Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 16: meet by chance

Farewell everyone, no fetters, Ye Qingxuan relaxed.

The entire rivers and lakes of the Buddha have gone with it, and Ye Qingxuan, who is alone, is as relaxed as a vacation.

However, after everyone left, Ye Qingxuan discovered an awkward thing--

No silver on his body.

There is a sub-helm of the Jiangmeng League in Jingnan House. Of course, it doesn't matter that you can borrow some silver at your door, but now you are a master in the world.

Nothing more.

How can a man be strangled by urine?

Would you be starved alive if you have your own hands and feet?

After Ye Qingxuan figured it out, Haha smiled, hitting the blue shirt, carrying the coffin-board-free sword, wandering all the way out of Jingnan Mansion.

At this time it was the beautiful scenery of Jiangnan.

The green hills are blue, the ponds are blue.

On the official road between the forests to the north, and the mountains and forests on the left and right, there is no exhilarating beauty.

At this time in the early morning, the mountains and forests were facing a thin mist, and countless birds screamed at the rising sun, turning around a screen of green grass, and the sound of the rumbling sound of the waterfall in front and the refreshing water vapor had rushed forward.

Ye Qingxuan was so pleased that he performed light work at his feet and ran forward.

Not far away, a waterfall falls from the sky like a dragon and drops into a large water pond with strange rocks, which stirs up the shisha in clouds and mists.

The hookah and the fog are fused together, and the surrounding area is blurred. The forest trees are only visible, but they can't stop the dragon-like waterfall from the sky.

Really good water!

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but sigh, and at the same time he heard the children's playful sound from the edge of the pool.

Here is the official road leading to the northern Gangneung Province. It is not surprising that there are tourists with children resting here.

Turning around a big stone, Ye Qingxuan suddenly opened his eyes.

I saw a shoal of lakes in front of them, and white pebbles from the official road, all the way to the side of the lake. Five carriages stopped in front of and behind the lake. It seemed that one of the carriages was damaged and several servants were repairing it.

Horses have been untied, some tied to trees, and others washed in ponds.

Several women sat outside in a carriage and talked about the world, while three or five children chased and played on the grass by the lake, five guarded by knives, and separated from each other by vigilance.

When he saw the four guards, Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but stunned, because the bull suit and flying fish suit worn by the five men, the embroidered spring knife on the waist, and the lines on the chest all showed that the other party was the latest founder of the Jiangnan court Jinyi guardian horse.

When Ye Qingxuan was in the court of the Jiangbei Dynasty, he was passionate and ingenious, and founded Jin Yiwei. When he returned to the court of the Jiangnan Dynasty, he told Jiang Shuihan of his setting philosophy. I did not expect to be greatly used by this boy. Organizations to replace the almost vacant Xing Tingwei, internal aide, and magic policy.

In front of the five Jin Yiwei, there are four small flags and a general flag.

When Ye Qingxuan suddenly appeared, the five guards sensed it at the same time, and pulled out their waist knives, staring angrily at Ye Qingxuan.

"Stop, what?" The general flag, wearing a flying fish suit, yelled immediately.

In addition to warning Ye Qingxuan, he also reminded others to pay attention.

For a moment, the women looked anxious, and hurriedly greeted a few children to return to them. The other four Jinyiwei flags also pressed slowly over their waist knives.

"Don't get me wrong!" Ye Qingxuan grinned and raised his hand and said, "I'm just a passing person. I want to wash and drink some water after this, it won't disturb me for a long time ..."

"No, walk away!" The head Jin Yiwei flag frowned. "Here is temporarily requisitioned here, I want to drink water, and I will come again later!"

"He Zongqi ..."

At this time, a clear and clear voice came from a carriage.

Then the curtain was lifted, and an old man dressed up and down, a majestic and noble man, appeared fiercely, looked at Ye Qingxuan with a smile, and then said to the general Jin Yiwei banner: "General Director He, this official way The road to the people, this pond is not a place for the old family. Since this little brother is equal to me, it is not convenient for people. "

He Zongqi was very polite to the old man and heard the words quickly: "Since Sun Lao ordered, it can be done naturally."

After speaking, he looked at Ye Qingxuan with a smile, and the warning in his eyes was obvious.

Ye Qingxuan smiled, and stepped forward without fear, saluting, "Thank you, Mr. Lao."

The old man surnamed Sun with a long beard, smiled, "Little brother is polite. The world is the world's world. He Zongqi and others are responsible for it, and I don't want to blame him."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter."

With a smile, Ye Qingxuan went straight to the pool.

Several women dragged the children to hide on a carriage, and between the openings of the curtains, a few small eyes murmured on Ye Qingxuan's body.

Ye Qingxuan knew that they were the curious children and didn't care. He was washing in the pond with joy. At this moment, he was hungry in the belly. When he saw a big fish floating in the depth of the pond, he quickly folded a long tree from the nearby tree The long branch was just a thorn, and the straight branch shook through a big fish, and brought it directly to the shore.


Behind the children in the carriage exclaimed ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ At the same time, they also attracted the close attention of the group of Jin Yiwei, pressing the right hand of the knife, almost pulled out the knife.

Flying flowers and picking leaves can hurt people.

The young man in front of him is definitely a rare master.

Ye Qingxuan was naturally too lazy to ignore other people's eyes, so spearheaded a few big fish, scraped off the scales' internal organs, and used a large leaf to hold it. After picking up the dried wood, he just swiped with his fingers, and the dried wood burned. Slowly grill the big fish over the firewood.

After a while, the aroma of grilled fish overflowed ...

"A nice grilled fish ..."

The footsteps floating behind him, Shi Shiran, the old man in the car, walked over and waved back the general manager He who came to warn, smiling at Ye Qingxuan: "Brother is really good craftsmanship. Is it too much for one person to eat fish?" After boring, there are good stewed beef from Shixiangzhai in Jingnan House and rice wine aged for 50 years. I wonder if you would like to have fun? "

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "But the old man can do business, but my grilled fish is a must. Nothing to say, the two big fish are yours ..."


Ye Qingxuan's single palm was raised, a flame came out from the palm, and it was chopped into the belly of the fish. The sound of Zi Zi La La suddenly burst, and the fragrance of the fish fluttered. From the inside to the outside, the whole fish was grilled with scorching.

The old man was obviously a connoisseur of food. When he saw his eyes brightened, he exclaimed: "Miao, Miao, Miao! The younger brother is really clever, and the fire is roasted at the same time inside and outside. Linen is definitely a grilled fish. In particular, my brother's martial arts are somewhat like the [Flame Palm] of Kunwu College, and my husband Jing Nan and Sun Kejian, I don't know how to call him? "

Ye Qingxuan smiled lightly and said, "The rivers and lakes are far away, Pingshui meets, whatever his name ..."

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