Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 5 Chapter 82: Target Shuzhong

Ye Qingxuan went up to Lai Yinxue's hand, but she didn't expect her to be empty. Mei Yinxue gently took a grape from the side plate and placed it on the attractive sakura lips, and the flesh immediately slipped Into the sand mouth. 】 ⊙ 顶】 ⊙ 点】 ⊙ 小】 ⊙ said, w↗ww.∨ ☆ m

Beauty is a small gesture of raising hands, which is so imaginative.

Ye Qingxuan looked at Mei Yinxue in doubt, but this big beauty was holding her cheeks in one hand, her eyes were full of glittering things, glanced at Meng Yuan, and said softly: "Then the other six beautiful women are who?"

"Oh, good." Meng Yuan suddenly became excited, while Ye Qingxuan made a surrender with both hands, sat down again, and listened to the lover with a gossip story.

"The fifth, sixth, and seventh beauties are all our old acquaintances. They are Jiang Feiran from Lingyun Palace, Lu Suya from Fengyi Pavilion, and Fang Chaoxue from Donghai Tingchao Pavilion. Hey, this group of Donghai Tingchao Pavilion It is really enviable to occupy the two top ten beauty places. However, Fang is a person from Luzhou and Liu Qingyan is a woman from the Jiangnan water village. The styles are very different, they are very different. "

Mei Yinxue nodded and chuckled: "The girl Fang is indeed a bit exotic, her skin is the most fair, and her personality is more cheerful than that of a Chinese woman ... Jiang Feiran, Yan Suya, both of her temperament and beauty are not behind. It's no surprise to be on the list. Who is the eighth? "

Meng Yuanzhang laughed: "After the eighth and ninth places are famous, the former is the gun King Zhao Feipeng's Zhao Jinyan and the latter is the Murong Family's Qianrong Murong Xinxin."

Ye Qingxuan fell in love at this time and asked: "To say that the women in this family have always been known for their beauty and wisdom. Why do they only occupy two seats among the top ten beauties? Just like your Stuart Yilan. Do n’t you also have a rare face with a hundred lives? Why did n’t you make it on the list? "

Meng Yuanxi couldn't help but smiled and said, "Lao Qi. It's not me who said you. This is a selection of the top ten beauties, not the election of the family's gatekeeper, and his identity has a fart. Although Situ Yilan's appearance is good, but compared to the above ten It ’s a gap, and I do n’t speak to her at this point. ”

"Oh! That's a fair ranking ..."

"Of course, this is the result of the 120,000 questionnaires published by the Four Seas Pavilion."

Ye Qingxuan nodded to be taught. No wonder Jiang Feiran and Wu Suya, who came from two detached martial arts, also only got fifth and sixth, not even the top three.

"Then who is the last one?" Mei Yinxue asked softly.

"Ah, this tenth place can be interesting. Originally, according to the results of the vote, this beauty is enough to keep pace with the top four, but she was forced to fall to the tenth place because of her identity."

According to Meng Yuanzhang, Ye Qingxuan and Mei Yinxue both developed a strong interest at the same time. "So powerful? Who is it?"

"Her name is Yu Qiuyu, and she is an apprentice of 'Feng Wu' Yan Fengfei. Of course, it is also said that she is her daughter. In short, this beauty was assigned to someone she never wanted to marry. So she decided to cut her hair as a Nepali. She was determined not to marry her for life. Now she is a monk in Huining County, Chongqing Prefecture, Shuzhou.

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but exclaim: "Wow, a strong woman with a strong personality. It seems that she really can't wait to see the husband Yan Fengfei introduced to her."

Mei Yinxue also booed for this woman.

Meng Yuan said with a smile: "And do you know that the person whom Yan Fengfei has appointed to marry is also an old friend we know ..."

"who is it?"

"Feng Yun League, Young League Leader, Zhao Qingting!"

Ye Qingxuan patted his thigh and couldn't help sighing: "No wonder, let's see, this arranged marriage is so unreliable, what is Zhao Qingting, a jealous eye, a crooked date? Girls, they were forced into a dead end and became a monk ... "

"No, the male compatriots in the world have scolded the boy." Meng Yuanzhang followed and coaxed.

Mei Yinxue said with a smile: "Since you are so distressed with that girl, it is better for Uncle Liu to show his might and save the girl from the sea of ​​suffering ..."

"Ah, ah?" Meng Yuanzhang was startled.

Mei Yinxue chuckled because of her idea.

The three were laughing and joking. A Kunwu-style disciple flew in from outside, but was the third-generation disciple Qiu Yunzhen.

After Ye Qingxuan confirmed that the internal injuries had been cleared, the Kunwu faction's disciples were also allowed to approach their own little uncle. Now all three are in the newly built "Clear Heart" in the Houshan of Kunwu faction. Every day There will be a Kunwu disciple who will be in charge of contact. Almost every disciple in charge of this contact will have the opportunity to get his advice after seeing the uncle. And the uncle is really famous. It is often magical. I was able to find the flaws in my martial arts and give solutions accordingly, so this place of contact has become the most sought-after job in Kunwu school recently.

At this moment Qiu Yun was really in a hurry. He did not deal with several sword marks on his body. A neat set of robes became tattered. Ye Qingxuan smiled immediately after seeing: "What? Your kid was recruited today? Hehe At first glance, you know that the sword mark is the method of "one gasification and three clearness", but your kid must be absent-minded, otherwise how could he be easily hit by this trick? Your "Soul Chaser" Heaven and earth asked me, 'This style, even with the elimination of bands, is enough to dissolve the opponent ’s offensive, and backhand strikes, stabbing its lower ribs ... Even if it is unsuccessful, the use of [Legacy Lost Legs] is enough to avoid the three swords on the chest. "

The Kunwu school can only use the sword to move, and can't use the internal force to test the leanness of the disciples of the school. Therefore, the disciples who start early will not bully the disciples who start late.

As for the depth of skill, there is another assessment method.

In the past, when I met Ye Qingxuan, Qiu Yunzhen who laughed with a smile, he always explained with a smile, but today is different than before, Qiu Yunzhen has a serious face, holding a letter tightly in his hand, and solemnly handed it to Ye Qingxuan, saying: " Uncle Xiao, it ’s a letter from Da Jiangmeng ... It seems that Mr. Jiang, something went wrong ... "


Ye Qingxuan and others were taken aback. They quickly opened the letter and looked carefully. They couldn't help but utter "Oops", so angry that the heart hurt.

There is only one core message. Jiang Tao, the leader of the Great River Alliance, Jiang Tao, was assassinated by a sudden master while inspecting the newly-built fleet. The deputy leader Meng Dahai was seriously injured and unconscious, and he helped kill the three men on the spot. Six people were seriously injured and disabled, and more than twenty others suffered different injuries.

The four people who died on the spot, including the leader Jiang Tao, were congenital masters, and the assassin's shot was a thunderous means. The strangely long sword in the hand took Jiang Tao and three in one move. For the lives of congenital masters, if the deputy leader Meng Dahai is not far away, I am afraid he cannot escape his life.

"How's the old eighth?"

Meng Yuanzhang looked at the letter, and Su Rong replied: "The letter was written by the old man, and now he has returned to Dajiang League, controlled the situation, and is handling his father's funeral. The letter said that his mood was stable and he did not dare not Stability, the analysis of the oldest eighth, the enemy's attack on Dajiang League at this time must be to control the Yangtze River waterway, at least to suppress the youngest one who has just ascended to the throne, leaving him south of the Dajiang and cannot move. "

Eight of their brothers have been instantly topped by the wind and waves because of the ascension of the fourth old emperor Taiming.

The eight boys who were unknown at that time on the rivers and lakes are now being examined and found that their secret strength cannot be underestimated.

In addition to Emperor Taiming, who was lucky enough to gain the throne, the twelve flying eagles of the second child will control the northwest of Liangzhou and hold his throat. The fifth child is born as a flower buddha and has close contacts with the Buddhist monks. The eighth Dajiang League controls the big river transport ...

If not for the support of the older generation above, these eight brothers who are righteous are definitely the most luxurious brother camp now.

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help sighing and said, "People are not as good as the sky. The four brothers came to power three years earlier than expected. If the old emperor does not die, give us another three years. The strength in our hands is at least better than More than five times more now. "

Meng Yuanji nodded in agreement, and then said, "The old man in Xinli also has the same point of view, but he said that the world will never fully prepare you for a perfect battle. Since the enemy has done something, we must continue. Full confidence can be controlled, at most his opponent is the Chihkan Gang under the control of Xianlong Cave. With his strength, he is enough to deal with them. The old man just let us pay more attention to the issue of Shuzhou. According to the secret discussions of the court, Thing, Yan Pianfei has been sent to the court to take the masters of the court to return to the Shushan Sword Alliance and prepare to unite the strength of the Shushan Sword Alliance to help the court seize control of Shuzhou. The gate will be caught in chaos for a while, so we propose to let us bypass the court masters and start an operation against the Tang gate in Shuzhou. If we can fight for the Tang gate to stand on our side, we will open the situation in Shuzhou ~ www. wuxiaspot.com ~ It is very beneficial to force the Shushan Jianmeng to make a resolution as soon as possible. However, the ancestors of Tangmen and Fengyi Pavilion have the old, and they are active participants. Among the political chaos to the Fengyi Pavilion, in Los capital we also saw Tangmen people, so Skiles also said, Tang Men is not so easy to persuade them to turn back. "

Ye Qingxuan nodded, "It seems we have something to do ..."

Middle Tang gate! ?

Ye Qingxuan suddenly remembered the young man who saved his life. "That kid is Tang Yan, the" six reincarnation "? Maybe he can be used as a breakthrough."

"When are we leaving?"

"The sooner the better!"

"That's good!" Ye Qingxuan stroked his jacket and stood up.

Meng Yuan said strangely: "What do you mean? You won't leave now?"

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "Why not? Do you still have the gossip of gossip of the" Top Ten Beauties "?" (To be continued ...)

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