Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 225: Light and dark

"Magic Zun" Pi Mo Ni Tian smiled faintly, and praised: "Well, the vacuum is good. But compared to Ling Zun, it's still worse."


Hei Yan vacated, and swept away towards Jin Kongyan.

In the blink of an eye, Jin Kongyan's body was completely wrapped in by Hei Yan, and disappeared invisible.

Under the monstrous flames, Jin Kongyan is undoubtedly in deep danger of life and death.


A blue lightning-like trace suddenly appeared in the black flame, like a tear in space, a gap was forcibly opened, a blue light flashed, Jin Kongyan shot suddenly, and flew directly to twenty feet away.

Just between the breaths, Jin Kongyan was scorched black, and the outside of his left arm was contaminated by a group of magic flames. The dark flame kept burning the body and made a snoring sound.

Jin Kongyan's face was stubborn, and his sword swept away. A large piece of flesh broke away from his body, and the void turned to ashes.

Seeing that the blood stains on the wound had turned from black to bright red, he was only a little reassured. With a bit of luck, the muscles tightened, the wound was closed, and the blood flow stopped.

call! call! call!

The three groups of magic flames separated from the body of the deities, divided into three directions, left, middle, and right, and whistled toward Jin Kongyan. The speed was as fast as the shells flew, and they had completely exceeded the limit that the flames could reach.

The "cracked sword" in Jin Kongyan's hands bloomed with blue electric light, and shot into the flames, but the fierce cracking strength of the past was like a sinking sea this time. It failed to stir up a wave of waves and was directly consumed by the flames.


Jin Kongyan took a sip of air-conditioning, and kept his body shape. The "cracked sword" stretched forward, flashing light, the "cracked sword" turned into a lightning bolt, and shot straight out. .

A group of demon flames slammed to the ground with a bang, the demon flame cracked, the huge flame ripples like flying saucers, and the sharp black flame edge, first cut everything in sweep, and then burned and burned it.

With just one blow, everything was completely reduced to ashes within ten feet of a square, and even dirt and stones were not spared.


Obviously, the opponent did not expect the opponent to be able to evade his own flame attack. It must be noted that the speed of the group of flames has exceeded the speed of emptiness and has become as substantial as possible, but it is clear that this speed is not enough to drive Jin Kongyan into distress. Realm.

With a turn of thought, the two flames still chasing in the air suddenly deformed in the air, changing from a group of flames to a dish-shaped flying blade, the speed suddenly increased by a hundred times, and the speed of sound was instantly exceeded.

Blue light and black light, chasing refraction in the square one after the other.

咻, 咻咻, 嚓, 嚓嚓!

The extremely fast speed, even in the eyes of the master of virtual reality, has long been turned into the light of the Tao, and the entire world has become strange.

The speed of the blue light and the two black lines behind it has reached ten times the speed of sound, which has already exceeded the limit that humans can bear, but the magic flame has still failed to catch up with Jin Kongyan. Recently, the two sides were only one line apart.

But after all, blue light is the speed of the human body, and the magic flame relies on the god's thoughts.

There is a limit to physical strength, and the devotion of the deities is endless.

Suddenly, the black line finally caught up. Seeing that the blue light would be shot down, the blue light would suddenly rise, a sudden refraction, the black line could not turn, and shot on the huge Manjushri Buddha statue in the center of the square.


Two clusters of disc-shaped black ripples swelled out. The whole Buddha statue carved with bluestone and wrapped with copper skin and gold body was cut into three sections directly by the black ripples, rumbling, collapsed to the ground, and then turned into black flames. For ashes.

The breeze swayed, and the buddha statue that still maintained a collapsed shape, like burnt coal, collapsed into ash, swayed a black smoke and dust, and then turned into a black stream in the black rain, disappearing invisible.

Jin Kongyan Yaoyao appeared, and the "Cracked Sword" clenched in his hand still bloomed blue light, but his right hand holding the sword was shaking constantly, his clothing was black, revealing the body that was reddened by electric light.

Hum hum

The dull cold laugh sounded from the mouth of "Magic Zun", like a demon in the last days, staring at Jin Kongyan's eyes under the bronze mask, spitting a smile, and the low voice of the abyss sounded again: "This trick is practiced That ’s right. If it ’s a little slower, the kid must be ashes under my magic flame. ”

Jin Kongyan looked as usual, and said calmly: "Thank you for your compliments. The seniors did not move at all, they have injured the younger and saw the blood. It seems that in order to win the respect of the seniors, the younger ones have to show a little skill."

"Oh?" Bi Mo Ni Tian showed an interested wink and slowly said: "Somewhat interesting, I give you this opportunity, although letting go to attack, if you can force the old man to shoot, I will reward you with a whole body."

Adjacent to the sky has not moved from beginning to end, but just guide the flames of his body, making Jin Kongyan tired to cope.

Jin Kongyan's eyes brightened, and he sneered, saying, "You are so entrusted with the devil, it is too good to put me in the eyes of a master of heaven."

"Heavenly masters? Hahaha" Vima rebelled against the sky and laughed, disdain: "You so-called masters of heaven, in the eyes of the old man, aren't the cockroaches, but there are really a few masters. They were dogs under the husband's hands, but unfortunately, sometimes they did n’t even qualify as dogs! Your kid is a bit courageous. You might as well show it. Maybe if the husband is happy, he will save you a life and be a husband. dog!"

Jin Kongyan smiled and shook his head: "The older generation really looks at me Jin Kongyan, but it's a pity that the younger generation is used to being a man and is not a pug who can nod his head!"

"Well, do a good job with your stupid father." The flames of Pi Mo Ni Tian rose, and he drank coldly: "Come!"

Jin Kongyan took a deep breath, and slowly stroked his sword with his left hand, Shen said, "Thank you for giving me this opportunity."

With a dull hum, Jin Kongyan's "cracked sword" burst into infinite electric light, and the blue electric light crackled and kept expanding, but just between breaths, the entire "cracked sword" had completely disappeared and turned into a cracked lightning.

And Jin Kongyan's internal suffocation was turned into electric light, and a long howling sounded, Jin Kongyan suddenly rose, his body instantly reached a height of five floors, his body was entangled with electric light, and the lightning in his hands was dozens of feet in length, like the same thunder **** holding lightning.

"Magic statue" flashed a shock in the eyes of Pi Mo Ni Tian, ​​and said sharply, "Boy, you haven't cultivated enough, you have to use the magic of heaven to know the end of forcibly entering the deified realm !?"

Jin Kongyan Jiuxiao said with a strong voice like a thunder cloud: "Beside the magic, don't forget our gamble."

Vijay could not help but feel a stunned moment, snorted coldly, saying: "Good boy, after the old man returned to the rivers and lakes, in addition to the unconscious bald donkey, you are the second person worthy of my shot. You should be proud of this. ! "

Pi Mo admits that he had to take a shot, naturally losing 10%.

But is it just a 10% loss?

"Hahaha" Jin Kongyan laughed at the sky with a long smile: "Mozun shot and rewarded my corpse? Hahaha, I have no corpse this time, see how you will reward me. Vimon against the sky, you can't win in this life!"


The black hair rose up like flames, and the black flames burst into his eyes, revealing his unspeakable rage at this moment. The intense emotional fluctuations finally caused the black flames of the body to fluctuate, and finally revealed the moment from them. entity!

It's done!

Jin Kongyan's eyes flashed and finally shot


In the void, a lightning struck the sky. Jin Kongyan himself was integrated into the lightning in his hands, and dozens of feet of lightning fell from the sky and blasted directly against the devil against the sky.

The flames rose, and the smoke billowed.

The demon incarnate in the darkness of darkness, finally revealed his true body, the fist that stretched out, and waved unremarkably toward the lightning that was falling in the air.

Lightning cracked, as fast as possible; Fist of Darkness, extremely slow.

But the fast lightning was steadily met by the slow fist in the void.

That kind of contradiction in time makes people feel sullen in their chests, so sad that they want to vomit blood.

The black fist constantly changes in a short distance, condensing the worst thoughts in the world.

Suddenly ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Light and darkness hit one place!

And life and death, victory or defeat, also depends on this moment.

Heaven and earth suddenly lost all colors, all sounds, all touch

Like the explosion of the birth of the universe, from that narrow point to the extreme, the first light was born!


Ripples of light and darkness

It is not just the trees, the temples, and the idols that fall on the whole side of the Canglong Mountain. They all collapse at this moment.

The mountain capsized and buried everything.

The famous ancient temple, the Great Zen Temple, left a glazed temple on the top of the mountain and the gate at the foot of the mountain in the smoke.

On the side where the original temple was located, a huge gap suddenly formed, and the cliff was smooth as the environment, and there was a distance of a hundred feet.

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