Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 814 Buddha

Danger, danger, extreme danger.

Lu Qian's soul emitted a strange light, and a whim accompanied by a great sense of crisis hit his heart. The corners of his eyes were beating violently, and he looked at Kuhai and let out a soft drink, then released a pagoda and twelve mysterious beads, and charged towards the giant monster that the old woman had transformed into with a blaze of light in the sky.

The beautiful sound of opera came from the alley, and the delicate voice of a girl was singing "baiya ya ya".

The barking of wild dogs came from nowhere. Gradually, the barking of dogs came one after another, turning into a continuous sound wave and rushing in all directions.

Suddenly, a chicken crow came from above Lu Qian's head.

When he raised his head, he saw on the green brick wall on the right side of the alley, a six-foot-tall, pitch-black rooster standing on top of the wall, his eyes blazing with divine light, staring straight at the arrogant man. sea ​​of ​​bitterness.

Then, the crow of cocks continued, and on the walls on both sides of the alley, big roosters with different coat colors and sizes kept appearing. Ten, a hundred, a thousand... amidst the earth-shattering crows, these big roosters flapped their wings and rushed towards the sea of ​​suffering like lightning.

The crow of the cock was mixed with the low muttering of men, women, old and young.

"Fight, fight, fight the gnocchi-eating heretics."

"Kill him, kill him, the nondescript bald scum."

"Shave your head and wear Taoist robes. This guy is very unseemly. He is obviously either a traitor or a thief. He should be beaten to death!"

Faintly, hazy figures formed by a large amount of smoke emerged. Men, women, old and young, holding various utensils, carrying overwhelming Yin Qi and evil spirits, surrounded the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness from all directions.

The flames released by Kuhai were as blazing and dazzling as the sun at first, but gradually, as those big roosters pounced, and as those figures quickly surrounded him, the flames on his body dimmed little by little, and gradually turned into a A small firefly was trapped in layers and layers of thick and dense smoke.

The sad howling of the monk Jingse came from the thick fog. Lu Qian frowned and took a few steps forward to try to help. However, the thick fog in front of him was extremely thick and dense. With Lu Qian's current cultivation level, he tried his best and was unable to break through the light fog blocking the road.

He punched the mist in front of him with all his strength, and heard a muffled sound. The mist rippled in circles. Lu Qian's right fist was in severe pain, and three finger bones were broken. He quickly healed with a twist of magic power, and his whole body had been damaged by that. The force of the counter-shock caused him to stumble back several steps.

"My Buddha!" ​​Lu Qian looked at the mist in front of him in shock, clasped his hands together, and murmured: "Junior Brother Jingse, it's not that Fahai refuses to save him, it's just that he has more than enough intentions but not enough power... This ancient city of Loulan... is really... It’s mysterious!”

"Loulan City is a good place!" A young voice suddenly came from behind Lu Qian.

Lu Qian felt a chill in his heart, and a cold air penetrated from his tailbone to Tianling Gai. He turned around suddenly and saw a white and tender child with pigtails in the sky, who looked to be only three or five years old. A bunch of candied haws stood behind him, licking the candied haws with his little tongue. A pair of scarlet eyes stared straight at Lu Qian, with blood constantly falling from the corners of his eyes.

"Loulan City is a good place...but you shouldn't come." The child giggled: "Especially that weirdo with a bare head and wearing Taoist robes...and the one who eats...uh, glutinous rice balls, you are Do you want something sweet or something salty?"

The child looked at Lu Qian with a bright smile.

Different from the old woman and the figures formed by the smoke that I saw before, this child's facial features are extremely clear, and his body shape is like a real person.

Lu Qian's heart sank for a while. With this appearance, it can be seen that this child is stronger than the old woman and those figures besieging the sea of ​​suffering?

"The young monk has kept the precept of silence and has not eaten fireworks for many years." Lu Qian clasped his hands together and bowed solemnly to the child: "So, whatever dumplings, whether salty or sweet, to the young monk, they are just like floating clouds in the sky. , it doesn’t make any sense…little monk, don’t eat.”

The child's action of licking the candied haws suddenly stopped.

He looked at Lu Qian blankly, and suddenly threw the candied haws on the ground angrily: "You bastard, why don't you play by the rules? You don't eat? Don't eat? Keep your mouth shut? Ah? Keep your mouth shut? You bastard ...I’ll beat you to death, you unreasonable bald thief!”

The child clenched his fists, and with an 'ouch' sound, his fists raised two violent dragon-like fists, roaring towards Lu Qian.


The sky is full of punches.

Two fists filled the entire alley, and in Lu Qian's sight, except for the two small fists, there was nothing else.

All Tao, all Dharma, all light, all darkness, all tangible and intangible existences, all concepts of reality and nothingness were shattered by these two fists, turned into the nourishment of two fists, and were sucked in Two small fists were used to crush Lu Qian.

The power of these two punches was more brutal and straightforward than the 'boxing technique' that Lu Qian obtained in that fighting arena.

There is no other impurity in the child's punch, only a naked intention - I want to punch you to death!

This is a sure-kill punch!

Lu Qian took a deep breath, and all the mana in his body burned out in an instant. With a sway of his body, he directly activated the laws of space and took a step towards somewhere at will.

The void around him exploded with a 'pop', and countless space fragments were clearly visible like glass. Circles of space ripples, traces of space cracks, and layers of extremely complex space structures all appeared. Lu Qian got into the broken space, and the small space with a radius of several feet twisted and squirmed like a whirlpool, swallowing him in one gulp.

With a deafening roar, the fist passed through Lu Qian's body, but failed to hit him.

The remaining force of the fist shocked Lu Qian's internal organs with severe pain, and he vomited blood. He was in the turbulence of space, but he could feel the child's scarlet eyes locked on his figure.

The Taichu Huntong Pearl was launched with all its strength, cutting off the heavenly secrets, cutting off the cause and effect, and covering up all the remaining breath and information of Lu Qian.

The sudden news of the locking of those scarlet eyes made Lu Qian feel as if two mountains were suddenly removed and he became extremely relaxed. The turbulent flow of space around him became clearly discernible. Lu Qian was like a fish in deep water, nimbly swimming through the turbulent flow, and then he found an area with skylight and suddenly jumped out.

This time he jumped out, the world had changed before his eyes.

It is no longer the alley with the Jiangnan style of apricot blossoms and spring rain, but has become a majestic and majestic mansion.

In front of him was an extremely grand hall. Lu Qian was standing on the square in front of the hall. Directly in front of him were five extremely tall and heavy bronze cauldrons. On the left and right sides of the square, there were two rows. Bronze dragon, bronze unicorn, bronze turtle, bronze crane and other auspicious objects.

These dragons, unicorns, turtles, cranes and other objects are all exquisitely carved and lifelike. Giant objects that are hundreds of feet tall stand quietly in the square. Inexplicably, they give people the feeling that they are living creatures, just hibernating and resting. .

The five big cauldrons lined up in front of him exuded an ancient and distant aura of desolation, and exuded a terrifying power like the top of a mountain. Lu Qian was still several miles away from the five big cauldrons, and he felt a pang in his heart. I feel sluggish and out of breath.

However, the once-splendid hall now has crooked pillars, broken roofs, and several large holes in the walls facing the square. Looking at the marks, there are fist marks, palm marks, and sword slash marks, and there is still a trace of the terrifying Dao Yun Law aura left in the hole.

Five huge cauldrons were also covered with cuts and bruises, and three large cauldrons were almost split into two pieces.

Originally, the five cauldrons had an inexplicable connection with each other, and they obviously formed a mysterious and powerful formation. At this moment, Lu Qian sensed that the formation was in pieces and barely maintained its most basic functions. These five cauldrons will not be stained with dust or rusted by wind and rain.

That's all, this is the last remnant of this formation.

Those dragons, unicorns, turtles, cranes and other objects still give people the feeling of being alive, but their vitality has been weakened to the extreme and they are dying and may die suddenly at any time. Obviously, they had also been hit hard.

The main hall is thousands of feet high, like a big mountain.

The square in front of the palace has a radius of hundreds of miles and is really wide and spacious.

White walls and bloody tiles can be seen in the distance... Well, the main hall, the square, and the buildings behind the main hall are all surrounded by a circle of high walls. The entire wall is pale, and the eaves above are made of blood-colored glazed tiles!

"Blood tiles are really unlucky." Lu Qian curled his lips a little picky.

‘Tsk, tsk’!

There was a low sound, and Lu Qian's body stiffened slightly. When he looked closely, he saw a blurry and twisted figure in white clothes with long hair. He was holding a big broom and was doing something in the corner of the square. Cleaning the ground bit by bit.

‘Tsk, tsk’.

This figure slowly swept the ground, and the big broom rubbed against the ground, making an extremely regular sound.

Lu Qian held his breath and looked at the figure.

For a long, long time, the figure just kept waving the broom in that corner, and apart from that, there was no other movement. Lu Qian was silent for a moment, and finally coughed lightly: "Dare I ask..."

The figure slowly turned around, and his face was glowing with white light. He could not see anything clearly, but there were three black lights rotating around his eyes and mouth. He stared 'straightly' at Lu Qian, and there was a bone-chilling chill in his face, making Lu Qian shiver inexplicably.

"Dang Mo Division is not working today." The figure's voice was extremely erratic and cold, with a strong sense of death. He muttered in a low voice: "No working, not working... for many years, many years It’s... no one is working anymore.”

Lu Qian coughed lightly again: "Senior, since I'm not working, I won't disturb you anymore. Uh, how can I get out?"

Lu Qian had already looked around. The far wall composed of white walls and blood tiles was shrouded in light smoke, and he couldn't see the entrance or exit at all.

This figure is obviously a kind of "heavenly ghost". Since he didn't shout to kill, then... maybe you can ask him how to get out of here? This ghost place really made Lu Qian feel inexplicably uneasy.

Especially, is this the ‘Dang Mo Si’?

Lu Qian remembered what the maid with a sweet voice shouted in that house before.

Is the Dangmo Division a government agency in the ancient city of Loulan?

The figure was stunned, and rushed toward Lu Qian for dozens of miles. He roared in a low voice: "Get out? You want to get out? Bastard, someone is coming, someone is coming, someone is escaping from prison, someone is escaping from prison, come on Man, catch him, catch him, beat him a hundred times, throw him back, throw him back!"

Lu Qian was horrified. Before he could say a word in defense, figures made of smoke suddenly appeared from all directions.

These figures were slightly glowing with black light, and their faces were also shrouded in dim light. Only three clusters of bloody light could be seen rising from their eyes and mouths. They were muttering something in a low voice, but their voices were unclear and it was difficult to hear what they were talking about.

The aura on their bodies was extremely weird and terrifying. Just looking at them, Lu Qian inexplicably felt a fatal threat!

With a soft drink, Lu Qian was about to activate the Twelve Star Palace Mandala Indestructible Secret Formation.

But before he could activate the formation, the entire square was suddenly enveloped by an extremely strong pressure. All the magic power in Lu Qian's body was instantly frozen, and he could no longer use any magical powers. The terrifying force imprisoned Lu Qian's body. With his current strong body, it was actually difficult for him to move even a finger.

Soon after, a group of figures pounced on him, knocking Lu Qian to the ground three times, five times, five times and two times. Two bronze sticks were wrapped around his head in silver, and countless cloud and dragon patterns were carved on his head. He grabbed the figure in his hand and slapped Lu Qian's buttocks hard.

‘Bang, bang bang’!

It was extremely powerful, and every blow almost reached the power of the Thousand Kalpa True Buddha!

This is the attack power of the Buddha Lord level threshold line!

Fortunately, Lu Qian always wore the monk's robes and liberation cassocks, and the two Buddhist treasures offset more than 90% of his strength; and he received great benefits in that fighting arena, and his own strength and endurance soared. Even if the power of the true Buddha of Thousand Kalpas falls on him, he can still withstand it now.

After a lot of strength was removed by the two Buddhist treasures, Lu Qian only felt that the blows from the hundred sticks were gentle and not painful or itchy.

However, in the face of these weird 'heavenly ghosts', he did not dare to say anything. He could only pretend to hum a few times and count. After being beaten with a hundred sticks, he was grabbed by these figures and carried him away. Run to the main hall ahead.

Instead of entering the main hall, he turned to the back of the main hall along the corridor on the right hand side. He walked forward along the increasingly narrow, cramped, dark and cold corridor, and gradually turned into a corridor that went downwards and went straight underground.

The dark wind howled in the corridor, and there was a faint sound of howling.

Pearls lit up one after another on the walls of the corridor as these figures carried Lu Qian in. The bright pearl light illuminated the corridor, and also illuminated the powerful talismans carved on the walls, which possessed extremely powerful power and exuded a compelling aura.

The structure of these talismans was complex and unpredictable. Lu Qian looked at it carefully. With some information he got from the fighting field, and some knowledge given to him by the Taichu Mixed Bead and Taihu Emperor's Axe, he could only understand Baidu. One-half.

They are all horrifying restrictions to suppress demons, slay evil spirits, and slay all. The walls of this corridor are also made of top-quality treasures. These talismans are carved on this wall. As long as they are not destroyed by external forces, they can last forever. Always maintain a strong deterrent effect.

The further you go along the corridor, the more powerful the pressure emanating from the forbidden talismans on the wall becomes.

The figures who were carrying Lu Qian and running away were not affected in any way, but Lu Qian only felt that his breathing was a little uncomfortable, and his body became extremely heavy. Gradually, the magic power in his body became stiff, like a solidified glacier. No matter how difficult it is to mobilize the slightest bit.

Moving forward like this, a heavy door made of metal and decorated with unknown beasts appeared in front of it.

The door opened silently, and the figures rushed in carrying Lu Yi.

Behind the gate is a square with a radius of 100 acres. There are dozens of square tables with wine bottles, cups, dishes, chopsticks on them. On some dishes, you can still see the remains of some dishes.

The square is in a square shape, with several corridor entrances in each direction. The square is filled with smoke and dim light, making it difficult to see what is going on inside.

Around the square, there are hundreds of uniform metal pillars with thin chains and barbed hooks hanging on them. There are dozens of pillars with some weird bodies tied to them.

Well, most of them don't look like humans. In short, what the imaginary monsters and monsters look like. These bodies tied to the pillars perfectly depict the original meaning of the four words "demons, monsters".

However, as time goes by, I don’t know how many years have passed here. These creatures tied to the pillars, whether they are used for torture or to scare the monkeys, are all lifeless. There is no trace of life in their bodies, only the A group of ferocious bodies of different sizes hung crookedly on the metal pillar.

Lu Qian glanced at the wreckage and couldn't help but feel heart palpitations.

These creatures have been dead for who knows how many years, and there is no vitality in their bodies at all. However, their bodies have not decayed, and they even maintain their 'fresh' and 'fresh' appearance. And these still 'fresh' and 'fresh' bodies are filled with the majestic power of blood suppression...

The surging pressure came in waves, like real substance, causing stars to flash in front of Lu Qian's eyes.

The rabbit was lying on Lu Qian's shoulder, and the green snake was curled up in his sleeves. The two uncles were so nervous that they were trembling all over. The rabbit, which was usually the most ferocious, didn't even have the strength to roar and flash its claws at this moment.

The group of figures carrying Lu Qian walked through this small square without stopping at all, and rushed in directly from the entrance of a corridor. Inside was another long corridor, and at the end was another very thick metal portal.

Behind the gate, there is another small square, with dozens of small square tables neatly placed in the middle. This must be where the 'jailers' rest and eat on weekdays. Around the square, there are also several corridor entrances, which are also filled with smoke and clouds, and the dim light is looming.

In all directions, there are also some metal pillars with the remains of dozens of unlucky people tied to them.

In this way, all the way inwards and downwards, passing through eighteen heavy metal portals, Lu Qian was sent to the depths of the underground by these figures. The air here is filled with extremely deep haze. Even if there is a bright pearl shining, the light is still dim, and the light and shadow are flickering, as if there are countless ghosts looming around.

Thick metal fences are densely arranged, with countless powerful restrictions and talismans carved on them. Behind the metal fence are cells about ten feet long and wide. At a glance, along the long corridor, there are tens of thousands of such cells.

Occasionally, in some of the cells, small sounds could be heard.

It was like babble, like whining, like cursing, like crying. Even though Lu Qian was so cultivated and usually considered an extremely bold person, he was also made numb by the environment here and those weird sounds. cold.

God knows what weird things are imprisoned here.

God knows these weird things have now turned into something even more bizarre and unbelievable.

Just look at the people who cheated the Demon Division and turned into ‘Heavenly Ghosts’. How can these people in prison have a good ending?


The iron door of a cell was opened, and Lu Qian was violently thrown in. Then with a loud bang, the cell door was slammed shut, and a large group of figures flashed quickly, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye. trace. On the cell door and metal fence, dense black lightning danced and flashed, making a dull thunderous sound. It took a while for this layer of lightning to slowly dissipate.

The prison was filled with suffocating and terrifying pressure.

From the physical body to the magic power, from the magic power to the soul, everything was forcibly suppressed by an invisible force.

Lu Qian gritted his teeth and walked a few steps with great difficulty in the prison... With his current strong body with the power of the True Buddha of Thirty-six Kalpas, it was extremely difficult for him to even walk in the prison. He had to use all his strength to take a step, and his steps were still staggering, and all the bones in his body were being pressed.

Needless to say about mana, I can't even lift a drop of mana.

And the soul...

After the transformation, the soul becomes extremely powerful, and the corresponding pressure is even more powerful... The soul seems to be pressed up a thousand mountains, and even the mind that is born and dies with hundreds of millions of thoughts at every turn is also... It became lifeless, like the bottom of a large dry lake, without any ripples.

Fortunately, the Taichu Mixed Pearl emitted a faint light, which shone into Lu Qian's soul bit by bit.

As the dim light continues to blend in, the majestic pressure coming from the outside world is being dissipated like a drop of water piercing a stone.

Lu Qian thought about it. If nothing happens, he will be imprisoned in this prison for thirty to fifty years. Maybe the Taichu Mixing Pearl can help his soul relieve the pressure of the outside world?

After roughly estimating the time, Lu Qian almost cursed.

Thirty or fifty years?

Detained in this wretched place for thirty to fifty years?

How many years has it taken him to practice from the beginning to now? Is he willing to waste thirty or fifty years in this hellish place?

"What a ghost!" Lu Qian stamped his foot fiercely.

With a 'click' sound, a terrifying counter-shock force came from the ground, shattering the bones of his right leg into pieces. Severe pain hit him, Lu Qian lost his footing and fell to the ground in a state of embarrassment. Mana cannot be used to stimulate it, so one can only let one's own body vitalize and stimulate blood energy to heal the wounds bit by bit.

While breathing, the injury healed. Lu Qian sat cross-legged on the ground, looking at the clean and spotless prison, and sighed faintly: "Perhaps, we have to stay here... for a little longer!"

The rabbit and the green snake then raised their heads, looked around for a while, and sighed at the same time.

Time passed little by little.

Lu Qian sat cross-legged in the cell, muttering quietly the scriptures of meditation.

One of the rabbits and the green snake lay on his lap, and the other huddled in his sleeves. They moved their heads little by little and opened their mouths to imitate him in reciting scriptures silently.

Although his magic power was blocked, Lu Qian still had many thoughts while immersed in Buddhism, and his body had magical powers. When the scriptures came out, there was no magic at first. Gradually, golden light patterns appeared around his mouth. Gradually, tiny light spots floated around, and finally they turned into flowers the size of millet grains slowly rising in the air. bloom.

Although suppressed by the prohibition talismans on the prison walls and fences, the little golden flower spit out by Lu Qian still bloomed slowly, lighting up the entire cell.

These Buddhist golden flowers do not have any lethality, but are bright, warm, and full of good energy that encourages people to make progress and correct evil. Therefore, the various restrictive talismans in the prison did not cause much hindrance to these Dharma golden flowers. They allowed these Dharma golden flowers to illuminate the prison little by little, and then got out through the gaps in the fence.

In prison, I don’t know my age.

The laws of time in the ancient city of Loulan are in a mess, and it is impossible to estimate time correctly.

Maybe three or five hours have passed, maybe three or five years have passed?

In short, Lu Qian's perception of the flow of time is a bit confused.

The golden flowers of Buddhism pouring out from his prison have spread from his prison door along the long corridor to both sides of the corridor for dozens of miles, illuminating both sides of the corridor. Hundreds of prison cells.

Many prison cells are empty and spotless.

In some prisons, corpses can be seen crawling.

However, there were still some cells where subtle sounds suddenly came from. ‘Click, click’, like the sound of teeth clashing, came from a cell diagonally opposite Lu Qian’s prison.


Four huge blue eyes lit up from behind the fence, and a weak voice muttered something low.

However, the language he used was extremely weird. Lu Yi had never heard of it and didn't know what he actually said. The voice muttered a few words again, but Lu Qian was immersed in the sound of his own chanting and did not react to the subtle muttering across the two-layer fence.

The next moment, the sound suddenly became louder.

Moreover, the language He used was replaced by a 'universal language'... that is, a magical language that 'hears its sound and knows its meaning'. In other words, this is not a language at all, but a magical wave of soul, revealed in a special way.

Lu Qian suddenly stopped chanting and opened his eyes. He stood up, walked to the door of his cell, and looked through the fence at the cell diagonally opposite. Four blue eyes flashed with blurry light, staring at him, and the voice muttered again: "Boy, what are you reciting? It seems to be of some use to my body... This method of yours , will you sell it?”

Lu Qian raised his eyebrows.

Buy his method?

This is interesting.

Shaking his head, Lu Qian said calmly: "It's just a very ordinary Buddhist mind-centering sutra mantra. It's not a big deal. It can't be sold or not...if you want to learn it, I'll teach you!"

When the voice muttered, what came with the words was naturally the method of using the 'common language'.

It was a very simple, but very effective and interesting little method. Lu Qian turned his words into a strange wave of soul and sound waves, and the four blue eyes suddenly brightened.

Through the bright light, you can see that what is being held in the prison is a strange creature that looks like a lion, with silver-blue scales all over its body, and a head like a unicorn, but with only a single horn in the middle of its forehead.

This creature has four huge eyes, the two on the left and the two on the right are symmetrically located on both sides of the horn.

The four eyes were filled with a ghostly light, filled with a kind of strange evil power that was so breathtaking that it seemed as if the soul couldn't help but flow out from the body. He stared directly at Lu Qian. When he heard Lu Qian's answer, he asked suspiciously: "No price?"

Lu Qian nodded slowly: "What's the price? It's something worthless in the first place!"

The creature's voice became extremely loud: "Then, there must be a conspiracy... There is nothing in this world that is obtained for nothing... How can you pass on such a magical mantra to me without me paying any price? What conspiracy do you have? ? What are your plans? What do you want to do to me? I have already been reduced to being imprisoned by the Demon Lord, what else do you want to do to me? "

Yijiao hit the prison fence hard, and suddenly black thunder exploded, and countless lightning beams hit the creature's body. Accompanied by intensive thunder, the creature was struck by the wild thunder so that its scales turned up, and it lay twitching on the ground. Suddenly, there was a strong aroma of barbecue in the air.

Lu Qian sighed and spread his hands: "Since you don't believe it, you don't learn my calming spell, so why are you so angry? It's very harmful to the body, brother... How many years have you been imprisoned, and you are still so angry? big?"

There was no response from the creature.

It was obvious that this violent lightning strike made him feel extremely uncomfortable, and he no longer had the energy to answer Lu Qian's questions.

However, from the cell next door to Lu Qian's left, a low laughter came from: "How long have I been imprisoned? Who knows? Anyway, when I was imprisoned here, He already didn't know how long I was imprisoned... However, it is your own fault, no one else is to blame... Hey, do you know what this guy did?"

The prisoner next door laughed a few times and said quietly: "He took advantage of the four soul-stirring strange eyes and ran to the territory of Loulan City and swallowed up countless creatures in the thirty-two large and small dojos." The soul, the real one, is to form a top-grade 'Chaos Dao Soul Pill', so as to break through the bottleneck and achieve the authority of the supreme 'Heaven'."

"No matter what, no matter what, I still underestimated Loulan City... I underestimated Loulan City... Who would have thought that the commander of the Demon Division of Loulan City would actually be a 'Heaven'?"

"This guy was suppressed at the drop of a hat. Hehe, he was suppressed without any resistance... If the commander hadn't taken a fancy to the 'Chaos Soul Pill' he had just condensed and wanted to cut open his head to get the elixir. To a junior in my family, this guy would have been chopped into pieces by Ling Chi."

"Hey, but what happened outside?"

"The flow of time in this cage has become very irregular, sometimes fast, sometimes slow, very chaotic... I am a little confused about how many years have passed here. Moreover, you are the first person to be imprisoned in these years. New people coming in.”

"What happened outside? What happened in Loulan City? The commander of the Dang Demon Division is a majestic 'Heaven'. He is already the supreme being who will never be destroyed. Is it possible that something could happen to him?"

Lu Qian listened to the prisoner next door talking to himself, looked at the strange creature opposite that was almost cooked, and curled his lips.

"I don't know what happened outside. But I'd like to ask you how many years have you been here?" Lu Qian recalled the words of the prisoner next door, while considering his words, and transformed his question into 'universal language' to deliver it past.

Because communication is in a ‘lingua franca’, there are many subtleties.

For example, the measurement of various laws, the description of various laws, etc., because of the different levels of cultivation civilization and the different cognitions of ethnic groups, there are extremely subtle differences... Sometimes, it may be the different ups and downs of a tone. , resulting in thousands of miles of difference in semantics...

Therefore, communicating in this 'lingua franca' is both an extremely 'convenient' thing and an extremely 'troublesome' process.

There may even be some ‘dangers’.

Just like the four-eyed creature, he contained the little skills of "Common Language" in a speech and passed it to Lu Qian. If someone has evil intentions and contains some evil ways, demonic ways, and the skills of various evil demons and heretics in a speech, Anyone who receives this information may fall into the trap if they are not careful.

Killing invisible, controlled by the invisible.

Using the 'Common Language' to communicate, it is obvious that only those who are 'real top powers', 'have enough confidence in their own strength and means', and 'have enough ability to protect themselves' can freely use such superb skills. means.

Lu Qian was not afraid.

The Taichu Confusion Pearl envelopes the soul, and the Taihu Emperor's ax defends the mind.

Even if the other party's voice message contains some negative information, Lu Qian is somewhat sure that it will not be affected.

The voice next door paused for a short while, and then a low sigh was heard: "How many years... It's been too long, it's been a bit blurry... As I said before, the speed of time in this prison It’s become very confusing, and I haven’t done much research on the laws of time, so I can’t give you a detailed answer as to how many years have passed.”

"It's just that, according to my estimation, it can last for so many years."

"Well, I have been imprisoned here for at least so many years... As for the unlucky guy opposite, I don't know how many years he has been imprisoned."

The sound gave Lu Qian a number.

This number is so big that it makes Lu Qian frightened and almost despair-not to mention anything else, just saying this number by the prisoner next door takes a normal person twelve breaths of time... Even if he speaks at a normal person's speed, Lu Qian is most familiar with counting and narrating methods. You can imagine what a huge number it is and what a long period of time it is.

Lu Qian took a breath: "Senior has been able to suffer here for so many years, it is really... amazing!"

The prisoner next door chuckled: "Amazing? It's nothing extraordinary, it's just that I'm not willing to die here... This is the Demon Suppression Prison of Dang Mo Division. If you're alive, there's still some hope of getting out of trouble." If one dies here, all one's energy, all one's spiritual soul, all spiritual conduct, and one's magical power will all be turned into tonics for this prison and be devoured bit by bit."

"This is a more horrific way to die than losing one's soul... How could I die here?"

"Hey, I have so many wives and concubines."

The prisoner said another extremely astonishing number. This number only took "three short breaths", but this number was still so big that Lu Qian was dumbfounded.

And this number represents so many of His wives and concubines?

Lu Qian's eyes widened and he just wanted to say "admire, admire" to the powerful man next door!

Anyway, being poor and boring, Lu Qian simply chatted with the prisoner next door: "You have so many wives and concubines? You are indeed a great husband, amazing... It's just that you have been imprisoned here for so many years, and your wives and concubines …”

The prisoner next door smiled coldly: "You mean? Maybe they escaped? Maybe they ran away with the thief? Impossible!"

"Haha" laughed wildly, and the prisoner next door laughed loudly: "Absolutely impossible!"

"Their souls have been banned, and their flesh and blood have been engraved with the most vicious curse by me... Especially their relatives, their entire family, are all restrained by the curse seals I have carved. They cannot escape. Even if they don’t, they won’t dare to do anything to feel sorry for me!”

"Haha, the new kid next door, let me tell you, deal with those women..."

What follows is a series of unpalatable sermons.

Lu Qian's face turned black upon hearing this, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

The guy next door is an out-and-out beast, a 'scumbag'. His methods for dealing with the opposite sex are all kinds of shameful coercion, inducement, and violent robbery... and he has extremely strong jealousy and suspicion. , in order to prevent these wives and concubines, He used extremely vicious and terrifying methods.

The various vicious methods and preventive systems he used made Lu Qian feel more and more upset the more he listened, and he almost vomited.

It's simply...unconscionable and distorts human ethics!

This guy really deserves to be imprisoned in the Demon-Suppressing Prison of this Demonic Master for countless years!

When this guy began to describe with relish how he tempted his wives and concubines to fight with each other, invite each other to favor each other, use various vicious methods to frame each other, frame each other, and engage in brutal "palace fights" to please him, Lu Qian finally couldn't listen. Went down.

"It shows that you deserve to be locked up here for the rest of your life. Scum, don't dirty my ears!"

Lu Qian roared in anger.

The prisoner next door was stunned, and then sneered: "Hey, oh, oh, I didn't expect that he is actually a righteous man? Haha, a self-proclaimed righteous guy, do you think I treat my women like this? , shouldn’t it?”

"Hey, oh, oh, then why are you being imprisoned?"

"There is no good person who can enter the Demon Suppressing Prison... Don't tell me that you are... a 'good person'?"

The prisoner next door chuckled.

In the prison near and far, at least a dozen voices laughed at the same time.

High, low, and erratic laughter came, containing endless malice. There was even a vicious thought in the voice, which turned into an invisible curse, like poisonous snakes made of black energy, floating gently towards Lu Qian.

The Taichu Hutong Pearl emits a faint light, which isolates Lu Qian's breath, cuts off cause and effect, and confuses the secrets of heaven. These vicious curses mixed in the 'Common Language' suddenly lost their target and flew up and down in the corridor endlessly. In the end, it turned into mournful wails and completely dissipated in the corridor.

A clear voice sounded faintly: "That's not what you said. I am a good person, but the people in Loulan City are unreasonable and have locked me up here."

"Well, how many years have you been imprisoned?"

"This sleep is quite refreshing."

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