Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 7 Chapter 235: Who knows

Ye Qingxuan moved so fast that the following hundred households and small banners had not ordered the entire offense, and the battle had come to an end.

Except that Man Xizhong, the man of the Manchu family, resisted for a while and was seriously injured by Wu Xiaoshan, it was the daughter-in-law of the Manchu family, who did not spend much effort.

When Man Xizhong, whose hair and beard had been grayed and bloodied, was pressed over, the man was just like his son, staring at Ye Qingxuan angrily and barking, "Boy, kid you are done, you dare to offend my family. , Master Wanji, Zhuo Ge will not let you go! "


The two big slaps that started on the left and right, fanned the teeth directly.

Wu Xiaoshan pointed at himself with a smile and said, "Manchu herd, remember your grandfather?"

"Ah? You, you you ..."

With a look of fear, Man Xizhong apparently recognized the other party, but couldn't remember his name for a moment.

Ye Qingxuan waved his hand impatiently, and said, "It's all old acquaintances. You two will be affectionate behind you. The rest will wait for me to search carefully, especially the main building, and give me a bottom!"

Wu Xiaoshan laughed, pulled Man Xizhong together, and said, "Come on, old dog!"

Holding each other, Wu Xiaoshan led him to the backyard.

Ye Qingxuan waved his hand and said, "You also retreat, I have something to talk to Manchu."

The crowd broke out, all retreated, and closed the door, leaving Ye Qingxuan and Man Wenting in the study.

Of course, there is also a madman like that monster.

Ye Qingxuanxin flipped through several letters that were still on the case. The words inside were extremely charming. They were all letters from local officials who drove Man Wenting. With these things in hand, there was absolutely no problem in handling him.

Regarding these, Man Wenting didn't care about it. There was Feng Yige and Wan Ming Duming. Even if he lost his job, it was not a big deal. The key is what the "handsome Tianfan" is in front of.

Ye Qingxuan didn't look up, but just opened an account book and asked easily: "Master, what do you think I need to do for you?"

Man Wenting snorted and said, "Shuai Tianfan, you framed my official ... Ah !?"

With a crackling sound, Man Wenting's face was bitter, and he spit out two teeth, angrily: "What do you want to ask, just ask!"

"Well, that's ridiculous!"

Ye Qingxuan rolled up the account book, nodded Man Wenting's shoulder, and said, "I like the crisp and clear momentum of the adult. Say, where is Zhong Li Shangxian?"


This time, Man Wenting's face finally changed.

"You ... you are for that disobedience ..."


There was another mouth, and the cheeks on the other side of Manwenting swelled.

"Answered wrong." Ye Qingxuanxi laughed. "Don't delay time, don't think I don't know you have sent someone to ask for help ... Say, who is the informed person in your file?"

After all, Man Wenting is a candidate for Wu Xiang, who knows how to torture a confession. Feng Yige has secretly interrogated several times in order to squeeze out the final value of Zhong Li Shang Xian, each time Man Wenting is present.

Although Huangfu Taixin did not know where Zhongli Shangxian was detained, the interrogation file can still be seen. In the records of the files provided by the father-in-law to Ye Qingxuan, Ye Qingxuan's attention was particularly arrested. Before Zhong Li Shangxian, the "informed person" who provided Zhong Li Shangxian's accurate location information.

Obviously, this is a betrayal operation. If this person is not caught, I am afraid that more people will be in danger.

Manting screamed, "Who the **** are you?"

Ye Qingxuan smiled with a smile, and then asked, "That's right, I ask, you answer, my lord is not good ..."

Man Wenting showed a horrified face, and finally understood what the other party was so daring for. He also believed that he would really be killed by the other party, and it was by no means a bluff, because the other party would never leave himself alive.

Ye Qingxuan saw something from the desperate eyes of the other person, grinned, pointed at the madman behind him, and said lightly: "Since the adult is unwilling to answer, I will ask another person. You know, sometimes It's hard to die easily! "

The lunatic twitched his neck and walked towards Manwenting step by step.

But twenty minutes later, Ye Qingxuan walked out of the study with a handful of **** madmen.

If it were not for the crisis, Ye Qingxuan would never have used such a brutal method.

Hundreds of households, including Hua Zixing, waited in horror. The chilling screams just heard from them made their legs tremble, and they were terrified.

Seeing Ye Qingxuan's appearance, Hua Zixing stepped forward to report: "My lord, I found a secret house with countless patterns of silver and gold bars, letters from officials in various places, and ... uh ..."


Hua Zixing lowered his voice and said: "And many very private letters including Beidi and Weizhou, many of them can prove that Man Wenting accepted bribes and sold the court's intelligence."

"Okay. Those things are more important. Remember to give them to me!"

"Comply with the purpose." At this time, Hua Zixing had not only feared this handsome man, but had a little more respect.

In any case, such a large court official said it would be up to him to do it, and it took a lot of courage, and it turns out that Man Wenting did indeed sell to the enemy.

Looking at the night sky and the bright moon, Ye Qingxuan sighed, and said secretly in his heart: finally, there was some explanation. Then his voice was cold, and he yelled, "Man Wenting committed suicide by fear of sin. He had already explained all the guilt before his death. Manchu, wait for the will of the court."

Hua Zixing thought about it and came forward and said, "Sir, Man Wenting's father, Man Xizhong ... is dead! His wife is missing ..."

As soon as the voice fell, a panic shout came from outside, and the sound of Ping-Pong Pong approached quickly, and the door of the inner hall was kicked and kicked, UU reading www.uukanshu. A silhouette of com whistled and fell in front of Ye Qingxuan.

A heroic female swordsman with a sharp sword, frowning and staring at Ye Qingxuan, yelled, "Why a good thief is attacking the imperial court officer by night, where is Man Wenting, and he will not hand it over to me!"

The comer flew up and down and regarded Ye Qingxuan as nothing, which is exactly what Feng Yige has always done.

Ye Qingxuan also knew the person in front of him, and couldn't help but smile. He said: "It was Feng Huige's Qi Huiying, who won the heroine, but to make the court to worship Manwen Pavilion?"

"Stop talking nonsense, what about people?"

Facing the other side, Ye Qingxuan refused to let it go, spreading his hands, and said lightly, "Sorry, Maid, you're late. Man Wenting has already explained all the collusion with the foreign ancestors, and is ashamed of His Majesty. Father Man Xizhong feared and committed suicide! "

"Ah You……"

Tong Huiying stared at each other, "Dare you kill him?"

Ye Qingxuan frowned, and said, "It's a crime of committing suicide. What's the matter? I will make my own judgment tomorrow."

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