Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 290: Taiping Demon Road

When Ye Qingxuan rushed all the way to the place where the bonfire was faint in the night, the sky had begun to shine.

A red line appeared in the sky, and the heavens and the earth gradually brightened.

The pile of bonfires that Ye Qingxuan saw in the distance appeared deep in the dense forest, in a hollow small hillock, which had completely turned into ashes, but the remaining temperature was still there.

I looked around in amazement, and from the traces on the ground, there were several traces of analysis. Last night, at least six or seven people stayed here. One of them was bound and tied to the root of a large tree. Did not move at night.

This is interesting.

Ye Qingxuan was so happy that after he lost his way, he encountered a kidnapping again?

Seeing the rising sun, Ye Qingxuan re-discussed the direction. He was unwilling to leave the other party. He was anxious to get out of the way and finally sighed and chased them along the direction they left.

Even if it's nosy, it can hurt at most two hours.

After making up his mind, Ye Qingxuan followed the footsteps of that person and horse, and lifted his breath along a stream in the dense forest.

But about a quarter of an hour, Ye Qingxuan suddenly stopped and listened for a while, judging the direction, no longer chasing along the footprint, but rushing sideways into a bush, chasing the ground for half a mile, and then jumped. On the branch, running for more than a mile at the end of the tree, finally sighed, catching up with the pace of the mysterious team.

With the body hidden by the bushes, Ye Qingxuan gently explored the gap in one eye and carefully observed a group of men and horses resting beside the stream, fifty feet away.

Six or seven of them are wearing earthy robes. The front and back of the robes are embroidered with red and black colors, representing the Taiji picture of yin and yang. There are black dots in red and red dots in black, which represent yang, yin and yinzhong. Yang, looks very eye-catching.

In particular, the leaders of this group of priests are not short, but they are extremely obese and bulging, and the buttons that can barely be buckled seem to be shorter than others.

In the center of this group of priests, a big man with a wolf howling was curled up, not only his face was blood-stained and he could not see his eyebrows, but two iron cables penetrated the pipa bones, and he was caught in the hands of two priests.

At this time, many Taoist priests were simply washing by the creek, and the fat taoist priest sang worshipped at the rising sun in the east, then raised his hands and screamed, "Huang Tian Da Ji!"

Ye Qingxuan not far away for a moment, then smiled and said secretly: It is really a narrow road to the enemy. I just heard that the second brother was the poisonous hand of Taiping Yaodao Chongsu, and in a short time, he encountered his disciples and disciples.

This strengthened Ye Qingxuan's will to save people.

After the fat Taoist worshiped "Zhonghuang Taiyi", he whispered to the public, kicked the fallen man by the way, and shouted loudly: "Everyone move faster, Daxianliang has important things to do Now, we are still waiting in front, we must hurry up and don't let the mentor wait long! "

"Observe!" The crowd yelled in unison.

One of the short-bearded Taoist priests came up with a smile and asked, "Brother Hongshan, it's not that our brothers are too slow. It's really because of this delay, or should we just cut him with a knife and just head on the road?" "

The fat Taoist laughed, patted the Taoist head, and scolded: "What do you know on the dog day? Daxian Liangshi went south to catch up with this person, even if he killed the little eagle king. It's easy to do it ... "

The group of roads exclaimed exclaimed.

Some Taoist priests asked, "Who is this kid? Is it even more important than the" King of Eagles "to show off the feathers? How can I trouble the Daxian teacher to take the shot himself?"

Hongshan Taoist chuckled coldly and said, "Although speaking, this person is not as important as Zhan Yu's kid on the rivers and lakes, but for our Taiping Road, at this time, no one can match it. After all, he is the guy named Nalan Chengji in the north who is going to clean up. With him, our Taiping army will have an extra 100,000 iron rides in no time! "

The crowd of roads burst into turbulence.

Unexpectedly, this Luotuo Han was actually an enemy of Nalan Chengji. With his life, he could exchange Beidi's hundred thousand Hu riding army. No wonder it would lead Chongsu to take the shot himself.

As the group talks, there may be a sudden laugh next to it: "This is really interesting. It turned out that your Taiping Road was collaborating with Nalan Chengji. Now the old wolf is a bereaved dog in Beidi. He has a lot of money to borrow. Will you go south? "


Seeing the appearance of outsiders, these Taoists were really well trained, they pulled out their swords almost at the same time, set up a fierce battle, and surrounded Naluo Lord in the middle.

Hongshan Taoist narrowed his eyes and yelled at the forest, "Nobody, just roll out."

Ye Qingxuan walked peacefully and slowly walked out of the trees, looking at a group of nervous peace priests, sneering: "You demon roads, just to do good work in Jizhou, even dare to go to Jingzhou I don't know how to make trouble. "

The group of roads suddenly yelled.

Hongshan Taoist eyes were fierce, and he scanned Ye Qingxuan up and down, and said coldly, "Who are you? We know that the great teacher of our family is near by, and be careful to sacrifice your bones to the sky!"

Although the martial arts of Hongshan Taoist only has the innate realm, his eyesight and intuition are beyond ordinary people's acuity. Just when the young man just gave birth to a killing moment, he was swept over by the cold eyes of the other side, and his heart was in a flash Cold.

Intuition tells him that that time, if he rushed, he would die!

Like a fat pig on a chopping board, he will be easily slaughtered ...

So he didn't dare to move. He was frightening each other with the name of Chong Su Dao, and he was also delaying time, hoping that the impatient Chong Su Dao would come to take the initiative and take over this terrible enemy.

It's just that Hongshan's small calculations seemed to be immediately penetrated by the handsome young man, showing a smile, the other side exhaled deeply, and said lightly, "Is the Chongsu Old Road nearby? It's wonderful. It's wonderful. Master Ben has some accounts with him to calculate! "

As soon as the voice fell, a breeze blew across the face, and the young man on the opposite side disappeared suddenly!

The eyes of Hongshan Taoist man who narrowed into a gap suddenly became extremely large, waiting to step back, and a smile sounded behind him, saying, "Where are you going?"


Hongshan Taoist took a sip of air-conditioning and turned sharply, but saw Ye Qingxuan standing behind him with a smile, while the other six brothers beside him just kept the posture of alert before, all motionless.

Ye Qingxuan sighed and slowly said, "God has good virtues, but you people, the crime is too heavy, so I will walk for the sky and give you a ride."

With a slight wave of his hand, the six Taoists fell to the ground in unison, all without any injuries, but the eyes that had been so drenched gradually faded away, apparently killed in a single blow, and went directly to the great God of Peace.

"you you you……"

Hongshan Taoist looked at Ye Qingxuan's smiling face, as if looking at a horrible demon, the fat on his face trembled trembling, and finally he said, "You, who are you?"

Ye Qingxuan's smile remained, and he didn't answer.

Because at this moment, someone was already answering for him.

Luo Tuohan, who had been curled up on the ground, sat upright, took a deep breath, and said lightly, "His name is Ye Qingxuan ..."

Hongshan Taoist pointed at Ye Qingxuan, with endless terror in his eyes, "Why, what? Ye what ..."

Luo Tuohan sighed helplessly and said slowly again: "His name is Ye Qingxuan, Ye is Ye Qingxuan's leaf, Qing Xuan, is Ye Qingxuan's Qing Xuan ... you heard me right, that's the person you think of ..."

Cave through!

Hongshan Taoists have no fighting spirit, and the obese body fell to the ground directly and worshiped Ye Qingxuan three times and nine weeks, which is even more devout than worshipping the Great God of Huang Tian.

"Sword immortal, sword immortal!"

Ye Qingxuan no longer cares about Hongshan Taoist who was scared to urinate his pants, but turned around and faced Nao Tuo Han, sighing: "The famous 'Iron Bitch' Toure, Nalan Chengji's disciple, why did it become so situation?"

As he spoke, he lost a panacea.

Turre turned to the elixir without doubt, swallowed his head as soon as he looked up, walked to the side of the stream a few steps, and slumped and drank.

Stand up and shake the contaminated water on the long hair, but it caused a chest and lung injury and coughed hard.

However, in the past, I would cough for a long time, but now it ’s just a few simple sounds, and I do n’t cough anymore. Toure smiled and said, "You elixir really worked, so I replenished some vitality so quickly, and the injury was under control. Live. What is elixir? "

Ye Qingxuan replied lightly: "Taohua Island's Huangyao's" Wu Changdan "uses nine kinds of exotic flowers as medicines to nourish qi and heal wounds. Of course, it has wonderful effects."

"Peach Blossom Island? Huang Yaoshi?" Toure thought in his mind, and finally shook his head. "Central Plains are amazingly strangers. I have never heard of this place or this name ..."

"All friends. Thank you, I'll do." Ye Qingxuan answered with a smile.

Toure didn't talk much. He sat silently on a big rock near the stream, took a deep breath, grabbed the two iron cables on the lute bone with both hands, and slammed hard, and the two iron cables were pulled by him stiffly. Broken, the pipa bone rattled, and the wound broke instantly, with a lot of blood flowing out.

Ye Qingxuan frowned slightly, feeling admiration and headache for the man on the grassland.

For any master in Central Plains, even if the bones are harder than the iron cables, they are afraid to pull like this. The pipa bone is different from other places. Once the damage is severe, it will completely affect the coordination of the whole body strength ...

Ye Qingxuan took the first two steps, and took out a few "Immortal Pills", half of which was stuffed into the mouth of Ture, the other half was crushed into powder and applied to the wound.

Suddenly, the bleeding stopped.

Tu Lei also thanked him, pointed to his back, and said: "Chongsu Laodao inserted a few broken dragon cones in the Dazhui acupoint on my back, etc., to seal my suffocation. I couldn't reach it myself, so You pull it out for me! "

Ye Qingxuanqi smiled angrily, and said, "Why do you think this is the chopsticks in the bowl? If you say, pull them out?"

Turre grinned and said, "Life is dead. Besides, there is nothing wrong with Hongshan's fat pig. Chongsu old thief is nearby. If he doesn't rush to meet, he will definitely come to answer. ... "

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "I didn't lie, I did find him a little accountant!"

After hearing a word, Turre asked, "Zhan Yu's kid really got a poisoned hand?"

"I didn't see it with my own eyes." Ye Qingxuan smiled, "So I don't believe it."

A cold humming whispered, and said coldly: "You haven't seen it, but I did it by myself. Should I show you again?"

The sound of a broken coat came from the air ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ A yellow earth robe, the eyebrows are a bit higher than ordinary people, and the dark-looking real people are slowly falling from the midair, surrounded by a rustic rumbling around the entire ground Immediately, a layer of floating dust was set on the Buddha.

"Great mentor!"

The Hongshan Taoist who was still on the ground just now, kneeling and begging for mercy, seemed to see the last straw of life-saving, crying and rushing away, and yelled, "Daxianliangshi saved his disciples' lives!"


"Rice bucket!" Chong Su real man snorted, swiping his palm gently, a yellow floating dust rippling out, and Hongshan Taoists were instantly filled with people.

Hongshan Tao's face flashed with fear, and the whole person suddenly stood up, like a petrification, his body gradually turned from yellow to turquoise from the inside to the outside. At last, the real person waved his hands and slammed ...

Hongshan Taoist is like a model made of mud and sand sculptures, which instantly collapses and reverts to sand.

Chongsu's real man was in a big sleeve, walking slowly towards Ye Qingxuan and singing at the same time: "The dust returns to the dust, the soil returns to the earth. Only peace, the world is the Lord!"

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