Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 911 The Awakening Lu Min

Underground, the huge cave is filled with flowers and small trees that are constantly emitting green fluorescence.

The flowers grow strangely, and the trees grow strangely.

Among the dense flowers and trees, large groups of small beasts and poisonous insects unique to the underground roared. Under the urging of some kind of instinct, they risked their lives and lay on a large withered tree stump at the core of the cave. The people who were standing rushed over.

Lu Min's body was in tatters, two legs were missing, his left arm was broken at the shoulder level, and even a large piece of ribs on his left chest had been blown away, revealing a damaged but still beating heart.

His right arm was intact. At the moment, he was lifting the body of a small lizard-shaped beast to his mouth, sucking the blood of the beast, and from time to time he made a sound of admiration like drinking nectar.

Near the wounds on his body, the flesh and blood was slowly squirming and growing again bit by bit.

Countless small beasts and poisonous insects roared and charged towards Lu Min, densely packed like a tide.

One after another, invisible, soundless, lightless and shadowless... Yuanmo with no sense of existence flickered around Lu Min. Large swaths of small beasts and poisonous insects approached Lu Min within a few feet, and their bodies began to tremble. It shriveled up inexplicably, and instantly turned into a thin wisp of blue smoke and dissipated.

The essence, blood, and soul of small beasts and poisonous insects were instantly drained from their bodies. All the essence was integrated into Lu Min's body. Near the wounds on his body, the flesh and blood squirmed, and a faint vitality continued to gather, repairing the injuries bit by bit.

It can be seen that the injury on Lu Min's body was originally more serious. On his abdomen, the skin color of the large area of ​​​​skin is in sharp contrast. It is obvious that this area has been severely damaged. The large area of ​​​​skin has just been reborn, and the color of the skin is obviously much more tender and lively than the nearby skin. .

The blood plasma of a small beast was sucked dry, and there was a "gurgling" sound in Lu Min's intestines and stomach. He used force to move the beast, which was shaped like a mole, with a mouth full of sharp teeth, six large poison sacs in its mouth, and a fierce aura all over his body. The little beast was thrown far away, and he patted the squirming belly vigorously. He looked up to the sky and sighed: "I, Lu Min, am also a great Yin..."

Lu Min's eyes wandered for a while, and he was a little lost.

He inexplicably remembered what happened back then, and for a moment, he even forgot about the dazzling titles and titles he once had in Dayin.

He remembered when he was young.

I remembered the first time I met Lu Qian’s mother.

I remembered how Lu Qian was held in his hands like a little mouse when he was just born. He was afraid of being bumped or hurt, and was too scared to move.

He gestured lightly with his right hand: "Scared, it's even smaller than the mouse just now."

"Hey, I think I, Lu Min, am also well-known and an important minister of the country, but now I'm like a savage, drinking blood like hair." Lu Min shook his head and put aside some of the messy thoughts in his head, which were inexplicable. Yes, he remembered what he had experienced in the ancient city of Loulan.

"Hey, that little lady is very energetic." Lu Min touched his chin with aftertaste: "What a pity. Hey!"

When he was in the ancient city of Loulan, Lu Min was trapped in a secret place, but was discovered by a clone of the bloody beautiful woman from Jiulian Baozhou... God knows how he caught the woman's eyes, and the woman didn't know how to fall in love with her. It was a thrilling and extremely dangerous battle to find out what was on Lu Min.

The beautiful woman tried her best to attack Lu Min wantonly, trying to plunder his origin and devour the demons he had refined.

As a result, Tianshu Laojun and others came in forcefully, and with Lu Qian, his precious son, tossing things around, the ancient city of Loulan returned to normal. Lu Min avoided the bad luck of having his bones knocked out and his marrow sucked out, and instead he gained a lot of benefits from that little lady.

"They also said that they would follow those big shots and ascend to the upper world to enjoy their success..." Lu Min murmured.

Since the death of Lu Min's mother, Lu Min has had an extremely stubborn obsession in his heart - immortality. Therefore, he could even leave his son behind and wander around the world, following his master and digging graves everywhere, just hoping to find a chance to live forever.

Later, when he really entered the world of cultivation, with a higher vision and more knowledge, Lu Min understood that even those high and mighty ones, such as the Buddha Lord of Liangyi Heaven, were not truly immortal.

How can ordinary people easily obtain such a luxury as immortality?

Lu Qian finally worked hard and hooked up with Laojun Tianshu, and even gained a great backer from the Linghu family. He thought he could use Lu Qian's east wind to soar up to the supreme Taichu Heaven and enjoy the immeasurable eternal immortality. years.

Unexpectedly, there was a big explosion halfway, and he was blown away to this weird world.

The void twisted, and Lu Min was thrown directly into the underground cave.

As soon as he appeared, a large group of strange beasts that were alarmed rushed towards him with all their might, with a fierce attitude of ripping out his skin and cutting him into pieces.

But Lu Min is more cruel and vicious than them.

Countless Yuan Demons were released, and as many insect beasts approached, he devoured them all to recover from his injuries. Occasionally when he gets bored while lying on the ground, he can catch a few small animals and insects, eat a few mouthfuls of meat, and drink a few mouthfuls of blood.

However, the flesh and blood of the insects and beasts here are really not delicious.

Recalling the delicacies from mountains and seas, jade liquid and wine in his memory, Lu Min clasped his right hand and pulled out a few long grasses from his side, hoping to use the fortune-telling skills he learned when he followed his master around the world to dig graves. , give yourself a hard push.

"This is a bad year!"

"It's such a good thing to take advantage of the opportunity and take advantage of the opportunity to fly, but it can be blown away... How bad is this?"

Lu Min mumbled, his eyes filled with blood, and a wave of ill will rising in his heart.

When the ancient city of Loulan broke through the dimensional barrier, there was a big explosion. He could see clearly that his old father, Lu Qian's grandfather Lu Xiu, and many others from Jishengtian and Yuanlingtian followed him. The old man was directly destroyed in the explosion.

It's so inexplicable that in such a flash of time, a good living person disappeared.

Among them are the old monks who were conquered by Lu Qian in Yuanlingtian, those old monks who were once in Mahakala, several old monks with whom Lu Min was very close friends, such as Jie Yin Toutuo, Killing Buddha Wuxin... These old monks, one Standing happily on the wall of the ancient city of Loulan, you can enjoy the wonder of a huge city flying upwards and constantly breaking through the spatial dimension.

In particular, when it broke through the space dimension, the ancient city of Loulan forcibly broke through the dimensional diaphragm, causing huge space-time oscillations, and an extremely strong time-space rhyme rolled out. At that time, it was the most suitable time to comprehend the space-time avenue.

As for Buddhist monks, the foundation of their Buddhist magical powers is time and space.

How could a group of old monks let go of such an opportunity to enlighten themselves so easily?

Ever since, when the big explosion suddenly broke out, Lu Min watched helplessly as a large group of old acquaintances were annihilated in the flash of light... If he hadn't used countless Yuan Demons to protect himself, and protected his body from escaping into the twisted time and space, he would have It also completely disappeared in the big explosion.

"But, what the hell is this place?"

Lu Min grabbed a "chirping" flying beast that was shaped like a bat but had four fleshy wings. It was dark, lean and had no meat on it. He brought it to his mouth and bit its neck with a "click" sound. , sucking it in big mouthfuls.

"Hiccup... this taste." Lu Min swallowed the blood and complained loudly: "Don't let me know who was responsible for the sudden explosion of the ancient city of Loulan. Hey, hey hey."

In my mind, faces flashed.

Lu Min was thinking about those candidates in the ancient city of Loulan who might cause a big explosion.

Mr. Tianshu Laojun? It's not like... with his status, he wants to kill everyone in the city. When he returns to the Supreme Taichu Heaven, he can make a small report and all problems will be solved.

Commander Qing Feng? It doesn't look like either. With his position in the Sky Patrol Forbidden God Guard, if he wanted to kill everyone in the city, he would just arrest them and put them in jail, or kill them and silence them. Why do you have to be so sneaky?

Linghu Wuyou? It doesn't look like either. With his status as the Linghu clan, the ancient city of Loulan is his Linghu clan's territory. Big figures such as Tianshu Laojun and Qingfeng Commander have problems on his Linghu clan's territory. Unless Linghu Wuyou wants to fight with everyone. They both died together and wanted to involve the entire Linghu clan in having their families confiscated and exterminated, otherwise they would not have made such a stupid decision.

Lingchan? Uh, it doesn't look like it either. She is a subordinate of Emperor Taihu. Emperor Taihu is the culprit in this incident... The emperor's sons have all fallen. They are here to investigate the truth about the emperor's death and to thoroughly investigate whether there is anyone inside who is trying to target Emperor Taihu. Planning a conspiracy.

They seemed to have found something... Based on Lingxuan's origins as a member of the Holy Spirit Clan, her loyalty to Emperor Taihu was unquestionable. It's impossible for her to do such a thing.

"So, there are actually people from other forces hiding in the small ancient city of Loulan." Lu Min murmured: "It's so complicated, so dangerous, the intrigues in the court, I didn't expect that in such high-end upper realms, there are actually It’s not exempt from vulgarity.”

"However, their intrigues are much more dangerous than the court struggles of the Supreme Saint Dayin Dynasty."

"The ancient city of Loulan is so big, it's going to be blown up..."

"The confidants of Emperor Taichu, the dignitaries in the supreme heaven who are almost as prime ministers, will explode at will... Tsk, tsk, this method, this character... the water in this place is so deep!"

Lu Min murmured: "Nothing will happen to that bastard Lu Qian, right? Probably not. That boy is very lucky."

"However, you must also be prepared. What if?"

"What if something happens to that kid... Haha, I have to avenge this revenge."

"Tsk, by the way, if something happens to that kid, I have to spread the word and add incense to my Lu family's room... Uh, what is the name of that old woman in Loulan Ancient City? ? Tsk tsk, the attack is ruthless enough, but that amorous feeling... uh, ah bah bah!"

"To have children, you naturally need a woman from a good family."

"You are a good wife and mother, how can you find such an immoral woman?"

Lu Min's thoughts wandered off somewhere. His eyes wandered away, countless thoughts in his mind came and went, and wisps of magic light surged around him.

There was a big explosion in the ancient city of Loulan, and he was swept into the void. He floated in the extremely chaotic void for a long time, and then he was drawn out to this world. During that drifting process, Lu Min's body, soul, and the demons he sacrificed all absorbed some indescribable Taoist charms, and underwent some bizarre transformations.

For example, those Yuan Demons he sacrificed and refined.

They don't know what kind of Tao Yun they have absorbed. Now, even Lu Min can't detect the existence of these Yuan Demons without concentrating all his strength on sensing.

Lu Min's mind was also damaged and his soul was greatly depleted. Now he has no energy or mood to figure out the changes in these demons.

In short, it is a good thing, which is good.

As for the specific subtle and mysterious changes, let’s wait and study them slowly in the future?

Just as Lu Min was lying here, preparing to 'eat and wait for death', just waiting for the wounds of his soul and body to completely recover, sharp whistling sounds came from all directions of this huge cave, and from the entrances of large and small underground tunnels. .

The sound initially roared in from the mouth of a tunnel. The walls of this cave vibrated the roar back and forth. After amplifying it several times, it was like a flood that had been gathering momentum for a long time, following dozens of other large and small caves. The entrance to the tunnel passed.

Not long after, more roars came from those tunnels.

Soon, there was the sound of fleshy wings flapping, and the sound of "chichi" piercing the air poured out from several tunnels. Then, in several tunnels, there were as many as twenty or thirty, as few as ten or twenty, each and every one of them was born. The rather ugly Rakshasa with bared teeth waved his crude weapons and flew out in a mess.

Lu Min's pupils shrank and he hissed: "Everyone, you, mother, lost the wrong child and raised the placenta, didn't you?"

He raised his right hand and patted his mouth gently: "My sin, my sin, I have a bad mouth... Well, I can't blame you for being ugly. After all, it is the blood of my father and my mother. It is a gift from my elders. Ugly, it’s not your fault.”

"Your mistake is that you are so ugly and yet you pop out to scare people."

"It's just scary. Do you still want to eat people?"

Lu Min's eyes widened and he stared directly at the nearly one hundred Rakshasa who rushed out from several tunnels.

These Rakshasa also looked around with their big eyes, and all of them saw Lu Min.

They sniffed their noses vigorously, and at the same time smelled the extremely rich and fragrant scent of flesh and blood emanating from Lu Min's wound. This is a flesh-and-blood fragrance that is far more 'rich and moist', more 'nutritious and sweet' than the yakshas, ​​yakshas, ​​or even those small beasts and poisonous insects in this world.

The Rakshasa stared directly at Lu Min, saliva dripping from the corners of their mouths.

Lu Min smiled and looked at these Rakshasa.

Beside him, there was an invisible and traceless wind blowing lightly. Hundreds of millions of Yuan Demons were transformed into tangible and intangible forms, hiding in the void of Sumeru. Tens of thousands of overlapping demons were arranged over a range of tens of feet. A subtle array of plans.

Lu Min himself also encountered many strange encounters.

Not to mention, he got some of the essence of Buddhism from Lu Qian.

He is a practitioner of both "Buddha and Demon" in the true sense, and he has extremely profound attainments.

Even in terms of formations, Lu Min has a higher talent than Lu Yi and has higher achievements. It's just that Lu Min's cultivation and strength have always been unable to match Lu Yi's, so his glory has been overshadowed by Lu Yi's.

All along, it was Lu Qian who was advancing by leaps and bounds, dragging Lu Min and others along to catch up and follow them.

But when Lu Min was truly released into the world alone, he was also a demonic genius who should not be underestimated!

Under the large formation, even more subtle magical charm spreads around.

Using the methods of Buddhism and the art of controlling demons, the seven emotions and six desires are transformed into subtle ripples of breath that are undetectable, unfathomable, and unknowable, infecting the souls of these Rakshasa in an invisible and traceless way.

The creatures in this world have not yet fully evolved.

The simplest five-element inversion formation of Lu Qian can make those Yakshas and Rakshasas fascinated, and they don't know the heaven and the earth.

Not to mention that Lu Min's magic skill is far more magical than Lu Qian's Five Elements Reversal Formation.

The eyes of more than a hundred Rakshasa turned from scarlet to crimson. They roared in a low voice and their bodies trembled. Like beasts with surging energy and blood on a spring night, they rushed towards the tree stumps beside Lu Min impatiently. past.

They took one step forward into the formation formed by Lu Min's billions of demons.

They were immediately lost in the overlapping array, where countless mustard seeds were transformed into the Sumeru space, and there were countless inner demons and phantom demons that came and went. What they see before their eyes is nothingness, and what they feel in their bodies is nothingness.

Everything is false.

But the results of all false things projected onto their bodies and souls became real.

Lu Min had a thought. In his thought, these Rakshasa turned into big fat pigs on the butcher's chopping board... The next moment, these nearly a hundred Rakshasa split apart silently, as big as the sky. The general's tyrannical body was so silently torn apart by their own incomparable strength.

It’s not Lu Min’s power.

It was the power within these Rakshasa's bodies. Under the influence of Lu Min's magic power, their own power sprouted from their bodies, like sharp knives, gently cutting through their bodies, their scales, and their armor. The skin and flesh were cut open, the bones were cut open, and then his own vitality was annihilated.

Everything is their own doing.

Infinite demons swooped forward, and nearly a hundred Rakshasa, whose physical strength was comparable to that of a heavenly general, were instantly turned into ashes.

The majestic blood essence, huge vitality, and energy as mighty as a great river were purified by these Yuan Demons and turned into bloody torrents that were injected into Lu Min's body.

The essence, blood and vitality of each Rakshasa are better than tens of thousands of small beasts and poisonous insects.

Lu Min made a slight sigh of relief.

The wounds on his body squirmed rapidly, and the skin and flesh near the wounds grew rapidly. With the sound of bones and flesh squirming, Lu Min's broken arms and legs were completely reborn in just a breath.

Lu Min stood up slowly, and colorless magic light surged around him, filling the entire huge cave in an instant.

In each tunnel, large groups of Rakshasa received waves of joyful calls from the ground coming from their fellow Rakshasas after discovering powerful prey groups.

They flapped their wings and flew out.

Using this cave as a transit hub, they prepared to go straight to the ground through a tunnel and gather into a huge group of Rakshasa to hunt the delicious prey discovered by their fellow tribesmen.

More than eight hundred Rakshasa rushed into the cave almost at the same time.

They discovered Lu Min at the same time, and then they all salivated - before enjoying the big meal, it seemed that they could have some snacks first?

The rakshasas laughed in unison.

Lu Min also smiled slightly, and the subtle demonic thoughts seeped out, instantly eroding the bodies and souls of these Rakshasa, activating the power in their bodies to turn into invisible sharp knives, quietly dismembering their bodies.

The simple power of these Rakshasa is far superior to Lu Min.

But in the face of Lu Min's terrifying magic skills, they were almost powerless to fight back. Before they even understood what happened, they were annihilated by Lu Min's gentle push.

Within Lu Min's body, acupuncture points also lit up like stars.

He recited the magic spell, and the majestic Rakshasa essence and blood was injected into these acupoints, constantly polishing and lighting these acupoints, and inscribing the unique magic patterns that Lu Min himself felt in these acupoints.

These magic patterns, which contain ever-changing and infinite mysteries, are invisible, colorless, tasteless, and unconscious. They are almost "empty", but they also possess the wonders of "life and death, disillusionment" and "life, death and plunder".

The nine acupoints are polished.

Ninety-nine acupoints are polished.

Nine hundred and ninety-nine acupoints, polished...

By the time the polishing of the thousandth acupoint was completed, Lu Min's mind had returned to peace. In his hazy and chaotic mind, a faint black-gold color rose up, gradually dyeing his mind into a bright sea of ​​witch-gold.

The low, vague murmur sounds like Sanskrit chants or demonic sounds, majestic and solemn, yet ecstatic.

Accompanied by strange murmurings and chants, Lu Min's mind surged, and a broken mark came from the deepest part of his mind, from the core of his Yuanling, from his past, present, and future, the origin and origin of everything in Henggu. The most fundamental center of the existence imprint was dragged out bit by bit by his rapid strength.



Like a giant eye of gods and demons formed by a black hole, it hangs high above the mind, calm and silent, with a hint of immortality and eternity, overlooking the sky and observing the universe.

"I am..." Lu Min muttered in a low voice.

The unpredictable demonic and Buddha-like Taoist charm on him quickly became strong and mellow, and then spread rapidly to the surroundings, spreading along the tunnels to the huge caves and tunnel systems in all directions.

The Rakshasa tribes everywhere, the large and small beasts and insect swarms underground everywhere were annihilated one after another.

The majestic blood essence and vitality surged in and continued to merge into Lu Min's body.

The broken mark squirmed, just like Lu Min's body was completed before, and began to slowly grow and heal on its own. When the mark was reborn, Lu Min's aura became even more... terrifying!

His body is no longer satisfied with swallowing a little bit of Rakshasa and small beasts and insects.

The Qi he exuded began to directly swallow up the charm of the great avenue of heaven and earth.

Wisps of invisible and traceless principles of the Great Dao turned into hazy mist visible to the naked eye, spinning and wailing, accompanied by various phenomena such as the distortion of the void, earth, water, fire, and wind, and were swallowed up by Lu Min's body bit by bit.

"Well, I am..." Lu Min smiled and nodded gently: "Who I am is not important. Everything in the past has been wiped out."

"I am Lu Qian's father."

"I'm Lu Min."

"I am me."

"No one else."

In Lu Min's body, after he devoured a certain amount of the Great Way of Heaven and Earth, a million orifices in his body lit up at the same time.

He shook his body slightly, raised his head, his eyes flashed, and the hundreds of miles thick rock formation above his head was instantly annihilated, revealing a round cave three feet in diameter.

Lu Min's body swayed and he rose into the sky.

He raised his head and saw the giant heavenly ship that was hundreds of miles long across the sky a hundred miles away!

"Oh, it's you!" Lu Min smiled brightly.

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