Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 322: Impermanence

It was found that this master of the bloodline sect was Li Muru, who is called "the gentleman in the sword" on the rivers and lakes, and even Ye Qingxuan himself was very worried.

The missing blood sect Li Moyin, countless masters killed by the blood sect master, and even Li Daozong's biological mother, Li Muru's own wives, have a great relationship with them, many unsolvable mysteries on the rivers and lakes can not help but solve it.

As soon as the other party ’s identity was broken, Li Muru's blood-red eyes suddenly shrank, and his murderousness suddenly rose up: "Boy, really you must not stay!"

The blood in the black smoke appeared at first glance, and a thick blood gas flowed out of the body, and it instantly expanded like a cloud, which gradually formed, and finally condensed into a huge **** baby's skull.

Blood glowing!

The head of the devil baby cried suddenly, a magical sound that was enough to make the soul spread instantly, centered on the devil baby, within a radius of 100 meters, all the creatures shattered and died, even the green shade. The plants were withered instantly.

Within 100 meters of the strongest sound of the magic sound, it has already become dead.

But Ye Qingxuan, who bears the brunt, is showing another scene in the magic sound!

A peach-wood sword was inserted into the ground, and the body was full of light. The Vajrays wrapped around him formed a huge and heavy golden bell. It stood still in the magic sound, and even issued a loud buzzing sound like Hong Zhong. Ming.

Although it can only protect Ye Qingxuan, the magic sound silk can't break the defense of Admiralty. It can only form a ripple on the surface of Admiralty that spreads outward, and it has no effect on its consciousness.

An extremely angry expression appeared on the face of the magic baby. The sound of the magic suddenly increased by more than three times. The sound wave escalated violently. An unrivalled sound wave storm was formed on Ye Qingxuan. Even the ground where Admiralty was located appeared in the silk crack.


The bell sounds of Jinzhong's body were finally suppressed, and the bell body showed a crack and gradually expanded.

A strange and inexplicable smile finally appeared on the face of the magic baby. All the Buddhas will be victorious, but Ye Qingxuan, who is located at the center of Admiralty's defense, never said a word, just stood silently, closed his eyes and died, just In front of him, the mahogany sword inserted into the ground kept trembling, and the Buddha was imbued with infinite strength. Every wooden texture gave out an unbearable crash and groan, but it was stronger in another. Under the influence of the power, it continues to entangle and condense, condensing the purest destruction power.

When the power of this peach sword is at its peak, it will fall apart for an extra minute. The force of input suddenly abruptly, the entire sword body freezes, and there is no trembling before, a violent anger from the sword The body exudes, at this moment, Ye Qingxuan shot!

[Death Thirteen Swords] The extreme change in the move style, Yan Thirteen's death is unwilling to come true, a sword that is enough to destroy the world. Finally, through the hands of Ye Qingxuan, reproduced in another world!

If Li Muru's hissing sound is spreading the sound of death outward, then Ye Qingxuan's sword is the condensation of death, or even death itself.

This sword is out, everything is broken in front of it!

First, Ye Qingxuan's own Admiralty shield, which is known as the strongest body in the world, is broken like a glass. If it is broken from the interior of Admiralty, it is not surprising, then the next thing that is broken is really Too sensational.

Magic sound!

The roaring sound that screamed into the clouds was enough to break the soul, like a mirror, broken in the void!

The sound would be as broken as a mirror, even if such a thing is told to millions of people by Li Muru, he would not be trusted, even ridiculed by every reasonable person.

But at this moment, Li Muru actually encountered such strange and strange things, his magic sound was instantly broken, and the martial arts generated by the blood infant sword, now only a sound of wailing, blood infant sword It's like encountering a natural enemy who restrains himself, and can only tremble in his hands.

When all this happened, the release of the Buddha between the heavens and the earth solidified, and the movement became extremely slow. Only the consciousness was not controlled, and it could still maintain the extremely fast computing speed. Therefore, in Li Muru's eyes, you can see the twining The breath of death on the tip of Ye Qingxuan's sword was so shocking and so clear.

When the sword tip condensing the power of death slowly reached forward and aimed at itself, the entire space suddenly broke away from the extreme slowness. Ye Qingxuan's sword that was as slow as the top was once again out of the control of time. It starts in extremely slow, but ends in an instant!

Like a clear breeze, Ye Qingxuan disappeared instantly.

Looking again, Ye Qingxuan was already ten feet away from the back of the magic baby.

A white line pours into the head of the magic baby, and forms a buddha seal at the center of its eyebrow. The buddha seal glows slightly. The baby's face shows an extremely painful expression, and white light emerges from the inside, gradually expanding, A crack appeared on the face of the magic baby, and under a white light burst, it screamed, slamming into a puff of blood rain, and a slamming noise poured on the ground.


With a light noise, the peach sword in Ye Qingxuan's hands turned into a fly ash, dissipating invisible with the wind.

Looking at a complete arm in the **** water that melted like snow water, Ye Qingxuan sighed helplessly. This time, although Li Muru was severely damaged, he was underestimated for his magical powers and made him escape.

The secret letter sealed on the ground happened to be corroded by blood and rotted into a pile.

The secret letter was destroyed, and the token was taken away by Li Muru. This time, his mission really failed.

At this moment, Ye Qingxuan's thoughts flashed, and he rushed to the paralyzed young assassin, but saw that this young man who only wanted to make a sincere friend in his life, was already dead in the previous Li Muru's indiscriminate magic sound attack .

When he opened the door, the same tragic incident also occurred in the broken building. Yixianhong still kept his hands covering his ears, his wound was broken, his blood was lying on the ground, but his eyes had turned white and he was dead. .

The front line is red. At the age of thirty, he used a sharp knife to break through the killer world. Only one red line was left for the killing, hence the name.

Fang Hezai ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ 17 years old, fast sword invincible, talented, and eventually died in front of the red line under Li Muru.

This is the final destination of a killer.

Although the make-up killer broke through the rivers and lakes several times, Ye Qingxuan really couldn't agree with this business, and he didn't appreciate the passionate rivers and lakes.

In the backyard of the old house, Ye Qingxuan dug a pit and buried the pair of killers who did not look good to each other during his lifetime.

Are they considered their friends?

The sad emotion of Rabbit Dead Fox lingers on Ye Qingxuan's heart, making him extremely depressed. He looked at the stone inscription carved by the two stone tablets in front of him for a long time.

When the figure flashed, the Lang brothers stood behind him like ghosts, staring at each other, and looking back at Ye Qingxuan was full of inspection.

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