Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 65 Personal Guard


After an extremely unpleasant cry, the big vulture almost fell flat on the ground.

Lu Qian trembled and jumped off the bird's back, glaring fiercely at the big vulture that was twisting its neck and glaring at it equally viciously.

From the northeast corner of Yushunfang, we flew all the way to the Imperial City, which was about two hundred miles.

Along the way, Lu Qian and the big bird hated each other, and both had the urge to kill each other.

Lu Qian thought that this guy was flying too bumpy. He would fly up and down, flap his wings twice, and scream a few times. It was as if something had happened to him, Lu Qian, and his internal organs were about to be knocked out. , where is such an unreliable mount?

And what about this big vulture?

It wanted to use its big mouth like a butcher's hook to take a bite out of Lu Qian's vital part.

It had never humped such a heavy passenger in its life.

Hey, it’s better to have those little eunuchs from Jiuquyuan. They are all beautiful and delicate, and their bodies are petite, as if they are weak and boneless. They are as light as nothing when carried on their backs, so they save more energy!

"This way, Master Lu, this way." The purple-robed little eunuch smiled brightly, jumped off the back of his big white crane easily, patted the white crane's graceful long neck gently, and praised: "Master Lu is born with a powerful aura, which matches perfectly with the temperament of this red-topped general!"

Lu Qian and the old vulture were stunned at the same time, looked at each other, and turned away at the same time, too lazy to talk to each other.

The northeast corner gate of the Imperial City is the bridgehead of the canal bridge leading to Jiuquyuan.

A long purple brocade formed a wind-proof curtain around the woods. More than two hundred tall men, each carrying seven or eight iron chains, led a fat and strong dog to guard the forest. Outside the curtain.

There are more than a thousand fierce dogs, and the categories are quite complex.

There are wolfdogs that are mixed with wild wolves, mastiffs with noble bloodlines, greyhounds that are good at high-speed flying, and the oldest and most traditional native dogs. In addition, there were some exotic ferocious dogs that had been carefully bred or blended with the blood of alien beasts, which Lu Qian didn't fully recognize.

But no matter how tall, short, fat or thin these dogs are, there are more than a thousand and nearly two thousand fierce dogs, all of them are completely black, and not even a single variegated hair can be found.

The corner of Lu Qian's mouth twitched, and he remembered the story that the day before yesterday, at the palace banquet in Jiuquyuan, King Lancang boasted that he used a mixture of black dog blood and boy urine to severely injure female ghosts.

Black dogs ward off evil spirits... There are nearly two thousand black dogs stationed here. Are they preparing to collect blood on site?

In addition to these big men leading fierce dogs, there were also nearly 10,000 Yulin Army soldiers eight feet tall, wearing heavy armor and holding spears and halberds around the woods.

What left Lu Qian speechless was that the weapons of these Yulin Army soldiers were all smeared with blood.

The cold wind blew, and the blood had been frozen into blood ice.


Isn't this blood all black dog blood?

The wind-blocking curtain at the door was opened, and the chubby Yu Changle poked his head out with a smile on his face.

"Hey, Lu Qian is here. Come in, come in, and have a few more cups of hot tea before setting off. Your Majesty, you are getting anxious waiting."

Lu Qian hurriedly walked into the wind-proof curtain. Sure enough, among the curtains surrounded by brocade, Yinyuan was wrapped in a thick silver bearskin coat and wearing a thick high-top bearskin round hat. He was surrounded by a group of eunuchs and palace maids. Surrounded by people, he was sitting on a beautiful pier drinking tea.

Four huge braziers were placed inside the curtain, and the charcoal carved into the shapes of various exotic animals burned bright red. There was no chill in the curtain, and there was even a bit of the heat of late spring that was overwhelming.

Lu Qian hurriedly walked up and saluted Yinyuan: "Your Majesty!"

Yinyuan pointed to a brocade pillar beside him: "Sit down, Lu Qian, I have something to ask you!"

Lu Chen sat steadily on the brocade pier, took the teacup handed over by a young lady in the palace with a shy smile, and said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, if you have any questions, just ask."

Yinyuan blinked his eyes quickly and said in a long voice: "This question is related to my safety tonight. You can't hide it at all, and you must answer it truthfully. Well, let's drink tea first."

Lu Qian's heart sank slightly. He hurriedly picked up the tea residue and took a sip. He stood up and said, "Your Majesty, just ask. I will tell you everything I know. I will never hide anything."

Yinyuan nodded with satisfaction: "Well, a few days ago, when you went to check the two coffin shops in Fengdiaofang, you shot and wounded a female ghost... You told Luo Qingzhou that you were a boy, you He used his own boy's blood to smear the head of the gun to severely injure the female ghost? Uh, drink tea, please!"

The little Gong'e hurriedly served Lu Qianman tea.

Lu Qian laughed dryly, took another sip, nodded and said: "Yes, yes, I did that. I wiped the head of the gun with my own blood, so..."

Yinyuan's eyes became extremely dim.

Inside the curtain, Yu Changle, the young eunuchs, the maids, and several generals of the Yulin Army in heavy armor all looked at Lu Qian with strange expressions.

Yinyuan took a sip of tea and pursed his lips: "So, now? Oh, don't stay there, drink tea, drink tea, this tea is good."

Lu Qian's face was slightly hot, and he smiled dryly: "My lord, I still am."

He took another big sip, and the little Gong'e filled another large cup for him.

"That's it!" Yinyuan put down the tea cup and clapped his hands excitedly: "I will say, no matter how polite I am, no matter how arrogant and extravagant my nobles are, no matter how absurd and unruly the soldiers are, the huge Haojing is really just like this. No good people left? Well, drink tea!"

Lu Qian drinks tea.

Yinyuan stood up and walked around the Jinxiu Pier a few times excitedly: "Oh, Lu Qian, I saw you right. Scary, the whole Haojing is so big! Let's drink tea."

Lu Qian drinks tea.

"The forty-two princes who founded the country, the twenty-six princes who came later, and the founding princes and later Jin princes, a total of 375 princes, thousands of uncles, sons, and male princes, plus the clans and so many royal palaces, In the palace of the king, or even in the palace of the married princess...drink tea, drink tea, it’s freezing cold here, drink more.”

Lu Qian drinks tea.

"Oh, by the way, this also includes the Palace Guards and the Yulin Army that I can control. Drink."

Lu Qian drinks tea.

"I won't say anything about the palace guard. I don't dare to bet on whether Lao Yu and the others are virgins. Drink."

Lu Qian drinks tea.

"Lao Yu has spent the past two days getting to know the men recruited by the Palace Guard, and sure enough, none of them are clean! Hey, don't stay there, drink."

Lu Qian drinks tea.

"The Yulin Army... I never expected that there are more than one million Yulin Army, actually... I give them military pay to support their parents and support their families, not to go whoring and gambling! Drink! Tea."

Lu Qian drinks tea.

"In the huge capital of Haojing, there are so many nobles, as well as the supervisors and soldiers that I can command, but you are the only one who can use them! It's all up to you."

Lu Qian drank.

"I never expected, I really never expected, I asked Lao Yu to secretly take a closer look. Among the many royal palaces, duke palaces, noble mansions I mentioned before, among the direct and collateral clan members, there are people who have cultivated to the realm of Tuo Mao. Yes, no, no, among the men over thirteen years old, you are the only one who is a virgin! Drink again."

Lu Qian...

"I thought that in such a big city, Hao Jing can always select a few people who can be used tonight from among the nobles! Oh, let's drink tea."

Lu Qian...

"I never expected it. It really disappoints me. I'm so disappointed! Well, let's have another drink."

Lu Qian shook the tea cup in his hand and looked at Yinyuan with a twisted face.

Is this a compliment to him?

Is this a compliment to him?

Also, his stomach is a little bloated. No matter how good his martial arts training is, no matter how magical his visualization diagram is, his belly is still so big!

"You are the unique and unique one among all the distinguished families in Haojing City! Drink tea!"

Lu Qian took a sip.

Yinyuan turned around, looked at Lu Qian with warm eyes, and said with a happy smile: "Of all the noble nobles, some of them are still boys who have reached the Pulse-Tuning realm, but you are the only one! Drink tea... Oh, this pot is gone? Keep burning!"

"There are so many noble disciples, but they are too young and not strong enough. What use are they?"

"Those who are older and have the strength to expand their veins are no longer boys. What use are they?"

"Only you, Lu Qian, you are the only seedling in Haojing City. From now on, take care of yourself, remember? You must keep yourself clean. You don't want places like brothels, flower boats, and half-open doors. went."

Yinyuan smiled brightly: "When you get older, I will help you choose a good princess from the clan. Before that, you must keep yourself clean and keep what you should keep!"

The corners of Lu Qian's mouth twitched, feeling that what Yinyuan said was wrong!

"Your Majesty, the reason why you summoned your ministers here today is..." The boy Lu Qian touched Yinyuan's words, but he still felt something was wrong.

"Well, the Queen Mother has set up a big battle tonight to catch ghosts." Yinyuan's face twitched, he put his hands behind his back, looked up at the sky, and said quietly: "She's just catching ghosts, I guess. , when things came to a head, she was timid and asked me to sit with her."

"What are you talking about? Use the Qi of the Emperor to help her suppress the evil things!"

"I feel guilty and trembling with fear. Do I have the aura of the emperor in me? I didn't notice it. Can any of you see the aura of the emperor in me?"

Yinyuan complained in a low voice: "I feel that she is thinking that if she can catch those female ghosts tonight, the world will be peaceful. If she fails to catch them, she wants the whole family to die together." One piece?"

Yu Changle coughed dryly: "Your Majesty!"

Yinyuan shrugged his shoulders and twitched his lips disapprovingly: "So, tonight, Lu Qian, you will be my personal guard. Don't leave me even half a step. If there is a ghost, protect me and leave immediately."

"Well, drink tea, drink tea!" Yinyuan smiled and pointed at the tea cup in Lu Qian's hand.

A pot of freshly boiled scalding hot tea was brought up.

Lu Qian took a sip of tea.

Yinyuan hurriedly ordered the little palace lady next to him to fill another cup for Lu Qian, and then continued to persuade: "Drink tea, drink tea. This tea is the wild mountain tea that is a specialty of Daze Barren Mountain in Nanman Prefecture. It is quite rare. There are I often drink it to strengthen my body, and the concubines in Jiuquyuan all say that the effect is quite remarkable."

"Drink more, drink more, there is a big pot here, drink it all."

Lu Chen looked at the tea cup in his hand and felt a little uneasy. He looked at Yinyuan and laughed dryly: "Such a big pot of tea? Your Majesty, this is..."

Yinyuan looked at Lu Qian and said straightforwardly: "Drink more tea. If there is something in your stomach, hold it in!"

"Follow me to the palace later. If you see a female ghost, you should first make a bath for her in front of her. Fresh and hot boy's urine. The emperor's uncle has personally experienced it. It is obviously very effective."

"There are so many black dogs out there, ha!"

Yinyuan looked at Lu Chen's increasingly distorted face and said hurriedly: "Haha, it's just a precautionary measure. What if the female ghost is particularly ferocious tonight and the black dog's blood cannot withstand it?"

"Uncle Huang had people prepare dozens of jars of children's urine, but I think freshly prepared ones are more potent than those taken in advance, right?"

Yinyuan smiled awkwardly.

Lu Qian also felt quite embarrassed.

If what Yinyuan said really happened, Lu Qian would have collapsed in front of countless nobles in the palace... This is something that has never happened before, and probably will never happen again, right?

I don’t know how it will be recorded in the history books.

The northeast corner door of the imperial city slowly opened. Yinyuan looked at the open palace door with a distorted face, sighed heavily, and then sluggishly walked towards the palace door with his head downcast, like a defeated rebel leader.

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