Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 5 Chapter 33: To compete against a strong enemy

The secret reports that the five kings received from the second emperor in the early stage are not to say that Tianjue master Sikong Jianchou and Ye Qingxuan have not been seriously injured. The rest are congenital masters, but Meng Yuanzhang, Ma Santong, Antong and others, in their eyes, are all Used to make up the numbers, it is not useful at critical moments.

The secret report even mentioned the upcoming Chu Lingxu.

This person is the contemporary head of the Kunwu faction, observing the main point of the Western Frontier attacking the imperial dynasty's Yunzhou border. Whether it is the Western Frontier State or the Dami Temple, they have great grudges against them, and they will soon be removed.

I heard that Chu Lingxu arrived in Luodu, and naturally no longer waited. I wanted to wipe out all the people.

Although I had promised Ye Qingxuan to surrender martial arts, he let him go alive, but it was actually a trick, because when the five great kings of the Dami Temple attacked Chu Lingxu, Ye Qingxuan said that he would not escape by himself, so he would just escape it. Hit it all. The so-called way of life is nothing more than a way to slow down the soldiers in order to obtain the "six senses can break the Capricorn fundamental wisdom classics."

Sure enough, at this moment, in addition to the Chu Lingxu, who does not know where he is, only Ye Qingxuan and Meng Yuanzhang appeared here. Healing the rest of the masters did not even dare to emerge, for fear of being involved in this Chinese and foreign peerless He lost his life in the deadly battle between masters.

What fear is such morale?

As soon as the four great kings approached the siege, they left the "immovable king" Ajello alone to guard against the possible Chu Lingxu that might appear at any time. For them, this was enough to look at the other side.

What surprised them was that Ye Qingxuan's strength at this time surprised them. It was only at this time that they realized that there had been a major mistake in the previous forecast, and Ye Qingxuan, who was originally regarded as the wounded. Not only did the injury heal, but it also broke through the "return to the realm" and became a hard hand enough for World War I.

Twenty-year-old broke through to the realm, this speed is not only fast, it is simply abnormal. Even the most advanced skills of the magic gate do not have such a speed of promotion ...

Where do they know, Ye Qingxuan's promotion speed is indeed very fast, but after entering the innate, the speed of this promotion has slowed down significantly. For almost a year, Ye Qingxuan has not reached the amount of radon that has entered the realm. This is still under the premise of [Bei Ming Shen Gong], a golden martial arts backing.

The breakthrough this time is really a coincidence and a dangerous one. It is entirely based on the sword mark planted in the body by the "Zhuanghuang Excalibur" and Nalan Chengji's [Snow Field Excalibur] knife gas. The two are absolutely gold. The level of martial arts conflict caused by accident.

Zihuang Divine Sword Imprint, every outbreak is like the body overpowered. Diffusion outward along the meridians, Ye Qingxuan used [Xiao Wuxianggong] to channel Zihuang Electric, and took the opportunity to open up and expand all meridians in the body, smashing all obstructing impurities in the body. Each electro-optical shock is equivalent to A small birth rebirth, and the number of sword marks inspired by Ye Qingxuan was in the hundreds. His body has been purified to an extremely horrifying stage, and as long as his breath is enough, he can immediately log in to the virtual realm. There will not be any obstacles.

And then there are two remnants of the resurrected swordsmanship of the great masters. [Bei Ming Shen Gong] Under the frenzy, I do n’t know how much the most pure radon gas in the world has been transformed. Its quality and content are extremely affordable. However, he encountered Ye Qingxuan, a super-absorbent sponge. He was absorbed and cleaned. Finally, through the last encounter with Nalan Chengji, Ye Qingxuan used external forces. Smoothly broke through the critical point of "return to the virtual realm" and calmly stepped into the ranks of peerless masters in the world.

Just because radon has been consumed. Immediately after the breakthrough, the breath was unstable, so even Nalan Chengji did not find Ye Qingxuan's amazing change for a while, or ... he had seen it, but he did not deliberately say it.

In Nalan Chengji's eyes, martial arts first, and then interest. In other words, the greatest interest in his eyes is chasing the highest martial arts, and the experience of more than 100 years tells him that fighting the best opponent is undoubtedly the core of breaking through the boundaries of martial arts and mankind and breaking the void.

In short, the change of Ye Qingxuan was completely beyond the expectations of the Tantric "Five Great Ming Kings". In front of the "Zhenwu Seven Cuts" under the cloth of "Seven Swords of Lingzhi", Ye Qingxuan multiplied by 64 times in an instant, The eminent Tantra * Wang is surrounded by the team.

But it's just being trapped, not trapped.

The five great kings, each of whom is unfathomable, has never been seen before.

Ye Qingxuan was lucky and sad.

His sword array made all the kings feel the full threat. For a time, the four kings burst out in one of their most powerful combat forces.


In unison, the four great kings coming from all sides involuntarily exhibited their true body of truth.

After dropping his head, the king of the third king of Ming Dynasty shook his head, one on the left and one on the back, and his back swelled up. He actually extended four arms from the back and two under the ribs, plus the original two arms. The whole person became With the weird appearance of three sides and eight arms, each hand held the seal and instrument, and bombarded Ye Qingxuan;

The dwarf Jundali king also changed six arms into an eight-armed appearance, covered in black and black, and each of the six stigmatizing hands made tragedy marks, holding a handful of flames at their fingertips, and suddenly, flames Soaring into six huge black and black fire snakes, biting towards Ye Qingxuan as if spiritually, while the real hands on his chest held a trident, waving like a wind, fueling the fire;

The King Widming, who connected the claws of strange beasts, looked like six sides, six arms, and six legs. His body was black and black, and his appearance was fierce and intimidating. He turned around and drew six feet to surpass everyone. The first Attacked Ye Qingxuan;

At the end is the obese "King Kong Yasha King" Wushu Shamo, with six arms on three sides, five eyes full of anger, stretching out one hand, and countless gasps of Kongo wheels hovering and fluttering, the golden wheel is empty. Then, the flight trajectory was very weird. Forgiving the two kings of King Jiang III and Jundali, in cooperation with the main attack of King Wei Deming, the Golden Wheel attacked Ye Qingxuan from all directions. After flying out of the Diamond Wheel, he only pulled out the back. * On the matter, the strange howl slammed up.

These four Ming kings can be transformed into a physical body of gold by using almost thoronous gas, and the huge destructive power has been increased to several times the original. Ye Qingxuan, who could have occupied a number of swords with one person, was suddenly impacted. It was scattered and shattered, barely recruited in front of him, and kept the defense in front of him.


With a strange cry, Meng Yuan's residual video scattered in the air suddenly returned, and the heavenly stick in his hand swayed the shadow of the sky. "No dog in the world" is the most powerful form of [Dog Stick Method], and the body is entangled. Four blue ice crystal-like dragons, [Five Dragon Shengshenjue] even increased the power of this trick several times. From outside to inside, they attacked the four great kings. The wind roared, and everyone was full of ears. With the sound of heavy sticks and the blasting sound of blasting, he formed an internal and external pinch with Ye Qingxuan.

The last "King Kong Yasha King" Wushu Shamo laughed loudly, his body full of flutter, his hoarse voice shouting: "Ignorant young man, don't you know the end of the praying arm as a car?"

With the swing of the Falun in his hand, the heavy instrument ushered in Meng Yuanzhang at an extremely fast speed, and it struck up and down to keep up with the astonishing speed of "No Dog in the World". The strength of the "Five Great Kings" was truly extraordinary.

However, the appearance of Meng Yuanzhang was not to single out a Tantra King who had the strength of a master of heaven.

His purpose is ...

"Ushu Shamo, watch your feet!"

The immovable "King Fuming King" finally changed his face, exclaiming in shock, reminding the dangerous "King Kong Yasha King" Wushu Shamo who was in danger.


It seems to be very convinced of the judgment of the "Firm King" Ajero. Although no abnormalities were found, Wushu Shamo suddenly rises into the air, as if the ball kicked out by one person, rises directly into the air.

At the same time, the tiles at the foot of Wushu Shamo of "King Kong Yasha Mingwang" were instantly broken, and a ball of light soared into the sky, but Wushu Shamo, which had just soared less than a few feet away, suddenly stagnate in the air, which was fast. For example, the momentum of lightning suddenly disappeared and became extremely slow. The flame-like body guards of black and gold inside the body suffocated, but only rose, and then was pressed tightly on the body, as if falling into In the vast ocean floor, there was endless pressure in all directions.

Not only "King Kong Yasha King", the other three Ming Kings around him, also felt this kind of pressure at the same time, their respective actions suddenly became a lot slower, and they could not but distract themselves and fight, but the attack on Ye Qingxuan was Weakened too much ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ People who shot, do not need to ask, it is known as "the world's first killer" Sikongjian worry. Ye Qingxuan and Meng Yuanzhang talked with the "Five Great Ming Kings" to delay time, and Chu Lingxu had the experience of eliminating [Jinglian Buddha Fire] and completely found the location of the tinder. The elimination was only a blink of an eye. Only time.

At this moment, I saw that Si Kong Jianchao took a shot, and conveniently suppressed the entire four Ming kings with unique techniques. From this, we can know what the "celestial master" looks like at the heyday. Lin Nanxuan of Lingyun Palace would personally invite him to go out to deal with the "big fu Tibetan master" Long Sutton Bead who dare to challenge Li Muchan.

The enemy was caught off guard at the first shot, and the remaining three Ming kings were ready to rescue at the same time, but Ye Qingxuan exerted his full strength and blocked it stiffly.

Until now, the three great kings knew that the weaknesses that Ye Qingxuan had shown before were actually pretended, the purpose was to attract snakes out of holes, and then the ambush masters hit the seven inches of poisonous snakes.

Si Kong Jianyou used his hidden skills to approach an absolutely dangerous distance. The secret technique of "ten steps to kill" was immediately used, and he immediately gained an absolute advantage. (To be continued) R655

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