Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 942 Who is the head of the family (2)

The Linghu family may have been influenced by Emperor Taiyi's eccentric aesthetics.

Perhaps, the Linghu clan was originally an extremely beautiful and arrogant clan.

The name of the Linghu family's ancestral land is Qingsang Yunlu. It covers a vast area and is a perfectly round land mass, quietly suspended in the endless void. Viewed from a high altitude, the landmass with a diameter of exactly 36 million miles is not very large. At least compared to the astonishingly large stars, ancient continents, star cities, and Yunzhai in the Supreme Taichu Heaven, the ancestors of the Linghu family The place can be called 'exquisite'.

But such a landmass is managed like a miniature bonsai.

Mountains and rivers, plains and hills, all natural features were forcibly forged by the great masters of the Linghu family in the past dynasties according to their personal aesthetics and using their great supernatural powers to change the day and night. There is a natural "obsessive-compulsive disorder" factor in the blood of the Linghu family. They force themselves to make their ancestral land beautiful and cannot tolerate any flaws.

Therefore, the huge land mass has been smelted into a round piece. The entire land mass is a single structure, and the texture is flawless. In the world of mortals, if you knock off a piece of the entire land mass, it will be made of the finest jade-grade material.

On a normal day, Qingmulus Yunlu is evergreen all year round, flowers are in bloom all year round, and the mountains are covered with fruit trees of various colors. Driven by magical powers, these fruit trees bloom and bear fruit at the same time. The flowers and fruits are at the same time, and they are magnificent and magical.

And these days, the huge green mulberry cloud land, the heavy snow falls all day and night, all the flowers, plants and trees are covered with thick snow, the sky and the earth are white, as if the whole world is suffering for Linghu. Dai Xiao.

Singing and dancing are prohibited, and banquets are prohibited. Whether it is the members of the Linghu clan or the servants, these days, everyone has a straight face and a gloomy look, and they cannot feel any relaxation or joy. You can often hear that in a big house, some unlucky child accidentally showed a faint smile, and was immediately slapped by his elders, causing them to cry continuously, as if their biological father was dead.

Linghu family is at a disadvantage!

The problem is that even the old foxes of the Linghu family, who are hidden deep in the ancestral hall of their ancestral land and have not been seen in the world for many years, do not understand how to suffer the loss. They have mobilized all the channels of the Linghu family to find out what is fishy here, but the information they received back is all useless nonsense.

In short, the Linghu family suffered a loss.

First, the head of the family died.

Secondly, the head of the family received a talisman from Emperor Tai Zhen and died in order to investigate a case in the ancient city of Loulan.

Thirdly, although Linghu Ku's methods were a little more aggressive and decisive in the process, he actually acted daringly and killed the Great Heavenly Lord in the former military palace of the Heavenly Court... However, whatever Emperor Taiyi promised, no matter what No matter how much trouble is caused, Emperor Tai Zhen will be responsible for it...

Emperor Taiyi did not stand up for Linghu Ku.

On the contrary, the news came back from Taiyangtian. It was said that Emperor Taichu personally rushed to Taiyangtian to make tea and have a happy party with Emperor Taiyang... After that, several of the oldest clan elders of the Linghu family rushed to Taiyangtian in person, but they did not I was able to see Emperor Tai Zhen, but I didn't even get a word or a sentence from Emperor Tai Zhen.

The members of the Linghu clan may indeed have a bit of fox blood, and there are many smart people in the clan.

Smart people like to think wildly and guess. Therefore, they could not help but think about it - their former head of the family had killed a powerful Heavenly Lord of Heavenly Court's Five Military Palaces, which undoubtedly offended Heavenly Court to death.

However, with Emperor Taiyi's master's sign blocking the way, it was impossible for the Heavenly Army to kill Qingsang Yunlu. Therefore, there is no need to worry about heaven's next revenge methods.

However, everyone is well aware of the domineering style of the Supreme Heavenly Court. A powerful Heavenly Lord died, and this grudge will surely be settled slowly in the future. The Great Heavenly Lord Ji Ji has been in power in the former military government for many years. How many relatives does he have, and how many old friends does he have? Even if Emperor Taichu didn't speak, they would still attack the Linghu clan.

But as long as the Heavenly Court does not attack with all its strength, simply speaking of family power...who is the Linghu family afraid of? It's just that when the clansmen are walking outside, they have to be careful of all kinds of plots and plots behind the scenes... Maybe a group of clansmen will be killed or injured, but it happens to be the survival of the fittest, so who are you afraid of?

Therefore, the pressure from Heaven can be temporarily put aside.

The most important thing right now is to find out the causes and consequences of the Loulan Ancient City case... and to find out why Emperor Tai Zhen didn't meet the elders of the Linghu clan!

Could it be that some of Linghu Ku's actions disobeyed Emperor Taiyi?

If so, then the Linghu family will be in bad luck!

Of course, the Linghu family has worked diligently and diligently for Emperor Taiyi for countless years. This kind of master-servant relationship still exists... The Linghu family may pay a heavy price, but the inheritance of blood and the interests of the family are not the same. will be fundamentally damaged.

Then the problem comes!

Since the Linghu clan is ‘destined to continue to be passed down’, the Linghu clan is ‘destined to continue to be glorious’, and the Linghu clan is ‘destined to continue to be powerful’… then, who will be the new head of the family?

Which case?

Which lineage?

Which room?

which one?

For countless years, the clan members of Linghu Ku's sect, lineage, and clan have passed down the position of head of the family in their hands for six generations. Their status in the clan is deeply rooted and almost unshakable!

But this time, Linghu Ku indeed provoked the Heavenly Court, and seemed to have offended Emperor Tai Zhen... So, will this room, this lineage, this sect to which Linghu Ku belongs... have to pay for their mistakes? What's the cost? Does the head of the family still have to choose from among the clansmen in their house?

Qingsang Yunlu, Linghu Cloud City, in the ancestral hall of the Linghu family in the city, the chief elders of the three Linghu clans, the clan elders of the nineteenth lineage, and the deacons of the one hundred and forty-eighth clan, a total of six hundred and sixty The six people, following the habits they had formed over the past few days, got up early in the morning, tidied up their clothes, and brought the elite juniors of the clan with them, and gathered in the main hall with great vigor and high spirits.

Let’s talk first.

Use tea again.

Greet each other again.

After a lot of talk, a young and impatient deacon of a certain house began to get straight to the point - who is the next head of the family? Who is in charge of the family? Who, in the next many years, will control the giant wheel of the Linghu family and continue to ride the wind and waves in the Supreme Taichu Heaven!

So, everyone laughed and introduced their favorite candidates, praised them in heaven and earth, and talked about his various advantages. A shameless business boast, praising the person he introduced as a 'perfect person', as if the entire Linghu family would fall apart and be completely ruined if it left the person he recommended.

The deacons from other parties and the clan elders from all walks of life all opened their mouths, blew their noses and glared at the 'genius', 'elite', and 'junior' who were elected from a certain room. Raining on your head is worse than bullshit.

We are all relatives, we meet each other without looking up, and we have all lived for so many years. Who has what temper, who has what virtue, who has done something shameless, who has done something unscrupulous... everyone is The door is clear.

Isn’t it easy to find fault?

From the age of three, someone still wets the bed. At the age of seven, he peeked at the maid next door's aunt's house taking a bath. At the age of twelve, he broke his body on his personal maid. At the age of thirteen, he went to a brothel to book a sex. At the age of fifteen, he dared to Go to the casino and default on your debt... Then when you are 30,000 years old, you don't learn how to rob casual cultivators. When you are 100,000 years old, you kill a flower because you don't agree with it. Then when you are 300,000 years old, you are banned from the sky The divine guard came to the door and took a beating...

Hey, if a person only lives for thirty or fifty years, he will inevitably be able to be a "perfect person" with "perfect moral character".

But if a person lives too long...lives too long...experiences too many things...controls too many strengths, powers, resources, and the like, and comes into contact with too many complicated people, who can ensure that you One hundred thousand years, two hundred thousand years...one million years, two million years without any mistakes?

As long as there are mistakes, they cannot be hidden from others.

I couldn’t hide it from anyone, and it was revealed today.

Ever since, they started to brag about business, then criticized each other, and then started to slap the table and blow their noses and stare, and then started to greet each other's ancestors... After a lot of swearing, the nine senior elders with the highest status who had been watching from the sidelines began to Banging the table and cursing people - they are all passed down from one ancestor. Whose ancestor are you going to 'fuck'?

So, if you don't dare to make a fuss about the other party's ancestors, then...the deacons and clan elders, taking into account their status, can only slap the table and scold their mother, while many elite juniors behind them started poking at the weak spots, kicking the lower body, and laughing. Cast evil curses, release witchcraft...

Basically, every day in the ancestral temple, young people from different houses would disagree and get into fights.

They often beat their heads to pieces, and the elders in each house suddenly realized what they were doing, and they were surprised to find that the younger generation of the ancestors actually dared to use force in the ancestral temple? Go away, run to the square in front of the main hall and kneel down... So disrespectful to the ancestors, let's kneel down for an hour first!

The weakest are all at the Heavenly General level. Kneeling down for just an hour is considered punishment?

So, after kneeling for an hour, these elite young people ran back to the main hall one by one, looking down at their elders with low eyebrows as they continued to slap the table and curse.

During the day, there will definitely be no results from scolding.

Then, at night, the elders return to their yards to recharge their batteries and plan various countermeasures. Either win over allies, or simply seek help from external forces.

The energetic young people were running around the streets with their friends, servants and thugs.

If he sees someone he can't deal with, he invites him to have a hard fight in a remote corner outside Linghuyun City.

Naturally, there were no casualties among the members of the Linghu clan. However, there are at least tens of thousands of their friends, servants, and thugs buried in the wilderness outside the city these days. !

All in all, ever since the news of Linghu Ku's killing came back to the Linghu clan, the Linghu clan has been filled with chaos and chaos these past few days, with countless strange and bizarre things happening.

My family was furious for the position of the head of the family, and that was all. The past few changes of family heads had been a smooth transition of power, and they were all passed down within Linghu Ku's house, so there weren't so many things. But this time, Linghu Ku seemed to have caused trouble for the Linghu clan and wanted to continue the inheritance among his clan members. How could it be possible?

For the time being, it was just noisy inside, and there was no real break-up yet... But looking at the increasing number of casualties among the friends around the young tribesmen, one knew that it was only a matter of time before the fight broke out.

External pressure has come one after another.

Under the command of Emperor Tai Zhen, the Linghu clan, as the top clan of the Heavenly Clan, had been domineering for countless years.

The Linghu clan is similar to several other factions. Naturally, they have friends and enemies. Friends, this time the Linghu family's matter is special, so they basically just sit on the sidelines. As for the enemies, they naturally took advantage of the chaos and took advantage of the chaos...so that several families and sects near the border of the Linghu clan, whose strength was only at a medium level, secretly began to use their claws and flash their knives, in order to obscure some property rights. Mineral veins, livable places, etc., frictions of all sizes have been erupting.

Even within the Linghu clan, there were domestic slaves who seduced the young lady and escaped. The young master who was born as a concubine plotted against his elder brother at the instigation of the slave. Even the mining slaves in some mines who were supposed to work to death broke out in turmoil and killed them. Something happened to the guarding Linghu clan members.

As for the Linghu clan who is busy competing for the position of head of the family, the elders of the nine major clans are restraining each other, the elders of the clans are fighting each other, and the deacons of each house are rolling up their sleeves and leading the younger generations of clansmen to break their heads in a lively fight, where is there any time to spare? How to deal with these things?

The Linghu clan, who was like a behemoth, had finally entered the embarrassing situation of "a snake can't survive without a head".

This is the first time in countless years that the Linghu family has been in such a mess. Even some members of the Linghu clan realized that such chaos and embarrassment should not have happened at all... However, it suddenly broke out like this!

Because of internal and external troubles and chaos, Linghu Huang used his own seal to forcibly seize the command of Linghu Cang, and directly merged the border guarding fleet into the fleet brought by Lu Qian, and then drove straight in, all the way across The nine lines of defense within the Linghu clan swept away the more than 200,000 large and small warships along the way, and merged them all under their command.

Among the nine lines of defense, there were some high-ranking officers of the fleet who were the core members of a certain branch or clan. Even if Linghu Juan and the five sisters had the power within the clan to overwhelm them, they were not willing to surrender obediently.

Meng Hu, Hou Qing and others brought by Lu Qian immediately took action to suppress and capture all the Linghu clan members.

Therefore, when the mighty fleet approached Qingsang Yunlu and arrived in the void outside Linghuyun City, there was no warning message sent back to Linghuyun City. They were accumulating saliva in the ancestral hall in preparation for today's chaotic battle. The big bosses in every department and lineage have not received any sound.

After a chaos of throwing cups and knocking on the table, several young men from the Linghu family who had been beaten with bruises and swollen faces walked out of the ancestral hall with dark faces and knelt down in the thick snow with two bangs.

They lowered their heads, faced the direction of the main entrance of the hall, and murmured in their mouths, greeting each other's ancestors of a certain generation, and at the same time invited each other to have dinner tonight, and everyone went out of the city, showing off their swords and horses. A fight.

Several restless young people from the Linghu clan were bickering when suddenly the sky became dark.

They looked up in shock and saw that in the sky above Linghu Cloud City, densely packed battleships of various sizes formed a dense black cloud, covering the sky and blocking the sunlight above the entire city.

Six cyan jade seals hang high in the sky, and waves of faint Taoist rhyme fluctuations with unique frequencies continue to spread from the seals. This meant that the person coming was a direct descendant of the Linghu clan, and his authority in the clan was extremely high, far higher than the young people kneeling at the gate of the ancestral hall.

As a result, the defensive array that was about to be activated inside and outside Linghu Cloud City was silent. Only at some key points, the extremely vigilant Linghu clan members set up escape lights and flew into the sky.

Outside the city, several places where Linghu's troops were stationed were in chaos.

A senior member of the Linghu clan shouted loudly, ordering the private fleet stationed outside the city to take off on alert... But these days, the senior clan members who were not dealing with them and had been involved in each other immediately issued completely opposite orders. !

As a result, they were involved in each other and interfered with each other. Lu Qian's fleet had sealed off the surrounding areas of Linghu Cloud City, and not even a small sampan was flying outside the city.

So smooth?

How could Lu Qian be polite? He immediately asked Meng Hu, Hou Qing and others to land with a large group of elite Tianting soldiers. Under Linghu Juan's guidance, he quickly took control of the most important city defense formations in Linghu Yun City. hub.

Although Linghu Ku was dead, the clan members of his clan still controlled all important powers inside and outside Linghu Yun City, including the control of the hub of the city defense formation, which was still in their hands. Even though the clan is in chaos these days, this power has still not been handed over.

With Linghu Juan, the girl of 'the sect, the ancestry, and the house', leading the way - although her belly-bulging state made several elders angry, the control of the city defense array was still smoothly passed Meng Hu and others have it in their hands!

In this way, it is safe.

Based on the Linghu family's background, this city defense formation has taken countless years of hard work. Generations of family heads have been spending manpower and material resources to continuously strengthen and upgrade it, all the way to today.

This great formation could never be broken unless an emperor-level power came in person.

But even if an emperor-level power comes in person, the formation can withstand it for less than half an hour if it is fully activated!

In this short half hour, the overloaded formation can even explode with emperor-level lethality!

Does the Linghu clan have an emperor-level existence?


Therefore, if you master this formation, you will control the life and death of all living things inside and outside the city!

If this formation is still in the hands of the Linghu clan members... there is no need to worry about anyone inciting this formation to do something unscrupulous.

But now this formation is controlled by Meng Hu and others...


In the ancestral temple, the quarreling Linghu clan members finally walked out of the hall, frowning and looking at the huge mixed fleet in the sky.

Tianting's standard battleships and Linghu's private battleships were mixed together, and the combined number of the two was only 300,000. There were all the Heavenly Lords and even the Great Heavenly Lords who were present. Their eyes swept across the void and they accurately counted the specific number of these battleships.

A mere 300,000 warships are not of concern to these senior officials of the Linghu clan!

If the Linghu clan puts all its efforts and sacrifices all the family's foundation to prepare for war, ten... or even one hundred and three hundred thousand can be achieved, but it's just whether it is necessary.

One of the big house deacons frowned and said coldly: "Okay, are you guys going to break up with each other? Which house are you from? Even the warships have been mobilized? What are you trying to do? To attack the family. Are you going to kill someone? Haha!"

A group of people are waiting for you to look at me, and I look at them, but they don’t admit that they dispatched the warship.

A group of pale golden auspicious clouds slowly floated over. Lu Qian took the lead and stood on the clouds, followed closely by Linghu Juan and others.

In the crowd, many elders of the Linghu clan changed their expressions, and their eyes suddenly focused on the six high bulging bellies!

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