Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 239: Qingling Lake

A piece of gold was embedded in the wine table, and the dishes on the table did not shake at all. The woman's hand showed superb internal force and superb control, and the two women could not help showing a smug look.

The other guests of the restaurant couldn't help but talk about the second woman's martial arts so arrogantly that she hadn't taken any action to **** the ship. This "Spike Gate" is truly decent and the disciples are also so obedient.

Euphorbia! ?

Ye Qingxuan heard these three words, and could not help but move slightly.

No wonder the emblems on the two women's dresses are so familiar, they turned out to be disciples under the old man's door.

The grandfather of Xun Aotian was hot-tempered, and the disciples he cultivated were arrogant.

Ye Qingxuan's anger suddenly dissipated, but her face remained the same, she said firmly: "Don't sell!"

The faces of the two beauties suddenly changed, and they never thought that their side would not only reveal their superb martial arts, but also be broken into their famous identity, but the other side would still be as usual and refused to give half face.

Is it ...

Isn't the other party's enemies bad when they come?

The two women looked at each other, each pressing their right hands on the short halberd around their waist. Another woman who had never said a word, Shen said, "This brother, what is the way?"

"What matters to you?" Ye Qingxuan asked in wonder.

The woman took a deep breath and tried to suppress her anger, saying: "If it is not too late and the fishermen will not be able to return home, only you in Qingling Town can enter the beautiful water valley, who will be interested in buying your broken ship."

Ye Qingxuan chuckled and was waiting for an answer. There was a burst of laughter from the middle of the restaurant. "Two beautiful women, since people don't know how to be fragrant and precious, why would you like to go to the water with your sister?"

Then, a more evil voice sounded at the same table: "Two beauties, we Buddha can not only accompany you into the water, but also come to you to play a puppet ... ha ha ha ..."

With these several supporters, the martial arts people at the scene laughed in unison.

The second girl's cheeks were instantly flushed, and she couldn't help pushing out the short halberd on her waist, and said, "Who dares chew the tongue and stand up to my aunt!"

A monk in a gray coat stood up, reached out and wiped his big bald head, and laughed, "What about standing out? Wouldn't the little beauty want to play other tricks?"

The words did not fall, and the restaurant again set off a laugh.

Taking advantage of the confrontation between the two sides, Ye Qingxuan raised his eyes and gave a glance, and saw that there were eight monks sitting at the table, each with a rough eyebrow, a dazzling look, and a face full of flesh. The relatives were surrounded by more than 20 evil men in the center. Obviously, these monks were not inferior.

It's just that the appearance of these monks follows evil, but the martial arts are extremely low, and the two most powerful monks are just the cultivation of the Diyuan Realm. There is no threat to Ye Qingxuan.

Seeing that the other person was a disciple of a Buddhist monk, the exit was filthy. The two women were so angry that they stomped their feet, but still respected the courtesy and courtesy. They asked, "Which temple are you monks, why do you profane me? Can't the Euphorbia be? "

The two women made a name for themselves and questioned each other's history.

A wrinkled old monk sat in the middle and smiled when he heard the words: "Who is my daughter who is so arrogant. It turned out to be the disciple of Xing Aotian's old husband. It was so good that it happened to be the Buddha Temple There are a few lady-in-laws in the temple. You are born with such beautiful appearances. You really are a goddess of mercy, and when you see Maitreya, you must be tempted. It ’s wonderful! Excellent!

"What? Are you the demon monk of the Bailian religion?" As soon as this remark was made, the two women changed in color.

"White lotus opens, the world is pure!"

The eight monks sang in unison, and when they stood up, they shook the outer robes, revealing the white tight-fitting monk robes, and the chest was embroidered with a white lotus shrouded in emptiness.

With this loud shout, many people around the martial arts also drew swords and swords, followed by shouting, but the sound was obviously uneven and lacked training.

Among the martial artists, a bearded man came out of the crowd, pointed at the two women with a steel knife in his hand, and yelled, "Listen to the girl of Dajimen, we are heroes of Dajiang Shuizhai. I have recently been instructed by the Buddha You have already surrendered to Bai Lian Buddhism. Since several masters have fancy you, you two will be obedient, and follow the Lord Buddha to return to the temple to enjoy the blessing. If you want to spit out a half word in your mouth, be careful that Grandpa's knife will not recognize anyone! "

It turned out that Xiao Qingxuan, who had just adhered to the Bailian religion, smiled, and Ye Qingxuan scorned. He shook his finger on the table, and the guy who was scoring five and six suddenly fell into his mouth with a whine.

The laughter of Bai Lian taught everyone to stop abruptly, watching the big man turn up and sit up, spit out a few white front teeth.

The big man closed his **** mouth tightly and choked for a long time before spitting out another thing. After staring, he exclaimed: "Fish ... fishbone !?"

The words were full of surprise.

It was the two female disciples of Euphorbia who looked at each other, unknown.

"Good way!" The old monk in the center of the table, Huo Xing, rose fiercely in his eyes, turned around the second daughter, and said coldly, "I can't think of the disciple of Xing Aotian who knows how to hurt the hidden weapon ... Shan Goodness! My Buddha, Maitreya, Purdue sentient beings. Then don't blame Buddha and others for hurting you!


As soon as the words came down, another white lotus demon monk next to the old monk patted the table, his body whistled past in the air, and then he was as light as a feather, and Yingying fell in front of the two women.

The full-faced and strong monk clasped his palms together and said, "Good and kind! Poor monk Hong Xing, originally wanted to stay two as a temple lady, but since you are obsessed with obsession, the poor monk has to **** the two first. Kill without leaving alive. "

The Bailian cult looks like a monk, but it is really annoying to have a mouth closed and raped and killed.

"You are Hongxing !?"

"The eighth place in the Yuanyuan list !?"

When the other party reported his name, the two women were suddenly astonished.

Hong Xixie smiled, "It's the Sajia! I can't think of the two beauties of the poor monk's law, and I heard that both of you are virgins. It happened that Lord Buddha just learned a few ways to please Buddha. Is it okay for Buddha to stand up? "

"Monk seeks death!"

The faces of the two female disciples of Dajimen were condensed, and they all sang in unison: "Moxinamen disciples, Miao Xiuning and Hu Xiumeng, are justified for the victims' sisters today!"

As the voice fell, the two halberds marked out two silver lights, one left and one right, towards Hong Hong.

Before the short halberd arrives, the sharp wind is already overwhelming. If it strikes the body, it is guaranteed to be cut into three sections.

Hong Xing's eyes flashed in shock, his body turned suddenly, and he moved across the place in the same place, and instantly opened the distance between the two sides, but before he stood still, the two groups of silver light on the opposite side broke away from the short halberd, hissed, and opened. Hiroshi's placket reveals sensible chest hair inside.

The second daughter just shot, causing a sensation in the restaurant.

These two women seem to be afraid of their fame, but in fact, they are not weak!

Hong Xing obviously didn't expect the second daughter's martial arts to be so high, but he was in danger, and instead said rhetorically: "Hey, two young ladies, so anxious to take off the Buddha's clothes? Great, Buddha. I'll take it off and show it to you! "

Between a few dodges, Hiroshi laughed, shaken his hands and took off the shattered monk's clothes, revealing the upper body covered with black breasts.

The two women exclaimed in exclamation.

Among them, the female disciple named Miao Xiu Ning, even covered her face and screamed, causing a lot of thieves upstairs to laugh upstairs, and all kinds of unpleasant screams were heard.

Ye Qingxuan shook her head and laughed.

Do these famous disciples still regard the rivers and lakes as the competition ground within the faction?

How could such a worldly disciple be sent out by the division?

Na Hongxing was frightened for the first time, and he reversed his disadvantages in an instant. He turned his strengths into full play, and blinked his eyes. Two female disciples who had been martial arts no less than him were almost teased by him. There is no fighting back.

Hong Xing not only has the advantage and initiative, but his mouth is not uncomfortable. He attacked and laughed: "Two beautiful women, don't do their best, keep some strength, and you will have to fight with Buddha for 300 rounds. If you do n’t have the strength early, would n’t you just have to make me happy? ”

The thieves heard this, and laughed back and forth, almost flying off the roof of the restaurant.

The two women were crying with anger, and the more excited they were, the more they could not exert their usual martial arts.

Seeing that Hongxing's body turned around, he took a mule from Hu Xiumeng's head, and touched Miao Xiuning's face with his hand. Ye Qingxuan, who was sitting alone, was finally impatient and scolded the phrase "inferior embryo". With a bounce of his hand, a fishbone flashed instantly and went straight into Hongxing Langzhong.

Uh! ?

He was turning back and smelling the aroma of his finger, and the flirtatious smirk had not stuttered. He had a smile on his face, and found that he couldn't move.

At the same time, the second halberd of the halberdmen had begun to slam the short halberd, one inserted into the other's chest, and the other passed across his neck.

The head of Doudou flew up instantly, and the blood in his chest also spewed out ...

The laughter at the restaurant came to an abrupt end. Everyone couldn't believe everything in front of them. Time, let the Buddha stop in an instant.

After the movie, a loud hissing sounded: "Killer!"

Xiao Er, the shop who has been standing by the side ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, frightened and turned and ran away.

The second daughter of Miaohu was sprayed with blood, stunned for a while, then turned around and vomited, apparently this was their first murder.

"Suddenly there is an expert here?" Bai Lian taught everyone on the spot, and finally wanted to understand the cause and effect. The old monk jumped out of the crowd, and straight down in front of them, a pair of triangular eyes stared at Ye Qingxuan fiercely, with deep voice He yelled, "That same fellow intervened in the dispute between my two factions? Report the name cleverly so that no one will collect the body after death!"

In front of everyone's eyes, Ye Qingxuan rose up, sighed helplessly, but did not look at the old monks and others, but looked at the vomiting second daughter, whispering softly: "Are you going to Qimi Mizutani? My boat Although it is not for sale, it can take you there ... "

The second daughter Qi felt astonished, and the handsome man in front of him felt a mysterious sense of boundlessness.

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