Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 201: Heart moved

Ye Qingxuan opened his eyes slowly, and there were several familiar but unfamiliar faces in his eyes, which made him frown slightly.

"Leaves, are you awake?" Meng Yuanzhang's eyes flushed, and he held Ye Qingxuan's hands tightly, his excitement overflowed with words.

"Well, you are ..." Ye Qingxuan asked in wonder.

Ye Qingxuan's reaction frightened everyone, Sun Kun quickly rushed over, pointed to his nose and asked, "Brother Ye, do you still know me?"

Ye Qingxuan shook her head again and again, and seemed strange to everyone.

"Qing Xuan ..." Mei Yinxue couldn't believe everything in front of her.

"Yinxue? Are you here?" The appearance of Mei Yinxue made Ye Qingxuan's eyes bright, and immediately flew over, holding her tenderness, and softly said, "Where have you been? Stay here and make these fools hard for me? "

what! ?

Everyone was stunned and looked at each other.

Meng Yuanzhang quickly pulled Duan Sanshi and asked, "Three brother, what's the situation?"

Duan Sanshi scratched his head and replied, "I'm afraid it hurts the mind and the brain, and it's normal for me not to remember you for the time being."

"Normal?" Sun Kun anxiously said, "Ye Xiaozi only remembers Mei Mei, but he forgets our brothers. Is this normal?"

Duan Sanshi embarrassed, "There is such selective amnesia ..."

"Seeing color and forgetting friends. Is that what he said?" Meng Yuanzhang couldn't help laughing.

Sun Kun snorted angrily: "I don't care about anything else, I hope he didn't forget his martial arts ..."

Everyone froze and immediately looked at Ye Qingxuan who was tired of Mei Yinxue.

"You know, I haven't seen you these days, I have always missed you, I have dreamed of you ..."

"Without me, haven't you eaten well and everyone has lost weight."

"Slim is a little thinner, but still beautiful and whiter!"

"Stand to my side. The wind is strong on your side. I'll help you with the wind and be warmer."


The crowd was stunned, Mei Yinxue was red-eared, Jiang Fei laughed aside.

This is Ye Qingxuan that no one has ever seen before. How could that little priest who was light and windy before turned into a tired white face?

"It's broken, it's broken!" Meng Yuan said, "The whole person's personality has changed. How could it be possible to remember the martial arts?"

Yan shouted, pulled out his long sword, and said coldly, "I'll try ... if he remembers martial arts, if he is a respected chivalrous young man, and finally becomes a fool for everyone, I will He was stabbed to death with a sword, lest he humiliate his famous name. "

After that, the aggressive sword was gone.

The crowd quickly stopped them.

Meng Yuan shouted: "You stand back for me, even if the leaves are stupid, we are willing to feed, you think everyone is the same as you!"

Yan Juxian's face was sullen, and Shen said, "Wu Gong is a waste, so I would rather die."

Sun Kun hugged Yan Jue's thigh and persuaded, "It's better to die than to live, calm, calm."

Yan Juyi snorted coldly, saying: "The righteous people all over the world are looking forward to Ye Qingxuan's power to turn the tide. If he is found to be a fool, he will be hit hard except for the demon guardian road. It is better to say that he died fighting hard!"

Everyone dissuaded again and again.

While talking, Ye Qingxuan on the other side already took Mei Yinxue's hand and ran to the yard. He picked a lot of flowers. He gave Mei Yinxue the same as a treasure. He also inserted a flower in his head. Noisy here, he yelled on his hips and shouted, "Hey, you guys, don't stand there and get in the eyes. Our house doesn't treat guests, let's go."

Several people lamented in unison.

Sun Kun patted his thigh: "It's over, it's over. This kid is so stupid!"

"I killed him!" Yan Juezhen gritted his teeth fiercely. "Ye Qingxuan's life-long reputation, he must not become a fool."

Everyone didn't pay attention, and actually let Yan Jueyu fly out, and a sword rainbow stabbed at Ye Qingxuan.

But at this moment, Ye Qingxuanzhang, still unconscious of Yan Jueyan, looked at Mei Yinxue tenderly.

The sword front approached immediately, and Mei Yinxue finally realized the opponent's decisive sword, and Ye Qingxuan's boldness didn't care, she couldn't help but exclaim:


"Ning Yuhan" came out of the sheath and greeted Yan Jue.

But before Mei Yinxue's sword came out of the sheath, Ye Qingxuan's eyes flashed, his body didn't move, and he grabbed his backhand.


Yan Juehang was suspended in mid-air at the moment, let alone the sword's edge, the whole body could not move at all, as if held by an invisible big hand.

The crowd was suddenly stunned, staring at everything in front of them.

Ye Qingxuan seemed to be unaware, but looked at Mei Yinxue's nervous expression, and said softly, "Doesn't Yinxue like to be disturbed by others? I throw him away!"

As soon as the voice fell, Ye Qingxuan Yang threw a hand, and Yan Jue, who was imprisoned in mid-air, whistled, and was directly thrown into the row of houses in the far end.

"I'm going to--" Meng Yuanzhang looked at Yan Jueyi's helpless figure and couldn't help sighing. "Is this the monkey monkey in the palm of Rugao Buddha? How helpless!"

"Look what's hilarious about you ... not saving anyone yet?" Sun Kun rushed forward with an uncontrollable joy on his face.

After a long while, the crowd dug out Yan Jue from a pile of rubble. Never before has Yan Yane been so embarrassed, not only ashamed, but also aggressive: "What's the situation, what's the situation just now?"

"We still want to ask you !?" Meng Yuan sneered on the spot with a smile.

"Calm, calm." Sun Kun held back a smile and asked, "Think about it, what happened just now?"

"Me? Just now?" Yan Juyi thought for a while, and said, "No reason, no reason ..."

Duan Sanshi asked: "But after being imprisoned, the whole body of radon could not work?"

"Yes, that's it!" Yan must shouted.

"Did you not notice the moves that bothered you, and there was any fluctuation in radon ..."

"Yeah!" Yan Juyi clapped his hands, and said, "Just that leaves, just not martial arts moves at all, but more like ... yes ..."

"A purely mental attack ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Duan Sanshi calmly replied.

Several people looked at each other, unknown.

"What is that?"

"That was a physical attack ..." After the Buddha's horn, the Zongba Living Buddha came slowly, accompanied by the monk who ate the ring.

Everyone met and quickly saluted.

In helping Ye Qingxuan, the little lama won the respect of everyone.

Sun Kun asked, "I thought that the cultivation of the seventh consciousness was just a powerful consciousness, and there would be a means of attack if we didn't think of it."

The Zongba living Buddha replied with a smile: "The six consciousnesses of the Buddha, eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and body are all sensed from the outside and triggered by the external minister. What you see, what you hear, what the nose and tongue smell, what you touch, And the thoughts caused by the external minister, starting from the seventh end of the consciousness, to produce 'self', and to distinguish between the inner self and the outer self, thereby also making the spiritual power independent and dominated by the divine consciousness ... but ordinary people also do not The spiritual power cannot be so strong as to attack others. As for the donor Ye, he is uniquely endowed with the divinity of Buddha's finger relics, which makes the spiritual power one hundred times stronger, which is why he has this magical power. "8)

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