Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 809 Feeding

Lu Qian carried the monk Jingse and strode ‘to death’!

at the same time.

Dafei Tianzheng clasped his hands together, sweating all over his body, his eyes gushing with Buddha light, staring straight at the huge heart-shaped stone in front of him, and at the bald monk with an ordinary face sitting cross-legged on top of the stone.


Dafeitian's voice was extremely erratic, as if there was a ghost hiding in his throat. Under the crazy squeezing of his throat muscles, it was very difficult to make such an almost inaudible sound.

Lu Min was walking in a spring garden filled with red willows and red willows as countless gods and demons loomed around him. The edge of the garden could not be seen at a glance. Countless naked girls, each one of them thin and plump and beautiful, were swaying among the flowers and trees, ogling him.

Lu Min made inappropriate comments about these older girls and passed them by with a smile. If people don't provoke him, he won't bother to cause trouble. But as soon as these big girls took half a step closer to him, countless gods and demons swarmed over them and immediately devoured them.

Yu Changle and a group of young eunuchs, with red faces, clung to a desperate border situation.

In all directions, there are countless aliens wearing armor, covered with black fur, and with wolf heads and bodies. The place where Yu Changle and dozens of young eunuchs stand is a small castle with a radius of no more than a hundred feet in the boundless Gobi Desert. Moreover, the entire castle is made of rammed earth. After countless years, most of the earth walls have collapsed, and its defense is almost zero!

The magic power in the body has disappeared, and only the tempered body maintains its due strength.

Yu Changle held a long sword in his hand and looked at the alien soldiers approaching slowly from all sides. He looked up to the sky and roared like a ghost: "Children, if you want to survive, you have to fight hard!"

Wisps of sword energy flew into the air, and the three Qingyou girls formed a small formation of three talents, facing back to back the assassination attacks from the large group of swordsmen.

This is a dense green bamboo forest, and they are located in a small clearing in the forest. On the bamboo shoots all around, countless figures were looming, their swords were shining and their swords were clanging. Lin Lin's murderous intention was almost solidified. From time to time, people would fly out and kill them with their swords.

Thousands of swordsmen with incomplete corpses were already lying on the ground.

Every time the three Qingyou girls kill a flying swordsman, their understanding of the way of the sword improves, and their own cultivation also increases sharply... just like the swordsmen who were killed, their understanding of the sword , all the cultivation in the way of swordsmanship was swallowed up by them.

There was a crisp sound of wind chimes in the bamboo forest. Following the urging of the wind chimes, more swordsmen appeared out of thin air, and then stabbed with swords from all directions.

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha is standing on a small island.

There are countless evil ghosts and souls in all directions, and the black and evil things turn into a boundless ocean, surrounding this small island tightly. He clasped his hands together and recited the mantra in a low voice. The majestic power of suppressing the prison turned into an invisible mountain and crushed it down. All the ghosts who dared to get close were crushed into pieces.

Every time a fierce ghost is killed, the prison-suppressing power of Xuanguang Buddha becomes stronger.

The Buddha of Precious Light Merit is walking in the vast world of mortals...in cities, villages, and ancient inns in the wilderness. What appears around him are all the sentient beings of Jambudvipa in the mortal world. They are all born, old, sick, and dead, and have endless sufferings. He used all his magical powers to walk, but no matter how much he activated his magical powers, he could never escape from this boundless world of mortals.

He can only stick to the Buddha's heart, shed a large amount of Buddha's light, and relieve the suffering of these people in this mortal world.

Mana is being consumed and merit is being accumulated.

But in this world of mortals, the magic power he consumed cannot be recovered... The Buddha of Baoguang Merit couldn't help but raise his head and said to himself in a low voice: "This is a death disaster... What will happen if I run out of magic power? "

Just after he had this idea, an old beggar passing by him coughed a few times. Baoguang Gongde Buddha felt a stinging and itching sensation in his lungs. He couldn't help but cough immediately, and then coughed. A little blood came out.

"Well, the gods and humans will have five declines, they will be born, old, sick, and die, and they will be completely annihilated in this world of mortals." The face of Baoguang Merit Buddha was a little ugly. He sighed softly, shocked his mind, swayed the Buddha's light, and dispersed the diseases in his body. The symptoms of the plague in the old beggar were also eliminated.

The three Buddhas Yuan Ding, Yuan Shan, and Yuan Jue were very lucky to be together.

They stood in a crudely made cottage gathering hall, staring dumbfounded at a group of shabby, poor-looking minions around them. A man with a big tumor on his forehead, holding a horn-sharp knife, was holding a bloody human heart, grinning at the three Buddhas.

"Three kings, today, the young men captured a big fat sheep that passed by the mountain alive and made a heart and liver sobering soup for the three kings... Today, the three kings wanted something spicy and sour. ? Or spicy?"

"My Buddha is compassionate!" The three Buddhas clasped their hands together.

The minions all around laughed at the same time, making a lot of noises.

"What kind of Buddha are you reciting, your Majesty? Scary, these three kings have killed as many as 80,000 business travelers in recent years, if not 100,000, right?"

"Isn't that right? There are three to five thousand young ladies who have been played to death by the three kings."

"There is also the heart and liver hangover soup that I have eaten over the years, tsk tsk... there are not 30,000 sets, there are always 20,000 sets..."

"Isn't the king possessed by evil spirits? Why don't you go find some young ladies and let the three kings rejoice?"

The three Buddhas looked gloomy and were about to have an attack, but they found that there was no magic power left in their bodies, and their strength was only equivalent to that of a martial artist who had practiced ordinary boxing and kicking for three to five years. The magical power to subdue dragons, subdue tigers, and move mountains and seas!

Facing the pretty little girls with tear-stained faces who were forced to push them to their side by those little minions who didn't know where they got them from, the faces of the three Buddhas became increasingly ugly.

There are all kinds of different colors!

Along with Da Feitian and his entourage, many monks who entered the ancient city of Loulan encountered all kinds of troubles, troubles that gave them endless headaches... Some had an easy life, some had a difficult life, and some had great gains and various situations. To name a few!

And the ones who had the easiest time were undoubtedly the hundreds of millions of great Taoist monks in the Vajra Sumeru Mountain!

I don’t know why, maybe because these Taoist monks were all ‘transformed’ by Lu Qian. They adhere to the same heart, have the same breath, and follow the same beliefs. They and the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain were teleported to one place. location.

The Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain, tens of thousands of miles long, was slapped heavily on the ground. There was boundless wildness in all directions. Countless aliens with strange and strange shapes turned into boundless waves and roared towards the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain.

These Taoist monks are worry-free, worry-free, frightened, and fearless. Their faces are like black ice and their hearts are like ancient wells. They rely on the powerful Buddhist formation restraints rebuilt by Dafeitian himself on the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain to form an unprecedented scale. The huge Buddhist formation wiped out all the aliens coming in waves.

Countless aliens were killed, and the power of these Taoist monks slowly increased little by little.

As for those aliens who were killed, their luck and destiny followed some mysterious connections, penetrated the strange restrictions of the ancient city of Loulan, and were injected into Lu Qian's body across the air.

The luck pagoda above Lu Qian's head is getting higher, wider and thicker little by little. The reliefs of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas on the pagoda are constantly increasing, and they are becoming more and more lifelike like living creatures...wisps of colorful and smart luck. The breath rolled down and turned into a huge treasure building, completely covering Lu Qian.

He carried Monk Jise and strode towards those flying geomagnetic swords. Hearing the ear-piercing strange sound that broke through the sky, Monk Jise finally screamed at the top of his lungs: "Senior Brother Fahai, it's easy to say, easy to say... What do you want? We can talk about it easily!"

Lu Qian said quietly: "I don't want anything anymore, I don't want anything anymore... If I open my mouth now, it would look like I'm taking advantage of others' danger... I don't want anything anymore, let's live and die together like this. Falling here together, maybe we are luckier than many Buddhist seniors in the past, and we can escape back to Liangyi Heaven with a trace of our remaining souls?"

The sound of "chichi" was heard endlessly. Lu Qian's body-protecting Buddha's light was cut open layer by layer. His face, palms, and many exposed bodies were cut into deep cracks. The golden Buddha's blood exuded pounds. The boundless Dao rhyme fluctuates and splashes outwards.

With a 'chila' sound, a geomagnetic knife cut through the monk Jiese's waist two inches below, and cut off a large piece of fat as big as a palm from his fat buttocks. The trembling pieces of meat fell to the ground, and the monk let out a pitiful howl like a wild boar.

"Senior brother Fa Hai, help me... Junior brother, there are quite a few good treasures here that we can't use. Please don't dislike them, please accept them quickly!" the monk Jingse howled at the top of his lungs.

"That's not okay...it looks like I'm taking advantage of the situation!" Lu Qian shook his head repeatedly and allowed several geomagnetic blades to cut through his body, and opened several deep wounds on his head. The small, palm-sized geomagnetic knife collided with the solid bones, making a harsh sound of the knife wheel cutting the steel plate, and even sparks flying.

Lu Qian endured the pain. The Geomagnetic Yuan Dao was indeed very sharp, and even his strong bones were cut into deep cracks.

"Senior Brother Fahai, you are so righteous, how can you be the one taking advantage of the situation?" Monk Jingse shouted loudly.

Another geomagnetic blade cut through him, and another large wound was opened on Monk Jingse's arm, almost cutting off his entire arm.

"Then, I am not taking advantage of others' danger?" Lu Qian asked the monk Jingse seriously. More than thirty geomagnetic blades struck Lu Qian's chest in a row, and layers of Buddha's light were cut open. The liberation cassock also made a slight cry, and dozens of extremely fine, inch-long slits were cut.

The Buddha's light surged, and the cracks in the liberation cassock were rapidly healing, but it was obvious that these attacks also caused a lot of damage to Him.

Lu Qian was secretly horrified, but he still looked at Monk Jingse with a calm expression: "I thought we should just accept our fate, right?"

The monk Jingse gasped and threw the twelve top-quality Buddhist treasures including the Buddhist beads, the pillar, the lotus platform, and the Buddhist niche that he had used to protect his body, and threw them into Lu Qian's arms. With a muffled groan, he removed the imprint of his soul on these Buddha treasures, and hissed with a cry: "Senior brother, don't be pretentious. As long as you can escape this disaster, these treasures are all junior brothers and I will pay my respects." Your!"

Lu Qian sighed: "In other words, if I take these Buddha treasures, there will be no cause and effect between us?"

The monk Jingse immediately swore an extremely vicious oath: "Where is the cause and effect? ​​Senior brother, you saved my life. Junior brother, it's too late for me to be grateful?"

Lu Qian drooped his eyelids, and a geomagnetic knife struck him squarely between the eyebrows, splitting his skull open, and even a few drops of brain juice, as crystal clear as glass, as fragrant as borneol, and as sticky as glutinous rice, came from Splattered from the wound.

Lu Qian groaned in pain and almost fainted from the pain.

He was not pretending at all, he really couldn't resist the terrifying attack of the golden-headed general... If the golden-headed general was allowed to use his magical powers, he and the monk Jiese would really perish here!

He endured the pain and looked down at the pale-faced Jiese Heshan: "So, if the Buddha Malengli comes to ask me for cause and effect afterwards!"

The abstaining monk took a deep breath and once again swore an extremely vicious oath: "There is absolutely no cause and effect!"

Lu Qian nodded seriously. With a finger, these twelve top-quality Buddha treasures turned into wisps of Buddha light and merged into his body. The power of the soul surged, quickly communicated with these Buddha treasures, and imprinted his own soul into them.

These Buddha treasures were obviously trained and trained by Maharaja Buddha with great efforts. They are full of spirituality, yet simple, honest, and extremely stable and reliable... Monk Jingse handed them over to Lu Qian, and they became extremely He cooperated and allowed Lu Qian to sacrifice himself, and even actively cooperated with Lu Qian to complete the sacrifice to himself.

No resistance, no pretense, no obedience!

Everything fell into place, and with a flick of his finger, Lu Qian controlled these twelve top-level Buddhist treasures as if they had been refined in his hands for hundreds of millions of years. Slippery and agile.

"Hey!" Lu Qian shouted softly, and the Buddha's light suddenly flourished around him.

The twelve defensive Buddha treasures swallowed up a huge amount of Buddha power, rose up with all their strength, and took their respective positions, forming around him the 'Star Palace Mandala Indestructible Secret Formation' of the Spring and Autumn Treasure Buddha lineage, which is secretly taught in the sect.

Before entering the ancient city of Loulan, the four Buddha Lords, Dafeitian, Baoguang Gongde Buddha, Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha, and Spring and Autumn Treasure Buddha, all took out the treasures at the bottom of the box and taught them to the four disciples, just to ensure that After these disciples stepped into the ancient city of Loulan, they had the ability to save their lives.

The Treasure Buddha of Spring and Autumn Period, study the formation path carefully.

The ‘Star Palace Mandala Indestructible Secret Formation’ can be called the ‘Supreme Defense Formation’ of Liangyitian Buddhism.

Because the number of Buddha treasures arranged in the formation varies, the secret formation can be three-star palace, six-star palace, nine-star palace... and so on.

Lu Chen arrayed twelve top-level Buddhist treasures, and they were twelve top-level defensive Buddhist treasures of similar grades. This array can be called the 'Twelve Star Palace Mandala Indestructible Secret Array'. Defense is by no means as simple as the simple sum of the defense powers of twelve Buddhist treasures!

A palm-thick layer of transparent Buddha light that was almost pure black in color spread out in all directions, instantly covering the entire land within a radius.

Twelve Buddhist treasures are floating around Lu Qian, and the faint sound of Sanskrit singing can be heard endlessly.

Countless geomagnetic blades roared in and chopped down heavily.

The almost black and transparent Buddha light vibrated slightly, with little ripples. The palm-thick Buddha light was rapidly cut by pieces of geomagnetic blades. Every time it was about to be torn apart, the geomagnetic blades were forcibly shattered by the terrifying counter-shock force!

"Excellent! Praise the Treasure Buddha of the Spring and Autumn Period!" Lu Qian praised sincerely.

The defensive power of this secret formation is terrifying. The attack power of the golden-headed general has almost reached the level of a Buddha. However, Lu Qian used the power of twelve Buddhist treasures to set up the secret formation and actually blocked these attacks. !

In other words, in terms of defense power, Lu Qian can almost compete with Lord Buddha?

Monk Jiese is also very discerning. He saw with his own eyes the scene where Jiejie's cassock was torn apart by the Geomagnetic Yuan Knife, and he knew how terrifyingly lethal this Geomagnetic Yuan Dao was. And the Buddhist formation set up by Lu Qian actually blocked such horrific attacks. He knew very well what this meant.

He looked at Lu Qian as if he had seen a ghost. After a long time, he murmured: "Master is right, the luck-causing magic of Our Lady of Yaohua is like a ghost... Sure enough, we have to leave Liangyitian as soon as possible. , otherwise I will be involved in such secret techniques, I am afraid even Master will not be able to withstand the backlash!"

Lu Qian asked him in surprise: "What did you say?"

Monk Jingse let out a heavy breath: "Master said it very clearly, and Senior Brother Fa Hai must be well aware of it... The luck-causing spell launched by Our Lady of Yaohua, I don't know why, finally succeeded to Senior Brother... Haha, senior brother, please don’t tell me that your incredible magical powers were obtained through your own hard work, right?"

Lu Qian's old face blushed slightly.

He pondered for a moment and nodded seriously: "Of course, I practiced hard day and night, year after year, day after day, and never got tired. Only then did I achieve what I am today... Junior Brother Jingse, this cultivation is like sailing against the current. Ten thousand……"

Monk Jingse interrupted Lu Qian's shameless boasting with an annoyed look on his face: "Senior brother, do you respect Geng?"

Lu Qian suddenly closed his mouth and laughed a few times.

This question was like stabbing his lungs. There was no way to answer this question!

The monk Jingse looked at Lu Qian with great resentment - still practicing hard day and night, year after year, day after day? Haha, I have never slacked off, monk. Ever since I became a disciple of the Maharaja Buddha, I have been practicing hard day and night for nearly a thousand years. I have taken countless miraculous medicines and consumed a huge amount of faith. Now I am just the pitiful cultivation of a great Bodhisattva. !

And you, I heard that less than a hundred years after ascending to the Liangyi Heaven, you are already at the Buddha level... and now you have the terrifying defense power of the Buddha level... Even if the defense power of this Buddha formation is in the realm of the Buddha... The one at the bottom is scary enough!

Why do you have the nerve to say what you just said?

Never slack off?


Monk Jingse smiled brightly: "Brother Fahai, let me go. Now, how do we deal with this guy?"

Lu Qian let go of his hand, and the monk jumped off the ground and twisted his body vigorously. The wound on his arm healed instantly, and the big piece of fat that had been chopped off from his fat buttocks by the Geomagnetic Yuan Knife was beating like a living thing, and it snapped back to the wound, and a flash of Buddha's light flashed through , and it grows solidly.

Lu Qian looked at the eighteen puppets of the Heavenly King who were fighting fiercely with General Tietou in the distance.

These Heavenly King puppets are indeed extremely powerful, and their attack power has definitely reached the level of Buddha... But the defensive power of the Iron-headed General is really amazing. Can do too much damage to it.

Lu Qian looked at the eighteen heavenly king puppets and suddenly sighed.

Monk Jingse's expression changed slightly, he stamped his feet suddenly, and shouted loudly: "The so-called sword is given to warriors, Senior Brother Fahai, these eighteen protector kings are really a waste of natural resources if they stay with Junior Brother... If you don't mind it, , why not, why not...just accept it?"

He looked at Lu Qian seriously, extremely sincerely, with an extremely firm and pious light in his eyes: "Senior brother, there are hundreds of millions of elite Buddhist soldiers. If we set up a Buddhist formation, we can suppress one party." ...The only weakness is that among them, they lack the core backbone! If there are these eighteen heavenly king puppets to suppress the formation, and hundreds of millions of Buddha soldiers form an formation, my junior brother cannot even imagine how powerful it will be!"

The monk Jingse clenched his fists hard, his eyes shining with bright stars.

He looked at Lu Qian with great admiration: "Junior brother believes that senior brother Fahai will definitely be the leader of our Liangyitian Buddhism sect in the future..."

Lu Qian slapped Monk Jingse on the shoulder: "That's all, that's all. Junior Brother is so open-minded, and Senior Brother is no longer hypocritical. Senior Brother, I am ashamed of these eighteen protectors... Uh, no. Is there a cause and effect?”

The abstaining monk skillfully swore an extremely vicious oath: "There is absolutely no cause and effect!"

He recited a secret mantra in a low voice.

Lu Qian kept it in mind, then mobilized his magic power to recite the secret mantra. The eighteen heavenly king puppets who were fighting fiercely shouted the Buddha's name in unison, and their bodies swayed, turning into afterimages and flying back to Lu Ren, and then quickly integrated into the Twelve Star Palace Mandala Indestructible Secret Array, which made this person even more excited. The defense power of the secret formation has skyrocketed.

Lu Qian pointed with his hand.

The void in front of him suddenly distorted.

A large piece of bright, bright geomagnetic knife flashing with blurred and colorful magnetic light roared towards him and crashed into the twisted void. The next moment, a large area of ​​void twisted around the iron-headed general. This piece of geomagnetic sword emerged from the air beside it and struck it hard.

The killing power of this geomagnetic sword is indeed unstoppable.

The huge iron-headed general was cut into pieces and fell to the ground with a crash.

Before Monk Jingse could scream in surprise, a large area of ​​void was distorted in front of Lu Qian. Countless geomagnetic swords roared towards him and submerged into the twisted void. Then, beside the golden-headed general, geomagnetic swords appeared in all directions at the same time. It hit itself hard.

The sound of ‘chichi’ is endless.

The golden-headed general's attack power is unparalleled, but its body's defensive power is only that of an ordinary second or third calamity true Buddha.

The geomagnetic sword moved inward, and the unpredictable golden-headed general was immediately torn into pieces.

"Hiss!" Monk Jingse's eyes widened, as if he had suffered from Jubu's problem, and he took a long, long breath of cold air: "Senior brother... you, you... Da Feitian Buddha, Baoguang Merit Buddha, Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha...these three Buddha masters seem to have never heard that they have such a profound understanding of the way of space!"

When you reach the realm of Buddha, you can break the void with just a few movements of your hands. This is something you can easily do by relying solely on brute force!

However, someone like Lu Qian could easily distort space, perfectly reflect the opponent's attack, and control those geomagnetic swords so accurately that they appeared within a few feet of General Jintou, allowing General Jintou to Not even a chance to dodge...

This kind of manipulation of space, this, this, this...

I have never heard of anyone in the Da Feitian lineage who has mastered the way of space to such an extent!

As the youngest true disciple of the Buddhist lineage of Malengli Buddha, the so-called little disciple is the most favored. Monk Jingse has a deep understanding of all the secrets of Liangyi Heaven Buddhism.

He knew that it was impossible for Lu Qian to learn such a sophisticated way of space from his elders!


The abstaining monk felt a little haggard. He felt as if he had been tricked. When he saw Lu Qian being split by the Geomagnetic Yuan Knife before, his brains spewed out. He really thought that he was going to perish here, so he generously and without hesitation donated so many top-notch treasures to Lu Qian. Looking for a chance of survival!

But now it seems... with or without these Buddha treasures, it seems that Lu Qian can easily defeat the golden-headed general!

That being the case.


He, a rebooting monk, has lost so many Buddhist treasures!

He suddenly remembered those vicious oaths he had made - no cause and effect, no cause and effect!

"Senior brother!" Monk Jingse's lips moved slightly. After a long, long time, he murmured: "Senior brother is planning a strategy..."

Lu Qian looked at Monk Jingse very deeply: "Junior brother, thank you so much for the gift of these Buddhist treasures, so that senior brother has enough time to activate this one-time space talisman... Junior brother, you don't know, senior brother, I am very familiar with the space. I don’t know anything about the Tao either, but my senior brother has been extremely lucky these years and got a space talisman from a certain ruins that was refined by an unknown master!”

"It is this talisman that allows us to kill powerful enemies and escape!"

"But to activate this talisman, it consumes too much mana, and the time it takes to activate it is too long... Without your strong help, senior brother, I would never be able to activate this talisman. You I’m afraid I’m going to die here today!”

Lu Qian looked at the monk Jingse with great sincerity.

The monk was silent for a long time, then slowly nodded, accepting Lu Qian's explanation.

However, he was silent for a while, and then said dryly: "Brother, there seems to be a saying that monks do not lie!"

Lu Qian smiled and put his hands on Monk Jingse's plump and soft shoulders: "So, Junior Brother, do you think that Senior Brother, I just lied to you?"

The monk Jingse pondered again for a long time, and then he laughed brilliantly: "Senior brother, you are really naughty, how do you say this? Senior brother, how can you lie to others? I can tell at a glance, senior brother, you will definitely be a leader of Buddhism in the future. Yes, the prosperity of our Liangyitian Buddhism sect is all due to you, senior brother!"

The two looked at each other and smiled in an extremely honest and honest way, just like two 'honest people' who had never told a lie in their lives!

There was a turmoil in the arena.

The sweet girl's voice sounded faintly: "Oh, miss, our iron-headed general and golden-headed general have both been defeated. This fat cricket and this strong cricket are so powerful!"

"Hey, why don't you give them something good to eat?"

With the sweet and melodious laughter, the situation above the battlefield changes, and the sparkling sapphire aura fills the air. A palm made of clouds holds a bunch of fruits that look like grapes, but the fruit bunches are extremely developed, and the bunches of fruits are Thousands of strange fruits slowly fell down.

Each fruit in this bunch is about the size of a fist, with a color like jasper, completely clear and slightly translucent. Inside each fruit, there seems to be a golden figure, either running with head held high, sitting cross-legged in meditation, lying dormant, or punching and kicking.

An extremely timeless and refreshing fragrance hit him. Just smelling the aroma of the fruit, Lu Qian felt that his internal organs were moving, and his body strength suddenly increased by 12%.

Lu Qian was horrified!

It was so horrifying that every hair on his body was about to explode into ashes!

His current physical strength has already exceeded the limits of Liangyitian.

The physical body of the Eighteen Kalpa Realm of True Buddha... I don't know if there will be someone coming later, but it is definitely unprecedented... Even if the original owner of the relic in his body is the ancient Buddha who was known as the "No. 1 Buddhist Fighter" in the ancient times, then The Buddha-level power who once had the most powerful golden body in Buddhism, when he was in the Buddha realm, his golden body's power was only at its peak for ten kalpas!

Speaking of the physical power of the Eighteen Kalpa True Buddha, this would definitely scare countless monks from Liangyi Heaven to death.

With such a powerful body, Lu Qian just smelled the aroma of the fruit, and the strength of his body suddenly increased by 12%...

How terrible!

It’s scary to think about it!

What is the origin of this fruit?

What kind of existence is this 'girl' who can't see anyone but only hears voices?

While Lu Qian was in shock, the monk Jingse groaned. His skin was cracked with torn wounds, and large amounts of blood continued to gush out. Blood gushed out from his seven orifices, and the internal organs in his body simultaneously made harsh sounds. The cracking sound!

"It's not enough, help!" The monk screamed, "This fruit is extremely poisonous!"

Lu Qian suddenly realized.

For his eighteen-kalpa true Buddha-level body, this fruit is a great tonic.

However, the medicinal power of this fruit is so powerful. For a monk whose Buddha power is only at the level of the Great Bodhisattva and whose physical strength is only at the level of an ordinary true immortal, this fruit is a deadly poison!

With a wave of his sleeve, Lu Qian put the bunch of fruits falling in the air into his bag.

He shook his hands and took out a fruit, stuffed it into his mouth, made a few "clicks", and after chewing it, a stream of cold and slightly sour juice flowed into his mouth. After falling into his belly, it suddenly turned into a strong stream of heat. Little by little, it penetrated all the limbs and bones!

The physical body is strengthened bit by bit.

Correspondingly, the mana cultivation level is soaring rapidly.

When Lu Qian took the fruit, it seemed like there was a 'product manual' inside the fruit. The detailed consultation about the fruit was instantly imprinted in his soul, allowing him to understand the ins and outs of the fruit.

‘Cang Mu Long Yuan Guo’!

A kind of tree that grows on the 'Cangmu' tree and must be irrigated with the essence and blood of the 'Star Dragon'. In the final stage of growth, a 'Star Dragon' must be killed and all its life essence injected into it before it can fully mature. Strange fruit.


In front of Lu Qian's eyes, a giant tree appeared that was lush, lush, and incredibly powerful.

Information about ‘Cangmu’ also appeared in Lu Qian’s soul.

What a terrifying giant tree this is!

This thing, it will take 180 million years for Lianyitian to grow a ring of growth rings, and if you want to conceive a qualified 'Cangmu Dragon Yuan Fruit', this Cangmu must have at least 360 Only after ten annual rings can one become a qualified mother body!

And ‘Star Dragon’!

In front of Lu Qian's eyes, a giant dragon appeared.

This is completely different from the so-called 'true dragon' and 'celestial dragon' in the records of Liangyitian... This is a kind of creature that lives in the boundless void, floating and carefree, using the sun, moon and stars as its A natural disaster level creature that eats!

The 'Star Dragon' wanders among the chaos, looking for those 'worlds' that gave birth to the sun, moon and stars. For example, worlds like 'Liang Yi Tian' are their best hunting targets.

Find the world, break through the natural barriers such as the clear void on the periphery of the world, and then break into it, completely swallowing the sun, moon and stars that contain the original power of heaven and earth and the infinite laws of the great road, leaving an empty world of complete death... This is The daily life of the 'Star Dragon' clan!

If the Cangmu Dragon Yuan Fruit wants to mature, it must kill a ‘Star Dragon’ as a tonic!

How powerful is the ‘Star Dragon’ that was used as a sacrifice?

How powerful it is, Lu Qian doesn't know.

But in the image that appeared in front of him, he really felt how huge this thing was - the adult body of this terrifying group has 129,600 dragon scales, and the smallest dragon scale among them is also It has a radius of 360 million miles and a thickness of one million miles!

This ethnic group that can no longer be described as 'behemoth' is the Star Dragon!

A tree of Cangmu Dragon Yuan Fruit must be sacrificed with a star dragon in order to mature!

Of course, given the huge size of the Cangmu, a Cangmu Dragon Yuan Fruit tree can produce tens of millions of fruits. In front of Lu Qian, there is only a small bunch of more than a thousand fruits, which is less than one ten thousandth of the fruit of a tree!

Even so, the majestic power contained in this one-ten thousandth fruit is enough to make Lu Qian's cultivation level rise rapidly!

Moreover, the Cangmu Dragon Yuan Fruit is the most ‘balanced’ and ‘balanced’ fruit.

Taking Cang Mu Long Yuan Guo, it will 'adjust' and 'balance' the status of the user based on the actual situation of the user.

For example, if your magic power is strong but your physical body is weak, then He will first strengthen your physical body and then increase your magic power.

If your body is strong and your magic power is strong, but your soul is weak, then He will nourish your soul first, make your soul strong quickly, and then improve your body and magic power at the same time.

In short, no matter what shortcomings you have, Cangmulong Yuanguo will help you make up for them and help you reach the state of 'flawless' and 'flawless'!

Lu Qian is now extremely physically strong, but his magic power and the strength of his soul are a bit weak compared to his physical body... So he took a Cangmu Dragon Yuan Fruit, which has 99% of the medicinal power. They were all used to increase his mana and soul, but his body only increased by 12% again!

The heat surges.

The mana surges.

The soul burst out with dazzling light, and the vast and majestic power of the soul was like a tsunami, rolling rapidly in the mind.

Lu Qian opened his mouth and exhaled hot air, and without saying a word, he took out the Cangmu Dragon Yuan Fruit one after another and swallowed it continuously.

No need to ask, this fruit must come from the upper world and is a rare divine item that cannot be found in the lower world.

No matter why He appears here, you must not miss this opportunity!

Monk Jingse hid far away. He stared dumbfoundedly at Lu Qian as he swallowed the Cangmu Dragon Yuan Guo with big mouthfuls, and saliva kept coming out of his mouth... He knew that this was a great opportunity, but he couldn't help it. If your cultivation level is too weak, you really have no chance to enjoy it!

"Senior brother, please give me some benefits!" The monk wailed pitifully.

However, he couldn't even bear the fragrance of the fruit. Lu Qian couldn't do anything if he wanted to leave him any good! It’s not that Lu Qian is stingy, he really can’t do it!

High in the sky, the sweet girl's voice sounded again.

"Hey, you have a great appetite, and you can fight!"

"After eating my lady's good food, you have to fight hard in the next few games!"

"Hey, if you can win three games in a row, the lady will naturally let you go!"

"If you can win six games in a row, Miss will give you a chance."

"If you can win nine games in a row... Oh no, how is that possible? You are just a little cricket. How can you win so many games in a row... In the next few games, you are not going to be a little cricket anymore!"

Lu Qian's heart twitched violently, and he swallowed the fruit faster again.

Monk Jingse looked at the sky with a look of despair: "The young monk doesn't want to fight. I don't want to fight. Can the compassionate female Bodhisattva let the young monk leave? The young monk is not a cricket. He is just a pitiful, inhumane person. Damn the monk!"

Time passed little by little, and just when Lu Yi took the last Cangmu Dragon Yuan Fruit, and before he had time to feel how strong his soaring power was, the arena shook violently.

A giant figure, a hundred feet tall and covered in silvery gray, quietly appeared eight hundred miles in front of Lu Qian.

The terrifying cold air rose and surged, and the cold fog visible to the naked eye roared and swept in all directions. The biting cold air blew across Lu Qian's body, and the thick Buddha light on Lu Qian's body was frozen to pieces. Large swaths of Buddha light were like thin ice that had been violently bombarded, and pieces of it kept splashing down.

The monk Jingse groaned. He didn't even have time to dodge, and he couldn't even see clearly what the giant looked like. Together with several Buddhist treasures that protected his body, he was frozen into a human-shaped piece of ice!

Lu Qian glanced at him in shock and found that although the cold air froze the monk, like a hibernating insect frozen in ice, there was still a faint trace of life in his body. Lu Qian felt relieved!

"We must fight quickly, otherwise this monk will really freeze to death!"

Lu Qian muttered in a low voice: "You're unlucky, didn't Morenli Heavenly Buddha give you any trump card to save your life?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the giant in front roared, and the sky was filled with palm-sized silver-gray ice crystals, like countless flying knives, falling straight down from the sky with a harsh whistle and boundless cold air.

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