Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 796 Blood Sky (4)

Above the ninth city of the town, a group of sages and Buddhas were surrounded by clouds of smoke.

Unless they were present at the scene, even powerful men of the same level would not be able to hear clearly what Our Lady of Yaohua said through this layer of smoke.

As a result, several figures flashed past, and several sages and Buddhas couldn't restrain their curiosity and came directly through the air and crashed into the smoke.

At the bottom of the Qionghua Mountains, Dafeitian blinked his eyes, turned back suddenly, and looked in the direction of Our Lady of Yaohua. His eyes emitted strands of golden light, as if he was trying his best to peer through the layer of smoke and clouds to see the words of Our Lady of Yaohua.

But there were countless clouds of smoke swirling in front of him, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't penetrate them.

After all, there are so many powerful people of the same level working together to do something. Unless he rushes now, with his astonishing cultivation, he will not be able to know what the Holy Mother of Yaohua said - but Da Feitian is not worried about anything. After all, the Buddha of Precious Light Merit is present!

He was just purely curious, just curious.

In this moment, due to the surge of curious thoughts, Da Feitian's lock on the Great Immortal Hunting Jing relaxed slightly.

For a powerful person at their level, a slight slack would have a huge impact. Immortal Karijing let out a long roar, and the ball of blue light he emitted made an earth-shattering chirp. The vaginal cavity of the maternal fetus left by Empress Qionghua shook violently, and was completely cut off from the entire Qionghua Mountain Range.

With a wave of his sleeves, he rolled up the vaginal acupoints of the mother's womb with a radius of thousands of miles. With a sway of his body, he took the Void Monk with him and left.

Dafeitian snorted coldly, and a vaguely gray vajra that could not be seen flew out of his sleeve, and silently smacked the Great Immortal Hunting Jing in the back of the heart.

The vajra penetrated the figure of the Great Immortal Kari Jing, and his figure quietly shattered, and the void returned to tranquility.

This pestle just made me feel lonely... The Great Immortal Hunting Jing ran very fast, and even with Da Feitian's cultivation level, he was a little confused as to how this old guy escaped. In short, it was invisible, soundless, and just disappeared out of thin air. Along with such a big maternal vagina, and together with such a big void monk, it just disappeared out of thin air!

As expected of an old antique who dared to secretly eavesdrop on the Buddha's teachings. This skill of escaping to save one's life is really powerful and superb, making people feel inexplicably chilly.

"Haha, this cause and effect..." Da Feitian took back the vajra, was silent for a while, and suddenly laughed: "Okay, okay, okay, interesting, interesting... However, Liang Yitian has been boring for so many years, that's it. It would be nice if it was more lively.”

He looked at Lu Qian and nodded slowly: "Fa Hai, right? I will bear this grudge for you."

The old face was slightly red, and Dafeitian was too lazy to say anything. He waved his sleeves and was about to run away... Before leaving, he looked at Lu Qian, then at the three Qingyou girls, and pondered for a moment. With a roll of his sleeves, he carried all three girls, Lu Qian and Qingyou, away with his sleeves. With a single step, he was back in the sky above the Ninth City of Zhenzi.

There was a loud bang, and the smoke clouds raised by more than a dozen sages and Buddhas were forcefully broken open. Da Fei Tian carelessly rushed in with the three girls Lu Qian and Qingyou, and laughed loudly: "Fellow Taoists, , well, a few old friends, I haven’t seen them for many years... these new faces are quite strange."

"However, with more contact in the future, everyone will become familiar with it. Haha!"

Dafeitian smiled happily.

The 'new faces' such as Li Zhang Sanren and others on the side looked at him with complicated eyes.

Standing next to Li Zhang Sanren, an old man wearing a black robe with countless flame patterns densely drawn on the robe and an ancient face touched the long beard on his chin that almost reached his knees, and said softly: "Meet you, It’s better to be famous!”

Dafeitian glanced at the old man.

"Fat Burning Immortal?" Da Feitian said with a sarcastic smile: "It is said to be a candle in heaven and earth, but every ray of your inner fire is burned away... Your avenue of flames is just ordinary. Even if you play tricks, you will never be able to get rid of the five elements." The power of birth and restraint... You were lucky enough to achieve the status of a sage, but you don't live in seclusion and practice. Who gave you the courage to talk to a young monk like this?"

The name of Fat Burning Immortal is weird, and his character is also weird.

Seeing Da Feitian's fierce words, he immediately smiled and said, "Did I say anything unpleasant?"

Dafeitian's eyes flickered and he said softly: "You are mocking the young monk in front of me!"

Fat Burning Immortal said in astonishment: "Is there any, old man?"

Dafeitian said softly: "You said meeting is not as good as being famous, doesn't it mean that you have heard of my reputation a long time ago, but today, I was taken away from Empress Qionghua's maternal vagina by the Great Immortal Houjing in front of me. My reputation, Is it a bit exaggerated? Isn’t that true?”

Fat Burning Immortal laughed: "If Taoist Fellow Taoist thinks this way, what else can I say? If Taoist Fellow Taoist wants to get back the dignity lost on Immortal Hunting Jing from me, why not do it?"

The Li Zhang Sanren on the side coughed lightly: "Everyone, everyone, peace is the most important thing... Now Liangyi Heaven, inexplicably gives people a sense of uneasiness... Ahem, harmony is the most important thing... Of course, you two If you must fight, please stay far away and don’t hinder Junior Sister Yaohua from talking about serious matters!”

Da Feitian took a deep look at Fat Burning Fairy.

Fat Burning Immortal smiled slightly and shook his head disapprovingly - Da Feitian was very sensitive, but he was indeed right. Fat Burning Immortal's words just now were deliberately provoking trouble.

Dafeitian's reputation in Liangyitian is still very high.

But in today's battle, the Great Immortal Kari Jing took away the maternal vagina in front of him. Da Feitian didn't even leave any mark on the Immortal Kari Jing? Even the Great Immortal Karijing and the Void Monk were taken away?

Haha, this is ugly!

Burning Fat Immortal boasts that although he is a junior, his strength and cultivation are not much different from those of the famous figure such as Karijing Immortal.

Since Da Feitian suffered a loss in front of the Great Immortal Hunting Jing, it proves that he and Da Feitian are of the same level!

Therefore, the Fat Burning Fairy couldn't help but be a bit mean.

Don't think that these sages and Buddhas have such high cultivation and good virtues. If they were truly 'gentlemen' and 'perfect moral beings', how could there be Yaohua? All these nonsense that the Holy Mother caused?

On the contrary, the more saints and sages are, the more they are Buddhas. Except for three or five "otaku weirdos" like the ancient San people, the others are all "creatures" with extremely burning desires and extremely complicated thoughts... If they didn't have such strong desires, With such complicated thoughts, how could they survive the long years and struggle to climb to the top of the Liangyitian cultivation world bit by bit?

The bad habit of the Fat Burning Fairy is - he can't see anyone being more famous than him, or being more respected, or more feared, or more feared than him... In short, he must be better than others in everything. It’s right to be strong!

He is such an arrogant person.

Otherwise, why would he shout such slogans?

‘One candle in heaven and earth, one wisp of heart fire is burned away’... The entire Liangyi Heaven cannot withstand the fire he burned, and this tone is also so loud that it has no limit.

In any case, when Li Zhang Sanren opened his mouth, Da Feitian and Burning Fat Immortal were thinking about serious matters, so it was not easy to continue to entangle them.

But today this small cause has been planted.

When it will bear fruit, and what kind of ‘evil fruit’ or ‘good fruit’ it will bear, it all depends on the future plans of the two powerful men...

Lu Qian bowed to Baoguang Merit Buddha from afar.

Everyone's attention was focused on Our Lady of Yaohua.

The Holy Mother of Yaohua slowly told the origin of her 'luck-stealing method'...

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