Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 641: Joy, great joy

The upper realm, the Western Region.

In the extreme north and south of the Western Region, between the endless snow-capped mountains, billions of rivers converged and turned into two great rivers, millions of miles wide. Their mighty force broke through the barriers of endless mountains and forests, tearing apart the earth and plains. Finally, in the central part of the Western Region, The two rivers merge into one and wind all the way to the southeast.

This big river is called Wuyou!

The place where the river flows through and the area covered by the water system is all under the jurisdiction of Buddhism.

The Buddha's light shines everywhere, and under the protection of Buddhism, trillions of living beings enjoy purity, joy and worry-free. Therefore, this great river is called worry-free.

Where the north and south branches of the Wuyou River converge, due west of the Sancha River Valley, there is a majestic "Lion Mountain" called "Lion Ridge", shaped like a crouching lion, thousands of miles high and millions of miles around. There is an ancient temple in the mountain called Dajue.

Dajue Temple is the monastery of Yuanjue Monk, the Great Lion Power Bodhisattva of Upper Realm Buddhism.

This mountain and this temple just strangle the gates of the Western Regions, and can be called the guardians of the Buddhist gates of the Western Regions. In the past countless years, Buddhism has carried out large-scale activities. Many Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Vajras, kings of heaven, strong men, monks, etc., all gathered here from hundreds of millions of monasteries in the Western Regions, and the mighty movement started from here.

Monk Yuanjue was even more personally involved. He bravely served as the vanguard in many large-scale conquests against Buddhism. He killed savages and demons under his command, and more than a million Taoist immortals were 'accidentally injured'?

Therefore, the demons and demons that have disappeared into thin air were called 'thief-bald guard dogs' in the past!

Nowadays, there are countless immortals gnashing their teeth at Monk Yuanjue in the Taoist court, which is so powerful that each of them shares half of the upper realm with Buddhism. Since everyone is a 'righteous person' and cannot utter insults like monsters and demons, the Taoist immortals call Monk Yuanjue the 'Buddhist mountain-preserving beast'!

Whether it's a 'guard dog' or a 'mountain beast', first of all, it shows how powerful Monk Yuanjue is, and secondly, it shows his illustrious and fierce reputation in the upper world... Oh, no, it's a prestigious name!

On Lion Ridge, a geomantic treasure that hides the wind and gathers energy, large tracts of dragon-scale skinned diamond pine trees are as lustrous as brass. Each root is as thick as seven or eight people's arms. It is a hundred feet high. They are as neatly organized as armored warriors. It stretches for hundreds of thousands of miles.

With the sound of Sanskrit chants and the smoke filling the air, these Vajra pines have been watered by Buddha's power all year round and influenced by Dharma. Each root is extremely hard, and the bark is like dragon scales. There are winding lines on it, naturally condensing into a fierce and brave Vajra, The king of heaven.

Under the Vajra Pine, the soil is golden in color and as hard as diamond. It is difficult for ordinary monks to use magic weapons to damage the soil. This is the top-quality celestial soil ‘Seven Treasures Vajra Soil’ that Dajue Temple spent countless resources, immeasurable Buddhist power, and thousands of years of training to cultivate.

This diamond soil is so solid that ordinary vegetation cannot grow at all.

But what can take root, sprout, and thrive in this diamond soil are all top-notch elixirs and rare immortal treasures.

At a glance, in this sparse and neat diamond pine forest, near the tree roots, colorful Ganoderma lucidum grass is swaying in the wind, ginseng trees are emitting fragrance, and there are all kinds of rare fairy flowers and flowers fluttering in the wind, and all kinds of exquisite mandalas. It even spits out pollen, turning into a dense haze of light under the sun, and the wind blows up countless magnificent rainbows.

In the Vajra Pine Forest, there is a path paved with white jade sand. Bhikkhus, monks and nuns with leisurely and calm expressions are walking by holding scriptures and smiling.

Under the big pine tree, there is a lazy Arhat leaning his body and dozing off against the huge lying cow stone.

There is also a martial arts field paved with emery in the forest. Groups of mighty warriors and monk soldiers who are over ten feet tall are practicing Buddhist formations and exercising their bodies under the command of the armored Dharma Protector King.

Viewed from a high altitude, one can see large-scale Zen monasteries and Buddhist halls dotted along the mountain range in the Vajra pine forest. There are exquisitely carved and flawless jade between each other, and they are connected by spacious and clean avenues.

Countless Zen monasteries and Buddhist halls form a natural array, guarding a magnificent ancient temple on the top of Shiziling Mountain in the middle.

This is where the main temple of Dajue Temple is located. The simple and solemn pavilions and halls stretch for thousands of miles. The Buddha's light is released day and night to shine in all directions. Countless Buddhist cultivators come and go among them. The majestic and pure Buddha power turns into a torrent of purple gold, soaring into the sky in a mighty way. A million miles away from the ground, in the void, it transformed into a lazy and prostrate green-haired lion, with its head facing the east.

On the mountain behind Dajue Temple, next to a deep and quiet pool, a bamboo and wooden temple stands near the water.

A three-foot-long green-haired lion was prostrate on a small pier with a length of more than ten feet in the deep pool. It swung its tail, poked its head around, drooled, and stared straight at the dozens of motionless golden animals at the bottom of the deep pool. Large scale carp.

These giant carps with golden scales are all of a different species, with a body length of more than ten feet, golden whiskers and silver horns, and they vaguely look like dragons.

They huddled at the bottom of the deep pool, trembling with fear, looking at the lion's head dripping with saliva through the almost transparent water in horror.

In the monastery, Monk Yuanjue sat cross-legged on a futon, holding a scripture in front of him and an ordinary granite statue carved in human form in front of him.

He was chattering, reciting Buddhist sutras at the granite stone statue, and talking about the wonderful principles of Buddhism that he had comprehended.

After muttering like this for a long time, the granite statue remained motionless and showed no reaction at all.

Monk Yuanjue swung out his left hand, and with a bang, the stone statue was completely annihilated.

A wisp of green smoke slowly drifted away. Monk Yuanjue dropped the scroll in his hand and burst out laughing: "I am preaching the sutras and can't make stubborn people nod. It shows that my cultivation of Buddhism is not enough... Since my cultivation of Buddhism is not enough, it shows that I am not A qualified Bodhisattva... Since he is not a qualified Bodhisattva, come to think of it, he doesn’t need to keep too many rules and precepts!”

After muttering to himself, Monk Yuanjue said happily: "You evil beast, you have violated the precept of killing again!"

He pointed at the green-haired lion lying on the trestle and yelled angrily.

The green-haired lion was drooling, and Li didn't even bother to answer him. He waved his paw and eagerly patted the deep pool. There was a loud noise, and an exquisite and huge force blasted down the pond water, knocking out a large carp with golden scales with incomparable precision.

The fainted big carp floated up into the deep pool with its white belly rolled over. Behind the monastery, four big monks with big muscles, round waists and shiny faces rushed out with fish-cutting knives. They grabbed the big carp very skillfully and placed it in the deep pool. The belly was cut open, the scales were scraped off, and all kinds of spices and cooking wine were used to prepare it very carefully and meticulously.

Monk Yuanjue walked slowly outside the monastery with his hands behind his back and watched the four great monks being fucked.

He coughed lightly and said faintly: "Let's cook the fish head in a casserole, and add more perilla leaves for seasoning. Well, be sure not to add too much spice, so as not to overwhelm the original flavor of the fish... As a monk, you still have to taste it. Something lighter is better!”

"My Buddha is merciful and good. After today, I will recite several volumes of Buddhist scriptures to save this fish and be reborn in a wealthy family as soon as possible. In the next life, I will be blessed and long-lived, with many children and grandchildren... This can be regarded as my mission to save all sentient beings and accumulate blessings and virtues. Got it!"

The green-haired lion was drooling, shaking his head and approaching the four great monks.

The four great monks kept digging out the internal organs of the golden-scaled carp. After cleaning them for a while, they threw them to the green-haired lion. This big guy wasn't picky about his food either. He swallowed fish intestines, fish maw, and even gall in one mouthful, making a sound of "oooh" while eating, and his tail swung like a windmill.


A bell ringing spread in all directions, and Monk Yuanjue's brow suddenly raised.

"Huh? This is... there are disciples in the lower world holding a big Dharma conference! Are you calling me by name?" The five fingers of his right hand pinched slightly in his sleeve, and Monk Yuanjue suddenly laughed: "It's the little thief Fahai Bald... …Um, um…him?”

Monk Yuanjue suddenly showed a look of ecstasy.

"The Supreme Holy Heaven and the Yuanling Heaven, the two lower realms are unified by my Buddhist sect... All the Buddhist disciples of the Great Brahma Jingshi Sect, the Great Vajra Temple and other sects are all under the sect of my Dajue Temple, worship the Dharma of the old monk, and respect the old monk as my sect. The ancestor of the sect?”

"Both worlds are full of Lao Na's true teachings?"


Monk Yuanjue's eyes widened, and his eyes shone with golden light. The flames illuminated the entire deep pool, like a pool of molten gold tumbling. He was so frightened that dozens of large carp with golden scales at the bottom of the deep pool rolled their eyes, and their scales were covered with water. Pieces open.

"This boy is a talented person!"

Monk Yuanjue swayed and went straight to the main hall of Dajue Temple.

Several monks were covered in golden light, wearing purple gold cassocks. There were spiritual clouds lingering above their heads. Wisps of golden light were like pearls, like threads, and they continued to fall to the ground from the spiritual clouds. The monks splashing with golden flowers were already waiting for them. In the main hall.

When he saw Monk Yuanjue, a female cultivator with delicate features held a golden scroll in her hands and handed it to him.

"Master, this is the Dharma text presented by Monk Fahai from the lower realm during a Dharma conference."

"Monk Fahai has unified the two realms and will soon lead a group of carefully selected disciples from the lower realm to ascend."

Monk Yuanjue finished the scroll, unfolded it gently, took a look, nodded and smiled: "Very good, wonderful... But why are you all here?"

A tall and thin young monk, nearly two feet tall, put his hands together and saluted Monk Yuanjue: "Master, this Monk Fahai was on the Hunyuan Luotian Sect's Daluo Blood List a few days ago... According to the news from our disciples who are placed in the Hunyuan Luotian Sect, that old bull nose of Mayfly Zi has personally called out the names and wants to kill Monk Fahai!"

Monk Yuanjue was dumbfounded, and laughed: "Hahaha": "Mayfly, this is shameless! Why is the leader of a sect fighting with a child? Well, why did he want to kill Fahai?"

The young monk killed all the descendants of Qingming Patriarch of the Hunyuan Luotian Sect. The Gate of Creation in the Thirteen Flags Gate of the Hunyuan Luotian Sect's fundamental formation lost its control. Over the years, Mayfly had to drink the food every day. The news that the creation essence liquid has been cut off was explained in detail.

This information is confidential to many high-level officials of the Hunyuan Luotian Sect, but it is clearly known to the monks of Dajue Temple!

It goes without saying that Buddhism has penetrated Hunyuan Luotian Sect.

Monk Yuanjue narrowed his eyes: "Creating Yuan liquid? Mayfly? Haha, this Yuan liquid is not as simple as a little hobby... That old guy must have made some mistakes in his practice, and he used this Yuan liquid to kill the Tao Where’s the root of the disaster!”

Rubbing his hands gently, Monk Yuanjue squinted and muttered: "It's not good, this little thief Fa Hai is bald, he offended the mayfly to death... But, he wants to touch Lao Na's disciples."

He started to droop his eyelids and started mumbling.

What’s ‘a fence with three stakes’, what’s ‘a good man with three gangs’, what’s ‘a good man has many helpers, a bad man has few helpers’...

He talked very diligently.

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