Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 7 Chapter 276: Case analysis

() One "What's your fuss about here at the moment?"

With a rebuke, Huang Minglang and You Daming went up to the third floor.

The opposing sides immediately retreated.

You Daming laughed, arched his hands, and rushed to the humanity: "Several eager hearts to understand the case can be understood, but I must not wait for conflicts at this time, otherwise it really hurts the relatives and the enemies."

This step is timely. Although Liu Qingyan and others were unhappy, but for the sake of overall consideration, they went directly downstairs.

Huang Minglang froze with a cold face, and glanced at the rest of the people upstairs at this time. Basically, they were all the people of Shencefu and Xing Tingwei.

After saying a cold hum, he went downstairs with You Daming.

Before leaving, however, he glanced at Zong Xuan very deeply. Ye Qingxuan's six senses were very comparable, and he immediately saw a killer in his eyes.

Oh? correct.

Ye Qingxuan remembered that Zong Xuan turned to the Southern Dynasties, in order to win everyone's forgiveness and trust, he opened the conspiracy of Tianji Pavilion, that is, Huang Minglang's true identity as a disciple of Tianji Pavilion, and he nearly killed Huang Minglang.

However, Huang Minglang was not vegetarian. He not only escaped in advance, but also used traps to arrange for the top masters such as Yuan Laizhou to kill Xue Gongwang and An Zhongxin, causing a huge loss in the Southern Dynasty.

Speaking of them, although these two men are brothers of the same class, they are also enemies of life and death.

Ye Qingxuan looked at Zong Xuan with an indifferent expression, reached out and pressed on the victim, and finally sighed, saying: "The deceased should have been killed at three o'clock in the middle of the night. It is half a day away."

Ye Qingxuan checked the records made by Zhuo, and it really looks similar. I never thought Zong Xuan had the ability of criminal investigation.

"Yes. According to the transcript, the victim went to bed at 12 o'clock last night and was found dead at 6 am. Six hours passed. Including the victim, there were five disciples of Fengyi Pavilion in this small building. No one noticed the anomaly late, and didn't hear any sound, which is enough to show that the flower picker is an absolute master ... "

"It's a master." Zong Xuan lifted the deceased's shirt, glanced at his chest, and sighed: "But the murderer is obviously a pervert, the wounded body of the deceased is obviously a lot of abuse ..."

On the side, Hua Zixing asked strangely, "Since the murderer is so perverted, why can't anyone hear any sound in the whole building?"

"Because this is not the scene of the first case." Zong Xuan Dingding said.

"Oh?" Ye Qingxuan was curious and asked, "Brother Zong talked about it and found something."

"Not discovery, but analysis!" Zong Xuan pointed to the wounds on the deceased, Shen said, "From the point of view of the wounds, the murderer is a veteran abuser, and the greatest pleasure of this kind of person is to enjoy the pain of the victim ... How can such a pervert be satisfied if no sound can be heard? Therefore, the murderer must have hijacked the victim here, transferred it to the other, and carried the body back when the victim died ... "

"This should be the case." Ye Qingxuan asserted, while probed out the window, pointed to a large tree not far from the window, and slowly said: "Although the murderer is very martial arts, but returned with a corpse, he will still Impact on light work, you see, there are killer footprints on a branch of that big tree ... "

The crowd was taken aback, all blocked up in the window, and looked out.

"How can it be?"

"No, why can't I see it?"

"Is that the tree? It's five feet away ..."


The distance from a large tree to the window was five feet. Beyond the distance of five feet, you can clearly see the lighter mark on a branch, which is not what ordinary eyesight can achieve.

"Good eyesight." Zong Xuan smiled.

Everyone couldn't help arguing, and the look towards Ye Qingxuan was full of surprise and admiration.

Ye Qingxuan smiled without saying a word, her gaze was just staring out the window, a leisurely and elegant view of the beautiful scenery.

Zong Xuan groaned for a moment, then suddenly said again: "The victim went to bed at 12 o'clock and was killed at 3 o'clock in the middle of the night ... There were only three hours in the middle. To kill these wounds, the murderer at least tortured the victim for more than two hours. The victim will be transported back and forth in less than an hour ... so, the scene of the murderer is nearby. "

Ye Qingxuan still leaned against the window at this time, looking around, and suddenly smiled, reached out and pointed out, "The murderer's crime scene is in this building."

The crowd followed, Qi Qi burst into cold sweat, startled by Ye Qingxuan's judgment.

Because the scope that Ye Qingxuan refers to is precisely the building group dedicated to the heads of the ten major schools.

"Did you judge?"

"It's not easy to say." Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "but maybe a little clue."

Wherever my eyes are, a small building far away is lined with a banner representing Fengyun League.

Zhao Qingting was respectful at this time, and from a carriage in front of the building, he was greeted by a short Weizhou warrior, followed by four guards, who was undoubtedly Yuanlaizhou.

With a distance of almost 300 meters, Yuan Laizhou felt the Qi and let his head turn.

Ye Qingxuan was shocked, his body shrunk, and retreated to the inside of the window that the other party could not see.

Huh? wrong.

There is something wrong with the direction the other person is looking at.

Ye Qingxuan frowned slightly, looking out along the other side of the window slit.

On the far roof on that side, a lilac figure happened to be hidden, and the speed of movement couldn't be distinguished at all.

But Ye Qingxuan's strength of six consciousness is unmatched in the world. It was just a moment when Ye Qingxuan knew the identity of the other party.

Willow light smoke.

Donghai Tingchao Pavilion.

On the way back, Ye Qingxuan meditated all the way.

From all the information he has, Yuanlaizhou is likely to commit crimes in the park of the Twelve Patriarchs, and Fengyun League, a secret ally, provided a crime venue for him, so Yuanlaizhou was able to do so in three hours. Inside, satisfy your evil desires.

But from the beginning to the end, one thing Ye Qingxuan wondered was why Yuan Laizhou started to attack the people of Fengyi Pavilion?

"Oh, it's a pity, then Yuan Zhen is the goddess in my mind. I can't think of it like this." Le Lang's voice came from behind, and a few of his staff clearly remembered today's case.

So beautiful a man was killed, just thinking about it made these lonely widows outraged ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Jin Huanzhao also sighed and said, "Not only a pity, but a pitiful person. If Yuan Yuan was here less than two days ago, it was Feng Yi The cabinet was temporarily sent to maintain the venue. "

"It's true, who do you listen to?"

"It's the little girl from Fengyige who poured tea for us!"

"Fuck, are you taking advantage of it?"


"Hahaha ..."


Ye Qingxuan's body shook, and he turned back sharply and yelled, "Jinhuan Zhao, are you sure?"

Jin Huanzhao was frightened, and thought she would be reprimanded. She did not expect to be asked about the case, and nodded with affirmation.

"Then ... who has been living in that room before ... who is it?"

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