Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 77: Putting an end to the chaos

Imperial City, South Gate.

Today, the imperial city is more closely guarded than usual. There are many times more butter lamps hanging on the city wall than usual, and the city wall is filled with soldiers of the Forbidden Army.

Lu Yi hugged Jia Yu and ran all the way from the General's Mansion to the south gate of the imperial city.

Here, he reunited with his subordinates who had just delivered official documents to the Yamen of the Criminal Department, and three thousand Canglangqi also gathered behind him.

Lu Yi held down Jia Yu, who had given up his struggle, with one hand. He raised the golden ax in his right hand and shouted at a group of Forbidden Army soldiers at the south gate of the imperial city: "I, the Lord Lu Yi, want to enter the palace to protect His Majesty."

The two Forbidden Army generals standing in front of the imperial city gate, wearing golden armor and bloody cloaks, frowned slightly and glanced at the three thousand wolf riders behind Lu Wei.

A Forbidden Army general who was only twenty years old took two steps forward and said coldly: "By order of the general, tonight..."

The dull sound of horse hoofbeats came from the west. More than 10,000 heavy cavalry rode on tall horses and galloped down the high-speed road in the middle of the street.

Seeing these cavalry, the sound of bowstrings came from the top of the imperial city wall.

The Imperial Guard soldiers at the south gate subconsciously raised their special spears more than ten feet long. The dense spears formed a spear array and were pointed in the direction of the galloping cavalry.

Jia Yu struggled to stand up from the Wolf King's back. He waved to the two Forbidden Army generals at the south gate and said with a smile on his face: "Two generals, Tianenhou is his own family. He heard that, Tonight in the imperial city, isn’t the Queen Mother going to...that something?"

"Tian Enhou is so loyal that he came to the imperial city to protect you."

"Hey, don't look at me. Tonight, I made it known to the general. I will stay at the general's residence and have no intention of getting involved in that matter... But Marquis Tianen, he is too loyal. Oh, this No, you were so anxious that you forced me to come here?"

"I'm timid, and the two generals know it. It's natural for me to lead more people to make me more courageous, right?"

The two young Forbidden Army generals laughed at the same time.

Jia Yu was present and gave a guarantee to Tianenhou Lu Yi, so there would be no problem in letting Lu Yi enter the imperial city.

Besides, Lu Yi was holding an ax given by the emperor. If he was really offended, this guy really had the right to deal with his two brothers.

Just when they were about to give the order to open the palace door, Lu Yi suddenly turned around and looked in the direction of the Prime Minister's Mansion not far away.

Inside the Prime Minister's Mansion, flames shot into the sky.

Not only that, there are hundreds of fire heads rising slowly in Kunpengfang.

The black smoke column rushed into the sky and formed a large area with the high-altitude dark clouds.

In the dark clouds, there was an explosion of thunder, and flashes of electric light gave the dark clouds a dazzling light edge.

"This, this, this..."

Jia Yu looked blankly at Kunpengfang, which was full of flames: "Is this... a leak?"

Lu Yi and the dire wolf under the wolf seat behind him raised their heads at the same time, their ears trembled violently, and then they kept making "woo-woo" calls.

A terrifying killing intent spread from these wargs.

Lu Yi sneered and said: "It's not a leak, it's someone setting a fire. There is murderous intent, and a large group of people are killing people!"

The silver-haired wolf king under him barked several times in succession. Lu Wei nodded and said, "That's great. Tens of thousands of people are actually taking action? Tomorrow, I want to take part in the Hao Beijing Order, the Ministry of War Yamen, and Hao Hao." In the Jingwei Mansion, the world is bright and peaceful, but there are thieves killing people and setting fires in Haojing, and they cannot escape the blame!"

With a 'clang' sound, Lu Yi pulled out the sword from his waist and shouted sternly: "My sons, don't let some thieves disturb the emperor."

"Follow me to kill the enemy!"

"Jia Yu, I hold an ax and ax and order you to take charge of this group of forbidden cavalry and follow me to attack the traitors!"

Lu Wei casually picked up Jia Yu's neck and threw the thin and shriveled man to the side. A Forbidden Army general riding on a tall war horse picked up Jia Yu with his quick eyes and hands.

When these forbidden troops drove out from the General's Mansion, they brought an extra war horse with them.

The general put Jia Yu on the saddle, eagerly pulled out his sword, and looked eagerly at Jia Yu, who was hurriedly hugging the horse's neck: "General? We..."

Jia Yu was stunned, looked at the imperial city, then looked at Kunpengfang, which was full of fire, and kicked the general on the thigh: "Are you stupid? Do you want to kill people and make meritorious deeds, or fight with them?" Female ghost fights for her life? Make your own choice!"

Jia Yu glanced at the general and waved his hand majestically: "My sons, please go with me to attack the rebels!"

Tens of thousands of Forbidden Army heavy cavalry whistled, raised their spears one after another, and rode towards the Prime Minister's Palace.

When these heavy cavalry of the Forbidden Army launched their charge, in just a few breaths, Lu Wei had already led three thousand wolf cavalry to rush out for more than two miles, and rushed straight to the gate of the Prime Minister's Mansion, which was being ravaged by a large group of killers.

"Cang Langqi, kill!"

Lu Wei held the golden ax in his left hand and waved the sword in his right hand. A faint blue water light that was almost solid condensed on the edge of his sword. Accompanied by the dull sound of waves, a blue water dragon as thick as a bucket emerged from the edge of his sword. It spurted out and instantly swept across the area of ​​20 feet in front.

With just one blow, the hundreds of killers who gathered at the gate of the Prime Minister's Mansion and were fighting with the scattered government officials, Wuhou, and city defense soldiers were penetrated by the water dragon one by one.

Jingyang Lu's Canghai Jin is fierce and domineering, with wave after wave of stamina, and is extremely capable of accumulating power and momentum.

With Lu Yi's blow, these killers were instantly hit by hundreds of potential energies, one wave after another, superimposed one on top of the other. The first impact's potential force was only two or three thousand kilograms, and hundreds of potential energies were superimposed in an instant. , exploded at the same time, and these killers simultaneously withstood the rush of two to three hundred thousand kilograms of force.

Hundreds of killers exploded into a bloody mist at the same time.

Lu Wei waved the golden ax with his left hand and shouted sternly: "I am the Marquis of Tianen, and the emperor has given me the ax to fight against. If you don't want to be defeated, don't panic. Follow me and ride with the wolf to form a formation and fight!"

Holding a golden ax and ax, he was gifted by the emperor to hold an ax and ax to fight against unruly ministers. During the war, Lu Wei could be said to be a first-class official!

When the Wuhou, government servants, and soldiers who arrived piecemeal saw the shining golden ax in Lu Ye's hand, they immediately felt certain in their hearts. They all agreed loudly and quickly followed behind Cang Langqi.

A dozen low-level officers were separated from the Canglang Cavalry, and they issued orders to the government armed forces who came in pieces.

The armored city defense soldiers formed a phalanx in front to attack the fortress. Wuhou, who was issued with hard crossbows, dropped the water and fire sticks and held the hard crossbows, forming a wild goose feather formation and scattering the hard crossbows.

And those government officials were at the back.

These government officials are no better than ordinary people, and there is no way to count on them to fight and kill people.

Under the orders of those officers, the government officials followed behind with chains and ropes. If there were any enemies captured alive, they would tie them up and take them prisoner. They could also be used to treat their own wounded.

Lu Yi had already ridden into the broken gate of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

The long sword in his hand was swung freely, and the blue water dragons swept across all directions. Everywhere they passed, the bodies of the killers were blown to pieces and died.

The Canglangqi behind him was even more ferocious.

They rode on the backs of the wolves and grabbed special strong bows that were almost as long as their bodies. As long as a killer appeared in their eyes, they would shoot a barrage of inhuman arrows.

These specially made strong bows are more than twice as powerful as the crossbows issued by the Forbidden Army. When paired with specially made armor-piercing arrows, their penetrating power is extremely astonishing.

Each killer was caught off guard and was beaten as hard as a sieve by the rain of arrows.

Many killers were carried backwards by the arrows, 'bang bang bang', and the arrows penetrated deeply into the walls and beams, nailing these killers firmly to them.

Compared with the charging Canglang Cavalry, the killer team that broke into the Prime Minister's Palace was just a ragtag group. Facing the Canglang Cavalry's group attack, they were like a ball of loose sand. They were rushed to pieces in an instant and were killed. Rivers of blood flowed.

Lu Yi didn't delay at all. The wolf king under him kept roaring and rushed in the direction where the killing cry was the loudest.

Like a sharp knife, Lu Ye's Canglangqi came from behind and stabbed these killers hard.

After charging all the way, Lu Yi easily entered the back garden. Facing the complex geographical terrain of the back garden, Lu Yi let out a long roar, jumped into the air, and left his mount.

The three thousand wolf riders also followed suit. They all jumped off their mounts and let the three thousand huge wolves roar into the dark garden.

Darkness and complex garden landscapes are perfect hunting environments for these gray wolves.

Roaring sounds came from everywhere, and the sound of sharp teeth tearing flesh and bones continued to sound. The wolf's roar quickly covered up the killing cries from all directions.

From behind, the dull sound of hoofbeats came as 10,000 heavy cavalrymen of the Forbidden Army smashed the courtyard wall of the Prime Minister's Mansion and pushed in mightily.

Lu Yi held a long sword and rushed forward quickly, stepping on the big trees.

Three thousand Wolf Cavalry warriors formed a formation on the ground, working together with tacit understanding to strangle the killers who ambush along the way.

Compared with those killers, these Wolf Cavalry warriors are more powerful individually, their cooperation is more tacit, and their attacks are more ruthless.

With the cooperation of three thousand wolves, the killers' various ambush methods were all in vain.

Xiong Taidou climbed up the rockery and was shot by eight crossbows. At the same time, Lu Tie had already rushed to the bottom of the hill and even loudly chanted: "Is the Prime Minister on the mountain? I am here, Prime Minister, Lu Tie. Don't panic!"

Zhu Chong's face twitched, overlooking the terrace at the foot of the mountain where he was wielding a sword and killing people, he said coldly: "Don't panic? In fact, why did you panic?"

"Who's going to kill this Taidou Xiong?"

"Is it possible that I have to give this credit to Lu Yan? It's really embarrassing!"

Zhu Chong scolded angrily in a low voice.

On the third floor of the high-rise building, a handsome young man with a long snow-like dress and a sharp sword jumped out of the air. With a sword in his head, he brought up a little cold star and stabbed it down towards Xiong Taidou's Tianling Cap.

"Father, please take a look at my unique skills in Haojian Palace!"

Before he finished speaking, the sword light was still three feet away from Xiong Taidou's head, and Xiong Taidou punched the sky fiercely.

There was a loud noise like thunder, the sword was broken, the arm was broken, and the young man vomited blood, like a kite with broken strings, and was blown away more than ten feet away by a punch.

Zhu Chong's expression suddenly changed, and he exclaimed in a hoarse voice: "(王布)(pu)'er!"

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