Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 857: Careful budgeting (5)


Not just in Liang Yi Tian.

In the ancient city of Loulan, on the tributaries of the Xingshang River, and in the sky above the Jade Chan Ze, the vassal tribes gathered by the four holy clans began to besiege Lu Qian and his party at a fever pitch. Driven by inexplicable instincts, countless foreigners were like a group of crazy demons, constantly attacking the formation set up by Lu Qian, frantically displaying the magical powers and secrets brought by their bloodline talents, and then brazenly self-destructing.

Many gods and demons in Hongchentian under Lu Qian were severely injured and scarred again and again.

But Yujingzi has been integrated into the core of Hongchentian. The most important merit pool of Hongchentian Buddha Kingdom has been turned into a pool of flesh and bones and the divine liquid that revives the dead under the urging of Yujingzi's divine power. The clear spring surged and turned into drizzle. Countless gods and demons who had been seriously injured recovered again and again, and struggled to get up again and again.

After several days and nights of fierce fighting, under Lu Qian's extremely precise control, not many of the mortal gods and demons under his command died.

On the contrary, the alien race that besieged them had already fallen countless times over the course of several days and nights.

What made those foreign leaders even more angry was that even though members of their own family died in the battle, many of their own clansmen fainted under the siege of the gods and demons of the world of mortals, or were seriously injured and were forcibly captured.

This is the most annoying thing about Buddhism. These aliens who were captured alive were forcibly saved by Buddhism after being tangled in the world of mortals. Each and every one of them became the most pious cannon fodder in the world of mortals. He returned to the battlefield excitedly and pointed the butcher knife at his own clansmen.

One or two doesn't matter.

It doesn't matter if there are hundreds or thousands.

Millions of headaches.

When the number of tribesmen who were saved by Buddhism and forcibly transformed exceeded hundreds of millions, the leaders of the major alien tribes could no longer look directly at the battlefield - the huge battlefield, the dangerous formation, and the Red Dust Gods and Demons under Lu Qian were no longer fighting. How come his figure has become the den of all major alien races?

Not only that, in the large formation, the number of aliens controlled by Lu Qian actually formed an absolute numerical advantage in local areas.

Moreover, unlike the chaotic and fierce attacks of the major alien races, under Lu Qian's control, these alien races formed an exquisite military formation, and their combat efficiency has undergone earth-shaking changes. For example - the alien turtles who are good at defense transformed into their original form and squatted in the front; the mantises, beetles and other races who were good at melee combat relied on the alien turtles to form the first line of defense; the other alien races who were good at spell attacks squatted at the back and remained calm. Freely release spells.

The rigorous and neat triple array was mixed with many petite and nimble aliens such as fleas and lice. They jumped back and forth, dragging their seriously injured comrades back to the world of mortals in a few breaths. They recovered from their injuries and returned to the battlefield.

And some groups whose IQs are really difficult to use and are completely controlled by instinct, such as some extremely talented 'fart bugs' and other weird things, they huddle in the formation, and from time to time rush out of the formation with a strong head and roar. "The Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Lord Fahai saves the suffering Buddha", and then exploded into flames all over the sky with a 'bang'.

Once these aliens self-destruct, hundreds of miles around will be reduced to flat ground, and millions of alien cannon fodder will be turned into ashes at the same time.

What makes the foreign leaders angry but helpless is that Lu Qian's world of mortals emits a majestic attraction. Those aliens who died by self-destruction have their souls brought back to the world of mortals by Lu Qian, and soaked in the pool of merit. After that, he directly changed his ethnic group, changed his bloodline, and transformed into a strange god-demonic body unique to the world of mortals, with a body between a physical body and a semi-energy state.

As a result, foreign cannon fodder under Lu Qian's command continued to self-destruct. After the self-destruction, it would only take a few hours for them to completely change into a more advanced life form and return to the battlefield arrogantly and vigorously.

These lucky ones who returned to the battlefield still retained their memories of the past.

During fierce battles, they would even shout loudly towards the other side's front, calling their old acquaintances, recruiting their old lovers, and laughing and ridiculing their old enemies to their heart's content...

There were often foreigners who were not firm enough and defected to Lu Qian in droves.

They are all cannon fodder, why are they treated so well, but once they self-destruct, they are really wiped out, and they will never be reincarnated?

Gradually, the leaders of the major alien races also realized that Lu Yi was just a hard bone that could not be held back. If he was just a hard bone, so many alien races swarmed him, and they would tear him apart, grind him to pieces, and completely tear him apart. It was reduced to ashes... But with a slippery hand and using such disgusting and helpless tactics, how could they fight?

As long as he can't be killed with one blow, Lu Qian can rely on the world of mortals to keep rebounding like a piece of old beef tendon!

Finally, several foreign leaders who could not bear the heavy casualties among their tribesmen came to the four mistresses in fear, and humbly asked the four mistresses to mobilize their elites to join the offensive against Lu Qian.

The four mistresses looked at each other and then at the unlucky ones who had been almost psychologically disturbed by Lu Yi. They pondered for a moment, nodded slowly, and waved forward.

These alien cannon fodder are still useful.

No matter what, don't be too sad.

The Queen of Mosquitoes laughed softly and said, "Thank you for your hard work, fellow Taoists. Please take the young men down to rectify them. Let me wait for the young men to teach this crazy and rebellious person a little lesson."

Following the laughter of the Mosquito Queen, the four holy clans each dispatched one hundred and twenty Buddha-level powerful men, commanding more than 100 million elite soldiers and generals, and formed four murderous formations, slowly approaching from four directions. Slowly attack Lu Qian's formation.

War drums beat, trumpets blast.

The four major saint clans were dispatched. Whether it was their military formation or their fighting spirit, they were a hundred times stronger than the ragtag group of foreigners.

The four military formations echoed each other, like a square shackle, imprisoning the void and the avenue. The invisible pressure was crushing towards the Lu Qian formation in waves. Thousands of miles away, the Lu Qian formation It collided with the mana fluctuations released by the opponent's military formation in the distance, causing waves of thunderous shock waves visible to the naked eye, making a dull loud noise.

In Lu Chen's formation, thirty-six white-bone gods and demons cooperated with forty-three who were imprisoned by white-bone skeletons. At this moment, they were transferred to Lu Chen's unlucky power, and they reoccupied the important formation points in the formation and were ready.

The five uncles tried their best to encourage their ancestral bloodlines, and the innate magical powers of the five holy beasts bloomed. The immeasurable power of chaos rolled down in the void and turned into five-color strange light that swept through the formation. The innate power of the five elements vibrated violently, and under Lu Qian's mobilization, they transformed into huge flag gates and cloud platforms hanging high in the array.

The Bone Gods and Demons, together with the forty-three powerful men, squatted under the flag gates and on the cloud platforms, grinning and looking at the army of saints surrounding them from all directions.

The foreign elites who were forcibly subdued also followed the orders that kept ringing in their minds, and settled into their positions, guarding the key points of the formation. They pulled the powerful innate five-element power in the formation and turned it into innate five-element divine thunders hanging high in the sky, densely packed together like grapes in a vineyard, ready to fall at any time.

Each of these innate five-element divine thunders, with the blessing of the great formation, is equivalent to the lethality of a single blow from the Buddha with the power of the ordinary ten earths. In other words, in the outside world, this innate five-element divine thunder can easily break ten standard-sized heavens.

Such lethality is terrifying.

That is to say, due to the constraints of the weird heaven and earth environment of the ancient city of Loulan, all the lethality of Lord Buddha's powerful blow was restricted to an extremely small range. Only this kind of divine thunder can be used as the most common means of attack.

Even so, under the agitation of a divine thunder, the entire area thousands of miles away was enveloped. With such a huge power, unless there is a powerful being at the Buddha Lord level, other living beings will be nothing but cannon fodder under the attack of this divine thunder, and there is no reason to be spared.

The four mistresses obviously understand this.

Under their orders, the armies of the four holy clans surrounded them, but the military formation was thousands of miles away from Lu Qian's formation, so they only surrounded but did not attack. One hundred and twenty from each of the four tribes, a total of 480 Buddha-level powers, stimulated their bloodlines, stirred up their supernatural powers, released huge dharma forms, and sacrificed their bodies with their essence, blood and bodies that fell off during the transformation. The natal treasure refined by the organization entered the formation brazenly.

Four hundred and eighty Buddha-level insects rushed into the formation. Lu Qian shouted loudly, and hundreds of millions of Buddha cultivators in the Vajra Sumeru Mountains shouted in unison. The billowing power filled this Buddha treasure, and under Lu Qian's guidance, it transformed into The infinite light of the prison-suppressing Buddha covers the void.

The bodies of the four hundred and eighty Insect Buddha Lords suddenly stiffened. The Dharma above their heads almost collapsed. The magic in their bodies was completely frozen. The armor made of their own carapace on the surface of the body cracked with countless cracks inch by inch. The turbulent and oscillating Tao Yun spiritual machine on the body surface disappeared. .

Lu Qian's realm of cultivation is far beyond that of these insects. He has been blessed by countless Buddhist vows and infused with magic power. At this moment, Lu Qian has endless power that he can squander. The Prison Suppressing Buddha's Light is an extremely brilliant and profound Buddhist magical power, far superior to the magical powers inherited from the bloodline of these insects.

Under the suppression of the prison-suppressing Buddha's light, the four hundred and eighty Buddha-level insects did not cause any serious damage, and were completely suppressed by Lu Qian relying on the power of the formation. The prison-suppressing Buddha's light washed down one after another. Each of these insects had soft bones and numb muscles. They were limp in the formation. They were all captured by thirty-six white-bone gods and demons. After sealing their whole body's magic power, they were thrown directly into the world of mortals.

In the world of mortals, 3,600 Buddha-level gods and demons carefully selected by Lu Qian shouted in unison, and violently captured these 480 Buddha-level insects with joy, and stuffed them into the core of the Buddha Kingdom. In the pool of merit. Countless gods and demons recited the Buddha's name in unison, and the Buddha's salvation method exploded. Hundreds of millions of gods and demons acted in unison, not allowing the captured insects any chance to resist. They directly whitewashed their souls and recast them. Their physical bodies turned them into the most devout Buddhist believers in Lu Qian!

The difference in quantity is too big.

The gap in cultivation is too big.

Combining the differences in quantity and cultivation, and with the blessing of the supreme Buddhist treasure of Hongchentian, the four hundred and eighty Buddha-level insects only lasted a few breaths before they were completely transformed.

Lu Qian rubbed his hands together, and a large piece of innate five-element divine thunder roared and moved. The lightning was dazzling and struck directly at the four-sided military formation.

The evil spirit rose on the four-sided military formation, and the power of billions of insects continued. With the help of the military formation, they barely withstood the bombardment of this few innate five-element divine thunder. In each military formation, Lu Qian only sparsely threw a dozen thunderbolts, which still caused the insects forming the formation to vomit blood. All of them had red faces and suffered severe internal injuries.

The faces of the four mistresses were a bit ugly.

Although the first wave of people who ran to attack the formation were just pebbles exploring the path, not the real elites of the clan. But the more than four hundred powerful tribesmen were swallowed up by the formation so quietly, which was really a bit shameful.

In particular, after seeing the four holy tribes losing their troops, the foreign leaders who were leading their tribesmen to retreat slowly showed extremely subtle smiles, which made the four mistresses even more intolerable.

They, pigs and dogs, dare to mock their four mistresses?

The Mosquito Queen has the largest number of clan members, the strongest strength, and the most lethal bloodline magical power. Therefore, the Mosquito Queen is the proudest, most arrogant, and least tolerant of disobedience among the four major mistresses. She put away the artificial smile on her face, her pretty face was distorted and deformed, and a long blood-sucking mouthpart grew out of the center of her originally pretty, flower-like face. It vibrated violently like a chainsaw, making an extremely harsh 'buzzing' sound. sound.

Behind the Mosquito Queen, among the vast and endless army of mosquitoes, a large number of powerful mosquitoes with terrifying auras came out, and each one showed their true form with great interest, turning into branches with dark red bodies and densely covered with black. , purple, gold, silver spots, at first glance it looks like an extremely poisonous long-legged mosquito.

These giant mosquitoes are much smaller in size than the other three holy races.

The largest among them is only seven or eight feet long, and the smallest is only the size of a palm, but no matter how big or small, they are all Buddha-level existences!

They vibrated their thin membrane wings, making a harsh sound. They waved their sharp mouthparts like a peerless swordsman wielding a long sword. Wisps of sharp cold light tore through the void. Occasionally, sharp rays of light struck Lu directly. In the formation where Yi was, the cold light collided with the formation, making a loud roar, and a large area of ​​void suddenly twisted and exploded.

The sharp whistle of the mosquito queen resounded throughout the ancient city of Loulan.

After all, these four saints are also the ethnic groups favored by the "will of heaven and earth" in the ancient city of Loulan. According to the skeleton, these four saints are the second early warning mechanism of the city's defense ban in the ancient city of Loulan - the four The Great Saint Clan was selected by Loulan Pass, carefully cultivated, and prepared to send them to ascend.

They indeed received special care from Loulan Ancient City.

Therefore, the whistle of the Queen Mosquito can spread throughout the city. In her whistle, the buzz of mosquitoes can be heard throughout the huge ancient city of Loulan. From the mosquito nests scattered throughout the city, large swarms of bloodthirsty long-legged mosquitoes are swarming out and rolling towards Yu Chan Ze.

When the other three mistresses saw Queen Mosquito acting like this, they also stood up and looked up to the sky and screamed.

As a result, all the members of the four holy clans in Loulan City, no matter what they were doing, put down their work and rushed towards this direction with all their strength. With the blessing of the will of heaven and earth, the insects of the four holy tribes traveled at an astonishing speed, thousands of miles away in an instant, teleporting and galloping all the way.

After a long time, the long whistling sound gradually disappeared. The Queen of Mosquitoes looked at Lu Qian coldly and said sarcastically: "What a little thief Bald who doesn't know whether to live or die? You, Liang Yi Tian, ​​and all the old Taoist monks have fallen here one by one. You Do you think you can resist us with your meager strength?"

Lu Qian looked at the Queen of Mosquitoes with a smile: "But, I don't want my little monk to be skinned and sucked by you like this... I have to try, right?"

The Mosquito Queen sneered and didn't want to argue with Lu Qian anymore. She waved her hand impatiently and shouted loudly: "Attack... If you can't even deal with this little thief, you won't have to live."

Mosquitoes roared out of the sky.

The black mosquitoes condensed into dark clouds, almost covering Lu Qian's entire formation.

The insects from the other three saint clans also rushed over like a flood that broke a bank. Countless insects roared at the top of their lungs, and each one swore that they would gnaw away Lu Qian's bones and suck out his marrow.

Among them, there is an extremely tyrannical person who is called a Saint King among the four holy clans. He is loudly showing off his martial arts and achievements.

The sages and powerful men from Liang Yi Heaven entered the ancient city of Loulan. These holy kings were the main force in ruling over the people and hunting down many powerful men from Liang Yi Heaven. They spread throughout the ancient city of Loulan, patrolling everywhere, and it only took a short time to surround and annihilate all the sages and powerful men scattered in all directions.

Except for the three lucky ones, Baoguang Merit Buddha, Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha and Master Baiyang, except for Dafeitian who slipped back to Liangyi Heaven, and except for the Morenlitian Buddha who is hidden somewhere and has excellent luck... …Liang Yitian’s great ability to enter the ancient city of Loulan has fallen away!

The holy kings boasted hysterically to their tribesmen about their great achievements.

It was under their siege that many powerful men in Liangyi Heaven fell... Those old monsters could be killed by them, let alone a young and young thief named Lu Qian?


The large formation set up by Lu Qian shook violently.

Countless innate five-element divine thunder fell like a torrential rain. The five uncles used all their strength to activate their bloodline magical powers, and new thunder and fire were constantly condensed, and then struck in all directions in a chaotic manner.

The thunder and fire exploded one after another, each one shaking thousands of miles, and the sky and the earth were darkened, as if they were returning to chaos.

The powerful ones among the insects joined forces one after another. With the support of the large formation, they formed small groups and joined forces to catch the thunderfires one by one. The divine thunder exploded, shaking their whole bodies and causing their mouths to spurt out thick plasma.

Relying on the huge number of tribesmen and relying on the military formation to share the lethality of the thunder and fire, the great powers among these insects were only slightly injured and rushed directly into the formation, entangled with the Bone God Demon and the forty-three great powers. Together.

What these insects are best at is close combat.

Their skin is thick and their flesh is thick, their carapace is strong, and their vitality is stronger and stronger than ordinary birds and animals. They roared, and their sharp claws scratched through the hard body of the Bone God Demon, splashing large sparks, across the bodies of the forty-three powerful men, and bringing up fountains of blood.

Among the forty-three powerful men who were forced to join the battle group, the unlucky Chimei Princess was the most interesting.

As the princess of the Scorpion clan, she is also a famous beauty among the four saint clans. She is the White Moonlight in the eyes of many saints... She wears the unfortunate thunder and fire chain around her neck, and in the thunder and flames Under the coercion, he had to fight with the four saints.

While she was crying, "Don't hit me," she tore several stunned generals with her claws until their faces were covered in blood.

She cried loudly, 'I am innocent', and swung her sharp tail hook fiercely, piercing into the bodies of several powerful people. The poison was so poisonous that their faces turned black, and their seven orifices continued to spurt poisonous blood.

She was hysterically shouting at the powerful ones, "Uncle, uncle, sister, sister, save me"... Countless powerful people from the four holy clans recognized her as a princess who was famous for her beauty, so they often slowed down and wanted to Ask her a few words, and you will be struck by lightning, punched, or sprayed with wind and sand, or you will be hugged by her and dragged with brute force into the formation. Extremely deep.

Because of the Chimei Princess alone, nearly two hundred powerful men were almost beaten and seriously injured. No less than ten powerful men died, and dozens of powerful men were dragged into the depths of the formation, and their lives and deaths were unknown.

The scorpion lady's face became increasingly ugly.

Amid the laughter of the other three mistresses, the Scorpion Lady suddenly shouted: "Are you stupid? Send me an order to kill the traitor Chimei with all your strength!"

The scorpion lady's scolding shook the sky, and many powerful men from the four saint clans who had entered the formation were alarmed and shouted in unison. And Lu Qian also let out a clear whistle, and the blazing beautiful saint retreated to the core of the formation at full speed, stood on the top of the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain, and smiled charmingly at the Scorpion Lady: "Mistress, you are so cruel, I Why are they your blood and flesh and blood!"

"Hehe, you want to kill me? If you can't kill me, wouldn't it be very shameful?"

The Chimei Princess raised her chin towards the Scorpion Lady, and said with an extremely frivolous smile: "With so many people watching, how many of them are your royal husband? Hehe, for so many years, you have been a member of our Scorpion clan. , is the absolute supremacy, once said, no one dares to refute... Hey, the little girl is really bold, I want to try it today, and provoke you."

There was a trace of fear in the depths of her eyes, but under the deterrent of the chain around her neck and the command from Lu Yi in her mind, the blazingly beautiful princess tried her best to provoke the scorpion lady.

The scorpion lady's face became more and more gloomy.

The giant scorpion under her feet roared in a low voice, its body swayed slightly, and a hurricane suddenly set off in the sky, blowing away a large number of elite scorpions far away.

The scorpion girl in a cyan skirt moved her body and rolled up yellow sand all over the sky. In the hurricane, there were even metallic thunder flashes with amazing sharpness. She waved her right hand, and a bright and traditional eight-sided ancient sword came into her hand. She gently waved the ancient bronze sword engraved with countless wind, cloud and thunder patterns in her hand, and walked slowly towards the formation.

"Ignorant kid, if that's the case, just let me take back your blood." The scorpion lady flicked the ancient sword with her fingers, and the high-pitched sound of the sword shook the void. Countless fine cracks opened in the void in all directions at the same time. The tide of chaos that surged out from it turned into turbid sword lights that flashed all over the sky.

For a time, the sky for tens of thousands of miles was filled with sword light. These sharp sword rays were like intelligent fish, avoiding the elites of the four holy clans and just slashing at Lu Qian's formation.

Every sword light is as heavy as Mount Tai.

Every sword strike has the power of a hundred lands.

To the outside world, the Scorpion Lady's casual strike with her sword would be enough to cut a hundred standard heavens neatly arranged together into two pieces. Placed in the world of Loulan Ancient City, due to the constraints of the laws of heaven and earth, the power of the sword light shrinks greatly. The power of the sword light becomes more and more convergent, and the killing power of the sword light becomes more fierce.

The loud sound of "Clang Clang" kept coming.

The first major formation released by Lu Qian only took a breath, and it was riddled with holes. A series of sword lights shrouded down, and the thirty-six white-bone gods and demons were slashed with bruises all over their bodies. Each of the white-bone gods and demons had at least fifty or sixty bones cut off.

And the forty-two imprisoned powerful men were chopped to pieces.

For someone like the Glazed Monk whose cultivation level was only twelve days, his arms and legs were instantly annihilated by two sword rays, leaving only the main part of his body behind, looking towards the formation in an embarrassed manner with dripping blood. Escape from the core.

The scorpion lady shook her long sword, and as she swung it, the earth, water, fire, wind, light and darkness, life and death, and all the great avenues of heaven and earth turned into a sword-like light that struck randomly.

The top of her head is covered in dark gold, like a giant scorpion statue made of glass, looming. Behind the giant scorpion statue, one hundred and eight straight rays of light rotate rapidly, and each ray of light is a path to the sky that she has completely mastered!

‘One hundred and eight days’ Taoist cultivation!

According to the most basic strength of ten lands per day, the scorpion lady's magic damage power has reached astonishing, the lowest is one thousand and eighty lands!

This is one of the mistresses of the four holy clans carefully nurtured by the early warning restrictions of the ancient city of Loulan.

For the ancient city of Loulan, the Scorpion Lady is one of the candidates for the "early warning to the upper world". In the early warning mechanism of the Ancient City of Loulan, the purpose of the Scorpion Lady is to ascend to the upper world and report the spatial dimension where the ancient city of Loulan is located for the powerful powers of the upper world to lock. The exact coordinates of Loulan Ancient City.

Therefore, in the ancient city of Loulan, this is the home ground of the four holy clans.

No matter how much the other four holy tribes behave, the four mistresses, as the ‘Chosen Sons’ of the ancient city of Loulan, are a bit unreasonable in terms of their Taoist practices and magical powers.

The will of heaven and earth is slightly distorted.

Lu Qian suddenly discovered that when the scorpion lady took action, the formation was completely rejected by the surrounding environment. The five uncles tried their best, but they could no longer move the world around them. The Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain exhausted all its strength, but could no longer draw any power from the surrounding earth veins.

The entire world of Loulan Ancient City is rejecting Lu Yi and his party.

All the power of this world and all the charm of Taoism are working hard to help the Scorpion Lady. The mighty power of heaven and earth was blessing every ray of her sword. Every time the sword fell, the power became stronger and stronger. It was so strong that a single sword could penetrate Lu Qian's most important formation.

There was even a sword light that penetrated the formation and stood on the snapping turtle that was the core of the formation.

The snapping turtle tried its best to strengthen its shell. The overlapping innate Wutu power in the thick turtle shell condensed into a thick innate Xuanwu Divine Forbidden, and its defensive power was extremely powerful.

Even so, when the Scorpion Lady's sword light fell, she still broke through countless divine restraints with one sword, directly injuring the snapping turtle's flesh and blood.

Sword marks appeared one after another on the snapping turtle's huge body, and blood continued to gush out like a fountain. The plasma of the snapping turtle is thick and viscous like magma, containing the majestic Wutu essence. The blood flows into the Jade Toad Lake, immediately nourishing the swamp with a radius of thousands of miles and full of vitality. Countless seeds sprout rapidly, and grow strong flowers, plants and trees. .

The spiritual light transformed by Yu Jingzi kept falling on the snapping turtle, helping him to heal his injuries urgently.

The feathers of the big parrot were ruffled again, and it breathed fragrance toward the scorpion queen.

The Chimei Princess looked at Lu Yi with fear: "The Scorpion Lady was angry, and she took action herself... Master, Master, we will all die, we will all die... Wuwu, I don't want to die, I don't want... I haven’t tried the yin-yang union yet, and I haven’t given birth to a whole litter of scorpion babies yet!”

Lu Qian looked coldly at the approaching scorpion lady.

Beside him, the white skeleton muttered in a low voice: "What? Are you in a desperate situation? Think about it, take this bowl of white bone marrow from me, and I will give you a piece of good fortune. This is your glimmer of hope."

"These four mixed women were carefully trained in Loulan Pass... There is no way you, the creatures from the lower world, can be their opponents... Well, if they were outside Loulan Pass, they might be able to compete, but this is Loulan Guan, how can you be her opponent?"

Lu Qian looked at the skeleton and was about to speak.

A ray of light suddenly appeared behind the Scorpion Lady, and Linghu Wuyou quietly appeared with a slightly interested and evil smile. He was like a chef who went to the market to pick out the fat and thin, and suddenly saw a delicious little suckling pig. He nodded with satisfaction and grabbed the scorpion lady's neck.

"Be good, don't move, let me check you carefully... Tsk, this innate qualification is so bad, it doesn't even have any bloodline on the "Taichu Zerg List", what are you doing? How did you get to where you are now?"

The scorpion lady was grabbed by the neck by Linghu Wuyou, her whole body stiffened and she could no longer move.

A look of shock and anger flashed in her eyes, and she couldn't help but scream.

Suddenly, from all directions, nearly a thousand scorpion warriors shouted in unison and charged toward Linghu Wuyou frantically. Crazy sand mixed in the sky and surged rapidly in the yellow wind. The thumb-sized sand and gravel carried the terrifying weight of thousands of mountains stacked together, like falling meteors, heading straight towards Linghu Wuyou.

Linghu Wuyou shook the three-foot jade crown on his head, and a large area of ​​jade light enveloped the area hundreds of feet around him.

Countless wind-swept sand and stones would disappear without a trace if they hit this piece of jade light, without causing even the slightest ripple. Those powerful scorpion men who roared and roared and burst into this piece of jade light with bloodshot eyes swayed their bodies, sneezed on the spot, twitched their bodies, and directly transformed into their original scorpion form, falling limply to the ground.

No matter how strong the aura of these scorpion men is, or how huge their appearance is, when they are rolled up by the jade light, their bodies will turn into three-inch-long little scorpions, falling limply to the ground unable to move.

In just a short breath, more than a thousand scorpion men were wiped out. The armies of the four great saint clans in all directions suddenly stopped all movements and looked at Linghu Wuyou with horrified expressions.

Linghu Wuyou smiled at Lu Qian, and then looked in the direction of the four mistresses.

"It's very good, it's very good... I am worried that the cost of rebuilding Loulan Pass and reorganizing Loulan Guard will be too high... I can't believe it, I really can't believe it. It seems that you can barely use it."

"Tsk, you don't have to spend a penny of military pay. It's really wonderful."

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