Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 5 Chapter 47: Even in ambush


With a humming sound, Aiguli was forced to take a half step back by Zhan Yu, and he was unstable when he stepped on his feet.

Zhan Yu made a move to retreat his opponent by half a step. He was taken aback by himself. He couldn't think of a girl who was a lot younger than himself, and his skills were so deep.

What surprises him more is why the enemy knows his whereabouts and ambushes himself in advance.

He knew that this was by no means an accident, because at this time in some places farther away, there were already a lot of masters surrounding this area.


He Zhuo Attili hit another blow and Zhan Yu bounced off. With this move, Zhan Yu shuddered and stepped back.

He Zhuo Attili snorted coldly, saying coldly: "Little sister is a little behind, let the second brother take the lesson to teach this thing that does not know the mercy and cherish the jade, let him taste the power of" Falcon cable "."

Move your right hand to the center of the flying hawk, and shake it a little. The claws at both ends immediately turn into hundreds of points of light and shadow.

That Aiguli hides to one side in dissatisfaction, mutters his mouth and stares fiercely at Zhan Yu.

But without the fetters of Aiguli, that and Zhuo Attili have improved their skills. Originally, Zhan Yu was afraid to underestimate his opponents. After thinking that the opponents were full-force shots, they reached first-class masters in terms of statute, momentum, and fire The most rare thing is that he has a bold and brave, regardless of life and death, the extremely weak rope in his hands even formed the power to sweep thousands of troops.

Sure enough, the famous teacher made a great apprentice. From this, it can be seen that Yelu Yahai can use his own power to become a character who dares to naran Chengji inside Beidi, which is really terrifying. It is "there is nothing wrong with fame."

Yelu Yahai is a great master of martial arts outside the territory, but isn't the "Eagle King" an easy man?

With one side's power, he simply kept the entire Di court that had Nalan Chengji and Yelu Yahai for decades, and also prevented the imperial court with the support of Fengyi Pavilion from making a step. The commanding ability of the world's unparalleled has already established in the hearts of the people the impression of "the country's unparalleled" and "the world's first hero".

Today, the men of Yelu Yahai and the son of the Eagle King are standing face to face, and the fierce and wonderful level of their battles is really unimaginable.

I saw that and Zhuo Attili's face sneered again and again, and the "flying eagle cable" in his hand swung from the starting point of cold light, covering the two square feet in front of him. The sharp burst of air screamed nonstop, attacking the "Little Eagle King" in front of him.

The "Little Eagle King" exhibition feathers are like eagles swooping down, from the mid-air, constantly battering in all directions, using both fists and feet. Everywhere is the figure of the little eagle king, accompanied by the claws of the hawk that comes from the claws breaking through the air, and moves faster than lightning. With the help of physical methods and means, each swoop can be borrowed from the attack of Hezhuo Atelier. With a little bit of strength, so that he vacated higher and slammed harder, each time is more severe than the last time.

Hojo Attili's previous attacks were still manageable. But the more he attacked, the more frightened he was. It wasn't the influence of his father that this "Little Eagle King" Zhan Yu could achieve such a reputation. The toughness under his hands has greatly exceeded his expectations, and even the original rumors have begun to look down on the "Little Eagle King".

He Zhuo Atili knew that the scene went on like this, and the last loser must be himself. If he wants to win, he must do his best early. Otherwise, the more procrastination is the disadvantage.

So he gave a sudden scream, and the eagles at the two ends of the "flying eagle cable" slammed two ray of light. One left and one right, suddenly tangled together. A bang sounded, and Zhan Yu slammed a blow.

He Zhuo Atelier flew back involuntarily, while Zhan Yu flew into the air, flipped two or three laps in the air, but in solitude, the "Eagle Cable" in the hands of Zhuo Atelier suddenly Flying forward, Shuangfei, who had been entangled in one place, spun up quickly and swiftly, dazzlingly bright, and went straight to Zhan Yu's chest and abdomen.

At this moment, Zhan Yu was in the air and had nowhere to focus, and he saw a big loss in the opponent's move ...


Aiguli jumped up in excitement and applauded loudly.

At this moment, Zhan Yu snorted, and the eagle screamed in mid-air, and a dragon yelled suddenly. The powerful blow with Zhuo Atelier suddenly caught at the moment when it was affixed to Zhan Yu's shirt. It was empty, but Zhan Yu, who had originally developed her body like a flying eagle, suddenly turned into a meandering dragon, around the silk of the "flying eagle cable", and immediately reached Hezhuo Atelier's eyes.

Everyone couldn't think that Zhan Yu still had such a changeable method. He hurried to Zhuo Atili kicked his feet, went straight to Zhan Yu's lower abdomen, and groaned, and Zhuo Ateli was flushed with cold and sweating. Zhan Yu's foot was stretched with five fingers, and she grabbed it. The sound of bone fracture sounded in the ear of the person. The sudden pain made He Zhuo Atelier almost call her mother, but she was struggling with her strong personality. Bear it down.

At the same time, Zhan Yu's other hand came across and went straight to his throat ...

Aiguli immediately screamed, "Don't hurt my second teacher!"

At the same time, the people around him flickered. More than a dozen figures held heavy spears and attacked Zhan Yu like a rainstorm ...

This group of people under the leadership of Yelu Yahai have already completed the encirclement, but they only had Hezhu Attili in front. They did not rush, at this time they saw that the situation was critical, so they did not care about the rules of the rivers and lakes and joined the battle together. .

On the contrary, that Aiguli, covering her mouth in surprise at this time, was obviously frightened by what was about to face. Obviously, she is a coquettish girl with a hard-bodied mouth and no experience of real slaughter.

At a life-threatening moment, that and Zhuo Atelier also revealed their fierce side. Facing the claw of Zhan Yu's throat, he did not escape, and gave up the "Eagle Rope" with both hands, and it was fierce. Running down Zhan Yu's eyes, he pulled it over and adopted a method of losing both.

"Huh, Qianqi donkeys are poor!"

Zhan Yu snorted, [Dragon Claw Hands] performed the toughest move. He mentioned the opponent's lower leg with his left hand, and Zhuo Ateli immediately stood unstable, and lost seven points of strength. Then he took a look with his right hand. Without taking the throat, take the hands first, and click twice with a crisp sound. The bones of both hands of Zhuo Atelier suddenly burst, but Zhan Yu was still merciful, but he was temporarily unable to use the other hands to move, and did not move his palm bones. Pulverized into powder, otherwise it would be a crippled end if it was like Wu Guang, the "Broken Sword".

He Zhuo Atili screamed, his hands were weak and then he attacked, and Zhan Yu's hands were connected. When the master of the opponent was in front of him, he had pinched the other's throat, and said angrily, "I don't want him to die. I stand still! "

Around a dozen so-called "Seibei eighteen horseback riders" were at a loss as to what to do, and did not dare to take another half step forward.

Normally innocent Ai Guli only realized that she was afraid at this time, and looked at Hezhuo Atili with tears, and asked in a crying voice: "Second Brother, how are you, do you hurt?" Then glared angrily. Zhan Yu, shouted: "Everyone says you are a hero, so you are a bad person at all!"

Zhan Yu said coldly: "Zhan is good or bad depends on the person. You want me to live. Am I still polite to you? Little girl, rivers and lakes are not games. You ca n’t afford to play, go home ... "

He Zhuo Atti yelled fiercely: "Zhan Yu, a cruel means ..."

Zhan Yu laughed: "Don't be angry with Zhuo Zhuo, your hand bones and leg bones still have a chance to heal. Depending on your master's ability, as long as you lie down for three or five months, you will inevitably recover as before, leaving no future troubles."

"What do you want? Let go of my second teacher!" The little girl yelled angrily.

"It's very simple, how did you find me? Take away what was left of me ..." Zhan Yu confirmed that the other party had found his own means, otherwise he would not be able to ambush himself on the road.

"Little sister, don't say ..." He Zhuo Arti resisted severe pain, sweating all over his face, still clenching his teeth and insisting.

Zhan Yu smiled and said, "It's all this time, what other man do you pretend to be?" After he said it, he squeezed his opponent's deformed hands with his left hand, causing the other party to scream, "Don't say it?"

"I said, I said, don't hurt my second teacher ..." Little girl Aiguli slowly sobbed and said, "In fact, you have been secretly touched by the pollen of the Western Region Snake Flower by my fourth teacher sister, It is colorless and odorless. Only a special bird can discern this smell. You were discovered by the birds raised by my sisters in the fourth division ... "

"So it is!"

Zhan Yu suddenly realized that it was no wonder that he hadn't noticed any anomalies, but was still accurately tracked by people. He was conspired by such things he had never heard of, and at best he was unlucky.

"Okay, since you are so obedient, I promise to let you and Brother Zhuo, but you go back first, in one direction, and give me back twenty feet away ..."

He Zhuo Atili snorted: "Zhan Yu, you're ruthless."

"Now that you know me, don't mess with me next time ..."

A cry from the crowd: "Back!"

The "Seibei Eighteen Horseback Riders" slowly and slowly backed away ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ After everyone exited the distance of more than ten feet, including Nai Guli, Zhan Yu confirmed that even if he escaped at this time, they It was too late, so he patted Zhuo Attili's shoulder, and said, "Brother Zhuo, we have a chance to meet again!"

After finishing speaking, "Shenlong draws water" came out against him, and Zhuo Atelier was steadily pushed out to count the distance, and landed slowly, and Zhan Yu followed this thrust, and flew back gently, with an eagle Xiao, we have to retreat.

But at this moment, in the direction that Zhan Yu flew away, in a well, there was a sudden gush of waves. An abnormal bear, a black leather coat, and a bronze masked killer burst from it. Out, go straight to Zhan Yu in the air.

The opponent's hand shook, and a chain with an iron ball soared into the air, entangled Zhan Yu's right leg directly!

not good! It's a trick!

Zhan Yu's thoughts just started, and the other side yanked down, kicking Zhan Yu down from the air, while the other party jumped up, and a sickle in the other hand swung directly upward. This electro-optical thunder strike Enough to swing Zhan Yu into two sections. To be continued

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