Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 204: Within the golden coffin

"There are so many flowers here, but unfortunately, none of them are as beautiful as Yin Xue.

Ye Qingxuan, wearing a wreath and obsessed face, refused to let go of Mei Yinxue's tenderness, holding a handful of flowers in his other hand and inserting them one by one on Mei Yinxue's head, again extremely Dissatisfied with one after another.

The two have been living like glue for two months, and they are still the same now, without any change.

With the help of Lu Yunxuan, Jiang Feiran followed slowly.

Recently, Jiang Fei has been with Mei Yinxue from time to time. The two women's care for each other also makes them feel much more cheerful.

Among the heroes, some people regret it, and others are envious.

In any case, being able to stay with someone you love is a very happy thing.

Mei Yinxue, who brought Ye Qingxuan, has no different colors. She has long been accustomed to the eyes of others. She is a character who does not put anyone in her eyes. This is even more so at this time. Her world is only Ye Qingxuan.

After Xiaoyao Wang and others explained the matter, Mei Yinxue gently took off the petals on Ye Qingxuan's hair and said softly, "Qing Xuan, your friend wants to ask you a favor, are you willing?"

"My friend?" Ye Qingxuan swept the crowd and shook his head. "I don't know them ... Will I help them if I help them?"

The crowd could not help but sigh.

Mei Yinxue smiled slightly and nodded.

"Yin Xue is happy, then it's easy to say ..." Ye Qingxuan turned his head, pointed at Sun Kun and Meng Yuanzhang, and said, "But after that, I'll watch this big monkey and chimpanzee show after help!"

"I wipe--" Meng Yuanzhang almost fell over and said, "Leaf, your boy is not authentic ..."

Mei Yinxue froze, then covered her mouth and laughed.

"Yin Xue smiled, Yin Xue smiled ..." Ye Qingxuan clapped and laughed.

The Happy King haha ​​happy, waved his hand and said, "That's it!"

Sun Kun was furious and jumped three high: "Master Wang, is this too much?"

"One hundred and twenty thousand silver." Wang Xiaoyao stretched out his hand and gestured.

"Two hundred thousand two." Sun Kun roared.

"One hundred and fifty thousand."

"Closing." Sun Kun finished hooking with Xiaoyao Wang, curled a goatee, and made a face at Ye Qingxuan.

Meng Yuanzhang: "..."

"Amitabha Buddha." Zongba Living Buddha said at this time, solemnly: "You, the spiritual power released by the golden coffin is more powerful. It should be what switches the servants touched, which triggered the self-protection function of the golden coffin. We must turn this feature off immediately, or we won't be able to stay in this palace for too long. "

"This bug is pretty!"

Ye Qingxuan fiddled with Yin Chan and almost pulled out the silver needle.

Zomba rushed over and smirked: "This thing can only be seen, it can't be disturbed, and you can borrow it to play with you ... you go with me to the gold box first, OK?"

Ye Qingxuan looked back at Mei Yinxue, saw her nodded, and nodded impatiently.

Seeing Ye Qingxuan's consent, Zongba Living Buddha showed a smile and folded his palms together, saying, "Then please Ye Shizhu to come with me ..."

The two walked slowly into the hall. The silver cicada in Zongba's living Buddha kept chanting. The crowd was upset for a while. Ye Qingxuan frowned: "What a shit, I'll take it to death."

Zongba hid again, and laughed, "It's just the stuff of raising insects in winter. If you don't like it, I'll put it away."

"Hurry up." Ye Qingxuan poked his mouth and said, "The worms won't play. At this time, the worms must be stunned ..." After finishing speaking, he took a gourd from his arms and opened the gourd mouth. Opening it, there was immediately a cricket worm, which really made a lot of noise.

Zongba was speechless, and quickly collected Yin Chan.

Leading Ye Qingxuan to the distance of three feet in front of the golden coffin, Zongba Living Buddha could not go any further. His ears were buzzing and the nose was bleeding slightly.

Looking at the corpses not far away, I sighed a little. The golden coffin was more like a magic weapon, and it released such a powerful mental power. At first, ordinary people could still come forward, and now even masters like him, Can't approach the range of Sanzhang.

"Well, I said, why is this guy lying down and sleeping? Not afraid to catch cold!"

While hesitating, Zongba Living Buddha was standing beside him. Ye Qingxuan, who was standing next to him, did not know when he had reached the golden coffin. When he saw five corpses falling to the ground, there were only a few feet up, and he lifted the corpse directly. Flew out.

"Little Lama, what are you talking about?" Among the distant crowd, Sun Kun has started yelling.

But the apparently high-pitched voice passed to Zongba's ears, but it was like being at the bottom of the water, and all the voices became hazy.

not good!

Mental power is beginning to affect himself.

The Zongba Living Buddha took a deep breath, wiped off his nosebleed, and proclaimed in his mouth the six-character word "唵 人 呢 叭 ?? 吽". The whole body was suddenly shrouded in a layer of Buddha light, secretly gritted his teeth, and walked two feet forward again.

At this moment, Ye Qingxuan was still in the same shape. He walked up to the golden coffin, looked at the strange golden coffin with a surprised look, and said, "What do you want me to do here? This is a broken box!"

After that, Ye Qingxuan reached out and lifted the lid of the golden coffin!

"and many more……"


The heroes exclaimed, and Mei Yinxue paled even more.

Fortunately, at the last moment, Zongba Living Buddha arrived in time and grabbed Ye Qingxuan's hand, but his body was soft at the same time and fell directly in Ye Qingxuan's arms.

Ye Qingxuan turned his head and looked startled, and saw that Zongba's living Buddha was stained with blood on his face at this time, and his sense of understanding was a little unclear, but he reluctantly said, "Ye donor, this thing is not so fun!"

After speaking, the whole person rolled his eyes, but passed out.

"Wow, you still look like a dead man like me, but I don't like to hold a monk ..." With a wave of his hand, Ye Qingxuan threw the Zongba living Buddha directly out of the lobby, and the king with the ring and the army daring flew away. He picked up Zongba.

"How about the living Buddha?" King Xiaoyao stepped forward urgently.

After a brief inspection, Duan Sanshi breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Anyway, it's just that the consciousness is damaged and it needs to rest for a few days."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, just then, Mei Yinxue exclaimed: "Don't move that ..."

The crowd turned their heads in horror, but saw that Ye Qingxuan had been lifted to the golden coffin, and was about to lift the lid open. Mei Yinxue's exclaiming sound came in time, making Ye Qingxuan's body stiff and fixed on the original The ground does not move.

Everyone looked at each other for unknown reasons.

Sun Kun didn't know where to find a rope, tied a knot, made it like a set of horses, and said, "Don't figure it out, don't take my brother in, first help me get him out!"

Meng Yuanzhang immediately stepped forward to help, and the two of them aimed at Ye Qingxuan's immobile body, and immediately came over.

The ferrule was very accurate and flew directly above Ye Qingxuan's head, but suddenly, a big hand was stretched out and the ferrule was held directly in his hand.

Ye Qingxuan turned his head and smiled evilly, and said, "Lao Meng, how dare you treat me as an animal?"

what! ?

At this moment, the heroes were sluggish.

Ye Qingxuan's smile at this moment is so familiar ...

"You ... are you, kid?" Duan Sanshi jumped up and asked everyone's questions.

Mei Yinxue even had red eyes and covered her mouth, looking at Ye Qingxuan unbelievably.

Ye Qingxuan grinned and nodded at Mei Yinxue, saying, "My dear Yinxue, rest assured, my husband is normal, although I don't know why, but obviously this golden coffin has a little effect on me ... ... "

"Come back soon ..." Meng Yuanzhang greeted.

"Not busy!" Ye Qingxuan waved his hand and said, "When I stop this thing. Now my head is buzzing, and after a while, I can't hold it anymore."

While talking, Ye Qingxuan inspected the golden coffin.

"It's a bit like the 'Thousand Cases' designed by Mr. Zanghua for me. The pattern is the organ ... well, the pattern here is distorted. It should be crooked ... I'll straighten it up."


As soon as the sound fell, the spiritual shock that affected everyone finally dissipated.

Galala ...

The golden coffin was then pushed open a gap.

Ye Qingxuan just breathed a sigh of relief, and wanted to get a glimpse of it. Suddenly the figure flickered, the fragrance was full of fragrance, Mei Yinxue had rushed into his arms and wept.

Everyone entered Mingtang, patted Ye Qingxuan's shoulder, congratulations.

Sun Kun laughed and walked over and said, "It's not easy. Ye Xiaozi is recovering as usual this time. I also let go of my brother and finally don't have to pretend to be an orangutan ..."

"I don't have to pretend to be a monkey!" Meng Yuanxi laughed.

The two looked at Ye Qingxuan with a smile, and Ye Qingxuan also looked at the two intently.

Then Ye Qingxuan took a flower branch from the wreath above his head, folded it, and aimed at the two, "Diu Diu Diu, Diu Diu Diu, Diu Diu Diu ..."

They were dumb for a moment.

Mei Yinxue trembled and looked up at Ye Qingxuan.

Ye Qingxuan shouted excitedly: "Look at Yin Xue, I caught you a chimpanzee and a big monkey."

"What's the situation? What's the situation?" The two monkeys jumped up and down anxiously.

Ye Qingxuan laughed hugging Mei Yinxue.

"This ..." Duan Sanshi looked at Ye Qingxuan and said helplessly: "I'm afraid it was the spiritual attack of the golden coffin that forced Ye Zi to regain his mind. Now that the pressure is no longer there, Ye Zi's consciousness has fallen into deep sleep."

Everyone suddenly looked sad.

Duan Sanshi smiled and said, "But do n’t worry. The phenomenon just showed that the leaves can be restored to normal. Maybe his consciousness is still in the repair stage. We do n’t have to force him to recover and wait for his consciousness to repair. Intact, I will reappear. "

Everyone couldn't help but sigh secretly ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ All looked at Mei Yinxue with a little worry, worried that she couldn't stand the blow that she had recovered.

Unexpectedly, Mei Yinxue not only did not feel sad, but said sincerely: "Everyone don't have to worry about me, Ye Zi can have such a reaction, it is a surprise. I believe that he will come back one day."

"Yeah, you just have to wait patiently for the leaves." Wang Xiaoyao's joyful tone suddenly became cold like ice, "but ... who can explain what is going on?"

The crowd turned their heads and saw the corpse lying in the golden coffin, with their faces clearly visible, along the gap opened by Ye Qingxuan.

Just at a glance, everyone was cold.

what! ? how is this possible?


Jiang Feiran groaned and fainted.

The body inside the golden coffin turned out to be Lin Nanxuan, the contemporary palace master of Lingyun Palace.

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