Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 100: Demon Ownership

"'Tianyu Demon Corps' turned out to be a foreigner!"

"Is this the only one from Tianwai? Does it have friends or relatives?"

"Are all five great treasures of Shenwu from heaven?"

"Is that a foreign guest male or female? Didn't see it ?!"


Lu Yunxuan's problem was that the machine guns of the Buddha were general, and he kept shooting all the way. The heads of Ye Qingxuan and Sun Kun got bigger and bigger, and finally, under the intimidation of Ye Qingxuan and the temptation of Sun Kun, Lu Yunxuan closed her mouth only stunned.

But from her scowling eyes, everyone still saw a trace of restlessness.

"I warn you that this matter is of great significance. If you talk in an awkward way and leak the wind, the entire division will be affected by you, okay?" Ye Qingxuan looked serious, and finally warned Lu Yunxuan solemnly.

Lu Yunxuan kept her lips tight and nodded, but finally she couldn't bear it and emphasized: "I have a thigh ..."

"Do you think it's a roast leg of lamb? Even if you get it, you can't enjoy it. The magic gate method turns you into a monster every minute!"

hiss! ?

Lu Yunxuan suddenly changed color, and then looked at the iron box full of fear.

For any woman, becoming ugly is definitely the scariest thing in the world.

When Ye Qingxuan and others returned to the post hall, Feng Qingyan was about to scold Lu Yunxuan, and was stopped by Ye Qingxuan. At the same time, six brothers He Qingzhu, Miaoxiu Monk, and Hou Ting were gathered in a secret room. Inside, took out the lower body of "Tianyu Demon Corpse".

After all of them had the "Cream Demon Corps", they were all silent.

"How could this half of the" Tianyu Demon Corps "be in Xing Wuwei's hands?" Feng Qingyan was surprised.

He Qingzhu said indifferently: "This can only show one thing-there is a big man behind the magic gate behind Xing Wuwei, and a big conspiracy is still brewing."

"Luo defeated the enemy, Zhuo Huifan couldn't convince everyone. The nine masters of the magic gate had their own ghosts ... the only big man who could command the magic gate was--"

Vimon goes against the sky!

Everyone sighed, but no one was willing to say the name.

Ye Qingxuan took a deep breath and slowly said, "It's just a coincidence that we got this half of the" Tianyu Demon Corpse. "This matter can never be uttered. Now the only priority is to consider how to dispose of this half of the magic The corpse, on the other hand, is the holy land of the magic gate, whether to go or not. "

As long as they have half of the "Tianjin Demon Corps", they can control the movement of the demon gate, so that the demon gate cannot get the complete "Tianjin Demon Corpse", and it is impossible to cultivate Luo to defeat the enemy and to conquer the sky. Waiting for the demon in the world.

Even if there is "Book of Heavenly Magic Vientiane".

After a moment of groaning, Feng Qingyan opened his mouth and said, "The Momen Holy Land must go."

Everyone looked at Feng Qingyan together.

Feng Qingyan Shen Chan said: "I am worried that the move of the magic gate is not only to integrate its own strength, but also to stir up the disputes between the rivers and lakes. Half of the corpses can also stir up the storms of the rivers and lakes. After the first battle of Yuhuangding The strength of Wulin Zhengdao can no longer afford a major blow. "

"Amitabha, the enshrined friend is right." Miao Xiu monk faced with compassion and said lightly: "The first battle of the Jade Emperor was just the four deities of the Great Zen Temple, the 18th Arhat, the 300 Arhats ... The loss was more than half. It was the worst loss in my 200 years at the Great Zen Temple. Therefore, the poor monk also agreed with the demise of the Taoist friends, and the trip to the Holy Land is still going. "

It ’s more than the Great Zen Temple. For so many years, under the provocation of Zhuo Huifan, the strength of the Baekdo has been greatly damaged. The top ten martial arts have been delisted directly from Tsing Yi House and Fengyun League. Among the main schools, Da Chan Temple, Sushang Palace, Taibai Jianzong, Longhu Daomen, and Shushan Sword Alliance, all have great strength, and they can not easily participate in the battle between the rivers and lakes.

Among the top ten martial arts, only Rulin Academy remains neutral and maintains its relative strength. Under the leadership of Li Daotian, You Long Gang rises and has the strength of "the first martial arts martial arts".

The opportunity for its rise must be the complete suppression of the Rulin Academy.

From this point of view, it is imperative for everyone to go north.

Looking at the "Tianyu Demon Corps" in front of him, Sun Kun held his chin and learned the tone of Yun Xuan's landing, and asked stupidly: "A good baby, why do you say that Vimon is against the sky?" "

The crowd couldn't help it.

This problem is indeed not something they can understand.

Miao Xiu monk gently put down the rosary, and said lightly, "The abbot without thoughts had guessed ..."

As soon as they heard the judgment of the non-reading Zen master, everyone immediately listened.

After all, in the hands of today's martial arts masters, except for Ning Zhongliu, who has dealt with Vimo against the sky, there is only a master who has not studied Zen. Evaluation by him is still very relevant.

"According to the abbot, this person has always been suspicious, and the separation of the corpse is likely to control and seduce his baby apprentice Luo to break the enemy. But in fact, this strategy has completely failed. Luo broke the enemy With half a demon corpse, he successfully practiced [Reversing the Yin-Yang Batian Demon Gong], and after completing the complete control of the magic gate, he began to break away from the control of Vimon Anti-Sky. Therefore, the first battle of Jade Emperor was actually Vimo Tian used the power of the badao to eradicate the rebellious Luo Men's defeat of the enemy and the conspiracy to consume the badao martial arts. "

Everyone could not help but sink.

Although Ye Qingxuan and others had similar speculations, the Jade Emperor's top battle seemed to be the ultimate victory, but in fact it consumed all the power of the white path and the power of the demons, the traitor Luo, the real demons. Strength has not been directly lost.

Ye Qingxuan interjected: "In this case, the situation at hand may be the follow-up plan of the evil devil against the sky, in order to eliminate all the magic gate rebellion and further consume the power of the white path? This lower half has a demon corpse ~ www. wuxiaspot.com ~ It is most likely that it is the backhand of the evil spirit. If the corpses of the sacred gate of the magic gate are not able to do so, he can sacrifice the next half of corpses to further disturb the rivers and lakes ... "

"That's right." Miaoxiu monk nodded in agreement.

Sun Kun clapped his hands and said, "Since you want to hide these half corpses tightly, and then fight for the first half corpses ... but how should these half corpses be disposed of now?"

Hou Ting touched his fat face beside him, and justly said, "As a rule, these monsters must have great strength to be able to suppress them. That is, the siege of the magic gate also has the ability to deal with it. Now in Wulin, this kind of The justice group, namely the three schools of Dazen Temple, Kunwu Mountain and Lingyun Palace ... "

He Qingzhu shook his head and said, "Kunwu Mountain is too far away, and the journey is bound to be troublesome. Moreover, we are all equipped with important tasks and cannot turn around. It will take some time to contact Lingyun Palace. Master Miaoxiu, I think it will be handed over to Dazen Temple Come and suppress it. "

Feng Qingyan nodded and said: "I agree with this. When Li Daotian shot, he saw the help of Zen Master, who wondered if he could ask the master to come forward?"

"The poor monk ... I had no choice but to do so." 8)

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