Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 717 Breaking the Precepts

Lu Qian fell from the edge of the cloud platform and hit the city wall heavily.

He deliberately used his full strength, his body fell like a meteorite, and his strength reached the extreme.

His current golden body is extremely strong and extremely dense. The body is about two feet tall. In terms of weight alone, it is comparable to an ordinary Liangyitian body that is thousands of miles tall and has been nourished by large spiritual veins for countless years. Mountain.

With such a weight, he fell from a height of more than ten miles at an extremely high speed. When Lu Qian landed on the city wall, he deliberately tightened the muscles of his feet and blasted a stream of dark gold towards the city wall.

‘Puff~ clatter’!

As if ice water was poured into a boiling oil pot, the dull roar continued, and countless fist-sized electric flames roared and spread from where Lu Qian landed. In an instant, the entire northern city wall lit up with a dazzling light. .

The Pangran restriction was opened, and Lu Qian's deliberate sabotage did not cause any damage to the city wall!

Lu Qian grinned and smiled: "Hard enough, strong enough, hey!"

In the distance, a group of prisoners in helmets and armor, who were responsible for patrolling the city wall, stopped and stood tremblingly, not daring to move. Their eyes were full of panic, and they looked at Lu Qian cautiously and extremely curiously.

The person who dared to make such a big noise in the ninth city of Zhenzi, and act as recklessly as if he were attacking the city, was by no means an ordinary true immortal.

Even those disciples of the great sect who came to Demon Suppressing Ridge for training, adventure, treasure hunting, and demon hunting based on their sect background did not dare to do such absurd behavior.

The person who came here has an extraordinary background and the backstage is extremely hard. These prisoners who are located at the bottom of the Demon Suppressing Ridge and are almost allowed to be mermaids, how can they dare to act rashly?

Lu Qian stood in front of the flagpole and looked at Yinyuan hanging on the thin rope like a hanged ghost.

Yinyuan's limbs were cut off at the root, and a black sticky paste with a pungent smell was randomly smeared on the wound. This plaster is very vicious. With Yinyuan's true immortal-level vitality, even if his limbs were severed, even if his limbs could not be regenerated, his wounds should have been closed long ago.

But this plaster is obviously extremely corrosive. It adheres to the wound, making it difficult for Yinyuan's wound to heal. Putrid pus and blood continue to drip from the wound, condensing on the wall below Yinyuan's body. The beach is filthy.

Many bloodthirsty flies, mosquitoes and insects clung to the pool of pus and blood, feasting on it. Lu Qian fell from the sky, and these small insects flew away in fright, circling crazily nearby.

"It's really embarrassing." Lu Qian looked at Yinyuan for a while, and suddenly remembered the scene when he first saw Yinyuan in Jiuqu Garden.

At that time, Yinyuan... was still a man who pretended to be crazy and stupid for the imperial power of the Yin family. He was scheming with the Queen Mother, his relatives, and the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty. He worked hard to save food and salary, and secretly raised troops and horses outside. He was single-minded. The immature emperor who wants to take back the imperial power.

But he was very good to Lu Qian.

From the first time they met Yinyuan, Yinyuan was very good to Lu Qian... Even the monarch and ministers could not describe this kind of mutual trust, tacit understanding and harmonious relationship.

Not to mention all the things that happened after going to Queen Yuanling, Yinyuan had nothing to say to Lu Qian!

Therefore, Lu Qian looked seriously at Yinyuan who was being hung on the flagpole and being tortured wantonly... He wanted to remember the unlucky look of Yinyuan in front of him deeply in his heart, remember every detail, and then, there Repay kindness with kindness and revenge with hatred.

"It's embarrassing." Yinyuan smiled strangely, and all the anger, sadness, depression, and worry in his eyes disappeared in an instant.

His brother is here.

So, what else is there to fear?

"Find a way to find Lao Yu and the others." Yinyuan said to Lu Qian in a low voice: "Old Yu and the others are probably being tricked. Hey, they must have tampered with the guide assigned to them. This kind of thing, It’s not something that ordinary people can do. In the city lord’s palace, there must be powerful people above the level of judge and boss who have intervened.”

Lu Ren nodded, held the Zen staff at his side, hugged Yinyuan's blood-stained body with his left hand, and grabbed the noose around his neck with his right hand.

The sound of ‘chichi’ is endless.

Wisps of extremely corrosive and evil power containing some kind of nerve-paralyzing toxin surged out from the noose, constantly eroding Lu Qian's palm.

In Lu Qian's dark golden palm, an extremely powerful prison-suppressing power surged.

Like a millstone smashing an egg, the overbearing prison-suppressing power instantly destroyed the evil force and struck hard on the lasso body. There was a muffled sound, the thin ropes shattered inch by inch, and the explosion of the dense internal restrictions being destroyed sounded like dense firecrackers.

A group of soldiers wearing heavy armor with no gold tattoos on their cheeks. They were obviously regular soldiers stationed in the ninth city of Zhenzi. They stepped on the clouds and soared from the barracks behind the city wall. In an instant, they were above the city gate tower. .

They looked down at Lu Qian. One of the team leaders had a bronze talisman hanging on his chest, marking his identity as the Centurion of the Ninth City Garrison. He pointed at Lu Qian and yelled: "How dare you indulge in such a bald thief?" prisoner?"

Lu Qian raised his head and glanced at the centurion, who had a hint of fear in his eyes, and suddenly laughed: "I don't believe it, you local cowards have never received the invitation from Lord Buddha that I will be the commander of the ninth city." The deputy city lord’s order...hey, show me this kind of intimidating display, show it to Lord Buddha?"

"Who the hell gave you the courage?" Lu Qian yelled: "Yu Dianhu, seeing His Majesty being tortured like this, what are you waiting for, you son of a bitch?"

On the cloud platform at the rear, Yu Diaihu, a former Shenwu general of Dayin, and more than thirty of his colleagues had already turned red!

All of them came from powerful families in Dayin. Because of their tall bodies and majestic looks, they were selected and trained to become the divine and military generals of Dayin. This Shenwu general was the guard of honor and card beside Emperor Dayin. When something happened, he was a human shield that could block the emperor's knives and arrows!

Later, Lu Qian was promoted, and thirty-six divine generals including Yu Diaihu were given to Lu Qian by Yinyuan to act as a guard of honor to show his majesty!

According to Dayin's court etiquette, Yu Diaihu and the others have become Lu Qian's private soldiers, and they have shared weal and woe with Lu Qian from generation to generation. But, after all, they are Yinyuan's close confidants!

My own emperor was tortured like this!

This was a heavy slap in the face of all the people of Dayin!

Not only Yu Dianhu, but also Ahu and Master Hu, their eyes were all red!

With a loud roar, a burly man about a hundred feet tall, carrying a heavy Mo Dao, a heavy halberd, and a Chang Ge, roared in a low voice and rushed towards the garrison.

With just one stagger, Ahu and others, whose average cultivation level reached the 10th or 11th level of the True Immortal, beat hundreds of garrison soldiers to pieces, with their armor shattered and their bodies almost shattered.

Of the hundreds of garrison troops, only the centurion was at the first level of the True Immortal Realm. The other soldiers and two deputies were at the Heavenly Realm. The rest were all low-level monks at the Illuminating Void and Condensing Dao Fruit levels.

How can they withstand Ahu and his gang of ruthless monks who have been cultivating in Qionghua Mountain with the help of underground super jade veins and taking various rare materials day and night?

A large group of garrisonmen vomited blood and fell. They landed on the roof of the city gate building, rolled along the smooth roof tiles, and kept falling in front of Lu Qian. They lay dying on the ground, and they all looked at each other in inexplicable horror. With——my own centurion!

The hundred or so garrison is only the lowest level among the garrison in the ninth city of Zhenzi.

They didn't know anything about the new deputy city lord.

All their behavior was nothing more than obeying the orders of their own centurion. They are just ordinary monks. Faced with the order of a first-level immortal, what can they do?

Even the flagpole on which Yinyuan is hung was erected by their centurion himself a few days ago!

But they didn't expect that their centurion would hit a big steel plate because of these things!

Lu Qian hugged Yinyuan tightly with his left hand, letting his wounds open and pus and blood continuously staining his body. He hugged Yinyuan, strode up to the twitching centurion, and suddenly laughed strangely: "I have received solid information. This guy is colluding with the evil spirits in the south and intends to betray the 90% of Zhenzi!"

"Brother, tell me, how should we deal with this kind of bitching dog?"

Lu Qian smiled brightly.

He did not call His Majesty Yinyuan, but continued to use the title he used in Yuanlingtian.

The title of 'eldest brother' is closer and more cordial... As sworn brothers, sometimes the friendship is stronger and closer than that of blood brothers. With this relationship, even if Lu Qian pokes a hole in the sky, it would be reasonable and no one would want to find fault with him.

"Eating the inside and outside of the dog's food, of course, will break the bones and spread the ashes, and kill the nine tribes!"

Yinyuan laughed ‘haha’.

He smiled triumphantly and said: "Thanks to him for taking care of me these days. Every morning, noon and evening, there are a hundred whips to serve me. On sunny days, he boils water to give me a bath; on rainy days, he actually wastes his magic power , condense the ice cubes and surround me tightly!"

"Such filial piety, tsk tsk!"

Yinyuan smiled so hard that his face was twisted and extremely ferocious.

Lu Qian also grinned: "So he is such a filial grandson... That's all, you are so eloquent that if you say to kill his nine tribes, just kill his nine tribes... Well, let me think about it, this blood curse killing technique, I am not He is very proficient, so let’s give it a try. First try to see if he can be killed. If not, we will spend money to buy the lives of his whole family.”

Lu Qian smiled at Yinyuan and said: "Brother, I am lucky. I have a good foothold in Buddhism. Have you heard of Qionghua Mountain Dojo? The resources produced by that dojo every ten years are enough to buy and kill people. Respect the true king, Bodhisattva and so on."

A group of ferocious men from Ahu also gathered around, all eager to look at the little first-level immortal with an ashen face.

The true immortal suddenly screamed at the top of his lungs: "Kill my nine tribes? You are wishful thinking... Do you know which family I come from? Which tribe? You dare to take action against me, but do you want to provoke a fight between Buddhism and Taoism? "

Lu Qian's eyes widened and he smiled horrifiedly: "Ah, you really scared me to death... If you kill your whole family, will it trigger a fight between Taoism and Buddhism? Is it because your family is too valuable, or is it Taoism and Buddhism? , Isn’t that too much of a thing?”

Lu Qian grabbed the Zen staff with his right hand and hit the true immortal's thigh with the Zen staff.

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