Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 951 The Imperial Way (2)

‘Choke Lang’!

The moment Mr. Shaoyao slapped him, hundreds of girls in black present drew their swords.

The sword light was as sharp as water, as cold as the moon, and it was several feet long. It reflected the blue of the sky and the earth. Even Lu Qian felt the sharpness cutting into his skin, and the stinging pain made his skin unconscious. twitching.

Yue Jijun did not move and allowed the girls under his command to do whatever they wanted.

The hundreds of elite soldiers and generals around Mr. Shaoyao all changed their expressions, and their delicate bodies trembled slightly. They all looked at the girls who drew their swords with great fear. There were quite a few who had just gathered around Mr. Shaoyao and touched their hands. They were the most clever and clever ones. The smart girl, who even had a bit of a mean face, quietly took a few steps back and hid her figure in the crowd.

Mr. Shaoyao raised his head and grinned at the girls in black: "Hey, you dare to draw your sword at me? Come on, try it! Try it! Which of you dares to hit my chest so hard? A sharp stab with a sword?"

Mr. Shaoyao pulled open his clothes, revealing his white chest. He rubbed his smooth and jade-like chest with his extremely narcissistic hand, and smiled extremely evilly at the girls in black: "If you dare to use Stab me once with the sword, and I promise that retaliation will be retaliated. Wrong, it is a drop of kindness that will be repaid by a spring... You stab me once, and I will stab you ten thousand times, one hundred thousand times... I guarantee that your blood will be like a drop of water. The springs are gushing, and the sky and the earth are crying!”

Yue Jijun's face turned black.

Lu Qian and A Hu were twitching in face - is this what anyone can say?

A sharp whistle sounded from a distance, and a large and chaotic escaping light rushed towards this side. I saw a large group of messy people, wearing all kinds of strange armors, robes, cloaks, wings, and covered with all kinds of black, red, green, white and other magic lights and evil spirits. They were either walking on clouds or riding some ancient li The mounts of strange birds and beasts were like a group of bandits descending from the mountain, roaring and rushing towards this side.

The leader was wearing a monk's robe, but with a bun, a string of human skull beads around his neck, and his hands holding a misty white jade sword with Taoist meanings. Surrounded by several charming people. The beautiful woman rushed to the front.

"Who dares to offend Your Majesty? Are you still touching your heads?" The monk-like old man dressed in nondescript sternly shouted: "Your Majesty, please don't panic. My Sun and Moon Monk arrived too late to save you. Please help me." Your Majesty, please forgive me!"

The total number was over a thousand, and the monks dressed in bits and pieces flew in in a chaotic manner, swarming behind Mr. Shaoyao, each one arrogant, with a tone of dissatisfaction, provocation, and madness. Looking sideways at Yue Jijun, or drooling, looking at the girls in black next to Yueji Jun.

The low sound of war drums roared, and on a square black stone in the distance, a large group of soldiers stopped practicing. Under the leadership of several generals, they formed formations and rode on clouds, rapidly approaching this small round land mass.

More than a million soldiers lined up, and clouds with a radius of hundreds of miles came in force.

Soon, these warriors arrived behind Yue Jijun, suspended a hundred feet above the ground, and faced off against the more than a thousand chaotic monks.

It was obvious that the monks behind Mr. Shaoyao, although their clothes were messy and looked like a ragtag group, their cultivation level was very terrifying... They all had the aura of the Star King or even the Heavenly King level surging around them. Although their qi energy is quite illusory, and many of them, like Mr. Shaoyao, have used elixirs or other secret methods to forcibly improve their realm, they are indeed very strong.

And the millions of soldiers behind Yueji Jun have a strong aura, like fine steel that has been tempered for thousands of times. The auras of the millions of soldiers are perfectly integrated into one, like a golden city.

Although the individual cultivation of these soldiers is far inferior to that of the 'masters' behind Mr. Shaoyao, after forming the formation, the overall strength of both sides was actually about the same...

More war drums and horn sounds came from various parts of the Black Stone Continent.

Someone was shouting abuse.

As a result, more cloud formations soared from the black rocks, and a large group of soldiers launched their warships, forming a formation and charging towards the small circular land in the middle.

Soon, with this small circular continent as the core, the private army in this huge circular space was clearly divided into two camps.

The private army behind Mr. Shaoyao probably accounted for less than 60% of the total number.

The private army behind Yue Jijun probably accounted for a little more than 40% of the total.

It took more than an hour for the army to gather, mobilize, charge, and form a formation... During this process, Lord Shaoyao and Lord Yueji said nothing and just looked at each other.

When the armies of both sides were completely assembled, Mr. Shaoyao suddenly laughed: "Hey, Yueji, you are so brave and your wings are so strong that you actually amassed an army privately and went against me as your brother? Why do you?"

Mr. Shaoyao pointed his right hand to the sky and roared fiercely: "I am the general manager appointed by my father to control the affairs of Daheishan... Do you dare to show your sword to me? Do you want to rebel? Huh?"

A strange blood surged on Mr. Yueji's fair face, and his face turned red. He clenched his hands into fists and looked at Mr. Shaoyao with a twitching corner of his mouth.

The same armor, the same ordnance, the same warships, and the same training resources... The army behind Lord Yueji, in terms of formation, seems to be more orderly and much stronger than the army behind Lord Shaoyao. point.

But there is a limit to how strong it can be.

The total number of troops behind Mr. Shaoyao increased by nearly 20%, and the number of generals above the rank of Heavenly General accounted for nearly 70%. In terms of the number of generals, the army behind Lord Shaoyao had an absolute advantage.

Not to mention, the more than a thousand casual cultivators behind Mr. Shaoyao, whom he gathered with extremely generous treatment, wine, sex, wealth, and other means... These guys may seem incompetent, like stragglers, but they are all in the big army. A notorious villain and thug in Black Mountain.

Their methods are very ruthless, evil, and poisonous, and they are also dirty, obscene, despicable, and shameless... If more than a thousand Star Lord and Tianjun level casual cultivators let go, they will do harm to the army behind Yueji Lord. Huge loss.

"Your Majesty, this is orthodoxy!" Lu Qian sighed in admiration while drinking tea at the side: "Your Majesty, you are orthodox, upright, and have great righteousness. Therefore, some people engage in corruption and form cliques in private, but I don’t want to think that the support of the people is still with the Lord... Tsk, tsk, some people really overestimate their abilities and act a bit too whimsically."

What Lu Qian said...

Yue Jijun's face became more and more ugly.

Mr. Shaoyao opened his arms with satisfaction, turned around in a circle, and looked at the huge military formation behind him with satisfaction, as well as the more than a thousand masters he had worked hard to recruit over the years.

"Master Xuanzang is a wise man, and what he said makes sense." Mr. Shaoyao looked coldly and glanced sideways at the generals behind Mr. Yueji who were wearing heavy armor and had serious auras: "Haha, today, one by one, I, I have written it down..."

Behind Mr. Yueji, the faces of many generals suddenly changed.

Lu Qian's words were clearly meant to sow discord and add fuel to the fire...but there was no doubt that what he said was reasonable.

Mr. Shaoyao is the one who controls this stall in Daheishan under the instruction of their 'father'... Although Mr. Yueji uses his personal charm, his talents and talents, his etiquette, virtue, sharing of joys and sorrows, etc. More than 40% of the soldiers have become his confidants.

But all this is unreasonable and illegal.

If Mr. Shaoyao is pursued, all of these generals who are in charge of the army today and are standing behind Mr. Yueji, including them, their wives, children, and children, will all be in trouble!


A general who was wearing heavy armor and was extremely tall, nearly two feet four feet, with long iron chains wrapped around his arms and two golden meteor hammers the size of ordinary carriages hung on them. He took a step forward and bent. He put his waist close to Yue Jijun's ear: "Your Majesty, this demonic monk is deceiving the public with his monstrous words. In the end, he will think..."

Mr. Yueji's eyes flickered.

Mr. Shaoyao retreated towards the crowd.

The Sun and Moon Monk smiled, and the jade Ruyi in his hand flashed with a sinister light, and he stood in front of Mr. Shaoyao.

The atmosphere in the field suddenly solidified, and the form became extremely subtle.

The breeze blew, and the wind swept through the tiny hairs on everyone's ears, making a 'swishing' sound... Everyone felt that their skin was a little itchy, and their hearts beat inexplicably.

If so, a certain demon monk was not a secret envoy sent by the Linghu clan, but a spy sent by the enemy... After his identity was revealed, he kidnapped Mr. Shaoyao to break out, resulting in Mr. Shaoyao's death and the death of a large number of soldiers!

This excuse makes sense.

The only key is that Lord Yue Ji and the henchmen behind him must annihilate Lu Qian, Lord Shaoyao, and all the soldiers behind Lord Shaoyao... As long as Lord Shaoyao is killed to death, then...

Mr. Shaoyao laughed "hehehe": "Yueji, what are you thinking about?"

Mr. Yueji looked at Mr. Shaoyao with a faint look, and then turned to Lu Qian. In Lu Qian's mind, the Oriental Glazed Pillar emitted the gleaming Buddha's light, ready to jump out at any time to protect his whole body.

There are also several Buddhist treasures with large-scale attack attributes that are also eager to try.

If Yue Jijun really wants to make a desperate move and completely break up, then Lu Qian will definitely help them and let both sides kill with corpses and blood flowing like rivers.


‘Dong dong’!

The thousand-mile giant bell hanging high above the void suddenly erupted with a loud ringing sound. The countless magnificent patterns on the bell body rippled with colorful starlight. Wisps of starlight shined through the countless patterns, forming a hazy line. silhouette.

"Mr. Shaoyao, Mr. Yueji, the Lord has an order for you to mobilize all the military forces of Daheishan and set off immediately!" The figure shouted sternly: "Hurry up, at full speed, send out the entire army... eh?"

The figure clearly saw the tense confrontation scene, and said in horror: "Two gentlemen, have you received the king's order in advance? Why, have you assembled the army now? This, this..."

The almost solid atmosphere at the scene suddenly dissipated.

Mr. Shaoyao smiled extremely arrogantly: "We have been raising troops for many years, but there will eventually be a place where we can use them... Yueji, how about deploying the troops? We must never dare to miss the serious business of our father!"

The blush on Mr. Yueji's face suddenly dissipated. He exhaled, rubbed the face that Mr. Shaoyao had just slapped, and nodded with a smile: "Finally... my brother is right, my father wants to use troops. We brothers, we should work together and move forward with all our strength!"

The war drums roared and the trumpets soared.

Lu Qian and his party were imprisoned in the bottom cabin of the battleship again. In the entire space, except for the hundreds of battleships left to garrison, all the other warriors who could recruit and fight all boarded the battleships and swarmed out through the secretly arranged star gate passage.

The ‘father’ behind Mr. Shaoyao and Mr. Yueji invested heavily in Daheishan and developed a lot of peripheral forces. They have the manpower of the bandits who go around smashing and looting, the local snakes who sit on the ground and divide the stolen goods, the local tigers who sit in the markets everywhere, and the leaders of the big forces who have established cities and even countries.

Star gates are densely scattered throughout the Great Black Mountain. With the help of these star gates, fleets quickly gathered together and finally arrived at a remote and extremely secluded place in the Great Black Mountain.

Here, the black stones have become extremely sparse, and there are often only one or two sparse black stones floating feebly in the air millions of miles apart.

One, two, three or four natural stars are lazily suspended in the void, shining brightly on their own, or rotating around some huge natural celestial body.

A fleet of fleets was like a killer whale leaping out of the sea, piercing through the dense black rock turbulence of Dahei Mountain from everywhere and converging here almost at the same time. The size of the fleet continued to expand. When Lu Qian and A Hu were pulled out from the bottom of the battleship again, battleships of all sizes were already covered in all directions, and their total number exceeded tens of millions.

Lu Qian only felt his scalp numb.

There are tens of millions of battleships, and each battleship is equipped with more than 300,000 elite soldiers according to the establishment of the Five Military Governments of Heaven... The number of soldiers gathered here is in the trillions!

"My Buddha is merciful." Lu Qian muttered in a low voice: "I heard that the Heavenly Patrolling Forbidden God Guards have a treasured mirror that can illuminate the sky. Such a large-scale fleet mobilization cannot be hidden at all... Ugh!"

While Lu Qian was muttering here, he saw on the bows of the battleships, monks in robes were offering jade plaques about a foot square. This jade tablet emits a faint starlight that envelopes the battleships, and a wisp of strict law aura surges. On the surfaces of these battleships, the emblems of the Five Military Palaces of Heaven emerge!

These were clearly private fleets owned by a certain powerful man, but they were suddenly branded with the badge of the regular army of the Five Military Commands of Heaven.

In this way, under the cover of the aura of this badge, the Sky Supervising Mirror of the Sky Patrolling Forbidden God Guard will not respond at all to a fleet movement of this scale.

Lu Qian's eyes widened.

Oh, no wonder Lord Tianshu is staring at this matter eagerly. No wonder Linghu was so frightened that he even gave up the throne of family head to Yinyuan, allowing Lu Qian to become the guest clan elder of the family...

This powerful man who colluded with the Linghu family, mobilized resources privately, and amassed a private fleet worth tens of millions, is he actually related to a big shot in heaven?

The Fifth Army Mansion!

The big shot in the Fifth Military Mansion issued an official Heavenly Army Seal to this private fleet!

This, this, this... what does this mean?

In the secular mortal world, a general of the Imperial Guard of a certain dynasty privately granted the private army of a certain feudal official of the dynasty a set of privileges that only the Imperial Guard had, and gave them a full set of military deployment documents, imperial edicts, and even seals. Flags, armor, etc., allowing them to use their identities as imperial guards to mobilize troops at will on the territory of the dynasty!

This is simply a rebellion!

Moreover, it is the rebellion that created heaven!

"It's really..." Under the influence of Lu Qian's ears and eyes, the five uncles, who had become more and more clever and intelligent, and whose IQs were no worse than those of other people, even had their little faces drooped, and their eyes widened in shock.

"My dear, do you think their ancestral graves have too good feng shui and you want to dig their ancestors out of their graves and jump around?" , I must express my admiration!"

Ahead, several large ships hundreds of miles long, with particularly bloated bellies that looked like "transport ships" were gathered together. The thick hull opened, revealing the huge space inside. Tens of thousands of monks rose into the sky, surrounded by stars, and pieces of huge stargate components slowly flew out from the cabins of these large ships.

These star gate components are often hundreds of miles long.

Although it is a disassembled component, it still emits majestic spatial fluctuations. This kind of spatial fluctuation, distortion, and folding disrupts the surrounding spatial structure. Therefore, space restriction cannot be implemented inside those battleships, and there are only so many stargate components that can be accommodated inside a battleship.

Huge transport ships kept flying out one after another, and the star gate components were quickly pieced together.

It took several days to put together a giant star gate with a diameter of thousands of miles. Several formation masters gathered in front of this star gate, constantly playing seals and making various adjustments to the star gate.

The star gate with a diameter of thousands of miles emits a dense light, and the surrounding void flashes with the dim light, constantly twisting and squirming, as if a huge heart is constantly beating, causing the void to almost collapse.

After debugging like this for a long time, the array masters simultaneously let out a long whistle.

The piles of imperial money flew out from the transport ships and plunged into the dark sunken void in the middle of the star gate. The emperor's money burned and was annihilated, and the majestic Dao Yun spiritual machine was swallowed up by the star gate.

In the distance, someone should be pulling the coordinates.

Multiple star gates rotated and quickly locked onto the coordinates of a certain celestial realm. Strong light surged and spread in all directions. A huge light gate with a diameter of tens of thousands of miles was forcibly opened up in the void.

Thousands of giant ships crowded into the light gate. Everyone felt a burst of starlight spinning in front of their eyes. Their bodies stretched and folded, and their weight changed. When all the strange phenomena disappeared, a large number of stars appeared in front of them. The stars continue to emit majestic life energy with a hint of coolness to the surroundings.

At first glance, there are about a hundred thousand stars, large and small, in this patch of stars, and most of them have traces of life activity above them.

Near these stars, there are many small stardusts, and there are also a large number of floating land masses, floating cities and other creations.

This is a vibrant and vast life star field.

"Slaughter it!" Mr. Shaoyao looked at the star field in front of him and shouted sternly: "My father ordered to seal off this star field and kill it completely!"

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