Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 907 Hunter and Prey (4)

Spring River Plumbing Duck Prophet.

When the Han Wheel appears, the elders of the Yasha clan will naturally prepare to deal with it according to their life experience and with the children in the clan.

If it is a minor cold wheel, then the person will fall into a deep sleep. The little people and food and grass stored in the clan are enough to survive the winter.

If it is a medium Hanlun, you need to gather the little people and kill a batch of them as food reserves.

If it's a large Hanlun, it's not enough to just raise and store the little people, you have to attack the neighbor's granary... kill the neighbor next door, and take away the little people they raised and all the livestock and food. Kill most of the villains and use them as food reserves to survive the long night!

And such a huge cold wheel that covers half of the sky, just robbing one or two neighbors' houses is not enough for everyone to survive the cold winter.

All the resources of at least four or five Yaksha tribes must be gathered together to enable a tribe of Yakshas to survive the long and terrifying winter night.

So chaos broke out immediately.

The tribe of the Bai Lai Yaksha tribe conquered by Lu Qian is considered to be the weakest among the several Yaksha tribes in the surrounding areas. Their entire tribe had a population of only about three hundred, and the number of young men who could fight and kill was only reduced to one hundred and sixty-eight by Lu Qiandu.

The Yaksha tribe that attacked had more than 500 young Yakshas ready for battle!

With such tyrannical strength, it is no wonder that the old and weak people of the Yaksha tribe who were conquered by Lu Qian left behind everything and ran away desperately.

The place where Lu Qian and others landed was very good. It was only a few hundred miles away from the lair of the Yaksha tribe that he had conquered. A stream of light fell from the sky, and a large tree with a canopy covering hundreds of miles rose from the ground, directly covering their nest... If you want to find the location of Lu Qian and others, don't be too easy!

Seeing the old and weak members of the clan outside the city, the Yakshas who had been subdued by Lu Qian all turned back to look at him.

Lu Qian nodded and said calmly: "They came here on their own initiative... I, the Buddha, are compassionate and have a vast Buddhist sect. I am willing to save hundreds of millions of sentient beings in Jambudvipa world, so that countless sentient beings can enjoy peace, joy and endless blessings."

The firefinch on the side was raising its head, staring blankly and in disbelief at the Han Lun that shed countless rays of white cold light in the sky. Hearing what Lu Qian said, Yingque couldn't help but laugh and said: "Yes, Buddhism is vast, and I am willing to gather countless living beings in the world to serve as cattle and horses for your Buddhism!"

Lu Qian glared at Yingque.

Do you know that what you say is very dangerous? If you are placed in the heavens controlled by Buddhism in the lower world, and you encounter some Buddhist power with a bad temper, you don't know what the girl will be like!

Yingque smiled brightly at Lu Yi.

In the Supreme Taichu Heaven, the fate of Buddhism is not very good... The impression of Buddhism also tends to be negative. What she just said is not nonsense.

Lu Qian withdrew his gaze, clasped his hands together, and amid the low voice of Sanskrit singing, the Five Elements Inversion Formation suddenly rose up outside the city.

A dense five-color light shrouded the chasing Yakshas outside the city. The fleeing Yakshas of the Hundred Years were old and weak. They only felt that their eyes were bright, and a ray of light pointed out the direction to the weird building in front. They just ran forward and ran forward. Naturally, a storm rose, causing their speed to suddenly increase several times. In an instant, they arrived under the city wall and saw the young and strong members of their own clan.

These old and weak Yakshas felt their hearts suddenly calm down. Just as they were about to speak, wisps of Buddha's light fell from the sky.

Tens of millions of pioneer groups, tens of millions of heavenly beings comparable to the 'Lord Buddha' chanted Buddhist sutras together, and the vast power of belief was transformed by Lu Qian's Buddhist teachings, and turned into a scalding water that was enough to instantly melt 'people's hearts' The power of transformation instantly overwhelmed their bodies and souls.

The black scales on the body gradually became covered with a layer of golden light.

In the spirit of a fierce and cruel nature, a trace of the seeds of Buddhism began to sprout and grow. 'Wisdom' and 'spirituality' gradually grew, washing away the evil in their natures bit by bit. Their brains gradually became more agile and clear, their thinking speed began to increase rapidly, and their brain capacity even expanded a lot in their breathing. .

Under the influence of Lu Qian's Buddhist teachings, in just a few breaths, the brain structure of these hundreds of Yaksha women and children completed the 'evolution' that might have taken trillions of years to complete.

With golden red eyes shining with clear and smart wisdom, these old and weak women and children knelt down one after another and paid homage to Lu Qian.

Originally they were already in a life and death crisis.

Young men several times larger than their neighboring tribes rushed over, shouting and killing. Led by the elders of the tribe, they ran away, leaving behind all their baggage and food, just to find the young men of their own tribe and find the treasure. A way to survive.

But the long night of the cold season comes, everything freezes, everything withers, and the cold wheel is so huge, this is destined to be a long cold night. In the long night, without the little people, the animals they raised, and the food to satisfy their hunger, all the tribesmen were destined to starve to death unless they were torn to pieces by those 'amiable' neighbors.

Their hearts were full of despair and worry. They suddenly saw the young members of their family, and the footsteps of the enemies chasing behind them could no longer be heard. It seemed that their group had left those enemies far behind.

Danger was far away and safety had arrived. Their hearts relaxed. The originally weak soul defense suddenly leaked a gap. Lu Qian's Buddhist power took advantage of the gap and immediately planted the seeds of Dharma.

Therefore, the time for these hundreds of old, weak, women and children of the Yaksha clan to be transformed is much shorter than the previous hundreds of young and strong people.

In the large formation, hundreds of Yakshas who were chasing after them were dizzy and bumping all over the ground.

The Five Elements reversed the formation, making them unbalanced in space and confused in their orientation. One foot was high and the other was low. They fell and rolled after a few steps. After a while, they fell all over the place and made themselves miserable.

Although his body was strong and he didn't suffer any injuries from falling down again and again, he couldn't help but feel aggrieved.

The Yaksha clan has not long been enlightened and has little intelligence. Faced with formations that are not subtle or mysterious, they have nowhere to start...

Gradually, the formation moved.

The five uncles cooperated with Lu Qian and mobilized a large formation. The power of the five elements turned into a mountain of five elements, crushing down these yakshas one after another. The power of the large formation rolled up, and the bright mountains were struck head-on, causing these Yakshas to vomit blood. The scales on their bodies were smashed so that sparks flew everywhere and they were torn apart.

Wisps of Buddha light fell on the head.

There are murmuring voices in the minds of these yakshas - if they believe in me, the Buddha, they can gain great wisdom, escape from the nightmare-like horror scene in front of them, and gain relief and salvation. If you believe in me, the Buddha, from today onwards, you can have food, clothing and food all day long, and even enjoy the legendary wine!

What is ‘wine’?

The Yaksha clan does not have this concept.

But in their minds, the wonderful memories of 'after drinking' immediately flooded into their minds.

The taste of strong liquor is most suitable for these brave and incomparable ethnic groups.

Hundreds of yakshas immediately prostrated themselves on the ground, worshiping the sky one by one, saying "I am the Buddha" over and over again.

The seeds of Buddhism were easily planted, and after being washed and washed by the power of faith over and over again, hundreds of powerful Yaksha became Lu Qian's devout believers. Lu Qian even put a Buddhist body-refining and golden-body technique into their minds for them to carry out the initial operation and practice.

"From today on, you will be called... called... 'King Yaksha'? That's a good name. You are King Yaksha. You are the king of all the Yaksha clan in this world."

Lu Qian pointed at the unlucky figure standing beside him, whose body had been cut open by him before, and he carefully studied the body composition of the Yaksha clan. He gave the unlucky and lucky guy a name, and then gave a loud shout.

Tens of millions of members of the pioneering group sensed Lu Qian's will at the same time.

Among them, there were more than 100,000 people, and they all began to chant the title of "The Mighty, Courageous and Indestructible King Yaksha".

As hundreds of thousands of 'celestial beings' chanted the title of the Lord in unison, wisps of pure 'exclusiveness' belief power emerged spontaneously in the void. Lu Qian used his Buddhist magical powers to gather the power of faith that belonged exclusively to King Yaksha, turning it into a golden flower and bone, and slapped it into his forehead.

There was a muffled sound, and golden light and golden lotuses fell in King Yaksha's mind.

The mind opened up, and the soul was like a bright moon rising on the sea. A shallow light swayed from the mind that had just been opened up. Although this ball of light of the soul is only the size of a bowl of sea, it actually condenses the soul, which is completely different from other yakshas.

Perception of heaven and earth.

Feelings about the avenue.

Perception of the wisps of heaven and earth in the void.

Suddenly, for the first time in his life, King Yaksha realized that the world he lived in was so bright and vivid, so slender and agile... every flower, every grass, every sand, every stone, and even every grain of coldness falling from the sky. The biting ice slag is full of countless mysteries and endless mysteries.

Two lines of clear tears flowed down from his eyes, which exuded brilliant golden light.

This was the first time in his life that King Yaksha shed tears.

This is the whole world, all the people of the Yasha clan, from the beginning of their birth, the first string of tears shed by the Yasha clan in this world.

This world gave the Yasha clan tear glands, but it did not give them the ability to 'cry' at all.


The Yaksha clan does not have this concept, and the consciousness of the world in this world does not seem to have this concept either.

As soon as the two lines of clear tears came out, the whole world shook violently. Even the cold light in the sky became more vivid and vivid...a kind of emotion called 'emotion'. The Taoist rhymes of "sadness" and "excitement" emerged spontaneously in this world, gradually completing the turbid, chaotic, and chaotic Taoist laws of this world.

The evolution of heaven and earth has improved.

In the void, wisps of purple energy clearly visible to the naked eye slowly fell down, and part of it fell on King Yaksha, accounting for about 1% of the total. The remaining 99% fell on Lu Qian.

Heaven and earth favor you, and heaven sends you merits.

This was the first time in his life that Lu Qian received such a gift from the newborn world.

He clearly felt that the vague feeling of rejection from heaven and earth that he had been enduring since landing disappeared. Lu Qian was intoxicated by the comfortable, smooth, safe and warm feeling.

What makes Lu Qian even more pleased is that with the favor of this side of the world, the magnificent, but slightly rough and primitive laws of the great road roared down, and they were imprinted on Lu Qian one after another.

In the supreme Taichu Heaven, many of Lu Qian's magical powers and secret techniques were sealed by the supreme authority between heaven and earth.

Even after leaving the Supreme Taichu Heaven, those seals and shackles were still like maggots on the tarsus, entangled inside and outside the body, making Lu Qian feel a little powerless every time he wanted to do something.

But the shackles and seals blessed by the Supreme Taichu Heaven in Lu Qian's body were washed away by the great road of this side of the world, just like shackles made of gold and iron, being hit hard on the head by the giant hammer of the God of War wielded by a crazy giant, shackles Mars Splattered and smashed to pieces.

Lu Qian's body suddenly 'remembered' a lot of 'memories' that he had already 'known' in the Supreme Taichu Heaven, but had been forcibly sealed by the authorities of heaven and earth - those were about the Supreme Taichu Heaven, some deeper memories. , the real 'mystery' of cultivation.

That is the ‘instinct of heaven and earth’ that ripples between the heaven and the earth in the Supreme Beginning. It is the ‘innate ability’ that all ‘celestial beings’ and all ‘creatures’ in the Supreme Beginning of Heaven should be ‘mastered’ and ‘familiar with’.

But there is a terrifying power that controls the entire world, seals all the avenues of heaven and earth with supreme authority, and controls the order of the entire world. This kind of "natural power" that originally belonged to all the "supreme primordial beings" has been sealed and imprisoned. Unless the corresponding authority is obtained, it is impossible to make it known and it is impossible to activate this "natural power". Practice.

In Lu Qian's body, acupuncture points gradually lit up like stars in the night sky.

The aura of domineering and arrogant "will to authority" solidified in these acupoints was washed away and dissipated by the great laws of this world. One by one the acupoints lit up, and various 'enlightenments' about the efficacy of these acupoints came to my mind.

The great laws of this world are still being washed away.

When Lu Qian was in the lower realm, his physical foundation was extremely strong. In Yuanlingtian, he was infused with the mother fluid of the mysterious fetus of heaven and earth; in Liangyi Heaven, he even cultivated an extremely powerful Buddhist golden body.

Nowadays, these past foundations, past endowments, and solid foundations laid in the past have begun to be thoroughly 'excavated' under the erosion of the great laws of this world, and then they have been 'explored' at a deeper level.

The power system of this world is not yet perfect.

The movement of the sun and the moon and the changes of the four seasons are still unclear, and the consciousness of this side of the world is still unclear. How can they care about such advanced things as the 'power system' or even the more mysterious 'cultivation system'?

If Lu Yi hadn't appeared, perhaps by the time the pioneering team of Supreme Taichu Heaven successfully turned this area of ​​heaven and earth into the 'Ninth Great Plain' behind the iron gate of Supreme Taichu Heaven, this area of ​​heaven and earth would not have had time to complete some of its own. some functions.

Nowadays, the great laws of this world have an absolute advantage over the power of the Yaksha, Rakshasa, Cyclops and other ethnic groups, which is pure 'physical power'!

Everything comes from the body.

Everything returns to the flesh.

Greater strength, faster speed, tougher skin and stronger bones.

This is the ‘power system’ given to these creatures by the heaven and earth, the great avenue of heaven and earth.

And this primitive, wild, rough, and straightforward avenue of heaven and earth was washing over Lu Qian's body at this moment.

Lu Qian's chanting of Buddhist scriptures attracted the faith of tens of millions of believers and turned it into a magnificent magical force. Little by little, he rebuilt his 'cultivation foundation' in this world!

It stands to reason that since he ascended from Liangyi Heaven to Supreme Taichu Heaven, he should recast his cultivation foundation according to the laws of heaven and earth of Supreme Taichu Heaven.

On the surface, he took refuge in the Linghu clan, but in fact, he took refuge in the Lord of Heavenly Books.

Either it was the garrison office at Loulan Pass.

Either in a secret stronghold somewhere in the supreme heaven.

Lu Qian should use some of the secret methods of the Supreme Taichu Heaven to wash away the 'tackiness' of the lower world, build a higher 'foundation', and then receive the gift of a corresponding 'cultivation book'.

But the ancient city of Loulan was directly 'exploded' on its way back to the supreme Taichu Heaven.

Lu Qian lived in Mikawahara, got acquainted with Zhou Laodao, and was inexplicably involved in the chaos of Yingque and others.

He was unable to recast the 'cultivation foundation' in accordance with the 'heavenly rules' formulated by the 'Supreme Great Heaven' and use the 'imprisoned' and 'sealed' rules of heaven and earth in the 'Supreme Taichu Heaven'.

In this primitive and newly opened world, his body was washed away by the primitive heaven and earth, and his "foundation of cultivation" was rebuilt.

Coincidentally, the primitive and wild physical way of this world is vaguely consistent with the cultivation foundation issued and drawn up by the "Supreme Heaven" for all living beings in the Supreme Beginning Heaven.

However, in this world where the Dao foundation is formed, there are no 'shackles of authority' that cover the entire body, and there are no 'invisible bottlenecks'.

This is a great thing.

Lu Qian let out a low roar, and he took the initiative to cause the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth to wash over his body. The faith of millions of 'celestial beings' turned into fiery magma and washed over his body. His body suddenly turned into a transparent form. In his body, The tiny orifices lit up one after another.

Two or three places...

Three or five places...

Four to five hundred...

Six to seven thousand...

Then one hundred thousand, one million, ten million...

Open up two or three places, vast and unobstructed.

Opening up three or five places, the momentum is surging and overwhelming.

Opening four or five hundred times, the sound of waves inside the body bursts and the light flashes - Yingque has turned its head suddenly and looked at Lu Qian in shock.

After opening six or seven thousand, the whole body was filled with light and auspicious energy rising - Yingque's eyes widened suddenly, and he subconsciously took a few steps closer to Lu Qian, but was blocked by the Yaksha King and several Yakshas.

When opening hundreds of thousands, millions, or tens of millions of acupoints... Lu Qian himself didn't feel much.

This is just a recasting of the Dao foundation. The cultivation level has not been increased, the strength has not been enhanced, it is just a recasting of a cultivation foundation - very ordinary, very unremarkable.

It's like a little loach struggling little by little to become a dragon through hard training. He traveled from a small mud pond to the sea. Naturally, he had to get familiar with his body and his new bloodline, change his cultivation methods and ideas, and even repel some of the original mixed demonic power.

This is the principle of ‘recasting the foundation’.

Lu Qian ascended from the Liangyi Heaven to the Supreme Taichu Heaven, and transformed from a mortal in the lower world into a life form equal to that of a 'celestial being'... The Dao foundation he needed to reforge was naturally extraordinary! Its transformation may be a hundred or a thousand times more violent than the transformation of a loach into a dragon!

But the Firebird beside him was already trembling violently.

She looked at Lu Qian in shock, with water rippling in her eyes. The look in her eyes called 'autumn waves' was so thick that she could almost pull out silk threads!

"Heavenly Soldiers, Heavenly Scholars, Heavenly Captains, Heavenly Schools, Heavenly Generals, Heavenly Kings!"

"Even for an ordinary Heavenly Lord, the number of acupoints opened in the body of the Dharma is only a million... and further up, unless there is a reward from the Great Emperor, and the Great Emperor bestows the power of the Heavenly Edict, it is absolutely impossible!" Yingque hissed. : "But, open up millions of acupoints, millions of acupoints!"

Yingque's fair face was already covered with a layer of shameful red, as if Lu Qian had done something to her that could not be tolerated by outsiders. Coupled with her big watery eyes and the sudden split between her eyebrows, with a faint surge of plasma in her eyes, it makes people... speechless.

And all this is far from over.

The consciousness of the world in this world is ignorant and 'stupid', and the great road in this world is primitive and chaotic... The vast water has no control, and it pours down at the slightest touch!

In other 'mature' 'Heavens and Earths', even if someone does something that is 'kind' to Heaven and Earth, even if someone 'completes the Great Way' of Heaven and Earth, the 'gift' of 'Heaven and Earth Consciousness' is 'stingy and limited' !

This is like a 'billionaire' who has 'made his fortune from scratch' and is accustomed to 'planning carefully'. Every penny is hard-earned, and every penny must be spent on the 'blade'. Therefore, no matter how many achievements the employees below have made, the rewards will be limited. There must be rewards, but not too many... There must always be a picture hanging high for everyone to covet.

And this world is like a 'second generation ancestor' who 'lost his parents just after birth'.

I have a lot of money, but I don’t know how to spend it.

‘I’m happy’ and ‘I’m touched’, so I started to spend a lot of money, with a ‘crash’ sound, ‘gold and silver ingots’ poured down, and I didn’t even know how to stop.

As a result, Lu Qian, the first lucky person to receive the 'gift' of heaven and earth since the creation of heaven and earth, accepted the twelve hours of washing and cleaning of the gift of heaven and earth under the increasingly strange gaze of Yingque. perfusion.

Later, the opening of acupoints in Lu Qian's body became slower and slower, the efficiency of opening each acupoint became less and less, the time became longer and longer, and the consumption of this world became greater and greater.

Just when 30 million acupuncture points were opened in Lu Qian's body, this world seemed to be tired, tired, and lost interest in Lu Qian. Just when he was about to retreat back to recuperate... In Lu Qian's mind , the three-eyed human figure that had long been fused with his soul suddenly lit up, and the Taichu Mixing Pearl released immeasurable light to illuminate his whole body.



The avenue of pure and absolute power!

The three fundamental avenues turned into three light dragons and surged out from the three-eyed figure, adsorbing on the Taiyu Emperor's ax that circled and danced around Lu Ren's soul. Emperor Tailu's ax was mixed with beads by Taichu, and it was as if he had been injected with chicken blood. He suddenly screamed with excitement, and then turned into a ray of light and rushed out from the center of Lu Qian's eyebrows.

Space solidifies.

Time freezes.

Infinite power, supreme, absolute, irresistible, capable of sealing everything, suppressing everything, crushing everything, breaking everything, breaking away everything, and casting everything. The absolute power controls time and space and is drawn from the Taichu Bead of Confusion. The majestic power that could not be controlled controlled the Taihu Emperor's ax and struck lightly at the core consciousness of heaven and earth in this world!

If the consciousness of the world in this world before was just a lavish spending by a 'second generation ancestor' who didn't know how to cherish it...

At this moment, it was as if someone put a sharp knife on the neck of the second ancestor, and someone whispered to him: "If you rob, give me money!"

Rob a world!

How exciting!

The void shook, and the Han Chakra in the sky suddenly shrank in size by more than ten times, from covering half of the sky to occupying only half the size of the void.

Endless purple energy spreads from the depths of the void. The vast purple energy envelops the most primitive and pure Taoist principles in this world, and combines the pure and fanatical power of faith of tens of millions of pioneering groups, surging. Rushing into Lu Qian's body.

When the efficiency of opening acupoints in Lu Qian's body almost stagnated, new power poured in continuously. Washed away and shattered over and over again, the domineering and arrogant "power of heaven and earth" wrapped around Lu Qian's body was shattered again and again in this foreign time and space, and finally dissipated invisible!

In the end, 480 million large and small orifices shone brightly in Lu Qian's body.

One cannot be added.

One is indispensable.

Absolute perfection.

Absolute balance.

A sigh of satisfaction sounded faintly from Lu Qian's mind. The three-eyed human figure that had accompanied Lu Qian for many years was completely shattered and turned into 480 million wisps of undetectable subtle energy, which was injected into Lu Qian's 480 million In an orifice.

Taihu Emperor Ax was like a tyrant who was ready to attack. After taking nine sets of tiger and wolf medicine, he was severely squeezed by three thousand-year-old vixens for three days and three nights... His whole body was dimmed and his size shrank. , retracted sickly into Lu Qian's mind, almost dying, hovering and curled up in Lu Qian's mind.

Only the Taichu Huntong Pearl seemed to still have a trace of spirit. It emitted a faint light, illuminating Lu Qian's mind and connecting the undetectable faint energy in the 480 million acupoints.

The fluorescent bird rubbed its three big eyes vigorously.

The three eyes emitted a dense divine light, and they scanned up and down over and over again... Two normal eyes are nothing more. With Yingying's cultivation, two serious watery big eyes, in addition to being able to see Looking at Lu Qian's extraordinary size and majesty, not much else can be seen.

But Yingque's brows were raised and her eyes were emitting countless electric lights. She used all her magical power, almost hysterically, to count the light points flickering and floating in Lu Qian's body like a nebula a hundred and eight thousand times.

No less than once.

No exaggeration at all.

While breathing, she really used her magical power to count the 480 million acupuncture points in Lu Qian's body that were 'blasted', 'lit', and 'completely opened' in detail and one by one. Eighteen thousand times.

The 480 million orifices, large and small, are like countless stars embedded in Lu Qian's body, shining brightly and flowing with light. Wisps of light rose up from these acupoints, lingering into large nebulae, making Lu Qian's entire body almost turn into a ball of pure light, pure clouds, and pure energy!

"Great Emperor Daoji!"

Yingque took a breath of cold air and murmured: "If it were in the supreme Taichu Heaven...you, you, you, you must be the first-class evil devil in the world, the patrolling forbidden gods, and the emperor's confidants, must be I will kill you at all costs!"

After a few "clucks", Yingfeng laughed strangely.

Her body was trembling slightly, she held her hands in front of her chest, and slowly squatted on the ground. She looked up at Lu Qian, who was all dazzling, and chuckled. Two lines of tears, mixed with a trace of blood, kept rolling down from her eyes.

"Okay, okay, okay!" Yingque gritted his teeth and murmured in a low voice: "Very good! I've always said, either kill me or be killed by me... Hee, it's great, it's great good!"

In the void, the thick purple energy slowly dissipated.

The diameter of the trunk of the big tree transformed from the divine seed has expanded to a thickness of more than ten miles, and the crown of the tree has extended outward for nearly five hundred miles.

In the twelve hours that heaven and earth favored and bestowed by heaven and earth, the world around Lu Qian was filled with spiritual wisdom to an unprecedented degree, and the tree transformed from the divine seed also received endless benefits.

Even the city wall transformed from the city foundation expanded accordingly.

At this moment, the city foundation has absorbed enough materials, and the city wall has expanded outward. The city has expanded to a length of 360 miles and a width of 360 miles. The city wall is 150 feet high and 30 feet thick.

What is even more reassuring is that the huge roots of the tree transformed from the divine seed have turned into a dense network under the entire city. Between the large net, the city foundation was several miles underground, transformed into waist-thick, criss-crossing fences, which, together with the roots of these large trees, wrapped the entire city underground.

In this way, even if this world has an extremely developed underground cave and underground tunnel system, it is almost impossible for those Rakshasa and the indigenous creatures underground to dig through the ground and invade this city.

Lu Qian exhaled a long breath.

The light in his body dimmed quickly, and the Taichu Mixing Pearl released a faint aura that enveloped his whole body. All the strange signs on his body were completely wiped out, and he became no different from the people around him.

If anyone looks carefully, they can see that there are more than a dozen tiny light spots emitting a faint light inside Lu Qian's body.

The cultivation foundation of more than a dozen acupoints is placed in the Supreme Taichu Heaven. This is the average level of ordinary 'celestial beings'. It belongs to the lowest level among monks. It is not worth mentioning and will not attract anyone's attention.

Yingque stood up slowly and smiled at Lu Yanran.

Lu Qian looked at Yingque and pointed at his head: "I have some doubts. Maybe Master Yingque can help me answer them."

Yingque nodded seriously: "Master Fahai just ask. As long as the little girl knows, she will never hide anything."

Lu Qian smiled, a ray of Buddha's light flickered between his brows, a colorful Dharma Eye opened, and his majestic spiritual thoughts spread around, quickly sweeping across the city that was more than three hundred miles long and wide.

"My Buddha has mercy. This city should be named 'King Kong'. Vajra City takes the meaning of the city's Vajra indestructibility and eternity. It brings good luck and good fortune. It is a good name." Lu Qian smiled and nodded: "It is three meters long and wide. One hundred and sixty miles away, such a huge city, with a population of tens of millions, is still unable to meet the needs of the expansion and development of this city."

"King Yaksha, well, you will be called King Rakshasa!"

Lu Qian pointed at King Yaksha standing next to him, and then pointed at a Rakshasa who had just been transformed and was the tallest and largest among his clansmen, and gave him the title of 'King of Rakshasa' Got him.

"Zhou Laodao sent a few shrewd and clever tribesmen to cooperate with the Yaksha King and the Rakshasa King to attract a sufficient number of Yakshas and Rakshasas to the Vajra City. After I transform them all, I will take care of the little ones they raised. People...well, from now on, you will be called..."

Lu Qian knocked on his head and muttered in a low voice: "Damn it, I didn't study much in my last life!"

"Let's just call it... call it... Zhenfeng!"

"From now on, you are the Juohui clan. You, well, you are the tallest among the dwarfs, and you will be the King of Juohui!" Lu Qian pointed to the outside of the city. Among the tens of thousands of little people gathered together, the height was particularly outstanding. , a 'burly and handsome man' who is half an inch taller than the tribesmen!

After being purified by the Dharma, King Ruohui also gained some wisdom and knew that this was a great creation. He hurriedly knelt down on the ground and banged his head with a bang, causing sparks to fly everywhere on the ground. A hole the size of a fist was made.

In the void, from all directions, traces of white cold air once again rose from the ground and converged towards the cold wheel in the sky.

Hanlun, which was originally reduced to the size of a wheel, rapidly expanded in size again. After a while, it returned to a size covering half of the sky, and it seemed to be larger than before.

An even colder air fell from the sky.

This kind of cold air is so terrifying that even the space and even the light in this area of ​​the world are faintly affected by the cold air. Looking up, you can see straight, 'clearly visible' 'lights' in the void, hanging motionless in the sky like strings...

Such a vision is truly magnificent and strange, and full of unsettling charm.

Zhou Laodao personally took action, selected more than a dozen smart and capable tribesmen, and took several Yakshas and Rakshasas to Shi Shiran and left the city.

They patrolled around, and whenever they encountered the Yaksha tribe going out to plunder, they would shoot at them from a distance and roar. These uncivilized yakshas were shot a few times with bows and arrows, and immediately rushed out in large numbers, swooping over in mighty force.

In this world, the body of the Yasha clan is extremely powerful. Although they do not know magical powers and do not know the secret method of flying on land, they can easily run tens of thousands of miles a day and night by simply relying on their body.

In this way, in just a few days, more than 30,000 Yaksha tribesmen were lured over by Zhou Laodao, King Yaksha and King Rakshasa. Basically, all Yaksha tribes within a radius of several thousand miles were lured over.

And these yakshas, ​​no matter men, women, old or young, were all circled by Lu Qian in a large formation. Once washed with Buddhism, they became the most devout believers without much effort.

In the process, he also hunted rabbits and hooked up with more than a hundred Rakshasa tribesmen who sneaked into the ground and plundered everywhere. As a result, two to three thousand more Rakshasas also fell under the command of the Rakshasa King inexplicably.

With these Rakshasa that can fly in the air and fly tens of thousands of miles in a day and night as 'baits' and 'mounts', Zhou Laodao and others' range of activities is getting wider and wider, attracting Yakshas and Rakshasas as well. more and more.

One month after the standard time of Lianyitian, the Yaksha tribe gathered in Vajra City has exceeded 200,000, the Rakshasa tribe also has 30,000 people, and as for the Juhao people, it has reached a scale of over 100 million!

In Lu Qian's mind, the world of mortals emits a dazzling light.

Nourished by the pure thought power provided by the skyrocketing number of believers day and night, the outer first layer of the world of mortals reopened and merged with Lu Qian's soul one by one.

Supernatural power, great power!

The familiar feeling of controlling the road and sweeping everything has returned to its peak state.

Lu Qian was waiting to raise his head to the sky and howl to vent the excitement in his heart. The earth trembled slightly, and the people in the city all let out a wail of impending disaster. Then countless people, all of them, prostrate themselves on the ground in fear. Reciting Lu Qian's honorific title, the power of faith that was purer and several times greater than usual surged out of the minds of these little people and poured into the world of mortals.

Outside the city, in the direction where the sun was setting, a Cyclops about eight feet tall was yawning and slowly walking towards this side step by step.

This guy's body is not huge, but with every step he takes, the ground shakes slightly, like an earthquake.

And he was still two to three hundred miles away from the city, and the fierce aura on his body was already overwhelming. Not to mention the little people in the city, even the Yakshas and Rakshasas were all trembling with fear and lost their ability to move for a while.

This is complete natural bloodline suppression.

Regardless of their strength, the primitive aura exuded by this Cyclops alone destroyed most of the combat power of these Yaksha and Rakshasa.

Lu Qian led his people to the top of the city and looked coldly at the cyclops that was walking lazily.

This guy may be very hungry.

After taking two steps, he grabbed the big tree he was passing by, uprooted it brutally, chewed it indiscriminately for a few times, and then swallowed it. Maybe these big trees didn't suit his taste. After this guy swallowed a few big trees, he just took a few steps forward when he started to burst into stinky farts, and the sound of 'Pfft' farts was heard endlessly.

After walking for tens of miles, maybe the wood residue in the stomach was really uncomfortable, so the guy squatted on the ground again, and started to suffer from diarrhea... Such a ferocious appearance made Lu Qian and others... People looked sideways and couldn't look directly at the rammed goods.

After squatting on the ground for a full quarter of an hour, the big guy slowly stood up, shook his body, and continued walking towards the city.

Still more than a hundred miles away from the city, this guy suddenly raised his head, the gill-like organs on his face suddenly opened, and he took a few deep breaths. The one eye on his head suddenly lit up, staring in the direction of Lu Qian and others.

He opened his mouth and gave a low cry. His huge body suddenly shattered the air and turned into an afterimage, like a cannonball. It rose and fell for dozens of miles. In two steps, he rushed to the bottom of the city wall and crossed his shoulders. It hit the city wall.

Outside the city wall, colorful lights rose, and the golden energy suddenly condensed.

Today's Five Elements Reversal Formation is controlled by the five masters themselves, basically according to their temperament.

But now, the person in charge of the formation is obviously Uncle Tu Xi with a bad personality.

The white Xinjin Qi suddenly condensed and formed a sharp horse-repelling stake that was more than ten feet long and shaped like a rhinoceros horn in front of the rampaging Cyclops' lower body!

With a 'puff' sound, the gleaming and extremely hard Xinjin Juma stake collided solidly with this arrogant Cyclops. Everyone heard the strange tearing sound, so... that all the men present subconsciously clamped their legs.

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