qingxuan is tortured to death by Jiuyin Stream, if you can Killing Fa Hai will give you a chance to be reincarnated."

"After all, you ascended from Yuan Lingtian, and you are more familiar with Fahai than anyone else! It doesn't take much effort to kill him."

"If you can't...just make up your own mind!"

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